193311ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL9t 3"1 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL L�o- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '� 60u011 File No. 193311 —By Milton �Rbsen— COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM Whereas, The Mississippi River Con - duit No. 2 Extension of the Waterworks System of the City of Saint l.,vl_ and PRESENTED •� - y - - - -"-I - COMMISSI E DATE V • i WHEREAS, The Mississippi River 'Conduit No. 2 Extension of the Waterworks System of the City of Saint Paul and proceedings in eminent domain for the acquisition of lands located in Ramsey County which are necessary to be acquired therefor have. heretofore been approved by the Board of Water Commissioners, by its resolution adopted June 18, 1958 and by the City Council, by its resolution (C.F. 188044) approved June 24, 1958, and have been prosecuted as in such case provided; and WHEREAS, The Commissioners appointed by the Court (Docket 304195) on 9 October 1958 to assess the damages which the owners or any other persons might sustain by reason of the taking of said lands filed their Report of Awards of said damages with respect to all said lands not heretofore acquired by negotiation and purchase from the owners thereof, on 26 June 1959, to wit: To Each of the 2 Owners of Tract 2, the sum of $50.00, totaling ...... $ 100.00 To the Owner or Owners of Tract 3 ..... ............................... 2,000.00 To the Owner or Owners of Tract 6-B ....... 2,485.00 To the Owner or Owners of Tract 7 ..... ............................... 1000.00 To the Sum Total mount of ...... ............................... $5,885.00; and WHEREAS, The Court by its Order dated 10 July 1959 approved and ordered the payment of said Commissioners fees for the performance of their duties assigned them in these premises, to wit: To James Huspek, Sr. ........................................ 490.00 To Peter Fooshe., Sr. ..... ............. ............................... 490.00 To Eugene R. Murray ................... ............................... 490.00 To the Sum Total Amount of ...... ............................... $1,470.00; and WHEREAS, The Board of Water Commissioners at its meeting held 8 July 1959 authorized the payment of the amounts of the awards and fees aforesaid, NON, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said action of the Board of Water Commissioners be and is in all things approved, ratified and confirmed and that the payment of the Sum Total Amount of $5,885.00 of said Awards into the Clerk of the District Court shall be afid hereby is approved and authorized, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the payment of said fees in the several amounts and to the Commissioners aforesaid.,. to the Sum Total Amount of X1,11.70.00 also shall be and hereby is approved, all said awards and fees to be paid out of. the (PATER FUND 23. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bee a. } Holland Mortinson Peterson Tin Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Adopted by the Council JUL 2 3 1959 19 JUL 2 8 1959 Approved 19 PUBLISHED L: / — �9 Mayor DUPLICATE TO PRINTER - - Igt���� - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE WHEREMS', The Mississippi River Conduit No. 2 Extension of the Waterworks System of the City of Saint Paul and proceedings, in eminent domain for the acquisition of lands located in Ramey County •which hre necessary to be acquired therefor have heretofore been approved by the Board of Water Commissioners, by its resolution adopted June 18, 1958 and by the City Council, by itp- resolution (C.F. 188044) approved June 24, 1958, and have been prosecuted as in such case provided; and SAS, The Commissioners appointed by the Count (Docket 304195) on 9 October 1958 to assess the damages which the owners or any other persons might sustain by reason of the taking of said Lands filed their Report of Awards of said damages with respect to all said lands not heretofore acquired by negotiation and parchase from the owners thereof, on 26 June 1959, to wit= To Each of the 2 Owners f Tract 2, the sum of $50.00, totaling ...... $ 100.00 To the Owner or Owners Tract 3 ....... ............................... 21004.00 To the Owner or Owners Tract 6-B ........................ ...................... 2,485.00 To the Owner or Owners a Tract 7 ... � .... ................}.............• 1 300.00 To the Sum Total Amount of ........ :......... .... w...w ..... ...... $ ,88 .00; and WHEREAS, The Court by its Order dated 10 July 1959 approved and ordered the payment of said Commissioners' fees for the performance of their duties assigned them in these premises, to wit: To James Haspek, Sr* ........r....... r..r .....•.....w.......r.. }.... ... . $ 490.00 To Peter Fooshe, Sr. ....,........ }.... ...., ......................... 490.00 To Eugene R. Lftrx'ay .,.....,........... .....,..... ; }........r......,.. 490.00 To the Sum Total Amount of ...... ............w.... .............. $1,470,00; and WIVAS, The Board of Water Commissioners at its meeting held 8 July 1959 authorized the payment of the amounts of "the awards.and fees aforesaid., NON, Tom, BE IT RESOLVED, 'That said action of the Board of Water Commissioners be and is in all things approved; ratified and confirmed and that the payment of the Sun. Total Amount of $50885.00 of said Awards into. the Clerk of the District Ccrart shall be and hereby is approved and authorized; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the payment of said fees in the several amounts and to the Commissioners aforesaid, to the Sum Total Amount of "70.00 also shall- be and hereby is approved, all said awards and fees to be paid out o the WATER FUND 23. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "fie ourcy - Rolland Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 Adopted by the Council JUL 2 8 195_ JUL 2 S 1959 Approved 19— Mayor