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Original to City Clerk PRESENTIwD BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE-NO.- ORDINANCE- t) // _T 1 Council File No. 191257 — Ordinance No. 11}87 —By Robert F. Peterson— Am ordinance for the purpose o! fire prevention and for th control and U.cx,:..c..�- `•- s'ri7" iui*r 7� An ordinance for the purpose of fire prevention and for the control and regulation of welding and �:; cutting operations in the City of Saint Paul and for the issuance of permits, and providing penalties for I.-s . the violation thereof. p o ce THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: P64U N Section 1. Definitions: Approved means accepted by the Chief of the Fire Department i �Q' or Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, as a result of their-investigation and experience or by reason of test, listing or approval by Underwriters' <l -::�� Laboratories or other nationally recognized testing .agency. t - Welding or Cutting shall include gas or electric -arc welding or cutting or any combination thereof. Section 2. Permits: a. A permit shall be required of each company, corporation, co- partnership or owner- operatot, performing welding:or cutting operations when such welding or cutting operations are done outside an approved shop, except as provided in "b" below. Such permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. The company, corpporation, co- partner- ship or owner - operator shall notify the Bureau of Fire Prevention in advance where such work is taking place under hazardous conditions, except where such work is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time for the Bureau of Fire Prevention to be notified in advance of the work. b. A permit shall not be required of any company, corporation, co- partnership or owner - operator where the welding or cutting is performed in areas specifically designed or approved for the purpose. c. The Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall have the power to exempt other approved shops areas or premises where welding or cutting operations are performed from requiring a permit. d. Application for a permit required by this ordnance shall be made by the company, corporation, co- partnership or owner - operator performing the welding'or cutting operation, or by his duly authorized agent. Such application shall be made td the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention in such form and detail as he shall prescribe. - e. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall not issue a permit for welding or cutting operations unless he is satisfied that the individuals in charge of performing such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. Demonstration of .a, working knowledge,of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement. Yeas Councilmen = Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Passed by the Council 17 Tn �1 Favor y Against Approved: p Mayor S f. A permit shall constitute permission to perform welding or cutting operations as indicated thereon and shall not be transferable. Such permit shall not take the place of any license required by law and shall expire one year after. date of issuance. g. Permits shall at all times be kept on the premises designated therein, and shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection by any officer of the fire or police department. h. Companies, corporations, co- partnerships and owner- operators required to have a permit shall maintain a record of all locations where =' welding -or cutting operations are performed and have it available for inspection by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. M I. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may revoke a permit or approval issued if any violation of this ordinance is found upon Inspection, or in case there has been any false statement or misrepresenta- tion made as to a material fact in the application on which the permit or approval was based.-- .. - - - -- _ Section 3. Compliance with Nationally Recognized Good Practice; In the performance of welding or cutting operations only approved equipment shall be used, and the equipment shall be installed and operated in accordance with nationally recognized good practice, The Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters No. 51, Gas Systems for Welding and Cutting, and American Standard Z49.1.1 Safety in Welding and Cutting, shtLll be considered as nationally recognized good practice. f Section 4. Fire Prevention: a. Before welding or cutting operations are begun in areas not designed or approved for the purpose, specific authorization shall be obtained from the owner of the premises or his duly authorized agent, and notice of said operation shall be given the occupant of the premises. b. Combustible construction or material shall be protected by noncombustible shields or covers from possible sparks, hot metal or 6xide. c. Floor ceiling or wall openings shall be protected by noncom- bustible shields or covers from possible sparks, hot metal or oxide:. d. ,On all welding jobs the welder shall watch for fires and upon discovery of fire shall extinguish the fire and /or call the Fire Department. e. A fire watch shall be provided on all welding jobs that are done in hazardous locations, or if ordered by the Chief of the Fire Preven- tion Bureau. f. A fire watch shall watch for fires, make use of portable fire extinguishers or fire hose, and perform similar fire prevention and pro- tection duties. The fire watcher shall remain on the job at least thirty minutes after the welding or cutting operations have been completed to insure that no fire exists. A signed inspection report attesting to that fact shall be filed and available for inspection by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. g. One or more portable fire extinguishers of approved type and size shall be kept at the location where welding or cutting is to be done. h. Welding or cutting shall not be done in or near rooms or locations where flammable ga6es, liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or loose combustible stocks are present when sparks or hot metal from the welding or cutting operations may cause ignition or explosion of such materials. -2- Of Expegt as Rrovigef. in "j" below, welding or cutting shall not a per o e o con a��ners and equipment which contain or have contained flammable liquids, gases, or solids until these containers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned or inerted or purged. J. "Hot tapping" may be permitted on tanks and pipe lines, provided such operations are performed by companies, corpora- tions, co- partnerships or owner - operators not required to have a permit under Section 2b and 2c.4 k: Sprinkler protection shall not be shut off while welding or cutting work is being performed. When welding or cutting is done close to automatic sprinkler heads, sheet asbestos or damp cloth guards may be used to shield the individual heads but shall be removed when the work is completed. Section 5. Gas Welding and Cutting: a. Devices or attachments facilitating or permitting mixture of air or oxygen with combustible gases prior to consumption, except at the burner or in a standard torch or blowpipe, shall not be allowed unless approved for the purpose. b. The user shall not transfer gases from one cylinder to another or mix gases in a cylinder. c. Acetylene gas shall not be generated, piped (except in approved cylinder manifolds and cylinder manifold connections), or utilized at a pressure in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gauge unless dissolved in a suitable solvent in cylinders manufactured according to Interstate Commerce Commission requirements. d. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper except in a blowpipe or torch. e. A cylinder or cylinder manifold for oxygen shall be provided with a pressure regulating device intended for use with oxygen, and so marked. 