191267ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK- CITY OF ST. PAUL F IOE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COWNGIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that pursuant-to Section 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and upon delivery to the Corporation Counsel of a Release approved by him, William J. Swenson be paid $58.75 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident on February 7, 1959 with Paul L. Ridley, policeman, while in the performance of his official duties. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy —mbTri—n-50-ir- Rosen Winkel i-Presldeh *Di , on Mr. Vice President (Peterson) 5M 5.58 2 Council File No. 191267 —By Robert F. Peterson— Resolved, That pursuant to Section 1� 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 1941, and 1 upon delivery to the Corporation Court-iiii. sel of a release approved by hini, William J. Swenson be paid $58.75 out of the Judgment and Compromise Fund in full payment of damages sustained in an accident on February 7, 1959 with Paul L. Ridley, policeman, while in the performance of his official duties. Adopted by the Council March. 10; 1959. • ' Approved March 10, 1959. (March 14, 1959) MAR 101959 Adopted by the Council 19_ MAR 101959 Approved 19— Favor a ®CtingMayor Against 267 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER r - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE i RESOLVED,i tbato,pursuant to Seotion 418.11, Minnesota Statutes 19419 and upon deliverer to the 8orporation Oounsel of a Release approved by him., William Z. Swenson be paid $58,75 out of the Judgment and Qomproraise Fund In tall payment of damages: sustained in an accident on February 7., 1959 with Paul L. Ridley, polioeman, while in the performanoe of his oftioial datier. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy -iWfaP 1nnn' erson Rosen Winkel [Mr. F esideni