193511Ori¢inel to City Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU19 -CIL USOLMON— GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO FILE RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of the Department of I W511 Libraries, Auditorium, Museums and Stadia is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with St. Paul Boxing Club, Inc. for the use of Midway Stadium on Tuesday evening, August 11, 1959, in connection with the promotion of a prize fight to be held on said date; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the terms of said agree- meet the lessee, St. Paul Boxing Club, Inc., shall pay, for such ! use, the sum of $1000.00, or ten per cent of the gross receipts whichever is greater, up to the sum of $2000.00,,Stadium personnel to set up the ring and ringside seats and furnish all attendant service and operation of the Stadium, the lessee to furnish tickets and provide Stadium management with ticket manifest. f . r s COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays DeCourey Holland l e I Mortinson Peterson Rosen zdol" Mr. President, Dillon SM 2 -57 .2 Council File No. 193511 —By Severin A. Mortinson- Resolved, That the Commissioner of the Department of Libraries, Audi- torium, Museums and Stadia is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with St. Paul Boxing Clgb, Inc, for the use of Midway Stadium on Tuesday evening, August 11, 1959, in connection with the promotion of a prize fight to be held on said date; be it Further Resolved, That pursuant to the terms of said agreement the lessee, St. Paul Boxing Club, Inc., shall pay, for such use, the sum of $1000.00, or ten per cent of the' gross receipts which- ever is greater, up to the sum of M2000.00, Stadium personnel to set up in and ringside seats and furnish all attendant service and operation of the Stadium, the lessee to furnish tick- ets and provide Stadium management with ticket manifest. Adopted by the Council August 11, 1959. Approved August 11, 1959. (August 15, 1959) Tn Favor i gainst Adopted by the e AUG 111959 AUG 111959