191808ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK '- � • •qr? - °r CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU C R OLUTION— GENERAL PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DAT — a �18 ()8 , FILLENCIL — Council File No. 191808 —By Adrian P. Wink FORM Whereas, Additions and Deductions � which might prove to be necessary in I the. Improvement described as the St.' Peter StFeet It Sewer under anti) across the Tracks of the Milwaukee' Railroad_ and the Chicago and North -I WHEREAS, Additions and'Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the St. Peter - Street outfall Sewer under and across the Tracks of the Milwaukee Railroad and the Chicago and Northwestern Rail" road, Comptrollerts Contract L -6051, Foley Brothers, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications then of or, and r i WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following Additions and Deductions 2 attached hereto and made a part hereof,` to -wit: ADDITIONS: fSpecial Agreement No. 1 - - - - - $915.16 Special Agreement No. 2 » - - • 2]2;51 Item No. 1 776 * �5 .. Item No. 3 - - - - - - - - - - 351.00 Item No. 5 - - - - - - - - - - -2, 30-50 $51l85.42 DEDUCTIONS: Item No. 2 - - - - r - - - ' $ ,116,00 Item No. 4 - 405-00 $40521,00 ` TOTAL NET ADDITION 0 664,42P and I, VflMEAS, the total net addition is 664.42, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of�,St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum of $ 664.42, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the Contract., known as Comptrollerfs.Contract L"6051, for the making of the above Improvement and which amount is to be financed from the SEWER BOND FUND 210 SE »17, The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above naned Contractor that the sum of $ 664.42 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon sM s -se 2 APR Ill 1959 Adopted by the Council 19— APR 14 1959 Approved 19— Favor Mayor Against U, 1 r rT x; D�PAATlD�pl' OF PUBLIC WOW i 191808 Teo: holey Brothers, Inc. 1. A reinforced concrete ving vall vas metered and removed during the excavation of the treasition section. The ra®oval of this reinforced concrete ving wall shall be classified as extra work. The agreed upon price for this extra pork shall be the lump " price Of SIX -NIIM DOLTAFB AlD rnmr GEjFPB. ($679.50) 2. An error in tie quantity of steel required appears on'the plsso. The p1Ana require an additional 1863 pounds of steel be furnished over the quantity stated. It is Wood that the furnishing snd placing of that 1$63 povads shall be covamsated for at the rate of 34 cents plus 15$ &*,the lt®p ` sum of Tk0 MMW ==-FIVE DOLLARS ADD SIXTY -SIX C PB. ($235.66) ` ACCBP= #X TOR N a t 1958 CrfY OF ST. PAUL 1958 BY _ e 4 By Chi-of Baal .a MN.�J• 11 :1 11:1. Ill },��� �i /_i 1 CI Tr OF ST. PAUL 1956 BY , e ric eat ' � �1RT1�1' Ole lUBi.IC � 191808 C0A8Z� m -K.Lup NO. 2 {. TO COACT 110. 58 -8-479 -To: holey Brothers.. Inc. 11 The two tat a wosoted `rood foundation piling as furnished. end 'Y drives for the transition section indicated that a greater length of idling would be required than the thirty -five feet as celled for in the guns of this contract/ no plains and the contract requires the furnishing of 590 lineal fat of creosoted wood piling. The plans indicate that 860 feet will be µ. drivim below cat 'off. After the test piling was driven the Contractor was requested to thrnish 7 PdnB 45' long and T piling 40• lOu6, msk' n8 a total length furnished of 695 feet. This amounted to 105 feet is addition to the mnnt called for in the contract dAclmomts/ Pyraeat for 23 feet of V ds mount shall be on the contract price of $3.25 per lineal foot of Wood tpec of�a6 $8'2 lineal eet Shall bee on tthhe agreed price of foot itsle Waste Length of Crwosated Wood Pilins. - .a MN.