09-1018CITY y�F Council Rile # _/�9-lD/�� Green Sheet # �078176 RESOLUTION �I,�,T PAUL, M!Nl�LES4T�4 - ---�� — Presented by 1 2 � � 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Departrnent has received a�ant of $16,648.00 from the Federal Emergency Management A�ency's Assistance to Firefi�hters Gram — Fue Prevention and Safety Grant Pro�am to implement Project Safe Haven in 100 homes in the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, the Ciry of Saint Pau] is required by federal law to pay a 20°/a matching fund contribution of $4,162 which will be paid from the budeet in PSlOQ 1-05110-0356-50608, and WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Fire Department was given approval in Council Resoiution 09-923 to apply for this �ant and contribute matching funds, and WHEREAS, the financittg and spending plans have not 6een established for the grant received, and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2009 budget: FINANCING PLAN: Current Bud�et Chanee 510 Fire Responsive Services 35219 — 2008 AFG Fire Prev Grant 3199 —Other Fed Dir Gxants — State 0.00 16.648.00 0.00 � 6_648 00 Bud2et 16,648.00 i66. �s.00 SPENDING PLAN: SiQ Fire Responsive Servicas 35219 —2008 AFG Fire Prev Grant 0242—Outside Printing 0.00 1,140_00 1,140.00 0299 — Other Misc. Services 0.00 400.00 400.00 0356 — Safety Supplies 0.00 6,828.00 6,828.00 0369 — Other Office SuppLies Q.00 1,284.�0 1,289.OQ 0389 — Other Misc Supplies 0.00 6,991.00 6,991.00 0.00 1 b 648 00 16.648 00 NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ciry Council accepts this grant and approves the changes to the 2009 budget. Yeas Nays Absent Requested by DepaRment of: � Fire � ✓ Sy: � 7�� ' '� Approv�l by t e Office of Flnancia] Services J ✓ B I �/ I I // II $y: Adopted by Cou�cil: Date ��/G��Gf q Adoption Certified by Council ecretary By: By: ' Approv d ay : ate v,J" �'j By: lti'� � Attomey � Green Sheet Green Sheet �?� Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet D�-IOJg � � DepartmenVOfficelCouncit: , Datelnitiated: ' �±,, � '^ � . � ,p- � .p., � . �. �-� -- - � FR - Fire _ �- 31 AUG20�9. _.__:.._ W-e�� JV / O 1! V� -- ' --.._ -- �� ? Contad Person & Phone: Oeosrtment Sent To Person Initia4lDate Fire Chief Tim Butler � a F'ue —���- , 222- , � 1 Fire ; Department D'uector •�= Assign Must on oin�cil y(Date)! ! Number I YJ � � � �' For Y'tt' ' Routing ''�� Doa Type: RESOLUTION W!$ � Order , TRANSACTION . E-Document Requiretl: Y Document Contact: ��II LaCasse ConWCtPhone: 228-6257 I � I i Total # of Signature Pages, (Clip All Locations Wr Signature) 2 Financiai Services ' Office Financial Services D 3 Citv Attomey I ' ✓ 4 Mayor•s Office � i MayoUASSistani 5 Council �i CiNCouncil 6 Citv C1erk i Ciri CSerk Approval of the attached Council Resolution to establish the spending and fmancing plans for the FY2008 Assistance to Firefighters Gcant Program - Fice Prevention and Safety Grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency. Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): Plenning Commission CIB Gammittee . Civii Service Commission Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foliowi�g Questions: 1. Has this person(firm ever worked untler a contract for this departmeni? Yes No 2. Has this person(firm ever been a city empbyee? Yes No 3. Does this persoNfirm possess a skill �ot normally possessetl by a�y current city employee? Yes No Explain all yes answere on separate sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The Salnt Paul Fire Department has applied for and received a FY2008 Assistance to Firefighter Grant - Fire Prevention and 5afety Grant of $16,648.00 to implement Project Safe Haven. A xequirement of this grant includes a 20 % match of $4,162.00 to be paid by the City of Saint Paul. This grant was approved on Council Resolution 09-923. AdvantageslfApproved: The spending and financing plan will be established for the grant received. firefighters together to protect families and create a safe home environment. DisadvanWges If Approved: None. Project Safe Haven is a program that brings citizens and Disadvantages If Mot Approved: The spending and financing plan will not be esiablished for the grant received. Lost opportuniry to implement Projeci Safe Haven. Total AmouM of $20,$1 �.00 Transaction: Funding5ource: �rant Financial Information: Fedetal Shaze $16,648.00 (Explain) City Shaze $ 4,162.00 Total $20,310.00 CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: 35219 � � il�S � � LU�J August 31, 2009 3:56 PM Page 1 City of Saint Paul I�erdepartmental Memorand� To: From: Subject: Date: Todd Hurley, Acting Finance Director Chris Eitemiller, Sr. Budget Analyst � Fire Budget Amendment for Project Safe Haven grant September 3, 2009 6��fb(� This green sheet esiablishes a financing and spending plan for a$16,648 grant, specifically it is a 2008 Assistance to Firefighters Grant. The Council accepted this grant (council file #09-923). This request had also been approved through our spending request process. The grant will be used to implement Project Safe Haven. The intention is to fund a program that heips firefighters work with families to create a safe home environment. There is a match requirement of 20%. This was planned for and is included in the 2009 budget. The spending request that was approved on August 28`�` also included this cost ($4,162). This will require a public hearing and will be on the agenda September 16th. This proposal seems reasonable, I recommend signing. AA-ADA-EEO Employer