09-1021Council FIIe # U9 Joa1
Green Sheet #3070357
Presented by
WI�EREAS, the De e¢t of Public Wo as entered into a cooperafive agreement with Ramsey County for the reconstrucuon of the
e�sang ttaffic signal tem at the inters tion of Wabasha and Plato, and
WHEREAS, this signal project wil] be constructed under ffie 2008 Signal Installaaons program, and
WIIEREAS, the cost shaze ageemen[ is for $141,303.75, with the remaining 5148,303.75 of the project being fundeA with Municipal State
Aid under the Signa] Installations Program, so
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recommendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long
Range Capital Improvement Budget Committee, that $141,30375 is available for appropriatio� in the 2008 Capital Improvement Budget, as
heretofoce adopted and amended by this Council, be hereby fucther amended in the Improvement Budgets, in the fdlowing particulazs:
2008 Signal Installations Program
Ramsey Counry
Curcen[ Proposed
Financing Change
$176,196.04 $0.00
$0.00 $141,303.75
$45,905.00 $0.00
$573.540.37 0.00
$795,641.41 $141,303.75
Amended Amended
Finanting Spending Balance
$176,196.04 $95,782.16 $80,413.88
$141,303.75 $141,303.75 $0.00
$48,905.00 $48,905.00 $0.00
$5'13.540.37 $516.968.75 56 571.62
$939,94516 $802,959.66 $136,985.50
The addition of Ramsey County funding from a cost share to fenance the signad reconslruction at Wabasha & Plata intersection.
t$e Sf. Aaul Long-Range (:api!ai'ssnpxovamen:
Budget Commit{ee ieoeived r� .equest or.
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Requested by Department of:
PTK7'�� 118l69 Public Worlcs
By, , r
Adoption Certi�fied �by Council Se etary
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Approv by yo ate �-3 �
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Pw _ Public Works
Contact Person & Phone:
Paul Kurtz
Must Be on Council Agen�
� y
by (Date):
E-DOCUment Required: N
Document Contact: Paul Kur�
ConWct Phone: 2666203
Total # of Signature Pages _(Cfip All Locations for Signature)
2 �tiesaciatServices II b5nancislSecvices ;
3 CityAltomev C1lvAttoroey � �-
4 avor's O�ce Mavor� /As�stsnt --� °
Apptoval of attached iesolurian amending the spending and financing plans of the 2008 Signal Installafions Prograru by adding cost
shaze ageement with Ramsey Counly to finance signal reconstruction at Wabasha Stceet and Plato Boulevazd.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R):
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
Per5onal Service Contraets Must Answerthe Following Questions:
1. Has this personffirm ever worked under a contract for this department?
Yes PJo
2. Has this personffirm ever been a city empbyee?
Yes No
3. Does this pereon/firm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current ciry employee?
Yes No
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet.
Initiating Problem, Issues, OppoKunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The Department of Public Works has entered into a cooperative agreement with Ramsey County for the reconstruction of the existing
traffic signa] system at the intersection of Wabasha Street and Plato Boulevazd. The signal project will be constructed under the 2005
Signal Installations Program. The cost share agreement is for $141,303.75, with the remaining $148,303.75 of the project being
funded with Municipal State Aid.
AdvaMages If Approved:
There will be sufficient budget to fund the reconstruc6on of the signal at Wabasha and Plato.
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Disadvantages If Approved:
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Disadvantages If Not Approved:
There wiil not be sufficient budget in the 2008 Signal Installation Program to fund the reconstrucrion of the signal at Wabasha and
TotalAmountuf $141,303.75
Funding source: Ramsey County
Financiaf Irrformation:
June 18, 2009 728 AM
CostlRevenue Budgeted: Y
Aetiviry Number: C08-2T834
Page 1
City of Saint Paul
To: Mazgaret Kelly
From: John McCarthy, Budget Analyst
0�-loa 1
Subject: GS #3070357 — 2008 Signal Installations — Ramsey County Revenue
Date: August 21, 20Q9
Attached is a budget resolution that would amend the budget for the 2008 Signal
Installations annual progrann by adding spending and financing for reconshuction at
Wabasha Street and Plato Boulevard. The additional work will be paid for by Ramsey
County. OK to sign.