192055Orloinal to City Clerk �ORDI PRESENTED BY NANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE_NO n_)o J r 'Council File No. _ 192055 — Ordinance No. 11477 —By Adrian P. Winkel—' An ordinance amending Ordinance An ordinance amending rdinance No. 7607 entii " or entitled: g � "An ordinance fixing the duties and responsibilities and the minimum qual- ifications for the various classes of ItA.n ordinance fixing he .duties and res. onsi- positions in the Classified Service of g P the City," bilitie s and the minimum qualifications for the varlouEapproved February 13, 1935, as Amended. classes of positions in the Classified Service of the Ci The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain: a approved February 13, 1935, as amended. r Than Ordinance SECTION 7607, approved 'February 13, 1935, as amended, be and 'the same is hereby further amended THE COUNCIL. OF THE CITY OF' SAINT PAUL DO', cal inserting derr the following speciificahtiions ;for: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved F, Field Clerk Auditing Clerk Title of class: ' FIELD bi Duties andpo siilit s: as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended b Under supervision, to perform re- sponsible and difficult clerical work at a field office in collect - erg, compiling, entering, and their proper alphabetical order the followin g s ecification verifying information, reports, records, and forms; and to per- form related work as assigned. Field Clerk Examples of work performed: Ro maintain time and material rec- ords on various accounts. Auditing To maintain' work schedules. To record costs and submit bills for collection. To prepare monthly job cost sheets for vehicle maintenance and repair. To maintain labor seniority lists. j To prepare monthly reports from f collected data. To take inventory of equipment and supplies. i Minimum qualifications: yti L..il z k High school graduation and five years' clerical experience. Title of class: AUDITING CLERK ® ` `�\ \} UO d (� t� Duties and responsibilities: Under supervislon, in the office of the Comptroller to be respon- sible for the audit, verification, and preparation for payment of purchase orders, contract esti= k. mates, inter - departmental trans- fers, and miscellaneous claims from all City departments; and to perform related work as as- signed. firm. Examples of work performed: To compare invoices, bills and statements with purchase orders, indebted to the City, and claims, transfers and contract estimates. their bills are paid. I To advise City departments of in- complete invoices, improper forms, discounts not taken, and other discrepancies, and to make Yeas Attest: Mortlnson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) City Clerk 1M 12 -57 .®08 Approved: Mayor A gainst proper adjustments. To group bills from various de- partments payable to the same firm. To maintain a file on contractors indebted to the City, and withhold payment to them until their bills are paid. I To issue check vopchers in pay- ment for claims against the City. To supervise clerical assistants. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and six years' clerical experience, at least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk. SECTION 2 This ordinance shall take effect and ',be in force -thirty days after its passage, approval, and publication. Passed by the Council May 13, 1959. Yeas — Councilmen DeCourcy, Mor- tinson, Peterson, Mr. President (Dillon) —4. Nays -0. Approved May 13, 1959. JOSEPH E. DILLON, Mayor. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Cou Attest: DeCourcy JOSEPH R. OKONESKI, , } City Clerk. Holland (May 16, 1959) Mortlnson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) City Clerk 1M 12 -57 .®08 Approved: Mayor A gainst Orizini l-to City Clerk QRDINAN'CE ��I COUNCIL FILE NO. 19'-( )55 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. -4- Section 2. This. ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage., approval, and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Mortinson /n Peterson V �IISBYi —� Mr. President (Dillon) Atte Cs�c • City Clerk r v �L =57 8 MAY 13 1959 Passed by the Council Tf= In Favor b Aroainst Approved: MAY 13 1959 Mayor Title of class: FIELD CLERK Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, to perform responsible and difficult clerical work at a field office in collecting, compiling, entering, and verifying information, reports, records, and forms; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To maintain time and material records on various accounts. To maintain work schedules. To record costs and submit bills for collection. To prepare monthly job cost sheets for vehicle maintenance and repair. To maintain labor seniority lists. To prepare monthly reports from collected data. To take inventory of equipment and supplies. Minimum qualifications; High school graduation and five years' clerical experience. -.V. -2- ` 19`)()55 Title of class: J / � ` / � 1 AUDITING CLERK I Duties and responsibilities: Under supervision, in the office of the Comptroller, to be responsible for the audit, verification, and preparation for payment of purchase orders, contract estimates, interdepartmental transfers, and miscellaneous claims from all City departments; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To compare invoices, bills and statements with purchase orders, claims, transfers and contract estimates. To advise City departments of incomplete invoices, improper forms, discounts not taken, and other discrepancies, and to' make proper adjustments. To group bills from various departments payable to the same firm. To maintain a file on contractore, indebted to the City,and withhold payment to them until their bills are paid. To issue check vouchers in payment for claims against the City. To supervise clerical assistants. Minimum qualifications: High school graduation and six years' clerical experience, at least three years of which must have been as a senior clerk. -3- s lst 2n Laid over to 3rd and app dopte eas Na eConrcy olland \ ortinson \� a \p terson \\ \Rosen Winkel r. President Dillon ye eas Na DeConrcy � Mor� on� Peterson v _Wgym hel Mr. President Dillon y �tins 8