193389ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO OFFICE OF THE PITY CLERK N I RE O UTIO GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Board of Zoning, that Raymond Krawczewski be granted permission, on a year to year basis, to operate and maintain a junk yard on property located on the southwesterly corner of Rutland and Alabama Streets, more particularly described as Lots 7 through 10 inclusive, Block 15, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition, subject to obtaining required licenses and to compliance with all laws regarding such operations, and RESOLVED FURTHER, that it shall be a condition to the exercise of said permit that said licensee shall at all times maintain the subject premises in respect of the .maintenance of junk materials and debris so that the same shall not become or remain obnoxious, offensive or dangerous to the adjacent premises; and further, that there shall be no burning on said premises and that no major improvements be made thereon. RESOLVED FURTHER, that said permit shall remain in effect until Revoked by the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ile Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 OW °2 (' Council File No. 193389— By Bernard T. Holland— Resolved, Upon the recommendation of the Board of Zoning, that Raymond Krawczewski be granted permission, on a year to year basis, to operate and maintain a junk yard on property located on the southwesterly corner of Rutland and Alabama Streets, more particularly described as Lots 7 through 10 inclusive, Block �i5„ Dunwell and Spencer's Addition, subject to obtain - ing required licenses and to compliance with all laws regarding such operations, and Resolved Further,. That it shall be a condition to the exercise of said permit that said licensde shall at all times maintain the subject premises in re- spect of the maintenance of junk ma- terials and debris so that the same shall not become or remain obnoxious, offensive or dan gerous to the adjacent premises;, and further, that there shall be no burning on said premises and that no major improvements be made thereon. Resolved Further, That -said permit shall remain in effect until revoked by the Council. Adopted by the Council July 31, 1959. Approved July 31, _1959. (August 8, 1959) 6 Tn Favor Z)A gainst JUL 31.1959 ' Adopted by the Council 19_ JUL 311959 Approved 19— Mayor OFFICE • OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 28, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder .193389 The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the application of Raymond Krawczewski for a permit to install and operate a junk yard on the south- westerly corner of Rutland and Alabama Sts., also described as Lots 7 thru 10 Incl., Blk. 15, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition, on a year to year basis, and also subject to the provision that no large improvements be made to the junk yard and no burning be allowed. Very truly yo , City Clerk MINNESOTA 8 ::3::• :::.:.;::: URD OF ZONING, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL • •:.I�k �/1b�01F: 931 -989 -193 1318 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 9,MINNISOTA r July 21, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of Raymond Brawczewski for a permit to operate a junk yard on property located on the southwesterly corner of Rutland and Alabama Streets. This property is described as: Lots 7 tbru 10 inclusive, Block 15, Dunwell and Spencet's Addition. The zoning is Heavy Industrial and has been since the adoption of the Ordinance in 1922. ' The property is presently developed with a single family residence which is occupied by the applicant. In addition, there are two small sub - standard frame structures which are being used for residential purposes. The yard area around these residences is now being used for junk yard purposes. The purpose of this application is to legal- ize the existing junk yard operation so that the necessary license may be secured. This site has a frontage of 200 feet along the alley in this block, and an average depth of 110 feet, resulting in an area of approximately 22,000 square feet. The adjacent land uses are: north and east adjoining (across Rutland Street) is the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad rigbt -of -way; west and adjoining is vacant land; south and across an alley is un- developed land which is now being used by the applicant for the storing of junk. Field investigation discloses that ungraded Rutland Street, adjoining on the east, is also being used by the applicant for the storing of junk material, as well as the lots directly to the south. This application does not include the property to the south, nor does it apply to Rutland Street, therefore the junk yard operation must be confined strictly to the area described above. In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends the granting of this permit for a junk yard operation on the area des- cribed above, subject to the area being enclosed with a six -foot tight board fence to confine the operation, and further provided that there be no burning. Sincerely, Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director HC W: FTI aaououid fo ;uauuaodoa ay; wo,g pas aq 03140N siq; saambaa aa4jogo /4!3 oql WUL'UT j jo- .aauoisstuzuto0 -EWTE 9TT3 3ID -00,0 00:OT P lInvd '3S 30 Aq!o aqI ui ` 56T ;`tjZ ATnf uo 2uiplIng IPH ��t0 Pie asnog TanoO aqj jo saagwugo ItounoO. aqj ut Piaq aq- Iitnn 3uLmaq otignd L, gvgj Pine 9s499a4S mmgBly pus pusT4ng jo aouaoo STaa4saxu4nos au4 48 pavA 3[tmp B 948sado Pxm TTs4suT 04 4T=®d .zoi Plsm9z0mvJX puOmtga Jo uoT48aTTdds jo a944vuc aq4 aaptsuoo III& intcl qS jo A41O aq4 jo ItounoO aqq jvg4 poUlru Sgaaaq eat no7, 656L 60L 'CLILl' °•uuiN `Z Iried 'TS . aOXVNIA LEO HaNOISSIMINOO aHZ dO a0I33O