193314ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK v' 3314 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. LICENSE C0mTm OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM SS / July 2H• 1959 C COMMISSIONER (' WHM" st David Yep make Application F -2334 for Cigarette License at 1010 Payne Avenue in error, as this location is properly licensed,.. therefore, be it RESOLVED= That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to David Yep the fee of $12.00 and to cancel said application for license: Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 cQ Councilp,Flle., No. 193314 —By Bernard T. Holland�everin ., A. Mortinson— , Robert: F. Petegon- Whereas; David; Y$g make Applica- tion F- 2131 for Cigarette License at 1010 Payne Averide"- in error, as this ; location is properly;aicensed, therefore, be it '*: 1 Resolved, 1, h1A ihi!,proper city of8- cers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to David. -Yep the fee of CANCEUUTION 1x.00 aria -to cancel said application for j cense. Duplication - licensed O.K. to 5- 21- 50- Appn.997) r Adopted by the Council July 28; 1959. Approved July 28, 1959. _ Refund _ (Aug ust 1, 1959): (Operator Pioneer Tobacco Co.) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council JUL 2 3 195919_ Yeas Nays Holland Approve 1nr-r%19- Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen U ayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon SM 5.58 cQ