193306ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK L CITY OF ST. PAUL CO 06 7c�3� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUh CIL RESO1ARION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Walter A. Heuer and Elsie Heuer from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings, a 10 foot building line is hereby established on the east 50 feet of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 110, West St. Paul Proper, located on the north side of King Street, between Robert and State Streets COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays % Qor,,,,..,,-- Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 Q90 2 ti T. Favor to Against Council File No. 193308 —By- Bernard T. Holland— , Resolved, That upon appeal of Walter A. Heuer ,4nd ,Elsie •Heuer from the de- P iygrouridse�xid publlcnBuildings, a a r10 foot, on the east 50 feet of hereby a b7 and B. Block .110,• west St. Paul Proper, located on_the',"riorth side of King Street, between' Robert and State Streets. Adopted by the Council July 28, 1959. JUL 2 8 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— JUL 28 1959 Approved 19— 4 Mayor OFFICE' Of CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota July 24, 1959 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 1(): 3(1,6 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir; The City Council requested that you draw a resolution granting the attached appeal of Walter A. and Elsie Heuer to establish a 10 ft. building line on property located on the north side of King St. between Robert and State Sts., on the east 50 ft. of Lots 6, 71 81 Blk. 110, West St. Paul. Very t my your�� P-91 City erk Ci MINNESOTA 8 0) - 959 �p� Za pM Honorable Mayor and City Council Members; Walter A. & Elsie Heuer 348 I-lest Page Street St. Paul, 7, Minnesota May 27, 1959 We the applicants, Walter A. and Elsie Heuer wish to submit to you this application for dour consideration and approval of said property. The legal description is, the East 50 feet of 2 lots 6,7 and 8, Wb.st St Paul Proper.cloak 110. The Street location is the North side of East King Street be- tween South Robert and State Street. It is now vacant property. We propose to use the property to permit off street parking in connection with multiple unit. Our appeal is to establish a building line of 10 feet on East King Street. The need of appeal is to conform with the city zoning ordin- ance. The section of ordinance that we are appealing under is, Nu- mber 6403- Paragraph A. Legal Zoning Code. We are submitting the site plan with this application as re- quired. Thank you kindly for your attention. Very truly yours, �2 :::::::::::::;� R D OF ZONING, ' CITY O F 'SAINT PAUL ............. •:�Xft#N tONS4S1 -952 -439 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 9, MINNESOTA r July 9, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sirs This is in the matter of the appeal of Walter A. and-Elsie Heuer to establish a 10 foot building line on property located on the north side of King Street between Robert and State Streets. The legal description is the east 50 feet of Lots 6, 7, 8, Block 110, West S�,_Paul. The zoning is Commercial and "Bit Residence and has been since the adoption of the Ordinance in 1922. On June 12, 1959,-the City Council granted an appeal to extend a use permitted on a portion of this lot to extend to the entire lot. The site is presently vacant and the applicant proposes to develop it with a seven unit apartment building and off - street parking accessory thereto with a building line of 10 feet on King Street. The property has a frontage of 50 feet along King Street and a depth of 150 feet, resulting in an area of 7,500 square feet. The recommended standards for density and building ground coverage would be met. The adjacent land uses are; west and adjoining is a single family residence which fronts on King Street and is set back a distance of-24 feet from the street; east and adjoining is the rear yard of a residence which fronts on State Street, and which is substantially below the grade of the property under consideration; north and adjoining is a large multi -type residence which fronts on Stevens Avenue and which is approximately 12 feet above the grade of the applicant's property; south across King Street are single family residences which front on King Street. Field investigation discloses that the required building line for this property is 30 feet and to establish a building line set back of 10 feet would not be in,accordance with the purpose and intent of the Ordinance and would be detri- mental to the adjoining properties. Field investigation also discloses that the - proposed