1. f. Cylinders permitted inside of buildings shall be stored away from highly combustible materials and in locations where they are not' subject to excessive rise in temperature, physical damage or tampering by unauthorized persons. Empty cylinders shall have their valves closed in storage and when shipped. g. When a cylinder is not in use, the valve shall be closed and the valve protection cap shall be in place, hand tight. h. Tests for leaks in any piping system or equipment shall be made with soapy water. Flames shall not be used. i. Welding or cutting work shall not be supported on compressed gas cylinders or other containers. J. Fuel gas cylinders shall be placed with valve end up whenever they are in use. k. Fuel gas shall not be used from cylinders through torches or other devices equipped with shut -off valves without reducing the pressure through a suitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve or manifold. 1. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and fittings containing or using oxygen shall be kept free from oil or grease. O:ygen cylinders, apparatus and fittings shall not be handled with oily hands or gloves or greasy tools or equipment.- -3- 11442 m. When moving compressed gas cylinders by crane, suitable cradles shall be used. Ordinary rope slings or electromagnets shall not be used. n. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinders and acetylene generators shall be placed far enough away from the welding area to prevent them from being heated by radiation from heated materials, by sparks or slag, or by misdirection of the torch flame. o. When gas welding or cutting operations are discontinued for a substantial period of time such as during lunch hour or overnight, the torch valves shall be closed and the gas supply to the torch completely shut off. Section 6. Electric Arc - Welding and Cutting: a. The frame or case of the welding machine except internal combustion engine driven machines shall be grounded. Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. b. Welding current circuits shall have proper electrical contact at all joints and periodic inspection shall be made to ascertain that proper electrical contact is maintained. c. When electric arc - welding or cutting is to be discontinued for any substantial period of time, such as during lunch hour or overnight, all electrodes shall be removed from the holders, the holders shall be carefully located so that accidental contact cannot occur, and the machines shall be disconnected from the power source. Section 7. Exceptions: The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have power to make exceptions to the provisions of this ordinance upon application in writing by the person affected, which shows there are practical difficulties in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the ordinance, provided that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed, public safety secured, and substantial justice done. The particulars of such exception when granted or allowed, and the decision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention thereon shall be entered upon the records of the department and a signed copy shall be furnished the.applicant. Section 8. Appeals: Whenever the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when it is claimed that the provisions of the ordinance do not apply or that the trw intent and meaning of the ordinance have been miscon- strued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal within ten (10) days from the decision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to the Chief of the Fire Department. Section 9. Penalties for Violation: Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order of regulation made thereunder, or who shall act in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten (10) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by a fine of not less than Ten Dollars ($10) or more than One Hundred Dollars ($100). Orl¢inal td City Clark " ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.- Section 10. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. 1. Section 11. Date of Effect: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage.. approval and publication. Section 12. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter number and /or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: i City Clerk 1M 12 -57 Qp. 8 Nays JUN 4 1959 Passed by the Council In Favor Against Approve 4 1959 d: tl Mayor —5— Dapltate ti. Printer /110 TTLT R LTryV O COUNCIL FILE NO. ( �� PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance for the purpose of fire prevention and for the control and regulation of welding and cutting operations in the City of Saint Paul and for the issuance of permits, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Definitions: Approved means accepted by the Chief of the Fire Department or Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, as a result of their investigation and experience or by reason of test, listing or approval by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc., or other nationally recognized testing agency. ° Welding or Cutting shall include gas or electric -arc welding or cutting or any combination thereof. Section 2. Permits: a. A permit shall be required of each company, corporation, co- partnership or owner- operato* performing welding or cutting operations when such welding or cutting operations are done outside an approved shop, except as provided in "b" below. Such permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. The company, corpporation, copartner- ship or owner - operator shall notify the Bureau of Fire Prevention in advance where such work is taking place under hazareous conditions, except where such work is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time for the Bureau of Fire Prevention to be notified in advance of the work. b. A permit shall not be required of any company, corporation, co- partnership or owner - operator where the welding or cutting is performed in areas specifically designed or approved for the purpose. c. The Chief of the Fire Prevention Bureau shall have the power to exempt other approved shops, areas or premises where welding or cutting operations are performed from requiring a permit. d. Application for a permit required by this ordinance shall be made by the company, corporation, co-partnership, or owner - operator performing the welding or cutting operation, or by his duly authorized agent. Such application shall be made to the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention in such form and detail as he shall prescribe. e. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire prevention shall not issue a permit for welding or cutting operations unless he is satisfied that the individuals in charge of performing such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk -- 12 -57 qGW 8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against f. A permit shall constitute permission to perform welding, or cutting operations as indicated thereon and shall not be transferable. Such permit shall not take the place of any license required by law and shall expire one year after date of issuance. g.