191349f; Original to City Clerk _ ax f/ PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM 1.91349 COUNCIL NO. FILE WHEREAS, Section 60.23 of the Legislative Code of the ,City of Saint Paul delegates to the Traffic Engineer authority for approval of parking lot plans of less ,authority 10 car capacity, and WHEREAS, The position of Traffic Engineer is temporarily vacant, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby designates and authorizes Deane M, Wenger, Assistant Traffic Engineer. -Plans and Surveys, to 'perform the function of and act for the Traffic Engineer, insofar as the approval of parking lot plans are concerned, said designation and author. ization to be effective only from March 16, 1959 until such time as an official appointment of Traffic Engineer Is made. 'I It P fB COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays DeCourcy } w Mortinson In Favor Fetermn -- (� Rosen Against - residoli DiITon 5NIr 2 87ice i dent (Peterson) Council File No. 191349 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas; Section 60.23 of the Legis- lative Code of the City of Saint Paul delegates to the Traffic Engineer auth- ority for approval of parking lot plans of less than 10 car capacity, and Whereas, The position of Traffic En- gineer is temporarily vacant, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby designates and authorizes Deane M. Wenger, Assistant Traffic Engineer —Plans and Surveys, to perform the function of and act for the Traffic Engineer, inso- far as the approval of parking lot plans are concerned, said designation and authorization to be effective only from March 16, 1959 until such time as an official appointment of Traffic Engineer iis made. ' - . Adopted by the Council March 13, Approved March 13, 1959. (March 21, 1959) Adopted by the Council MAR 13 1959 195— MAR 13 1959 Approved 195— dam, Mayor !. L' WHEREAS, Section 60.23 of the Legislative Code of the ,City of Saint Paul delegates to the Traffic Engineer authority for approval of parking lot plans of less ,authority 10 car capacity, and WHEREAS, The position of Traffic Engineer is temporarily vacant, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby designates and authorizes Deane M, Wenger, Assistant Traffic Engineer. -Plans and Surveys, to 'perform the function of and act for the Traffic Engineer, insofar as the approval of parking lot plans are concerned, said designation and author. ization to be effective only from March 16, 1959 until such time as an official appointment of Traffic Engineer Is made. 'I It P fB COUNCILMEN ' Yeas Nays DeCourcy } w Mortinson In Favor Fetermn -- (� Rosen Against - residoli DiITon 5NIr 2 87ice i dent (Peterson) Council File No. 191349 —By Adrian P. Winkel — Whereas; Section 60.23 of the Legis- lative Code of the City of Saint Paul delegates to the Traffic Engineer auth- ority for approval of parking lot plans of less than 10 car capacity, and Whereas, The position of Traffic En- gineer is temporarily vacant, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby designates and authorizes Deane M. Wenger, Assistant Traffic Engineer —Plans and Surveys, to perform the function of and act for the Traffic Engineer, inso- far as the approval of parking lot plans are concerned, said designation and authorization to be effective only from March 16, 1959 until such time as an official appointment of Traffic Engineer iis made. ' - . Adopted by the Council March 13, Approved March 13, 1959. (March 21, 1959) Adopted by the Council MAR 13 1959 195— MAR 13 1959 Approved 195— dam, Mayor Duplicate to Printer 10.91349 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE NHWAS,, Section 60.23 of the Legislative C.edo of tits City of Sagot Paul delegates to tits Traffic Engineer authority for approval of parking lot plans of less than 10 car capacity, and WHEREAS, The position of Traffic Eagineer is temporarily vacant, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of tbo City of Saint Paul hereby designates and authorizes Deans M. Wenger, Assistant Traffic Engineer.*Plans and Sorveys, to perform the function of and act for the Traffic Eagineev, tssofar as the approval of parking let glass are concerned, said designation and autkoro, izatiez 'to be offbative, only from Marok 16, 1939 until amok time as as official appointment of Traffic Engineer is made. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy - TT �QnMIL:--1 Mortinson �P2'tr?rson- Rosen W Ly P'r �s�dent;`Dill bMMr. Vi 2 idLnt (Peterson) 2-57 S� In Favor UAgainst Adopted by the Council MAR 13 995995_ MAR 13 1959 Approved 195— Mayor