09-1055Council File # (�— i� Green Sheet # 3O7 Q 5! S(o C* by RESOLUTION SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 3� WHEREAS, Chapter 293 of the Saint Paul Lzgislative code was enacted to regulate the subject of noise in the City of Saint Paul; and 4 WHEREAS, § 293.11 provides for granting of vaziances from the sound level limitations contained 5 in § 293.09, upon a finding by the City Council that full compliance with Chapter 293 would constitute an 6 unreasonable hardship on the applicant, other persons, or on the community; and 8 WHEREAS, Lock and Key Productions has requested a sound level variance to aliow for the 9 potential demolition of an existing home and the immediate building of a new home, and to conduct these 10 demolition and construction activities twenty-four (24) hours a day starting on Friday, October 2, 2009 and 11 finishing on Saturday, October 10, 2009; and 12 13 WHEREAS, the location of the proposed variance is within an area east of Oakdale Avenue, north 14 of Morton Street East, west of Woodbury Street and south of the bluff line along Cesar Chavez Street; and 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 WHEREAS, the proposed variance relates to a project that may or may not take place in St. Paul or in one of four (4) other locations within Minnesota and the exact location of the project will not be known until after September 23, 2009; and WHEREAS, if applicant is not granted a variance it will noC be able to operate the demolition and construcuon equipment twenty-four (24) hours a day and St. Paul will no longer be considered as a location far this project; and WHEREAS, the Department of Safety and Inspections has reviewed the application and has made recommendations regarding conditions for tbe variance; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the Ciry of Saint Paul hereby grants a vaziance to Lock and Key 28 Productions, subject to the following c�onditions: 29 30 1. All practical steps shall be taken to minimize noise levels which do not otherwise unduly 31 hinder the completion of the project or unreasonably increase the costs of the project. 32 33 2. When not needed or not in use, equipment and other sources of noise shall be turned off 34 between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m. 35 And be it 36 37 38 39 40 41 U � -/05h 42 FURTHER RESOLVED, that any violations of the conditions set forth above on the first date may 43 result in revocation of the �rant of a variance for the subsequent days, in addition to any criminal citation 44 which mightissue. i can iva a r�wc��� RCC]UCStCd b)' D8P3i[R10Ilt Of: Bostrom ,/ /1� Cazter f ��� Harris ✓ By: � Helgen �/ Approved by the ice of Financi� s Stark � Thune ,� Appr by City Attorney � � 7 B Ado ted b Council: Da�e / � p y g l����� Appro ed y Ma or for � issi o'ou ,c Adoption Certified by Cou il Secreta[y By: BY / /' //'1Jis� l/'��'in Approve D�at < $y: ��l.t (/YAe�� i . � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � b � - /D� DepartmentlOfficelCouncil: Date Initiated: i S � Dept.ofSafety&Inspedions , �OSEP2009 Green Sheet NO: 3079456 ' ConWCt Person 8 Phone: � Mark Kaisersatt 266-190$ Must Be on Council Agenda 23SEP-09 Q,� y, �� Doc. Type: RESOLUTION E-DocumentRequired: Y DocumentConWCt: ��nOlson ConWCt Phone: 2669143 Department Sent To Person InitialiDate � 0 pept of Safety & InsD�ROns 1 Dept of Safety & Inspections Depar�ent D'uec[or , A55ign 2 CtityAttomev Number � 3 Mayor's Office MavodAssistant For Routing � 4 Connn7 i; ' � Ofdef � 5 ,City Clerk i' C5ty Clerk ' �, 7otal # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature) A resolution granring Lock & Key Productions, Justen Stabile, Location Mgr., exemption from sound levels in Chap. 293.09. Re:,ommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Following Questions: 1. Has Nis person/firtn ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cily employee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee? Yes No F�cplain all yes answers on separste sheet and attach to green sheet. Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): Lock & Key Productions has indicated that Saint Paul is one of 5 possible locations for the possible demolition of an existing home & construction of a new home within an azea east of Oakdale Ave, north of Morton St. E., west of Woodbury St. & south of the bluff line along Cesar Chavez St.; with construction equip, power tools & other equiphools 24 hrs/day, Oct. 2- Oct. 10, 2009. Chapter 29311 provides for the granting of variances from the sound level limitations contained in Chapter 203.09. Advantages If Approved: Applicant may operate the construction equipment, power tools and other related equipment/tools. Disadvantages If Approved: Neighbors within earshot of the noise source will be subjected to demolition and construction noises. Disadvantages If Not Approved: Applicant may not operate the construcrion equipment, power tools and other related equipmenUtools. Saint Paul will no longer be considered as a possible locafion for this project. 7otal Amount of Transaction: Funding Source: Financial information: (Explain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. September 10, 2009 12:45 PM Page 1 09/09l2009 12:58 9694812249 � � I 1� �i I ,CT'X OF SAINT PAUL I Chr ttopl'r.r U. Colcm<trr, dla�ror 37.5 lntkcOn Sn'teL .9�im i20 $omt Pnlr(, Minncinln.5 App�ication �'or Sound Level Variance Ciry of Saint Paul Noise Ordinancc Ckaaptes 293 of the Saint Paul Legislativc Codc 2. Addr 3. Resp 4. Title S. Telep 6. �riei nEPARTMENT6FSAFF.r AND iNSPECTi()NS I3oG Xr.ecicr, Glrvrinr /�/�j , f /J� or person seelcing v�u-innce: �ih le person: pc sidon:� 3e �cribe the n�ise source and equipmene involved: _, cr legai descriptinn of noisc saurce: � 8. Noise .:ou rce time of o��eration: 2 �_�s �C.��— 2wd —� �� 9. BriePl dc sciibe the steps that will be taken to minimize the noise Ievels:�u-C�vs otn fZV�yL� { 0. 13rief � I 1. Datc Signatnr Returtt CiTY C DEk'A.12 375 JA( SA.IIVT (651) 2h � Cate reason For seelcing variancc:�J� '�w_o'�tw� �� �lo�tS.Z� -� iG�..�� l� d� riii� wIaich the variance is o�'respansiUle persnn: rmpleted Applicataon IiAINT PAUL FEDEX KINKOS 1447 RN � r4.00 Z�N7C O�' SAI+�'�'I' AND INSF�CTIONS 90N S'Z'REET, SUITE 22Q ur,, �N ssi oz-xsoF AA-ADA-8Y:0 i�mploycr � nae�: q �1. oc( Of£ice Use Only Date Rec'ci. Reviewed Dar.e Publie NoGce Sen� Ref'erred to Counci] P�GE 01 Tetrphune: h.51-iGG9lF� rxm;��,;te i.s�-?r•a-q�zs Weh: u•ww.slpmd.rm,/dxt