• Permits shall at all times be kept on the premises designated therein, and shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection by any officer of the fire or police department. h. Companies,'corporations, co- partnerships and owner- operators required to have`a permit shall maintain a record of all locations, Where -. welding or cutting operations are performed and have it available for insp ,ection by:the -Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. - i. The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may revoke a permit or approval issued if any,violation-of -this ordinance is found upon inspection, or in case there has been any false statement or misrepresenta- tion made as to a material,fact in-the application on which the permit or approval was based. '. - Section 3. Compliance with Nationally Recognized Good Practieet In the performance of welding or cutting operations only approved equipment shall be used, and the equipment shall be installed and operated in aecordance.with nationally recognized good practice. The Standards of the National Board of Fire underwriters No. 51, Gas Systems for Welding and Cutting, and-American Standard 249.10 Safety in Welding and Cutting,` shall be considered as nationally recognized good practice. Section 4. .,Fire_Preventions a. Before welding or cutting operations are begun in areas not designed or approved for the purpose, specific authorization shall be obtained from the owner of the pre *ses or his duly authorized agent, and notice of said operation shall be given the occupant of the premises. b. Combustible construction or material shall be protected by noncombustible shields or covers from possible sparks, hot metal or oxide. c. Floor ceiling or wall openings shall be protected by noncoms- bustible shields or-covers from possible•sparks, hot metal or oxide:. -d. On all welding jobs the welder shall watch for fires and upon discovery of fire shall extinguish the fire-and/or call the Fire Department. e. A fire watch shall be provided on,all welding jobs that are done in hazardous locations, or if ordered by the Chief of the Fire'Preven- tioa Bureau. f. A. ;fire watch shall watch for fires, make use of portable fire extinguishers or fire hose, and perform similar fire prevention and pro- teetion duties. The fire-watcher shall remain on the job at least thirty minutes after the•welding or cutting operations have been completed to Insure that no fire exists:- A signed inspection report attesting to that' fact shall be filed and available for inspection by the Chief of.the Bureau of Fire Prevention. g. • One or more'portable fire extinguishers of approved type and size shall be kept at the location where welding or cutting -is to be done. h. Velding or cutting shall not be done in or near rooms or locations where flammable gases, liquids or vapors, lint, dust; or loose combustible stocks are present when sparks or hot metal from the welding or cutting operations may cause ignition or explosion of such materials. lglaS� shall not hie . er o t $s �rovideed in "j" below, welding or, cutting p �me o containers and equipment which contain or have contained flammable liquids, gases,'or solids until these containers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned or inerted or purged. J. "Hot tapping" may be permitted on tanks and pipe lines, provided such operations are performed -by companies, corpora- tions, co- partnerships or owner - operators not required to have a permit under. Section 2b and 2c _�_k. Sprinkler protection shall' not be shut off while welding or cutting work is'being< performed. When welding or cutting is done close•to- automatic sprinkler heads; sheet asbestos or damp , cloth guards may,bo used to- shield the individual heads but 'shall be removed,_ when "the work As 'coppletede'_ - - Section 5. -Gas Welding•and. Cuttings - a. = Devices =or- 'attachments ' facilitating or permitting. mixture of air or oxygen with combustible gases prior-to consumption,, except at the - burner or in,a standard torch or blowpipe, shall not be allowed unless approved for the' purpose. - - b. - The`user shall not transfer gases from one cylinder to another,or mix uses in a cylinder. c. - Acetylene gas shall not be generated, piped (except in approved cylinder. manifolds and cylinder manifold connections), or utilized at a'pressurs in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gauge unless dissolved -in a- suitable "solvent in cylinders manufactured. according to Interstate Commerce Commission requirements -. d. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in contact with unalloyed copper except in a blowpipe or torch. e.• A cylinder or cylinder manifold for oxygen shall be : provided with a pressure regulating device intended_for.use with oxygen, and so marked. f.- Cylinders permitted inside of buildings shall be stored away from,highly combustible materials and in locations where they are not subject to excessive rise in temperature, physical damage or tampering by unauthorized persons. Empty cylinders shall have their valves closed in storage and when. - shipped. g. When a cylinder is not in .use, the valve shall be closed andythe valve protection cap shall be in place, hand tight. h. Tests -for leaks in any piping - system or equipment shall be made with.soapy water. Flames shall not be used. i. Welding or.eutting work shall not be supported on compressed gas cylinders ` or -other containers. j. Fuel gas cylinders shall be placed with valve end up whenever they are -in use. k. Fuel gas shall not be used from cylinders through torches or other devices equipped with shut-off valves without reducing the pressure through 'a 'suitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve or manifold. 1. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and" fittings containing or using oxygen shall be kept free from oil or grease. 03ygen cylinders', apparatus and fittings shall riot be handled with oily hands or gloves or greasy tools or equipment. -3- m. When moving compressed "gas cylinders by crane, suitable r cradles shall-be used.- Ordinary rope slings or electromagnets shall- riot be, used. n. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinders.and acetylene generators -shall be placed-fat enough away from- the welding area to-prevent them from being heatedjby, radiation from heated materials, by sparks or slag, or by misdirection -of the torch flame: - e`o. When gas Welding or cutting operations are discontinued for a substantial period of'time such as- during lunch hour or overnight, the torch valves shall be-closed and the gas supply- to'the torch completely .shut_ off. ' Section 6. Faectrie Arc - Welding and'Cutting: a. The frame or case of the welding machine except internal combustion engine driven- machines shall -be grounded. Ground connections..shall.'be mechanically strong and electrically adequate. for the required current. b. 'Welding current circuits shall 'have proper - electrical contact at all ,joints and periodic inspection shall be made to ascertain that proper electrical contact is maintained. „ c. When electric arc - welding or cutting is to be discontinued for any ,substantial period of time, such as during lunch hour or'overnight,- all electrodes shall be removed from the holders, the holders shall be carefully located so that accidental contact cannot occur, and the • ,machines shall'be disconnected from the power source. Section 7. Exceptions: - The Chief of the Bureau-of Fire Prevention shall have "power to 1 make exceptions to the provisions of this ordinance upon application in• writing by the person affected, which shows there are practical difficulties. in the way of carrying "out the strict letter of the ordinance, provided. that the spirit of.the ordinance shall be observed,'public 'safety secured, and substantial justice done. The particulars of such exception when granted or: allowed'and' the decision of the Chief of -the Bureau of Fire Prevention thereon shall be entered upon,the records of the department and a signed copy shall be.furnished the applicant. Section 8. Appeals :. ' Whenever -the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall disapprove an application or- .refuse to grant a permit applied for, or` when it is claimed that'the• provisions -of "the ordinance do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the ordinance have been.miacon- strued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal within ten (10)--, days from the decision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention,,_ to the Chief of the-Fire-Department. Section 9. Penalties for Violation: - Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance or fail to comply -therewith, or who shall violate..or fail ` to comply with and order of regulation made thereunder, or who shall "act in violation of any- detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder shall be- guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment for not less than ten (10) days nor more than ninety (90) days, or by a fine of not less than Ten:-Dollars ($10) or more than One Hundred Dollars (4$100). a DuplFcate to Printer PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE /q1 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. Section 10. