09-1065Council File # — lLL`�j Green Sheet # 3081336 ��so�u SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Presemed by ._ l� 1 Resolution in support of a citywide Labor Management Safety Committee that monitors and assists Z departments in providing a safe and healthy work environment for City employees 3 4 WHEREAS, Mayor Coleman and the City Council are committed to improving the effectiveness of public 5 service at all levels by providing a safe and healthy work environment for City employees; and 6 7 WHEREAS, safety is a requirement of State and Federal laws and must be a primary concern of all 8 employees and managers. Employees have the responsibility to point out unsafe practices or work azeas to 9 supervisors and managers. Each City Department is responsible for the development, implementation, and 10 enforcement of safe work policies, procedures, and practices to provide a safe and healthful work 11 environment and to ensure compliance with all applicable laws; and 12 13 WHEREAS, awareness and implementation of safe wark practices and procedures will ensure employee 14 and public safety and save City resources; 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City of Saint Paul will support and maintain a citywide Labor Management Safety Committee (LMSC) that monitors and assists departments in providing a safe and healthy environment for employees; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the LMSC shall have no more than one half of inembership from management. The following departments will appoint one management representative to the Citywide Safety Committee: Mayor's Office, Human Resources (Risk Management), Fire and Safety, Libraries, Pazks and Recreation, Police, Public Works, Saint Paul Regional Water Services and Department of Safety and Inspections. The Risk Manager or (designee) shall serve as the management Co-chair of the committee; and BE IT F[JRTHER RESOLVED, City bargaining units shall be invited to designate a delegate and alternate to the Committee; and BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, employees, supervisors and managers, labor management safety committee and department subcommittee members shall have the following responsibilities: EMPLOYEE RESPONSIBILITIES Employees are required to perform iheir work safely and exercise due care to prevent injury to themselves, other employees and the public. All employees shall: 1. Be knowledgeable of safety and health related regulations, policies, standards, and procedures. 2. Be knowledgeable of work place safety and health hazards and hazard control procedures and practices. C�- �cC�,S 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 3. Perform assib ed work in accordance with established policies, procedures, and safe work practices. Se attentive to their surroundings in the work environment and to potential hazards. 4. Utilize all required safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE} while performing job tasks. If equipment is not available or is in non-working condition, immediately noUfy the supervisor. 5. Inspect tools, equipment, safety devices, and PPE for damage and defects prior to each use and routinely thereafter. 6. Report all injuries, occupational illnesses (including symptoms of chemical overexposure), and accidents (including close-calls) to their supervisor immediately. 7. Report unsafe conditions and acts to their supervisor and/or safety committee. 8. Communicate training needs and safety suggestions to their supervisor andfor safety committee. 9. Participate in work place inspections and hazard assessments. 10. Attend safety meetings and training sessions as required. 11. Keep all work areas and equipment clean, orderly and in good condition. 12. Have and maintain all required licenses and certifications (including driver's licenses) and immediately report to their supervisor any suspensions or revocations. 61 SUPERVISOR 1 MANAGER RESPONSIBILITIES 62 63 Supervisors J Managers are responsible for the daily safe working conditions and practices of employees. 64 All Supervisors / Managers shall: 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 1. Provide visible and financial support to safety and health programs. 2. Establish and communicate those policies, programs, procedures, and practices necessary to protect employee safety and health. 3. Identify and communicate safety and health related goals and objectives. 4. Provide necessary resources to implement and manage safety and health related policies, programs, procedures, goals, and objectives. 5. Be accountable for the implementation of safety and health related policies, programs, procedures, goals and objectives. 6. Ensure that staff adheres to all safety and health related policies and procedures. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Ensure that new employees receive required physicats and training before conducting work. Ensure that all vehicles, machines, tools and personal protective equipment are properly maintained and that unsafe items are immediately withdrawn from service for repair or replacement; Perform required safety inspection of their work unit on a regular basis. Conduct accident and injury (including close-calls) investigations to determine root cause and appropriate corrective actions. Consider and act upon unsafe condition reports and other safety and health related issues communicated by employees. Acknowledge safe work practices. Counsel and discipline (when necessary) employees who fail to observe established safety and health related policies, procedures, and work practices. C�' -1U( 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 10� 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 ll7 118 119 120 121 122 123 14. Communicate serious or unresolved safety and health hazards to the City and Safety Committee. 