193560Original to City Clark :�. ORDINANCE 19:566 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY 9ft'f At ORDINQ^l�� Council File No. 193580 — Ordinance No. 11553 —By Bernard T. Holland —sev- erin A. Mortinson —Robert F. Peter- 'on— An Ordinance amending the St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 336, by adding thereto a Section 336.07. THE 00 UNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the St. Paul Legislative Code, Chapter 336, is hereby amended by adding thereto a Section 336.07, to read as follows: 11336.07. Any vehicle or truck licensed under the terms of Section 296.04 may be licensed to sell cigarettes from said licensed truck upon the application by the licensed owner for an annual license as provided for under Section 336.03, and said owner shall be sub- ject to all of the restrictions and regula- tions of Chapter 336 except that the premises for the said license shall be a motor vehicle." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland ' VF%i ttasu.0 - r"f8r` 0 Rosen W Att 1 icl pfesi T , 1 Jerk 12-57 8 AUG 2 71959 Passed by the Council Tn Favor Against AUG 2 7 1959 Approve .ic tng Mayor PfJBLISHEl) . Ist 2n 6 // Laid over to 3rd and app VA,n Adop Yeas Nays Yeas ays \`DeConrcy Holland �Hplland �i1ivltB�dFi'—► .- Mvr'Cfnson '�� `Peterson 1- e ersP on Rosen v Rosen v Winkel �tnk el..4 r. President Dillon Mr. Vice Nesi&at (Petcreeu)