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances: All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11. Date of Fffect: This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passagep approval and publication. Section 12. This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter number and/or section number at the time of the neat revision of the said Legislative Code. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 .4610. 8 JUN 4 1959 Nays Passed by the Council h / J / In Favor gainst Approved: jUN 41959 —5— Mayor Odainal to Clty•Clerk =r ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. L PRESENTED BY _ ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance for the purpose of fire prevention and for the control and regulation of welding and cutting operations in the City of Saint Paul, and providing penalties for the viol tx)n thereof THE COUNCIL OF' 'TTHE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR IN: Sect ion 1: Def init ions : Approved means accepted by the Chief of the Fire Department or Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, as a result of theiriinvestigation and experience or by reason of test, listing or approval by Undexwriterst Laboratories, Inc. or other nationally recognized testing agency. Welding or Cutting shall include gas or electric -arc welding or 'cutting or any combination thereof. Section 2. Permit`s: a. ;A permit sFh be requir ed of each pancorporation, co- partnership oner - operator performing welding or cutting operations ept as provided in "b" below. Such permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. The company, corporation, co- partnership or owner - operator shall notify thd'tBureau of Fire Prevention in advance where such work is taking place except where such work r is done in response to an emergency call that does not allow time for the Bureau of Fire Prevention t be notified in advan of the work. � b. A permit shall not be require of any company, corporation, co- partnership or owneKto erator qQ ere the welding or cutting is / +; performed in areas specifically designed D -1 or approved for the purpose —a-n C _= e.o r�t%oa o = e n-- 'd`y z'a r d s CA cc Application for a permit required by this ordinance shall be made by the company, corporation, co- partnership CL or owner- operator performing the welding or cutting operation, or <+ by his duly authorized agent. Such application \.shall be made to the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention in such form and detail as he shall prescribe. - Yeas .Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk -1M 12 -57 8 Mayor 19125-7 11 �. The Chieff of the ,Bureau of Jire Prevention ' shall not issue a permit £or we or cutting operations unless he is `satisfied that the individuals in charge of per- forming such operations are capable of doing such work in a safe manner. Demonstration of a working knowledge of the provisions of this ordinance shall constitute acceptable evidence of compliance with this requirement. A permit shall constitute permission to perform we ding or�,cutting operations as indicated thereon and shall not be transferable. Such permit �za ll o ake the place of any 1'tense re •uir d } y lawa permit �,, t all times be kept on the f . Permits shall a a p premises designated therein, and shall at all reasonable times be subject to inspection by any officer of the .fire or police department.: ' g. Companies, corporations, co- partnerships and owner - operators required to lave a permit shall maintain a record of all locations where welding or cutting operations are per- formed and have it available for inspection by the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Ai.- The Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention may revoke a permit or approval issued if any violation of this ordinance is found upon inspection, or in case there has been any false statement or misrepre4sentat ion made as to a material fact in the application on which the permit or approval was based. Section'3. Compliance with Nationally Recognized Good Practice: In the performance of welding or cutting operations only approved equipment shall be used, and the equipment shall be installed and operated in accordance with nationally recognized good practice. The Standards of the National Board of Fire Underwriters No. 51, Gas Systems for,Welding and Cutting, and American Standard Z49.1, Safety in Welding and Cutting, shall be considered as nationally recognized good practice. Section 4. Fire 'Prevention: a. Before welding or cutting operations are begun in areas not designed or approved for the purpose, specific authorization shall be obtained f om the owner f th@ pre ises,�__ or ' s 1� autho�ri ed ag�� /�"�►Ih welding or cutt ng per io s ax per rmed abov or �'e combustible Yeet nstzluct'on or mat ial exp "' iron, or within 35 of loor, ce i ing or wal opening so e posed: ma teiia r,-'9, " shields or metal or X " be _protected 2 xuct' on or noncombustible so K, hot ,,pen�ings shall ds or.covers. Y ` A f ' e, watc r shall be provided to watch for e. use of portabire extin- g isPers fir and perform sa;milar fire pre �n on an ction dutie$ �'`rThe�f- axe watcher s al remain job at 14` sI- t zrty minutes a t r the we or cutting4perations hwe been completed a that no.�7fire exists. A signed inspection ep atte =st-ing°`to that fact shall be filed and ava able for inspection by -the Chief o the Bu 're Prevention. .19120-7 �. One or more portable fire extinguishers of approv d type and size shall be cept at the location where welding or cutting is to be done \ e 'Welding or cutting shall not be done in or near rooms or locations where flammable gases, liquids or vapors, lint, dust, or loose combustible stocks are present when sparks or hot metal from the welding or cutting operations may cause ignition or explosion of such materials. .�� Except as provided in ' "f(� below, welding or cutting shall not be performed on containers and equip- ment which contain or have contained fI ammable liquids, gases, or solids until these containers and equipment have been thoroughly cleaned or inerted or purged.. R fin "Hot tapping "' may be permitted on tanks and pip lines, provided such operations are performed by companies, corporations, co- partnerships or owner - operators not required to have a permit under Section 2 b 2. /r g. Sprinkler protection shall no't be shut off while welding or cutting work is being performed. When welding or cutting is done close to automatic sprinkler heads, sheet asbestos or damp cloth guards may be used to shield the individual heads but shall be removed when the work is completed. Section 5. Gas Welding and Cutting: a. Devices or attachments fadlitating \or permitting mixture of air or oxygen with combustible gases prior to consumption, except at the burner or in a standard torch or blowpipe, shall not be allowed unless approved for the purpose. b. The user shall not transfer gases from one cylinder to another or mix gases in a cylinder. c. .Acetylene gas shall not be generated, piped (except in approved cylinder manifolds and cylinder manifold connections), or utilized at a pressure in excess of 15 pounds per square inch gauge unless dissolved in a suitable solvent in cylinders manufactured according to Interstate Commerce Commission requirements. 3 -191 257 q \d. Acetylene gas shall not be brought in con- tact with unalloyed copper except in a blowpipe or torch. e. A. cylinder or cylinder manifold for oxygen shall be provided,.with a pressure regulating device intended for use with oxygen, and so marked. f. Cylinders permitted inside of buildings shall be stored away from highly combustible materials and in locations where they'are not subject to excessive rise in temperature, physical damage or tampering by unauthorized persons. Empty cylinde,rsshall have their valves closed in storage and when shipped,`. .g. When a cylinder is not in use, the valve shall be closed and the valve protection cap shall be in place, hand tight. h. Tests for lea — in any. piping system or equipment shall be made with soapy wat6r Flames shall not be used. i. Welding or cutting work shall not be supported on compressed gas cylinders or other containers. j. Fuel gas cylinders shall be placed with valve end up whenever they are in use. k. E,uel gas shall not be used from cylinders through torches or other devices equip ed with shut -off valves without reducing the pressure through Muitable regulator attached to the cylinder valve or manifold. 1. Cylinders, valves, regulators, hose and other apparatus and fittings containing or using oxygen shall be kept free from oil or grease. Oxygen cylinders, apparatus and fittings shall not be handled with oily hands or gloves or greasy tools or equipment. m. When moving compressed gas cylinders by crane, spitable cradles shall be used tA �� — '� � Vie ► Ordinary rope slings o3 /electromagnets shall not be used. n�. Oxygen and fuel gas cylinders Maid= acetylene generators shall be placed fax enough away from the welding area to prevent them from being heated by radiation from heated materials, by sparks or slag, or by misdirection `f the torch flame. o. When gas welding or cutting operations are discontinued for a substantial period of time such as during lunch hour or overnight, the torch valves shall be closed and the gas supply to the torch completely shut off. 11 Section 6. Electric Arc - Welding and Cutting: a. The frame or case of the welding machine exce.pb internal combustion engine driven machines shall be grounded. , Ground connections shall be mechanically strong and electrically adequate for the required current. 2 191 25'7 11 b. Welding current r circuits shall have proper electrical contact at all joints and periodic inspection shall be made to ascertain that proper electrical contact is maintained. c. \When electric arc - welding or cutting is to be discontinued for\any substantial period of time, such as during lunch hour or overnight, all electrodes shall be removed from the holders, the holders shall be carefully located so that acciden- tal contact cannot \`occur, and the machines shall be disconnected from the power source. Section 7. 14pdif icatio The Chief of "the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall\ have power the provisions of this ordinanc upon application in writing by the person affected, ere are practical difficultiJs in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the ordinance, provided that the spirit of the ordinance shall be observed, public safety secured, and sub- stantial justice done. The" particulars of such m&&iP en when granted or allowed and the decision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention thereon shall be entered upon the records of the department and a signed copy shall be furnished the applicant. Section 8. Appeals: Whenever the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Pre- vention shall disapprove an application or refuse to grant a permit applied for, or when it;is claimed that the pro- visions of the ordinance do not apply or that the true intent and meaning of the ordinance have-�been misconstrued or wrongly interpreted, the applicant may appeal from the decision of the Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention to the_ MMW the decision of the appeal. �100_'ANMA , VJIM Section 9. Penalties for Violatio Any person who shall violate any o� t6e- 4rovisions of this ordinance or fail to comply therewith, or who shall violate or fail to comply with any order of regulation made thereunder, or who shall act in violation of any detailed statement of specifications or plans submitted and approved thereunder shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by imprisonment \for not less than ten days nor more than ninety days, or by a fine of not less than Ten Dilars ($10.00) or more than One Hundred Dollars ($100.00). Section\10. Repeal of Conflicting Ordinances: :All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Section 11. Date of Effect: This ordinance shall take effect and bye` in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. 5 Original to.City Clark .r ORDINANCE :19125' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 12. This, \ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter number and/or section number at the time of the next revision of the said Legislative Code. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12-57 8 6 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor In Favor Against Triplicate to the Comptroller ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An \ordinance for the purpose of fire prevention and\fov the control and re ul0tion of wadding cnd/t)r, cutting operations in the City of Saint Paul, \aatnd providing penalties for the violathn .191 257 1, THE COUNCIL OF B CITY Olt SAINT PAUL D JIS ORDAICI t Section 1. fin3tioras�a v moons accepted by the Chief of the Fire Depsrtm nt or Chief of the Bureau of Fire Prevention, as a result of their ihvestigation and experience or by reason of test, listing or app ;ov4l by Underwritors' Laborstoriees, Inc. or other nationally rec$gnilod tasting agency. , y2ldina\or Qnq shall Include gas or electric -arc welding or cutting.or any combination thereof. Section 2. Permits: m.. A permit shall be required of each a:o®pany, corporation, co-partnership ox caner- operator performing welding or cutting operations %e0cept As provided in "bn below. Such permit shall not be required for each welding or cutting job location. The compaany, corporation, co- partnership or owner - operator shall notify the Beau of Fire Prevention in advance where such work is taking lace, except where such work is done in response to an elaergenci call tha t does not allow time for the Bureau of Piro Prevent on to be notified in advance of the work. b. A permit shall not be required of any company, corporation, co- partnership or owner -o oxatort 1. inhere the weldinQ o'r cutting is performed In Areas Spec i£ical ly designed or approved for the purpose, \or 2.. Having an approved pe it ayetem established for control of the fire hazards involved. C. Application for a permit X$q&red by this ordinance shall be made by the company, coxporiti,on, co- partnership or owner - operator performing the welding or Cutting operation, or by his duly authorized agent. Such application be made to the Chief of the Bureau of Fire prevention in au :hall foray and detail as he shall prescribe. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland In Favor Mortinson Peterson '4 Rosen Against �- Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: N City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 8 q ,r • _ , ,the` C ie o£ - t Bureau. -o t- Fire Prev ntion - t• shall, not-issue.- a :pez- �or wt� %ing or du t ng opera lops W - .unlees::ne . is satif ie,d -that' the individuals. iri _charge. oft per= _ F "forming- such operations are capablo of :doing such work` n a _° '.safe m'an'ner .s De�aoristrat.ion o€ a= w�rking.� knowledge Hof =_the _ =provisi6ns 'of ;this ordinance`shall•_constitute acceptable 3 ` - evidence of with: this requirement._ - e .. 'A permit shall constitute permia 8 i.oii to perfor'M welding or cutting operations as indicated` thereon :_:and, sholl.'not 'be trinsfe.rable. -Such permit shaall not_ bake, the place. of any ,1 ictanse regUired by law. ; f c Permit -s�$h l,l at' all "times- be keptbn the _ promisee de�ignited, therein, and shall at -all reasonable - times', be subject. to- inspection by' any officer of the fir® or police departmentL - ` <�` - t g. Companies;`coiporat ions, _to- partnerships and •owner= operators- ,r"equired ,to.tave, a permit. shill' maintain _a ;record .. of all locations where weld -i6g or- Gutting operations are 'per* r _ foraie'd end five ` t availablsjor .inspection by the Chiei` -'of 'the;_ - = ti Bureau' of Fire: - Prevent.ior ;. h the Chief of" .t a Bureau-, of ,Free Prevention ma revoke ,.a, pera�i� t� ..or_. approval- ssued' if any viola-tiob- of this ` ordinance i5 .found upon Lnspecti©n; or in ,-case _ there has been ` any false st410-mant 'or misreptesentation 'Made As to.'a ftterial ' , . fact'iri -the" application on which -the ,permit- or approval' was based., - 'Secti.on i3. Compliance withiNeiionall.