15. Implement corrective actions to minimize and mitigate the City's exposure to loss as identified through safety audits and inspections. 16. Ensure that bud�etary resources are allocated to provide appropriate safety equipment. LABOR MANAGEMENT SAFETY CONINIITTEE RESPONSIBILTTIES The Labor Management Safety Committee (LMSC) is responsible to establish and monitor a system of subcommittees through which activities and worMng conditions affecting the safety of City employees in the workplace can be reviewed and analyzed. The LMSC shall oversee and monitor all safety subcommittees. Department safety subcommittees shall be responsible for all committee responsibilities within their department. If a department does not have a subcommittee, the responsibilities will be performed by the LMSC. LMSC shall: 1. Review and analyze the level of effectiveness of safety programs and training within the City and make recommendations. 2. Ensure appropriate subcommittees are established at various locations to ensure compliance with applicable law and based upon current City needs. 3. Perform intemal audits to ensure safety policies, procedures, and practices are in compliance with applicable laws and make recommendations to departments and / or subcommittees as needed. 4. Establish measurable goals and objectives for the Committee. 5. Promote safety awazeness and communicate specific safety and health related needs and improvements to the City, managers, supervisors, and employees. 6. Develop a safety complaint and suggestion system for employees to provide feedback and voice concerns. '� 10. 11. Serve as an appeal board for subcommittee decisions on complaints reguding unsafe working conditions on a case by case basis. Conduct safety inspections as required or by request of a department or subcommittee. Provide an annual report and analysis of the City's safety and health programs to the Mayor's Office. Establish and maintain appropriate governing by-laws. Maintain safety committee records as required by law. 124 Department Subcommittees shall: 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 1. Review and analyze the level of effectiveness of the department's safety programs and training and make recommendations to the department. 2. Review and ensure department safety policies, procedures, and practices are in compliance with applicable laws and make recommendations to department. 3. Review accident and injury reports (including close-calls) within the depar[ment to identify and analyze hazards and trends. C%`'�- \C�5 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 iai 142 143 144 4. Review the results of department work place safety inspections to identify and analyze hazards. 5. Review, analyze, and provide feedback to complaints and suggestions by employees, supervisors, or employee �oup representatives regazding unsafe working conditions and if appropriate make recommendations for immediate conective action. 6. Conduct safety inspections as required or by request of department or LMSC. 7. Promote safety awareness and communicate specific safety and health related needs and improvements to the managers, supervisors, and employees. 8. Establish measurable goals and objectives for the Committee. 9. Provide a quarterly report and analysis to the LMSC of the department's safety and health programs. 10. Provide the LMSC a copy of all subcommittee documents including but not limited to, agendas, meeting notes, minutes, and recommendation letters / communications. . Adopted by Council: Date i��'�` � D�� Adopu ertifi d�b Co il Secret�ary � /I / By: V Approved a e l o (� ��- BY� r ! v'� � � Requested by Department of: B n / Approved by ffie Office of Financial Services B Approved by City Attomey By: App ov v Ma or for S ion to Council BY� L�� � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � �s� OepartrnenUOffice/COUncil: Date Initiated: �--- � �vv] MO—Mayor'sOffice 23SEP2009 Green Sheet NO: 3081336 Contact Person 8 Phone: i Denartment Sent To Person InitialJDate I Kris Fredson y � 0 avor's O�re �� i 266-$534 � 1 s or•sOffice { DeoartmentDirector 1 � Assign 2 'riAtlorne � � Must Be on Councii Agenda by (DateJ: Number I �� � � For � 3 avlayor's OE6ce Mavor/ASSistant I Routieg 4 oaucil �� i Doc. 7ype: RESOLUTION Order 5;CSty Clerk Cti Clerk i E-Oocument Required: Y Document Contact: Contact Phone: Total # of Signature Pages _(Glip All Locations for Signature) Action Requested: That the Saint Paul City Council supports the creaflon of a citywide Labor Management Safety Committee that monitors and assists departments in providing a safe and healthy work environment fo city employees. The LMSC shall have no more than one half of membership from management and city bazgaining units shall be invited to designate a safery representative. See resolution for fwther infor. Recommenda6ons: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? CIB Committee Yes No Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any curre�t ciry employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): AdvanWges If Approved: Disadvantages If Approved: DisadvanWge5lf Not Approved: Total Amount of Transaction: CosURevenue Budgeted: Funding Source: Activiry Number: Financiaf Information: (Explain) September 23, 2009 120 PM Page 1