�J• 11 :1 11:1. Ill },��� �i /_i 1 CI Tr OF ST. PAUL 1956 BY , e ric eat Description, Location, Quantities, Terms and Prices for Additional Work. Item 1 Sand Rock was encountered at the upstream end of the excavation of the Outfall Sewer. It was necessary to remove 75 cu. yds. of this rock to construct this sewer. This cost shall be an addition to the contract as follows: 75 cu. yds. of Sand Rock excavation at $10.35 per cu. yd. = $776.25. Item #2 The contract specifications provides for 1100 feet of 12 3/4" 0. D. Cylindrical Steel foundation piles to be used for the foundation of Section S -S. The contract also provides that for any additions or deductions to the quantity of this item that a unit price of $7.50 per lin. ft. shall be applied. However, it was not anticipated that only 386.8 feet of the total-1100 ft. would be used. Since this amount of variation of original quantity is large, (nearly 65%) it is agreed that the unit price of $7.50 per lin. ft. for a deduction shall apply on the first 20% or 220 ft. of the - contract quantity and for the balance of this quantity (4932 feet) the lump sum payment shall be reduced to the rate of $5.00 per lin. ft. The total deduction for this item to the lump sum payment shall be as follows: 220 lin. ft. @ $7.50 = $1,650.00 493.2 lin. ft. @ .5.00 = .2,E+66.0o Total Deduction = ,11 .00 Item #3 A wet unstable material was encountered in the subgrade in the up- stream end of the excavation. To correct this condition 30 cubic yards of this poor material was excavated and replaced with gravel. The addition to the contract shall be as follows: 30 cu. yds. of excavation @ $6.00 per cu. yd. = $180.00 30 cu. yds. of gravel inplace @ .5.70 per cu. yd. a $171.00 351.00 1918018, Item Certain M116 Steel Sheet piles were shown on the plans to remain inplace and be furnished to the City. These sheet piles were to form the closing structure to the upstream end of the sewer. This plan was - modified to provide greater lateral stability for the adjacent track. The modification of this structure required only 7 of the 22 steel sheets to remain inplace. The balance of 15 -M116 steel sheet piles was salvaged at $27.00 ea.' The deduction to the contract shall be as follows: .. 15 ea. M116 piles 25' long @ $27.00 ea. = $405.00 Item #5 A clause in the contract provides that the City is to purchase the unusable waste sections of the Cylindrical steel shells at the contractor's actual cost plus 25 %. Since the driven lengths of piling were considerably shorter than planned, and to retain as many full lengths as possible, drive plates were welded to the pile cut off of 7 piling and reused. The costs for the welding and purchase of pile cut off shall be an addition to the contract as follows: - - 7 ea: Welding Steel driveplate to Cylindrical pile. @ $12.00 ea. _ $ 84.00 713.2 lin. ft. of pile cut off. @ $3.193 x 125% _ $2.,846-50 $2,930-55 - 1 DUPLICATE TO PRINTER CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE APRIL 100 1 WHEREAS# Additions and Deductions which might prove to be necessary in the Improvement described as the St. Peter Street outfall Sewer under and across the Trucks of the Milwaukee Railroad and the Chicago and Northwestern Rail- road, Comptroller's Contract L460519 Foley Brothere, Inc., Contractor, have been provided for in the Specifications then of or, and WHHM EAS, it has been found necessary to make the fo llowi ng Additions and Deductions i attached hereto and .made a part hereof, to -wit,: ADDITIONS: - p ®a U Agreement No. 1 — — — — - $915.16 Special Agreement No. 2 - - - - - 222.51 Item No. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - 77625 Item No, - - - - - - 1..00 Item No. 5 — — — — — — — — — — — 2,930.50 $5sl85.42 DEDUCTIONS: em o. 2 - - - - - - - - - - 4,116.00 Item No. 4 405,00 , 21*00 TOTAL NET ADDITION 664; Us. and RHFREAS, the total net addition is $ 664J. 2, now therefore be it RESOLVED, That the City of St. Paul through its City Council approves the foregoing Addition made in accordance with the Specifications in the sum, of $ 664.42, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the Contrec t, known as Comptroller's Contract L -6051, for the inking of the above Improvement and 'which amount is to be financed from the SEWER BOND FUND 210'SE -17, The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the above named Contractor that the sum of $ 664042 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract,*, APR 14 MU COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays DeCourcy APR 14 1959 Holland Approved 19- Mortinson Peterson n Favor Rosen 71"" Mayor Winkel (LLAgainst Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 To: Foley Brothers, Bic. 19180.8 1. A reinforced concrete ring rill was encountered and removed during the excavation of the transition section. fte removal of this reinforced concrete wing vall. shall be classified an extra w The Weed upon price for this extra work shall be the 1=W sin price Of SIX D 83MWr-NIIR DOLLOS AND PIM CEM. ($679.50) 2. An error in the qWmtity a steel required app*ers on the plow. The plum require an additional 1863 pounds of steel be furfiishod over the quantity stated. • I V rt is agreed thst* the furnishing sad placing_of that 1863 poaads OAU be cowipensated, for at the rate of 11 cents Plus 1% &* the lug am of TM MMM) TKWY-FINS DOIIM AND 8=-SME CEM. ($235.66) ACCZPTZD BY CONTPACTM NOV 1958 By Crfr OF ST. PAUL ' 1958 By C. 0 /& 11 Drift's Essinew By Chto Zngizeer---�- b �vl IZPARTMnT OF PUBLIC WORKS C010TRUCTIoR SUppLEMMM AGREEMM 110. 2 191 808 To CONMAcr no. 58 -s -479 Toe Foley Brothers, Inc. 1. The two teat creosoted Wood foundation piling as furnished and driven for the transition section indicated that a greater length of piling would be required than the thirty -five feet as celled for in the plans of this contract. The plans and the contract requires the furnishing of 590 lineal feet of creosoted wood piling. The plans indicate that 564 feet will be driven below cat off. After the test piling was driven the Contractor was requested to furnish 7 piling 45' long and 7 piling 40' long, making a total length furnished of 695 feet. This anonnted to 105 feet in addition to the e®ount culled for in the contract docents. Payment for et Of of this ®count shall be on the contract price of $3.25 per lineal Creosoted Wood Foundation Piling in place and payment for the reasining 82 lineal feet ahe.7.7 be on the agreed price of $1.68 per foot of Un- USS- 1e Waste Length of Creosoted Wood Piling. w be ►_ I,. 1958 �: ! `11 1958 I A=P= BY THE C0YMAMR CITY OF ST. MUL 4-;0 Bridge EngtfieKw } By-� of Engiaeer- V1Ilt outm+iy� • It Mw too MKM 75 '•cu': Via# of tUs ro& tOW mat s ffc mi� rld" for UWftft of -u 3 a; quow01• $tsar man, vaii tb. to k fft, tbo fato"U u s-st ow, ad&.r*mt atoo %mmdAw that ftr aw s td a*imu ter, tba.:e tYtar at VlAt IftAn +Aft A =it "'a iu: ft. 'him '#XOU * It , Prot t8� tbf and .test 0 06 uotAd no ft* vml& ba imm $I tots t Of �� odF tZ '�� 3t qty tbs xmtt Vwlco of .50 f Au it . It 41ducutal = 4017 c t`=° flit cn' 090 ft. -ot qty ±Md P* f!ret) tho Ivan; A sw E 'bo Vied,, to #ot vitte of 45 +40, pw Ia. tt. ' TM taua d tolm for t itwi to I=W .� Wit : ' .cRrr t 2W Vie;: Ifti, 4 a 7* s > . T3, Mt4"6f aatarl V& +Wi` tore$ tW • 00ps" $z bo tip'_ - mo To *or 6, tb *' tootmt ' abi� ' ba 0* � � . 3 gut *' ,► f .90� inPl*-*` 0' 5.70 - . * �ioo 808 „ cuituw, * !' i? OWI 4lmA of t1 ,iii1�1�.1' ro yd1w1� jAm Mhlt 3 S itb . tt t. -' "�-t� . MAY' 7 of ' ^2 , sbwta 4'i .- XL26 e* + a WOOD oko tbwC VA W- , m v �' to • o ,t' 9t 7 ptuva m '6+er marts .