190596PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT IMIM PRELIMINARY ORDER. 1_90596 Council- ila, NQ_ 0 ;Council File No. 190596 - M Whereas,' A written proposal for the , making of he following improve- ment, viz.; Condemning and taking an easement for the a public! 4 1*T11ei1ndAn;ijrnedherebv provosesthemakingofthefollowin publi i cimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, z.: ' v 4 ........... ..... . ....... . . ..... ........... .. . .... pose ,thb.,,pur - of • onetzink a ,public sewer on, under and g6rosa the WestetlY 'ft of Lot' Block .21, ......••••.. -swiftTa Sub; ­ Xrom,'&rrol-1 Avm---td the b -glUy ij- hd rear of"Jigid-176t ------ ....... . .. . ....... easement .. . . .... ­ ... ... ­­.."'. ......... .......... cofid.e- temporary f'or dbndti�uction of the above easement and the east ft., 0 0� 17 fAqt7l2,p Blob k 2j,!,Pwift1s Sub from daikollAve. to the .alley if-4id '116ck ?7­*ifty9 Su- • Coui. man. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ........... ............................ ........ s:,7- A Go iid,;iakffij­"ah-,-Aeajs �f ',the-pur ose _qment'* 6x,,_, _p g,a, N1,11-public sewer on., under and across the westerly -4' ft;- of Lot,ll.., Block'"2., Swift's Sub., 'from Caii:;611' Ave'. to the ­alley ijY'thb­rear'­-6X_said 1-6to .. ;,• ........ ...... ....... .. ­­ . . . ........... I .......... . I ...... . ............ ....... Also condemning and taking a temporary.easement for construction n ge-6t""f6f�f 11-87,ftt IiH`�width­on­ the ­east side?,of -the. - rip� .beiqbove easement and the .east 8, ft, .of Lot 12j, Block 2., Swifts s Sub f Carroll,Ave. t% theplle -in s&id_,Block,2.#,Swift-1s Sub *E..j er 01 uu,&k�; 7 Org-,- Uo 1k. %. 16 aL �e,_j UA��iLL-il�i ,au Ra 0IN't "40 %_,)K�'Tiz - Lyi� 1. To inveslig•.te C e nocc—alty for, or dciiiabihly of, tb malkir- of said im-,Tovc-mcat. 2. To iavcstigAte V,e nat,.re, extert and c5timatc:d c.at of said iiaprtwament, and the total colt theriof. 3. To farm h a T#!2_f,. profiI2 or sketch said irnprovet.-,13t. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the fore Mrs to the Commissioner of Finance. VA T u-, 959 Adopted by the Council- ............... YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon JAN 13 1959 Approved--------------- - - - - -- --------------------------- Mayor. 1-Z