191347•, n ORIGINAL TO CITY C4.6RK .i Y^ BY 191347 K CI I 1 OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 191 34 B Adrian P. COUN S LUTION — GENERAL FORM Re: S.P. 8285 -08 (T.H. 494 =393) Minn. I 494-4 (37) 251 (T.H. #61 Connection) I-- Whereas; The City- of St. Paul has 11 Re: S.P. 8285 -08 (T.H. 494 =393) Minn. 1 494 -4 (37) 251 (T.H. #61 Connection) WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has approved the plans and specifications for the improvement of that part of Trunk Highway Number 393 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 494 within the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul from the South City Limits to approximately 0.14 Mi. North of South City Limits; and I WHEREAS., in order to obtain Federal aid in the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 393 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 494 the Bureau of Public Roads requires the assurancel that the City of St. Paul will not suffer any encroachment of any nature or kind whatsoever on the right of way of said Trunk Highway Number 393 renumbered as Trunk Highway,Number 494 within the corporate limits of the said City of St. Paul. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, That said City of St. Paul does hereby agree and covenant that,it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, bill- boards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of way Trunk Highway Number 393 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 494 and to the above end said City of St. Paul hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenanceiof any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards orlother structures of any kind whatsoever. -upon said right of way; and that said City of St. Paul will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments' constituting traffic hazards and will f�artheff -take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of way. N A b �I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy, Mortinson a ,IT e rdm$­ - ,+ Rosen s Winkel �R . � ,, 1110 t3ltt �ivYlent iPete�ou� MAR 13 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR 13 1959 Approved 19_ i .3 in Favor �7 L) 40 j &.Mayor Against t- DUPLICATE TO PRINTER 19 1347 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY all P. Wesel COMMISSIONER DATE Re: S.P. 8265 -08 (T.H.. 494 =393) Mnn. i 49" (37) 251 (TZ. #61 Coition) WHWS} the City of St. Peal has a oved the plans =A specifications for the iMPrOvemm t of that part of Trunk HighwaW Noiber 393 remmbseresd, as Trunk Highasrey Htazber 494 vithin the corporate Limits of the City of St. Paul frcaa the South .City Limits to apIr orizatety 0.14 YA. Borth of South City Limits; and WHWM.* in ardor to obtain Federal add in the construction of said Trunk Higher fiber 393 raaatbered as Trunk Righaay Huube:r 494 the Buresa of Pab] is Bonds requires the assurance that the City of St. Pam Will not suffer a ny .encroachmeat of any nature or kind whatsoever on the right of tray of amid Trunk Highway Rusbor 393 dared as Trunk Highway Msber 494 within the corporate limits of the said City of St. Ptul. IM,v TW, M YT MWLVJCI3, That said City of St. Paul does hereby agree and covenant that it will never permit or s3uffer$, tvithia its corporate limits, any encrowAmeat of air kind Wh4U10ev6r;. InOmdf ng curb gas rwpe and gas stastiones. bill- boards or other structures, of any .kind vh4tsdoever, upon the right of vxy Trunk Highway fiber 393 ranmbexed as Trunk ILYghrW 494 and to- the above end said City of St. haul hereby agreas that it trill never issue amy license, permit, or grant or give any lsave or liberty or any .other consent of whatever fora for the construction or maintenance: of any encroacbsent trhatsoaever, including curb gage pmps and Bas statIons, billboards or other structures of any kind Whatsoever., up= said right of vay; and that said City of St. P=1 will operate .Insofar as passible to e3.3aiva existing encroachwInts constituting trafifie h"ardss and vM further take any necessary action to eliminate any a croacbmeut that map► hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of liar. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy •J3&kMW1_ -r Mortinson - Rosen Winkel es;ident �1 �Ar. �7i 2 iden; t ( etenon) 5M 5.58 OM n Favor CD Against [AAR 13 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— MAR A 1959 Approved 19— Mayor