`y Recognized Good ' Practice i In the- performance- of welding' or cutting .operat ions only approved 'equipment• sh-If -be used, end t� e, equipment, shall ` be installed and pperated in accordaince• with national recogniz ed A00 - pract.i'ce. - The Stand_ ards -of :the.,Nati.onal •Board •of Fire _ _ Underwriters Ito: 51; Qpas. Systems t for Welding and Cutting, .. and ' American Standard- Z49. 1, Sa €sty in` We1*ding- and, Cutti,ng,, shall • be considered; as .nationally recognized good practice:: r = Sect.16n'4=. - Fire Prevention. _ „J _ a._ Be fore welding or cutting cjpera,ti' are begun - in areas 'not designed or approved €or the,'.pulrpose, -'fipecif ic. -r. authorization •shat -Z be obtainod,.froin the w.ner, of the premises :,' O r his duly uthori'zed age -Rt. When welding or, cutting operations arerortn ®d - ,above •or within' 35 feet _ of combustible cons ruction � or ins tarial 't • exposed to the operation, ;or within 35'f eet pf floor,. deiling "or •wall,• opening do 'exposeds k. r 1. Such combustible constr ction or •- 'to terial. `shall be protected by no combustible r ghields or covert from ponsib•le s arks,: hot - metal,• or oxide.,, ,• ., , ' _ - 2. t-Such, floor ceilin oi? wall o enin shall - p g . - be protected by noncomtiusti__ble shields ,or covers. fire watcher .shall be provided- to,, watch' for fires; .t�A�e ` use "of portable fire extin= . - g tishoXs_*or- fire .hoq -e, 4nd perform 'sitoilar fire. = preveh.tion, and - protedtioh duties. the fire watcher. sha_11- rema� n on the. ` fob at least thirty `minutes `•'aftor :the welding ox, •cutting- operations -}are been -_ - completed tci nsureAhat no fire exists. , A'sig- d a inspection 'report attesting -,to that -fact shall bey- filed at d `available for -inspecti_vn by-the Chief of the Bureau bf _ Fixe, iFrevention. - -_. w c..- Oneb or more t otabl.e fire oxtingutehers- of? . p approved type.: and size'- shall' die kept- at the - location where welding or cutting is _to be dgne.,. f ' ' nn -or d weldiRg,.o-r- cut.ti�sha ll = n ®or rooms or .loCations.where 'flamtbable• gases, liquids.' Or yapors;-�iint; ,dust.'',or .loose'-combust•ible-stock6 are ` pre$ent when sparks : or `_hot- aneta,l� focri: the Melding' or' cutting operations .ma.y c use } ignition 'o� explosion, of .. r -. such` - Materials: , e. Except as piov ded 1� "f.V below,'welding or . cutting shall ,not be performed on , containers-and equip- " merit which contain -or- have contain�d,.flammable.liquids, gases; or', solids until these abntsi`ners and equipment._. have been - „t3 oroughly, cleaned or ine�ted ox "purged: _ f : !Hot t ing” may be "Amitted on tagks,+ and • = ' apP piper lines,, provided' such �Qpe tat ions ,are • performed by _ ' companies,. corporations; 'co-partnerships or ownerroperators r t y - not required'to have a permit under Se�ction 2 b 2.- - r ' 9,' }Spr nkler'`p otectiop shallt not be, shut -off- , while- wolding,or cutting work -is' being performd,, -• `When" - welding or cutting is'done closQ to automatic sprinkler heads-, sheet asbestos or� damp cl. ©th guaras may be used. t.0 _ shiel:d. the ,individual heads But shall be. �femoved when the . work is,'complated:_ 1 . Sectio.h 5. Cos Weldiirag 'and Cutting. - a: Devices or sttach�ents- .fadliiz ing. or permitting mixture- of afar" or oxygen with combustible ose$`.prior -to 'consumption-,-` except at the burner or in a staindard • torch -or I lowpipe shall not be allowed uitle ss appr.oved for the-purpose. t b: = The -usar shall not transfer -gases' from one - - cyllipder to another or mix' gases" in=s .c}ta] fader. s " A. 'Acetylene 'ga:s, shall ,nett be "generated, piped .2, (except in approved ;cylinder,'• manifolds and c� {lindez-ma�nifold connections),- or- utilized apt, a pa;essure in excess' of 15 pounds _ _ per square inch 'gauge',unl. ss dissolved-In s suitable. solvent .in clrlinders manuf etured - according to i ntersta.te Comme:rde Cot�r►ission " - requirements. 's: " ` d; Adetyldncb Oas''shall. ,not be brought in On,, 'tact wit bna•lloryad c ©pp��r �.�ccgp.t in a blow}�ipe yr torch. `e. A} lindex Ot cYlindex manifold f0, oXygen *hall be provided w th :a .px�ss�are regtAl.aU ng devirde° intended for use with o rgeny: and 0'Mixkecl: y s =h - Cylinders peiol.tted ins i&- of buildin s sha.11 �:be l ist ©red awayt. frog. hi ghly: cob�:st.3 b} e- me Sri �s _and Yn = :.-locations V�hdre thiy axe 7noi - subject to exce's'sive- arise In : - i tefhperatuire',. ' phys i.cal damage or, t_ampering�_ by unautho ized '= {persons. Empty cylinders ahsl.l have their valve.% d.loaed in _ - rstorage ,and- -when h ppod�. g: Who .a cyUnder is not 'in use.,_ the valve_ shall - be- cl.osod and the velve,pzotectiocy cap shall. be in place;, hand t = _ _ ight,: r s =•` h. Tuts- for lsa�k>z in any pioing system or egwiprant . shall be - made with soapy__water., Flameii shall- not be bze'd. i. Welding or, ciAt ino . work- r;,ha l , not be suppoi ted - on ;t compressed 'gas cylinders_, or other_.,cont;4ners. • _ Fuel: gas cylinders sha11-be placed with valve end. up= whenever _they pare in vse. _ k. -Fue1 gas shall not be-used from cylinders - throuyli toTch4,s or othor�.davi,ce�s equipped" -with shut =off 'val've$ without reducing the pressure through .a - ,ui.table regulat' attached to tho cylindex va�lvo_ or_.mani.fotda - A,- Cy'liiiders, v as, regt la-tors', hose_ and Other° . - eppaxatur and fittings c�ntainl.ng or using! ox�igen shall. 'be 'k ®pt free -f=rom oil, ox gzeasex -_ 0Xyg�sn `CyUnd©rs;ti appar.atui and fittings shall not, be handled 'With. oily.hanos or gloves or grea�ey tools or egUipffen m. then, moving`comparessed ges_ c `yl.3.nders by crane, suitable cradles shali be used to .prevent., -the' -, possibility of droppping them. ©rdiniary rope al'ings orlectrcm+�gnets shall • . not be used. n. Oxygen-and fuel gas cylindora ipd:.acetylene - gonezators Shall: be placed -far enough away from the- welding .-area to prevent their from -bei6q heated -by radiation 'from hest+ad'- . materials, by 'sparks or slag or by misdirection Hof the.- torch i lams o.. When "gas welding ox cutting, operations are t di4continued &fir a- .substantial period of time such as during bunch hour or.;gvtxni0t, the, torch valves sihall be- closed and . the gas. ;supply to they- torch_'compl.o.taly shut off:" Section 60 electric - `Arc- We.ldin' 0.and Cutting; - The f- rame. or case of the gelding machine excbpt Internal combustion--ong., -ne driven machines shall be groundod.. -, - , _ Ground connections shell -be mocha _nicallyr strong and electrically adequate for the, required current. ; .q - ` yr ._ , _ _ _ - - + .. • }., - yam• - - b,'; - WeId.ing' currerit return circuits from the 'work ' to the machine shall, have, proper. electrical ,contact-at all, ' joints -and- Periodic. inspection' shah be 'made to -ascottain that proper, ip'lectric ail confect is maintained.. it When electric atd- Welding or cutting is to be`. discontinued,. for -.any substan'tia1- 'peri ©d o.f time; - such es' during lunch -hour 6t.-- oirernight,- all -electrodes =shall -.be - removed from the holders, the 'holders 'shall =-be daveful.ly located so that a.cciden - -- tal contact cannot .occur,. •and'the machines shall be disconnected,. - .,from' the power source . • t A - .9 eCt ion •.^,. j . t�odif ications i L The Chief of the, Bureau of Fire Prevention shall have power ..to modify erijr of ,the provisions of this--ordinance upon.,applicat-ion in writing by- the persgn affected, ;when'there• ' are' practical` diff iculties in the -way .,of - carrying out the ` strict letter:` of.the-ordinance,. provided'I. that the spirit of, the` ordina.hee shall be' observed, ;public -safet.y secured, 2nd sub- - , ' stant. a l justice done. _The part icul -ars- of such modif ida_t ion . ' when granted" or allowed and the decision Qf .the Chief of the Bureau. of F.i:re Prevention thereon shall be entered upon ,the - recorcis.of the depertment`arid A signed copy shall be furnished y - the applicant. ' Section 8.r ` -Appeals: Whenever the Chief;-of the Bureau of Fire-.Pre f vontion shall- .disapprove `a.n, spill. ication oar refuse to. • grant - a permit a.ppl.ie.d -$or, oi, when, it- is claimed that the- pro' -- - visions • of 'the;:ordinance `do_ not apply or that the true intent... leaning of the ordinance - have_ been micpnstrued or wrongly- and interpreted,, •the ._apps.