192038• • e ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. Council File No. 192038 —By Trs: Donald �`, (i�3 � M. DeCourcy— / t Resolved, That the following trans - CITY OF SAIN fert be made on the books of the Comptroller, as by so doing an un- avoidable deficiency in certain items may be met by said transfers without PER CHARTER SE hampering the work provided by the money in the items from which the transfers are made. 1959 Appropriation Transfers to vari- ous funds from the Reappropriated 1958 11 Balances , iirl. 'the 15 R— Receipts and 19 f :µ�y`�Fj.L'}t J�awylir.�J }y��+ ___""— ""iii��rr'11 —A R E S O L V E D, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED I T E M AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 1959 Appropriation Transfers to various funds from the Reapprcpriated 1958 Balances in the 15 R - Receipts and Revenue Fwh to provide for the necessary expenditures in the 1959 Revised Expenditure Program 15 R Receipts and Revenue 83,753.88 1958 Balance Reappropriated ok 15.21 Instruction Salaries - Sick Leave 7,500. 15.22-,0 Instruction Supplies- Driver Training Rentals - 1958 $ 740.00 Rentals - 1959 _1,500.00 Oflier Charges 1,648.10 3,,888-10 15-61-1 Insurance on School Buildings 2,100.00 15.83 Capital Outlay -Land Improvement Assessments for curbing, sidewalks,e c. 3,730.84 15.21 Instruction Salary Reserve 66 534.94 Total 83,7,53.88 R YES J,� COUNCILMEN MEN (J) NAYS APT 2 8 i °59 X/`S ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 19 '�� MR. PRESIDENT sao z -ac APP, 2 US 1°59 APPROVED 19 -- IN FAVOR AGAINST MAYOR Joseph J. MitcNell COUNTERSIGN BY City Comptroller CIT C MPTR E By ,= ii lacy Cozap;x,alier