development would not be compatable with the adjacent land uses. The matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at their meeting on June 18, and it is the opinion of the Board that the denial of this appeal would not create a hardship on the applicant as the prope i7-'Could be developed with a smaller number of units thus maintaining the required set back. In considera- tion of the above findings, the Board of Zoning recommends the denial of this appeal to establish a ten foot building line on the above described property. ZONING APPEAL Notice is hereby given that a public HCWimm hearing will be held before the City Council at 10 A.M. on July 9th, 1959, Encl. in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House, in the :natter of the appeal of Walter A. and Elsie Heuer, under Chapters 00 to 04 inclusive, St. Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, for the establishment of" a 10 ft. building line on the East 50 ft. of Lots 0, 7 and 8, Block 110, West St. Paul Proper, located on the north side of Icing' Street, between Robert and State Streets. I Dated June 23, 1959. JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, City Clerk. (June 27, 1959) Sincerely, h . Herbert C. Wieland Planning Director I _ Huff V 4k 1 - _M T :4 J_ ; j p: -•�r ,s . � it \; (tirrr(ijj��j•• 1 / •� 1� .� �� �'�%s' :.. r �� :' �, . T R �' L �'Qa �l;i. I ' � � �,. `� ±� l -� �� � „i . 'r. t� T .�'�. i. •�.. � _ .. • �. �• -••;�Q' J; i ..r' y` ��•, ��t: � T_ _ •�. •r �� {.�� ,� •�' .. • , � t' �1'l �, � ' � .. R •'��� w . .. � .. 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'�ti• :i�1X f�..f,1._'1�.'.. `a`,' .. f ' , '•y ?•} '�.'�',�4- •tl•�A}y+'j!�'N'��V,Yl�ii �4 ����i ' - �•'.!-�� a .', _ 1 � % ;a, w'. .. . ,, rt �.Z�.�;_ :5�i�`u':�ti��;iti,�r,�• `4�e�� r; ?'. t��;� ��,aY^'� I .. ',rye.:.. 5.'. ,�.� •;.� - �.`t`'I 41, , >` :� l • �� 4a w, .4 • :' �'r :'e'aii 'rj; A;T.�i : C ti /f33o6 M E M O R A N D U M Parcel of land on which Heuer wishes to erect a 7 -plex. 100ris to be devoted 70% for building and parking, leaving only 30% of the area for yard. This leaves the area too congested. AtAe'first Council meeting the City Council permittt�d� the extension of-comnercial use to cover the entire tract owned by Heuer. 4)-A They did not at that time determine that building restrictions need conform only to commercial use. Ordinance demands that where residential and commercial zoning con- trol in one block that the restrictions pertaining to residential building shall pre- vail. To change the existing building line on King Street, which at this -time re- quires a setback of 30 feet, '#_ requires relaxation of the front yand setback, con- trary to the intent and meaning of the ordinance and to the detriment of the adjoin- ing residential property owners. All other buildings on King Street -are single and double family dwellings. jA multiple unit building would depreciate the value of the adjoining property in the area, and also lessen the privacy heretofore enjoyed by the residents. The proposed development is further undesirable in that this size building site is not compatible with the existing land uses, It will work no hardship on Heuer to convert his plan to a single or double family dwelling. He can further sell his property without i!\ ky V, JI-6 sustaining any loss. The harm to the adjoining property owners is irrcable and cannot be compensated for. To permit com to commercial use of this property and further permit a 10 foot �ront yard setback to make earance for thepro osed development would clearly deviate from the purpose and intent o_ a or inance and would be detrimental and contrary to the Interests of the adjoining property owners. Although the City Council permitted an extension of commercial use to cover the entire tract, yet this was an extension of the lot with frontage on State Street. Heuer intends to take advantage of this extension and erect a building facing and with frontage on Ki Street, which was not at any;'time commercial. ..� �� 1� • �y tc�� �. /_ �P "� �� ,t _ OFFICE OF THE .COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn., T i8, 1959 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of app i- ation, of Standard Oil Company for permit to reconstruct an existing filling station a the southeast corner of Cretin and Marshall Avenues (properly describ,�d as Lot 13 and the north 120 feet of Lots 14 and 15, Block 50, Desnoyer Park ), and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on July 2, 1959 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock AM. s - - _• Commissioner of Finance. The City Che r �s this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance