1919014P . COUNCIL FILE N0. C BY ~ ~ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION 4 y PROCEEDINGS Council File No. 191901 —By Adrian P.' .19 1 9(1 Winkel— FINAL ORDER IN COND +N In the matter of" opening, widen- - g and e� end ng vy Avenue from the east line of Stone & Morton's 2nd Addition to the west line of Lot 4. , • it per �+ visiqII -bY taklrig and In the matter of opening, widen- ing and extending Ivy Avenue from the east line of Stone & Morton's �IlTti7 2nd Addition to the west line of Lot 4, I N opening, �r3 darling and extgnding Cedar 3t 4. t ree ., rom - a Fourth Street to East Kellogg Boulevard by. -condemning and taking' #_ +� { the following dasar3.bsd I arcelo of lands, Thbee paris of iota .1, 2' s J ] t{ 7.5 �. s, and 16, - Block, 2j, ? ,.� ,�' '.C:ityl;,ofr' St.Paul, lying' be,"b n•the presen$1:aoAh —'.�.3 under Pre. ..r. t, t4�� _r- :AesteAr reet`` line of .Ce "der and, a line 10 ft,. Intermed �lly Ord;.:-, �_ d staritf southx sterly 7farorg.�and ".. parallel-to ",tt e, soutii�eterly line 'of Cedar 9tre'et; also a triangular A public .li.,'_Y." slw;i tract, l` of'.lar}d;,irl�Loti;�IEi,.Block _23, :.City =off St :pau7} r__... having he PIP on, - 'ft:..on• the present. northviedidrly line of :`}seat Kellogg $oulevard and 10 ft; on �th6''previougly _ the same; cdescribed luld that is'parallel to and,10 ft. distant' ' $oath *esterly p RESrdm the', regent :edutYn�e`terly line of improvem Cedar _$treat. 3 the west line of Lot 4, and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making said improvements, viz.. ` A Fiff n of land vary g wi cox Block 4 and 5,Clarke & Wilgus Block of:TntEr4 and.����L hk RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council APR 211959 APR 21195 Approved , Councilmen: DeCourcy Holland MxMtWaan P Mortinson F� Peterson Rvaen Rosen Mr. President, I3 Winkel 500 3.51 -OW® Dillon d City Clerk. Mayor. _ W (A) • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER '19190, 91 � � ', ss 4 and 5, Clare Wilgus Additidn'y.. thot part of Late 14 and. 15, 916& 2# Auditortar Sub.'lio.7,,0,. tMt li ®s bstw6en the foiloving dead- bed. property lin6i :. ... 1. The ,north 'pr6g rty line• 'beillg d6lidlAbed se. foliousk Beginning At the southeast corru�r. of Trot '166 lock 1! Stone 8c Orton � s 2 Ac�c�.ti cii°i; theiiee in a .a northeasterly direction to the southeast wrnor or lot , , Block 2, Auditori is 40..'N0.70; thence blong the south 1inR► of'.Auditort ri sub. B6.70i Block 2# to the east line 8f; dot ,14* &tock 211, Auditott s 8iib- No -70- under PreliminRi< *�ri'Qir =pperty�'Ii3�e,beit�g d$earf.bed, atm' i`o].io*a>i >w3eglr► at the r ►r ieast corner of td�,-.l; ' Block. 4, Stone: & Ubirtoni s god Additidol thkenoo in A To the Councilrlo lima y „dire¢ti+,n to 's pol it that lies 60 ft. South 'of the 00uth line, of Block dit4r�.s Sub. No.7d� and 57.•94 ft. Wiest- of a point that lies 60 ft's 00th of . the south line of A0ditbr's,.Sub.K0.70o Moak 2, end on the extended east Tina The Con• . i. , , ,,, , �� i of , : 'y' St ' - 1, th�rias eat �riy grid par i to the _ar�uth l:%n .of A,udi:tar o Tl nth. Ao:.'�4� AAloo�C � to tai set `Yin of Lot. 14, Block 2� Aud tors a Si b. l<ia...70..._.. :e totµ. R •.:. .+ Ca"1. Oak r.rJ t il'�a rvi i The estirhte�} a Aleo,�gP?� 'gSdrt.- rend. �Tet�i�3a_.$tec�i fzam the agaixt� �.ine of Lot 31, Block 2! Jo ins-i 7.1 Aaaresp the. onst5 l O;r jeas a street t6' ; d:,c cfor:;at et se : P:'%ot ; :J'Vltwn of The }otT3ra3uerd. Ay�l:;:hy:1�? obi. ...�,1 P..- !] BlovIf 2* A.uditor'e 3nb.Nct.70,' and part, ref Zot ",12 , 16ak Ri Auditors 5ub,1�o.�0, each lot or paxlthat lies jrejVdV the X6lldw_ing::deddi lbed,dinb� ic8_ at a point ,+on 'the _ s'a line of Lot 120 , Block 2j :Auditor ►s 66.No.700 91A 50 ft. Urth of the aouthst-cornep -of e�aid ,iej theme , i.n e. �routh�aete�rly' ia'ii�n $o” a ,fain ion thiF 4wth 'fins of s*Ad01#V6b4 'dietsn a 69,1t. k�Weter2y rroesuieci tx_ppt the"`rl�rseL� J -Lot 4i - lli ttmai * - Sub so 'the rah ,ft. aY %off -- - bitt6;1 Also open, wi"don�c�r�d �xt Sradl6y Streeet from tYia south 13na,of .y� rat -,'„ . - - 4 — .I.ot � Sloak 3a Jvhn�a- : fAtree e$tai dad:= to ° -tt east 3 e: ag Bra +r3�.ey-- �Streist � .