193402�1. w f COUNCIL FILE N0________________ _��4p2 By--------------- FINAL ORDERS' FINAL ORDER Council File No. 193402— In the matter of improving Fairview Avenue between Summit Avenue and Selby Avenue by regrading, curbing and paving the same to_a ith Rf.ftr- In the Matter of gar, y ti -. -» _ — � lr , Y � 0-;r 40 WOW 6�pajtltla MY under Preliminary Order ---------- 19161 --------------------- approved ----------- _PK4__7_t__1959 IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------------- - - - - -- approved -------------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is a �v�eniis between Summit and Selby Avenue by regrading, ' c :�, ;�ti 3A, etl- Q?�adii�. {11{jT�..7Z �Y �� ."i +x;7"y..:�. jq y1 La �mq4�. 1 j7 TA +h f f' y Is1 r _ .. �ib {%rrx:V= -Atppi 009k) and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city +officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------------ A1JCT__ _4 _J 5�_______ ____ _______ AUG 4 1959 - -- - - -- - -- -- -- = --------- - - - - -- Approved---------'------------------------- - - - - -- PUBLISHED • -s File &L Wellman '' t� De COURCY Councilman HOLLAND Councilman MORTiNSON ' Councilman PETERSON Councilman ROSEN Councilman WINKEL ` Mayor DILLON 2.55 2M 2• OM e City Clerk. r. `f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) FINANCE 44A, In the platter of Improving Fairview Avenue between Summit Avenue and Selby Avenue by regrading, curbing and paving the same to a width of forty (40) feet; grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; constructing storm water sewer from'Portland Avenue to Hague Avenue; reconstructing storm water facilities elsewhefe; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to property lines where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing conduits and apputtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, 1934 02 under Preliminary Order approved April 7, 1959 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated cost of the above improvement is - - - - - - s86.962.00 $75,912 City's Share (Bond Fund 200), Property Assessment $111,050.00 7, 5o Commercial The estimated assessment per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ 5.00 Residentiz The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. B. 10 IM 8 -58 8 f IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION I LAND VALUATION BLDG. 2 I Edhert G. Wand OR Addition to II $ 1-150 S LOW III lK I 2 I the City of St,. Par II 1y] 65o II West 48 ft. of 114 I .1 II 1.900 4-8,5-0 II Subject to easement; North 4 ft. I I I II IIof hots 15 and 116 I 3 I do 975 8-OW II Except east 6 ft.; the south 104 !I of 115 1 9 I do II 1-500 99 300 II Except north 100 ft.; 114 I 6 I do II 400 319050 IINorth 100 ft. of I 14 I 6 I do 1400 2 0 II115 6 I do 3.975 15,500 II Form B. B. 10 IM 8 -58 8 f CITY OF ST. PAUL v ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. II t Lot 12 and west � of 111 1 7 1 Egbert G. Handy's Addition to 1 1,750 S 8,95o 11 1 13 1 71 the City of St. Paul 11 2j150 7,80o 11 North 56 ft. of Lot 10 and north I I I Il 11 56 ft. of the east 18J ft. of 1 9 1 121 "Merriam Park Second Addition" 11 850 2,1100 II East 39.4 ft. of south 94 ft. of 1 10 1 121 to the City of St. Paul 11 725 3000 11 1 7 1 61 Merriam Park Third Addition to 19975 19,700 11 1 8 1 61 the City of St. Paul 1,150, 2,450 11 1 7 71 ° do 19150 39300 Lot 8 and east 20 ft. of 1 9 1 71 do 11 2,925 209000 11 Lot 7 and east 5 ft. of 1 6 1 181 do 11 2,300 8,9200 11 Lot 8 and east j of 1 9 1 181 do II 3,250 5050 llExcept Selby Ave. 1 14 1 6 I Skidmore and Cassedy's Park 11 2,700 14 ,9500 11 Lots 15 and 1 16.1 6 I Addition to the City of Saint 11 950 30250 II I I I Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. II Il1 1 1 lWashbunh; Rearrangement of Bloch 19025 2,950 Lot 14 and east 18.6 ft. of 113 1 118.. 