D001815CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR nnrmvrsr�� oxn� ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, xo: � b C l S'' dS D�: l- /'� oa WHEREAS, That the proper City officials are hereby auihorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the College of Saint Catherine, a floral vendor, a decorations/novelfles vendor, music/performance vendor, a formal wear vendor, as well as selected entertainers, and pay all costs for services pmvided to the Division of Pazks and Recreation in conjunction with the 2000 Saint Paut Winter Camival and Senior Royalty Coronations, Teen Dance and Senior Day and Judging Parties. These costs aze not to exceed $15,000.00 and would be paid for through user fees and sponsor donations. Funding codes: 03170, 23102, 23191 LJ APPROVED AS TO FORM �/!lr 9,r�Ct-`� �°xP� • Assistant City At[orney Date � � Admini�cative Asaisfaw. to Mayot O@AfliMENT/OFflCElCOUNqL OATE INITIATm � � d � � � �� GREEN SHEET � S-� NO. 100959 Parks and RecreaUOn �_ CONTACT PEASON AND PHONE INI71AlAATE INITIAIAATE VinceGillespie 266-6408 � 1 o�amaersan�ox 4 arrcouxea A59GN MMBEA ? CITY ATfOflNEY�Q_ — CIT' CIFRK USf BE ON COUNGL AGBIDA BV (DATEI �� ; RNANpAL SFAVIGES DIR.�L':y � MAYOR lOR ASSISTANTI ���� 5 Paf�(s TOTALiOFSIGNATUREPAGES � ICWALLLOCl1710M3WMelOMRi1/Ik7 AC710N REQUESTm: Approve administrative order with the College of Saint Catherine, a floral vendor, a decorations/noveities vendor, music/ perFortnance vendor, a formal wear vendor, as well as selected entertainers, and pay all costs for services provided to the Division of Parks and Recreation. flEGOMMENDATONS: Appow W erflejsctlR) PB180N/LL86NICECONiRNCTBMUBTANBW6tiF1EF011DWIN6pU66710N8: PLANNING COMMISSON _CML SQiVICE COMMIS90N -- 1. Hr tlis pma�rm ever waked �aWer a eoemect fer tltie tlepartment? CIB COMMITTEE _ YES NO A STAFF 2. Ho Uis Pm*oM���+evm Eeen a citY anWoYeei YES NO _DISTflICT COUNqL _ 3. Dom tlYa peraMKrm poeaeae a altill �wt �wrmNly pwaamad by any curreM tity anployaet SUPPORTSNMICHCOUNCILOBJEC'TIVE? YES NO Fxplein d ya w�ven on �eprs�ta �hwt eM atleeh m 9�een sMet. INITIATNG PROBLEM, ISSt1E, OPPORTUNITV hMO, Whst, When, NRwre, Why�: A�I costs for servicss provided to the Division of Parks and Recreation in conjunction with the Saint Paul Winter Carnival unior and Senior Royalty Coronatio�, Teen Dance and Senior Day and Judging Parties need to be paid, not to exceed 15,000 and would be paid through user fees a�d sponsor donations. ADVANTAGESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTA6ESIFAPPROVED: DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPfiOVED: � �� � � �� � �AN 14 200Q ���� c���� TOTAL AMOUNT OF TFiANSACTION S 15.000 cosTmEVe�ue suoo�o tcnc� oxq vES xo qNG SpYRCE ACiMTY N1�166t 03170. 23102, 23191 RNANCIALINWRMATON: (E%PI.AINI