- icant:-may - appeal ..f rom- the• decision' of the Chief, Hof._ the 'Bureau of. Fire Freverition o the` Common Council. of the, City of Saint Paul w#IAn- thirty (3G) days _ froral ".the date of- !. - the decision of the - appeal. = f Section 9. 'Penafti® 'ior V3.olation. - �. An` Y p pers6h who shall violat6 .any =of the �provis-ions -. of this ordinance or_ fail to.- comply therewith; .or-who.shall violate or fail to.,.comply with any order of regulation made thereunder, or.-who : shall _ act..in, violation of any detailed :;statement of., specific'ations _or plans ,submittied and ,approved r . thereunder -shall be; guilty of .a inisdemeanor and upon coinviction- . thereof shall be,'_"Uni -shed by imprisonment for not -le`ss -than ter, ' days-. nor- 'more ' than-ninety days,- or by a fine- of not less thorn' J - Ten .41ars , ($10;D4) or, mire than One Hundred Dollars '($100._00) - - 'Section 10,' Repeal of 'Conflicting Ordinances:'_ All-ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsis.tont` herewith -are hereby repealed. Sectton i11. Date o€ Eff6ct r This ordinance shall take effect and be in force - thirty days after .its passage, Approval', and publication..- _ Triplicate to the Comptroller PRESENTED BY t ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 191 25-7 4 Section 12. This or indnce shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Leglzlativ4 Oode and shall be incorporated thotoin and given an appropzl 7te cheater nulober and/or section number at the tine of the nextev�.on of the said Leis�.Ativ Code, 6 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen • Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Approved: Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 8 r � QuadrnpHcate to Department ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 12-9125-7 An ordiraaance for the purpose of fire prevention and for the control and reegulation of Welding and/or cutting opetatl.ons in the city of Saint Paul, and providing,�penaltiese for the vio.latbn thereof. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Does ORDAIHac ti Section 1. DOinitionsw 1 Agazomeans accepted by the Chief of the Fare Dspartteent ar -Chief of the Bureau of fire- Preventl.on, as a result of their invottigea4tian and experience or by reason of test, listing or appxovol by \Underwrl.teers' Laboratories, Inc. or other nationally recognized testing agency. fAlding ox ( #Q shall i.ne;luda gars or electric -arc welding or cutting o� any combination thereof. section 2* ftrolte s �►« A permit shall required of saech coMpany, corporation, co- partnership or oW*vk*opvrator per�'o=ing welding or cutting operations except ��$ p3reavIded in "b" below. Such porlawlt shall. ,not be required for,each welding or cutting ,fob location. The company, corporatio , >*o- partn6V4hlp ar owner- opearator shall notify the Bureau of firs Prevention in advanco whore such work is taking plsce- except whore such work is done in response to an e>aergoncy cal that does not allow time for the auresu of Fire Prevention to be notified in advance of thae work. b. A per -mit %hail, not be required of any company, corporation, cc- portnarship or owner- operators lo Whore then woldin or c�; tinqq is porfornlMed In areas specificslly�desfgned or approved for the purpose, or g. Having an approved pomit system established for control of the file hazards- Involved. c. Application for a permit required by this ordinance *hall, be made bV the compar: , corporation, co -p rtnership or owner - operator performing the weldin or Gutting operation, or by h%s duly outhori red agent. Such application shall be made to the Chief of the Bureau of fire Prevontion in such form and dotall as he shall. presczibbe. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12.57 QWo8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Aroainst The' Chie ' of thhey, Bureau of Fire Prevention Ar f shall _not issue.,a permit for welding .or cutting ope,ratior�� :unless ,he is sa. t efied that the i(Wvl:duals in charge -of. - -per - ' f oru�Ing such �� operat ions --aria cap 'ble of doing such_ work' in a _ safe manner. Devaonstrotion of- a working knowledge'. of the y provisions- of.' this ardinsnce shall constitute,acceptable - ; _e,vidQnce of compliance with this •requirement. , $ '`! - permit shall constitute .p zmiitlon to. _ - perform , welding -or cutting ,opera.t ions -as, indicated thereon and shall not be trans£ea�ble. Such shall riot. take r the place of 'any ].icenae required bylaw. M shall- t -all times be :'kept on the pre�ises designated - therein,: and shall 'a,t all reasonable times. sub;jectrto_�.inapect.ion°by. any officer pf the fi:r® or police _ -department'.'. - g, Companie,s,. corporations, 'co- partnerships and :owner- operators requi �ed .to; We a permit shall maintain a record ` of--all locations -where. - we�.ding or cut - ing. �'opbrations .'axe per- 0 and have it a.va�.lable far ,inspection by -the, Chief '.off'_ the. Bureau of �Tire..,-Prevent ion:s ` ... ..;: • -A -Bureau l _. ' h. --The Chtof .off -_tho< Bureau 4f . Fire Prevention may revoke s perm t -or-appXOVL3,LJ e sued if any iola.tioii• of this - - ordinance -s' found. upon; SAspection,: or in wcas ther`e.���s been; - any faYse statenn } .or m3�szepresentat.ion invade„ ds-- to.�,a ms,terial fact in °t he appll:cat on. 'on`which•.the -'permit -6r $pproval ,,Was bated.., - 1 Sectio.n' 3. _ "Gottpliance-'with Natioriall j� t ecoqnize.d food .,Practice: in the - performance of welding 'off cutting ,operations . ,: O hl.y approved- equipment - shah. be • used, and. - Me a tAipment shall, . be installed and - ope.rite'd in accordance with-h�tional.l.y _recogni2ed. -good practice. The Standards-, of -the National�_Board -of Firs -.Underwriters. No. 51, . -Cat' Systems for; Melding 4nd Cutting, and American Standard Z49. 1-i Safety in Welding anc Cutting; shall. be considered .as n irtion ' lly' recognized good practice. = - Sectidn.4.. Preve on: a. Befoxe- welding or cutting 'opet`atigns are begun f in areas not daraior�ed- or approved ,for',the- purpose,. Opocific authorization 'shall bo 'obtained"�£rom the owner .4f the premises or his duly pmthoxised agent. r- •, -b. ' When welding •or cutting operations are 'perfor®ed above or within 35 feat 'of combustible construction or- material exposed to the - operation, •-or- within 35 feet -, o.f . floor, ceiling or- wall opening,so exposed:. -5cfch combustible construction or i piafterial" :hail be protecte d by noncombustible 46iel.da ar' coven from_ pos-s able sparks, hot, _ fetal. or o ids: _ Such _1 f lobr, _ceiling or wall, opens na shall be protected by noncombustible shields Orr - covers. -`x`525` "13.. A f ire watcher shall' be provided to _ watch for f axes ►. make use of portable "fire exti4- .- 900ers, or fire hose; and perform similar fire• prevention. spd protect c►h duties. ,The fire' stitcher' q shall. "remaiin on. the •,dab `it -least thixty_Iainutes. after the ,r eldLn or cutting, operations hate been completed to "',nsure,. that no fire exists. -'-A signed . inapection report ,attesting to that fact shall be ` r filed and' available `for inspection by the' Ch of . of . the Buzeau l of ,Fli iO1 Prevention. o..,..One •or m6ro portable' Fire extinguishars at` approved type ; and' sire small be kept at the. location ,where, welding-oi cutting,is to, pe.donel - . d. 4181 ,ing lox, cutting shall not be done iri or near rooMs or',-locations _ where_ flammable ga4see, Liquids -or\ vapors,' 'fiat; dust,, or "loose combustible -stocka- *re, 'present when sparks or' hot metal_ from' the welding. or cutting'operations'may.causek gnition,or explosion_of - such materials. _ e. Except.es_provided : in "fn below, welding or, cutting . shall :no.t'.be-.