2nd Addition Merriam Parks II 2,425 34,000 11 1 I lCity of St. Paul 11 11 Beginning at the northeast corner I Fairvil and Hague, thence north 119.69 li ft., thence east 55.43 ft., thence !south 4919 ft., thence west to beginning!! Il in Northwest , of Northeast i of Sebtiot � "oh 289 Range 23 11 650 18050 II II I TOTAL ll$-379325 $189455 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, . and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date d 9S �. ,& Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 3-58 8 OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS p�9 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE April 15th , 19_59,_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 191681 , approved April 7th 1959 relative to .mprov i-ng., Fair rv.i.ew;`Avenu.e.� between :,- .Sugmi t�,Av_enu.e a.nd�Se1_by,�:A,venue �by�regrad _ng, curbing and paving. the. =same to 'a width-of forty (40) feet; grading and paving street, al ley'and- driveway- returns =; -. cons .tr_uc.t.i- ng-s,to.rm :�wate,r sewer- -f-tom „Portland Avenue to Hague Avenue; reconstructing storm water facilities elsewhere; constructing sewer, water and- gas-- _.serv_ ice.= connec t,i =ons,- fr_om-streetp mains_ to - property Ji_nes where necessary; reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not i n-confo.rmi tyjw- iath_sai d-i.mprovement:;-construeti_ng conduits and„�appurtenances for future lighting and traffic control systems and doing all other work which is necessary fond tincifderita4l to comp"16tid” d i=d 4impr6veik6hVpfer red to therein, hcrc,by - - reports: - - -- - __ — - 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 86,962.00 , and the total cost (See Letter Attached) thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more ow erty, subject to assessment for said improvement. r - .• r t Pr 01 Public y�or E Ea APR 1-6 1959 N Commi sioner of P c r s DEPT. OF RNA C`' G GEORGE M. SHEPARD Street & Highwey Engineering Coordinator V CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ADRIAN P. WINKEL. Commissioner CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN, Deputy Commissioner 234 City Hall & Court House 8 April 15, 1959 Hon. Adrian P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: ARTHUR W. TEWS Chief Engineer I transmit herewith a preliminary estimate of cost for the regrading and paving of Fairview Avenue between Summit Avenue and Selby Avenue with new concrete base and asphaltic concrete surfacing to a width of forty (40) feet; grading and paving street, alley and driveway returns; constructing storm water sewer from Portland Avenue to Hague Avenue; reconstructing storm water facilities elsewhere; constructing sewer, water and gas service connections from street mains to property lines where necessary; reconstruc- ting the paving, curbing and sidewalks on the intersecting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; constructing conduits and appurten- ances for future lighting and traffic control systems and doing all other work which is necessary and incidental to complete said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 191681, approved April 7, 1959. Estimated Paving Cost $71,581.70 " Storm Sewer Cost 7.475.00 " Construction Cost $799056.70 Engineering & Inspection 7,905.30 Total Estimated Cost $869962.00 Estimated Property Paving Assessment 11,050.00 City's Share of Cost (Bond Fund 200) $750912.00 Estimated Property Paving Assessment is based on making the follow- ing assessment rates per front foot: Commercial & Apartment 893 ft.,@$7.50 = $ 6,700.00 Residential . . . . . . 870 ft. 0$5.00 4,350.00 Estimated Property Paving Assessment $11,050.00 Driveways, where necessary, 0$5.00 per square yard. 6" Sewer service connections, $160.00 each, where necessary -1- Comm. Winkel - Page 2 - April 15, 1959 Y Water service connections as per following schedule: 3/411 service connection, $125.00 each, where necessary la to a $138.00 n u it 1 1 /21t it at $188.00 't a it Services of 211 and larger will be estimated by Water Department. An additional fee of $3.00 will be charged if the meter is moved or new one installed. Yours very truly, AA ur W. Tews Chief Engineer Approved for transmission.to the Commissioner of Finance "' ' 9 Adrian .Winkel Commissioner of Pub 1c W s WS. mo •LP �-" T `CIA• ' 0 D46. :�v d -ant/ o ,.A �3ane -r v m r { o A in -< r r -I P •� A r • � Y � 1 4 7 F� y p 3 o ° � o F� D A913Q NOlAdQ y