D001805CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF TAE MAYOR No: f.�0 t� l f3 D.S ADNIII�TISTRATIVE ORDER Date: ja-a9 � ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, That the proper City officials aze hereby autUorized and directed to enter into an agreement with the Danish Pastry Shop Inc., P.O. Box 17279, St. Paul, MN SSll7 to pay expenses arising from the twelve 2000 Expanded Staff meetings attended by 65 Division of Pazks and Recreation managers and supervisors, not to exceed $500. • APPROVED AS TO FORM / !/ c Assisiant City Attomey Date C ��.-- �-- �_�___�� —�— � Admi�ustradve Assistan[ m Mayor DEPAFTMENT(OFPICE(COUNCIL Parks and Recreation DATE INITIATED 7 2120/99 CONTAGT PEqSON AND PHONE Schumi - 266-6432 BE ON WUNCIL AGENDA BY �DA"f� SSIGN NUMBEP flOtJTING OFDEfl TOTAL! OF S16NAiURE PAGES � (CL1P ALL IACATIONS FOR SIGNANR� ACTION REQUESTED: C�17 � �_\� ��L1�S� � {idITIAUDA�SE � flEPARTMENTDIRECTOR_ ? GITYATTOFNEV � . 3 FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR_ MAYOR l�R ASSISTANTI� ��5 � iN1T1AVDAiE ,Do����,� N0.101236 arr couNCi� 4 QTY CLERK _ FlNANCIAL SERV/ACCTG _ Approval of funding for Division of Parks and Recreation Expanded Staff ineetings hefd montfily in 2000 at the Phafen Golf Cfubhouse, not to exceed $500. RECOMMENDATIONS: App�ove (A) or Reject iR) _PLANNING COMMISSION _CIVIL SEflVICE COMMISSION __GBCpMMITTEE _ A 5TAFF _ DIS7RICT COUNGIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNCR 0&IECTIVE? INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE. OPPORTUNITV (Who, Wha[, When. Where, Why�: PERSONAL SEpY10E CONiFACTS MUST ANSWEN 7HE FOLLOWING QUESRONS: i. Has this persoMfirm ever worketl untler a conhac[ for this tleparbnentT YES NO 2. Has Nis persoMfirm ever 6een a city employee? YES NO 3. Dces Nis persoMtitm possess a skiN not normatty possessea by any cwrent ory employee? YES NO Fxplffin atl yes answers on separate shest and ettaeh [o green sheet. Opportunity to improve communication and provide training for the Division's 65 managers and supervisors on a �nthiy basis in 2000. These meetings are held at a Division facility. A�VANTAGESIFAPPROVED: These monthly meetings improve internal communication and provide an opportunity for staff development/training, while saving time and money. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: fVone OISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPROVED: \ x�, ^ - ' � ,.--. _ .,.,..._...r� � TOTAL AMOUNT OF TRANSACT{�N S FI/NDINGSOURCE Parks and Recreation FINANCIAL INFORMATION: (EXPIAIM � CAST/REVENUE BUDGEfED (CIRCtE ONEI ACTNITY NUMBER YE$ NO R�CEaL'd� DEC 2 9 1999 �►TY ,�~,LERK