•p'exf6rmed on- -containers and 4qui.p- •merit which- confsi.ri or hii've .contained..f- l.apxriable liquids, - gores; or solids until' thess "co6ta' ner's and equip�nt have been, thoroughly cloaned_.ot :inerted.'or purged. = _ 4 ♦ _ • f. - r`f'Hot tapping►,..�sy.,,be- per fitted on' tanks .,*n pl.pe Braes; provided such cpertons'�are performed, by .c9pponiesi - -Corpoaration -s% coy- 'par"tne,rsh'ips or. cwnep- ope.ratore` not` required.-tor-have 1.a permit udder Ss ; ction, 2 fb`.. ` • g. Sprinkler - protection shall not .be, phut off, . while - welding 'oar cutting- work ;is beiing . perforaied. When welding or''- Gutting is '.done dote. - to automstici,spr�nkler- f heads, sheet zasbe -stos or -dsmp ,cloth ° gtaards '�cay . be used ..to shield the.A,inaividuol heads - but, .sha�ll: be ': ii oved' when' the ' work is c.vmpl®ted. ° { Section, 5:- ' 'Gas Welding. and Cu'tting';' ; N, -Y r *, - _, vines ,or tttachment fadlita'ting or Permitting Mixture- of air or oxygen, with° •combustible ��es prior to.-con$umption, except =at the burner or in a standard_torch or blowpipe, shall not be allowed .uAIQ s Eapproved fox the purpose: b. __The user 'shrill, -not_ transfer gases %tom one - cylinder. to another or Mix gases in',a c-pl finder. ' Acetyl anp qaa.: hall, not be generated, �, p teed, f (,except in "approved cylinder manifolds and cylinder manifold connections) , or Utilized' ai A .pressure 'in. Qxcess° of 15 pounds _ Per,-square inch gauge: unless dissolved in a suitable solvent in cylinders .t anufictured,according.-to interstate commerce- Coanni.ssion requirelmerits.. _ 3 d. ' .Adetylond -Oee ..ihall- not be_ brought �Jt bKijR tact, wit ' una i.loyed copper- oak opt in -aa� 1�l�ilpi pia or, torch t .. e. A cyri �'nde.t ot, dyli�nde ig �uifoid .for c�c gaaa hail, be pxatidsd with a preaasure ragul #.3:ng device .i,naa>��dad for use w3.th #- ¢yga3n, ond` so -ma -vked* r f:5\ Cyliadeea p® muted 'inside of buildings shall be stored away ,00m highly- t'thusti.blce tsae�a iais and 1-ri - .xaeations'whera t ay or #..not siubjeot, totox'cessi.ve risaa� in - tamperturey phpsca7� damage or tauspsrin.g by unautha�riQd personae, empty., cyLindeaa shall have, their-- volvaj� closed in "anal when shipped. a ; A - - _: g'. on 'aa aytlndsex is not in use., the 'volvQ shaa.11 . b4 closad-and the vaalv+, pVoteoti.o4 pap ahe11 bo..i. place :, hand tight.. h.' - 'Tests fo icake in any piping system or equip ont sh ;.11 be. sde --with soap ; ater�. • Flaiais shall not ba used. .i.. Welding -or- cutting Work, -shall not be _supported oh compreszed ga�s``_pylinders air othaar catttaitlars. _ Fuel gas, cyii` oxG shill- be placed with valve, end up whenever they `Are in use, j •, - k: - F,uel gas -shall 'hot U-, used fro cylinders Tough torches oV ether deviCi�s't tag4ippiad With shutwoff VaE1v+�a _ w out zedt1di�ng� th;a: pressure tPt nigh as . aaui.table -rag al.attor; • aaittechabd to -the cylinder valve or ,manifold. - -_ - 1, lxnderS.� yai.va ;. Tilgole aorao,' h6ae and othetr apmraatuis and irA ings- cont6ini.ng or; ,using oxygen shot l be kept -free , from oil or grease,, , Oxygen cyl i;ndte�; aappaaratus sia3d Fitt -ingg sh -a-11 nob.- 1►e hatidled •vi.th. oily haanda, o: glouas or., gressy toblo or equipment. a�. When moving pompressed O'es ' oylindero b Crams,, suitable craadles , sha Ll be used to proven -t the possi:bi.l ty of _dropping, them. "--- ©rdi:naazy rope _,dings. o lectromognatt, shall not be used. n. f?xygen wind' fuel gaaaaf Cyli ode" - - ''a gen ®raatvre r haalT b* 'plaQed for enough away fpm tho weldin4 , area to. ,prevent thean froze being• heated byy raadiaatioI f'om heated sa teriaalar, by ' perks ter *slag, or by mia3z3irect3®n of-the torch-, o: When gas welling air, cutting .operations Otis diicontinued ibr• a .sdbrA.taanti01 period, of tima .such aa duri.n9 lunch hour or overnight, the torch valve$ shall be,, closed and 'the gas supply to the tosoh cosupletely Out oft. ' ' $act iorz 6 . la .Ct>: is Ara: aUing end Cut irfg i tt. the, frame or, caa,se:.czf the welting mach3naar:.�eX. intornaal. cozmbOstion .$vagina •driven chi ies' shall. be grounded, Ground connections, shill.' bo ' ochatiica.11Y strong and .eiactri.ca�ly ade'quata•-for. the,,raaquired curv'ht. , _ r 'Waldin4 our-tent ratutn -circuits from,- the work to the madhine shall. ,hive proper electrical contact at -all, - Joints -and - riodid 'i.nspection, shall be Made- to ascortain that - proper- 41- ectriool contact 'is maintained. - c'. When eleutric `axc- welding or_ duttidg Is to be • -- disebotinued fo _ \,any• subetantfal period of time, :such- as during lunch hour. or ova�night; all "electrodas shall be v4i moved from the holders,, the - ho�.de�s , shah: -be carefully located so that *dcidOn tal contact oohno't - �dcur, and. the machines shall be disdonnectod _ f ro.. the power 'soUrc : r gectiorV7., Mo £fegti.ons The chief of the. Bureau of Piro Prevention shall _ hava 'powex to- modify snyr\ �U the-- pp. rovieions of this ordinance s upon .application in writing• by the _ person affected, • when _there :are practical di ffF cul.tiesr in the way of c$riying out the stvidt letter of the: ordinance, -'provided that the spirit of-the - ordinance_ ,shall, be observed,., public 'safet. decurad, and sub- stan,ti.al "Justice dons.. The - poxticul'axs c� such- modification when granted or allowed- snd the ;decision, of.-,,the-Chief. of the- : Bureau _of mire 'Prevention' theieon - shall `be. -entered_ upon the Y records of the depaziment and atoned 'copy shall. be fur_nishad : the applicant': Section-8. Appeals s t Mhebeveli =_the Chief oe'the Bureau, of"' Rte= . i. vention shall: disapprove an alaplicr�tion''ox refuse to ".gxint• a permit,applied for.. or whem-it, is Cjgimed. that the pro'- visions of the ordinance' do -' rib-t -appi,y or that. the true .int4;iit_ and. meant ng df, the ordinance "have beeh �hidoonstrued, or 'Wrongly-, interpreted, the , eppl4cant May ;appeal from the dedision - of the- Chief of the Bureau of fire . Prevention `Co the "Commor'k Cotinci.l of the Ci.tjr -of Bdint•- 'Paul, within °thirty (�0 �lsyt from the date of the decision, of the .Appeal.: _ Boot Lon 9. Panaltios for Violation ='\ '. Any person "who :shalt violate any %of the provisions ` of this ordinance or fail to comply, there4ith, or rho shall' violate or fail • to* comply with any' oida.r of regulation tap,de atherevndex, or `Who shall act in violation o£ any,? detailed Ste-tam ent of specifications or plans submitted a'Id - approved • �thereund�t `.shall be guilty of , a misdemeanor :and .upon convt6tion,. "' thereof .shell'be' punished by imprisonment for not-less then, ten days nor more than -ninety days, or by 'a find of not,le s than'- Ten- IDllars._- ($4.00) or Mora, then -One Hundred Dollars x($100.00) . Section 10. 'Repeel of.Con£licting ©tdipanc. ®ss_ _ All ordinonaea:. or -parts of 'ordinance: inconsigtent. - herewithaax's. hersby repealed. - `,SectIO ' 1i. Date o€ Ifrfect t ' This , ordinance ,sha1,1. ,lake effect and ba° in force 'thirty_ days aftiar its passages approval.: and publication. r �, Quadrnplleate to Department • + A ORDINANCE Y COUNCIL FILE NO PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO 19125-7 Seetion 12,. This ordinonco shall, be deemod a pa xt of the Saint € aul Lsgial tive Code and shall be, inCorporstod th*xeia and given an op pptia to chapter number ond/o rr section nuumdbax at the t 9*",n#xt revIsion of the said Legielativt Code. Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 8 6 Nays Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against Approved: Mayor ti i 6 Nays Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against Approved: Mayor • i t - ~ 1st 2nd Laid over to 6 3rd and app Adopta _��! T c Yeas ays+ ",—Yeas Nays \ DeConrcy �DeCourcy \ Holland Holland a \ \Mortinson �Aiortinson Peterson `J - �'D� \Peterson 'l Rosen F \ Rosen \ MT41" \\ Winkel iVlr. President Dillon Mr. President Dillon I 25-7 ' 8