- to tbo south line .of lot 28i Aio� Av&torl a gah 90.70s, by talQ3s� and .....,.af...,...d.,.. 0—" .�.w.n�- .,iai,M'niei� i.1�._n�.ii,� 9iZ_ _:Ainnlr.9_ . �4tP1�. 1n't+lief..fit14%_gt%_,'7A -_._2. 41=_ __ __ � - - -- ... YV4YO•••.. - �-,,►ML PV4OV'if rFIW'�V �vV• � Mai iiN V F _ .� aer.w+rr w� .+.��. +-v.. _ r.��r��T-� - - IINorth 51 feet of South 87 feet of 112 I 2 I do � 775 4,100 4 I Clarke and Wilgus Addition to II 2,250 101,400 IIExcept westerly 25 feet lying east( I I Saint Paul, Minnesota II IIof and adjacent to Lots 2 4. I I II 5 and 6 Block 4, Stone and Mortonls I I 9 F7 I Form B. B. 10 1M 8 -68 8 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) IIDESCRIPTION I LOT IBLOCKI ADDITION II LAND VALUATION BLDG. !I 2nd Addition. Also, except the ! ! I V, • s • !! iifollowing described parcel of land,"( I I !! 11-Commencing at the southwest corner ! ! ! !! !1 of Block 5, thence north on west ! ! ! I! _ 11 line of said Block 246.8 feet;; theme I I !! kast at right angles 103.6 feet to 1 thence south.parallel with 1 1 11west line of said Block to Northwe4 I I !(line of Brainerd Avenue; thence I I 11 !!southwesterly along Brainerd Avenue! I I II !Ito point of commencement. 1 1 5 (Clarke and Wilgus Addition to I1I I (Saint Paul-i Minnesota 11 $1 .,075 $6 .9000 1! 1 4 1 IDittmants Subdivision of Lot 5 11 11 1 I lof the Subdivision of the East 11 I1I I lHalf of the Southwest Quarter oiI 11 I ISec. 20, Town. 29 North, Range II I) I 1 122 West of the 4th Principal !! I I 1Meridian 650 I I II II I I 11 II ! 1 1 TOTAL !! $7.825 $2 1 f 20Q The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ' er ,aA- z a/ g �y Commissioner of Finance. Form B.B. 12 1M 8-58 8 F OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS 3 2 REPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE December 15th P lg 58 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 190277 , approved December 11th 19 58._, relative to opta. xic azl e c ® -rid Iw` f= the J!_ 'Lof Done W r'timI s 'jad Av�iito>P�,>r�; Sub �a.7Q, that 3iea bei#�rea'u tie .l�02.1.0> de�aaribad. p�r�rt� li>e , , north VnPortylins bout, described as fbUovai Bealnabs,at tho gout -4h t, l`o iiWi`+afi UVI& t Udlc ' . c �5f�csi#a{ i 3di s � =a ' AdditidA the@ce "`iii' a n�orthois#a+rly di otiot�, to eout ot..00rnex of lot At Block. 2, AuatWe Sub %51,,70�� Ueh6e .oag t1he aoutb �l of Addi'torio Sub No,700 Eck 2# to the l •asst dine of Lot .14o 131ock go Auditor, s Sub 96.70, .. 1, Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. t lit* Wing described ae fa]lc ai F gf the south p At the noith .t 0*M63,:O -, I' �b ik`S& k ih) 4t nortuiwstorly df ot1on ti! It PoifitL �ti;. if .11,09 6 ft. south 43e Ahle, iouth. i Of MAMk .7.94 - then oouth lim af` Audi tor! a Sub 11o,10t blook 2# and on tho Axtooded daet. Una a Qi" <8i adl Sfi t# thwwo oasteri7 and X to tho south Une of Auditoyri s 1 M 110079► .oak 20, to rhea Out Una d'f Lot 14i Block 2* AWf tcj'' a S..Ub N0:70. Ava. taking eta ZO atreet puVoisOjAM of Lot 2,�* Block(2, *xd taac * Subc9470p and �pxf, of Lot 32, 1A6dk 2a A,uditorta Sub .ito:7 thot lies vent of the Wlm ng deso ribed 11nss UdgiWibs at -& point on tho weet line df lot 22p oc r �;Air�di. Sub .7 s ;.± _, north o f _'tom►. _.. e�ut t comer raid loth tl nae In i1t. southsae�tsriyr dir+e+at�cn a a point on the south l cot. ,�uhid-_1c4��,ea diew o_bQ: fU4 e"satarl,q �)frbaith'* noAhwest corner of '4# .tt 1�t' A b� '�16!!Kii � �`E• S)�. fio�r �{). 7itta�t%o; tb ��:aportys subject,' te, asscisment for said ii-orovement. i Also open,, wWan ar4 eart", Droc �t- rrojast�r aoutt� Lim of i ? .3* -Slack 3, Johz l,al 099 AUW* � #t � �'�.3.i 4f ifr*a-QY 8tr% 0E(, to `4 o mouth lino of Let 28, Block 2o dint tors:a 4ub.r o:70i ftj itaking.:a,nd cqndadAng for 'weer AU of lot. .20A a** Wditorlo Sub.ffo.70. rl� r s o, W N 18ZIRR 66, I ST. 9TOti a w ,era m w n 1%VW9 03' i� w�''9ti �s J'Ci� 3 a\ o,Q [Ir • I � � I I I I To a� 3 rb w�3 �'b (J) atito q.� ►� w o a O0 `�o M Q4, y \ o r4 w V 00 J � 61.97• 42' 42' I i� w�''9ti �s J'Ci� 3 a\ o,Q [Ir • I � � I I I I To a� 3 rb w�3 �'b (J) atito q.� ►� w o a O0 `�o M Q4, y \ o