193567Original to City Clerk 3
p -a P
OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Council File No. 193567 –By Bernard
T. Holland-
COU CIL ESO ION — GENERAL FORM Resolved, That the proper City offi-
cers- are hereby authorized and di-
PRESENTED BY rected to enter into a Lease Agree-
ment with the State of Minnesota,
COMMISSIONE DATE whereby the State of Minnesota leases
RESOLVED, that the proper City officers are hereby authorized
and directed to enter into a Lease Agreement with the State of
Minnesota, whereby the State of Minnesota leases unto the City
of Saint Paul the real property hereinafter described for use by
the City as an archery range, at a rental of $1.00 per year, to
be paid to the State of Minnesota, Section of Fisheries, Division
of•Game and Fish, Department of Conversation, said lease to be
terminated at any time by either party upon thirty days written
notice of such termination:
That part of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest
Quarter of Sec. 3, Township 28 North, Range122 West,lying
northerly of Warner Road as now laid out and improved, and
southerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point
on the west line of said M M Section and 1120 feet north from
the southwest corner of said M M Section; thence south 420 28'
east a distance of 589.45 feetq, thence south 720 48' east to the
north boundary line of said Warner Road and there terminating.
Also that part of the Northeast Quarter of the
Northeast Quarter of Sec. 4, Township 28 North, Range 22 West,
lying northerly of Warner Road as now laid out and improved and
lying south and east of the following described lines: Beginning
at a point on the east line of said M M Section which is 1120
feet north of the southeast corner thereof; thence west parallel
with the south line of said '/a M Section to a point that is 70 feet
west of the west line of the east Y2 of said M M Section; thence
south 920 feet more or less to the north boundary line of said
• Warner Road and there terminating.
COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council AUG 12 1959 195 —
Yeas Nays
Holland Approved AUG 12 1959 195 —
7Tn Favor
Peterson PtJBLIS Mayor
Rosen �Gy� Against -
Mr. President, Dillon 1
5M 2 -57 .2