09-1000Council File # 09—/dDD Green Sheet #3076357 RESOLUTION /�, CITY OF SAINT,PAUL. MINNESOTA Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department is authorized to enter into the attached Joint Powers Agreement 2 which has an indemnificalion clause, with the Steams County, acting through its Steam County ShemfYs Department for 3 participation in the Intemet Crimes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file and on record in 4 the Office of Financial Services. Bostrom Carter Harris by the Office of F;nancial Services ✓ Adopted by Council: Date `�/ � Adopdon Certified by Coun i} Secretary By: By: / / f//.aL! � Approved ay . Date � B Attorney to � � Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet � DepartmeM/�ce/Council: �, Datelnkiated: � : P p P°',�°e��,e°t „_A�,�-09 Green Sheet NO:_3076356____ _ _� T ___ . _ — -- -- ---- -- Contact Person & Phone: � � Chief John Harrinqton ' ' ' 266-5588 . , _- _- . Assign ' Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): � Number , Doc. Type: RESOLUTION For Routing Order DEp2RMlent 0 Yolice Department 1 Police Department 2 Ciry Anorney 3 �inaocial Services � 4 '�Nayor's O�ce 5 �ouncil 6 City Clerk Senf To Person InrtiallDate � � Police Deparhnent l Police Depar[ment _ � _ ' CityAttorney _ _ _ �_ I _ DireMOr, FSO ' _ „ Mayor " _ _ ___ __ _ COUOCiI -:_ ___ _____ �-_ _____ _— _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ ' __ __ __ _ City Clerk _ . � E-DOCUmeot Required: Y ' '1 FoG�e Department ,_ Potice Department _ __ ! Dxument Contaet: Evette Scarver ' � Cong ct Phoneg 26G554 �(Clip All Locations for Sig . _ ___ _ . _ _ _ - ' - __ _ _ _ __ _ -__ I � Total # of Si nature Pa es � nature) ' _ _ __. . ._ ___ � Action Req4ested: � Sigiatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Deparhnent to enter into the attached Joint �', Powers Agreement with the Steams County/Sherriffs Department. , Recommendations: Approve (A) or Reject (R): �i personal Service Contrects Must Answer the Following Questions: ', Planning Commission ��, 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department? I CIB Committee �I Yes No , Civil Service Commission I 2. Has this person/firm ever been a cdy employee? Yes No � � 3. Dces this personlfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any , I current city employee? i Yes No '� F�cpiain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet. ! _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ . _ ._ _ _ _ i. .. _ - _ __ - _ _ - _ .�_ _ _— __.. _ ... ' Initiating Probiem, Issues, Opportunily (Who, What, When, Where, Why): �. The Steams County Sherriff s Department will participate in the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint '� Paul Police Department. AuthorizaUOn is needed. �I -- ---- - - ----- --- - - -- -- ---- -- AdvanWges If Approved: ; Opportuniry to use gant funds to partnership with the Steams County Shesif£s Department. ' DisadvanWgeslfApproved: None. DisadvanWges IF Not Approved: Lost opportuniry to use grant funds [o combat inteineC crimes against children. Total Amount of $0.00 Trensaction: Funtling Source: Financial Information: (Facplain) CosNRevenue Budgeted: Activity Number. I i 1 �� _� I y � .,..a�n g+eU� � } August 17, 2009 12:58 PM Page 1 09-1000 Minnesota Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Multi-Agency Lavv Enforcement Agreement 'I`his Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafter "AgreemenY') is between the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Police DeparLuient (Grautee) and Stearns Counn� , acting through its Stearns County/SHERRIFF"S DEPARTMENT_(hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency") both which aze empowered to enter into joint powers agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into tYus Agreement by Minn. Staz. § 626.76; and Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal exploitation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organi�a.tions engaging in such activity; and Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federallaws to prosecute criminal, civil, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as E�ibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in Washinbton, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, training, and expenses, including travel and overtime funding, which aze incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Grant Manager has been established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operation of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enfarcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three- pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Program Standards (attached to this Agreement as E�ibit B), in addition to state federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and 09-1000 2. All officers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or found by the Minnesota Board of Peace Officer Standards and Training to have comparable qualifications; and When a contributed officer of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency acts on the behalf of the Minnesota ICAC task Force within the scope of this Agreement, the officer's actions are within the officer's line of duty and course of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted on behalf of the ofFicer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hold hannless the Grantee, its representatives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, inciuding all reasonable attomey's fees incurred by the Grantee, arising from the performance of this Agreement by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency's officer/s/; and 5. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and 6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and 7. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request for funds and receive approval for the funds from the Grantee to receive any funds from the Crrantee; and 8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and 09-1000 __ 9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes; and 10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fizlly in any audits required by the OJJDP; and 11. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order to share information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and 12. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall be solely responsible for forwarding information relative to investigative targets and victims, to the ICAC data system pursuant to the OJJDP guidelines; and 13. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all investigative equipment acquired through grant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and the Saint Paul Police Department, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. 1' IIP Terms of this agreement: This agreement shall be effective upon si�axures. Nothing in this agreement shall other��ise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a member of the Agency. John M. Harrington, Chief of Saint Paul Polfce Department '�_ _ Assistant St. Paul City Directar of Office By and Tide A enc Financial Services A�encvi certifies that the appropriate nerson(s) have executed the Agreement on behalf of the Agencv and its jurisdictional Qovenunent entitv Date 8�y��� f`(�'�.. � rl�'{ `t' D J /'\, c' I r�`� ��" '� ' `� � f �9-/ODD ���,:,. Department of Justice `z,, F , Office of Justice Pro�mms �.:,;.��.>;> O�ce of the Assistant Ar.omey General WncBmeron, DC ?n531 Seprember 26, 2007 Chief Iohn M Harrnigtm City of Saint Paul IS West Kello�+Bouleva-;l St Paul, M7�" SS IO2 Dear Ch�ef Harrington. On behatf of the Attomey General, rt rs my pleasure to mform you that [he O�ce of Justice Progrnms has approved your apphcat�o� for fundme w�der the OIIDP FY 0� Bwldmg iCAC Forensic Capaaty m[he amount of $200,000 for C¢y of Samt Paul Endosed you will f nd u: Grant Award and Spcetal Condmons documents. Th�s award is subjec[ [o all admimstrahve and financial reqwrements, ii�� ludmg the timely submission of ali financial and programmatic reports, resolution of all interim audit findings, and the m of a mm�mum level of cash-on-hand Should you not adhere ro these reqmrements, you wili be m violation of thc Icmis of th�s aorecment and the award will he subjec[ to tennination for cause or o[her administrative action as nppropriate. If you have questions rog.,rdingthis award, plezse contact: -°roaram Quest�ons,lacqueline O'Reilly, Program Manaoer at (202) 514-5024, and F�nanmal Qucs[ions, the Office of the Comptroller, Customer Service Cen[er (CSC) at (E00) 458-07R6, nr you may conCact tl�e CSC at ask ocGusdo,�.gov. Congranila[�ons, and wo Inok forward to wodang wuh you Sincerely, n .'s�i ,�G , � � e��:.rr' ��a C�� RegmaB Schofeld Assistant At[orney Genc:� � Enclosures 09-1000 " Department of Justice - - _ _ Office of Justice Programs `-°-`'-`' Office for Civil Rights w�,r,,,,_y.», Dc ?nssi Septembcr ?6. 2007 Cnieflohn M. Harrin�ton City of Saint Paul li l�'est Kello�g Qoule�ard SL Paul, MN SSIO2 Dear Chief Havington� Congra[ulanons on your recen[ award. In establishmg fioancial ass�stance programs, Congress linked [he rece�pt of Federal funding to co:"�ohance wrzh Fuleral civil rights laws. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR), Office of 7ustice Programs (OIP),' �.S Department of Jushce is responsib(e for ensuring tlia[ reapients of Enancial a�d fmm OJP, its component offi� �� and burcaus. tlie Office on Viole�ce Against Women (OV W). and the Office of Commun�ry Onented Pa;cmg Sero�ces (COPS) comply wrth applicable Federal crvil rights statutes and regulanons We al OCR are avaiiable to help you and your orgamzation meet Ihe crvii nghts requirements that come wrth Jusnce Dcparunent lunding Ensuring Acress tu Federaily Assisted Programs As you know, Federal lac�. prohib�t recip�ents of fi�ancial assistance from discriminating on the basis of race, color, nanonal origm, retigion, sex, or disability in funded programs or aciivities, not only m respect [o employmcn[ prnctices bul also m the dehvery of services or benefits. Federal law atso prohibVS funded programs or acnvines from disennu nating on the basu of age in the delivery of sero�cu or benefits. Providing Services to r.cmited English Proficiency (LEP) Individuals In &ccordance wiih Dep: � iment of Iustice Gmdance perta�ning to T�tle VI of the Civil Riah[s Act of 1964, 42 U.S.0 6 2000ct, reapicu�.� of Federal tmancial assistance must take reasona6le steps to prov�de meamngful access to their programs anJ nctrv�ties for persons with limited English proGciency (LEP) Foc more mfortnation on [he crvd nghts responsib�Lues that rcc�pienLS have in providmg langua�c servwes to LEP mdividuals, pleese see the websric at ht(p.//www.l��.gov Ensuring Equal Treahuent for Faith-Based Organizations The Deparcment of ]ust�ce has pubLshed a regulaeon specifieaily pertammg to the Cunding oCfaith-based orgam�abons In genar.�l, ihe regulation, Partiapat�on in Jus[ice Department Programs by Rel�gious Orgamzauons, Providing lur F,qual Trcatmen[ of ali Iusticc Departmcnt Program Participan[s, and known as [he Equal Tream�ent Reeula��<�n 2R C F.R. pert 38, requires St¢fe Admmistenng Agencies [o treat Ihese organiza4ons [he same as any other apolicant or reeipient. The regulat�on proh�brts Stute Admmis[enng Agencies from making awArd or gcant admmisnu� wn decis�ons on the basis of an orgamzatiods relig�ous character or affiliatioq relig�ous na�ne, or thc re^gmus composition of i�s board of directors Thc reguiaiion also �roh�ons CaiOi-based orgamzations from using finanaal assistance from [he Depanment of lustice to Pond mhcrrnLi, rehg�ou5 activities. Whde fa�th-based otgamzations can engage m non-funded mherenlly reiioious ��cn � n ies. they inust be held separately ftom the Department of lustice funded program, aod customers or bencSaarle, cannot be compelleA to participate in them. The Fqual Treaunent Regulahon also makes clear that organir�itmns partiapaung in pmgrams funded by the Department of.lustice are not permrt[ed to d�scnmmatc in Lhe provisci of servmcs on fhe basis of n benefic�ary's religion. Fox more mfoimation on the regulation, please see OCR's websrte at http //www.u�p.usdoj.gov/ocdettbo.hcm 09-1000 —� State Admmisterina Aer. eies and faith-based orGani7ztions should also no[e that the Safe Sheets Act, as amended; the Victimt of Cnme AcL as amended; and the Iwemle Jus[ice a�d Delmquency Pmvention Act, as amended, contain prohi�iuons a<,ainst discriminatwn on the basis of religion in employment These employment provisions have 6eeo spc_.ficai{y incoroarared mto 2S CF.R. Part 38.1(� and 38.2(fl. Consequently, m many arcumstances. St u�oiJd he impemiissiSle for (aith-Sased organizations seeking or receiom� fundm� autho;ized by these statutes cu havc polr>ies or pracuces that condition firina and oiher emp{ovment-reiated decisions on the reli�ion ofapplicana or cinployees. Programs sub�ect m these nondiscriminat�on provisions may be found on OCR'swebsrtea[httn:;f���vw.ojp.usdoj�oviocr( Quesnonsabouttheregula2ionorthestawtesthatprohibit d�srnmination in emplc� n:cn[ may be dirured ro[hrs Office. Enforcing Civil Rights '.aws �I I reapicn[s of Fcdera: finanaal assistance, regardless of [he pamcular funding source, [he amount of the orant award, or thc m�mber of : mplayees in thc workforce. are sub�ect to tlleprohibitions against unlawfn{ d�str�m�nation. Accurdir_,y, OCR investi�ates rec�pients that are the subject of d�scnmination complamts from boih mdividuals and gruo„s L�� adduion, based mi regulatory c�iteria, OCR setec[s a number of rec�pients each year for compl�ance rev�cws. ,i.dns that rcyuirc recfp�ents to submit dac� showmg that they are providing sernces eqmtebly to ull seg�nrnb ; i their scrvme popWa[ion and thn[ [heir emA�oymen[ p�achces mee[ equal employment opportunrty ,t�ndards Complying wifh the Sa�, Streets Act or Program Requirements In addn�on to these gcner�i proi;�biuons, an oreaniZation which �s a recipient oCfinancial assistance sub�ect [o the nonUiscnininatiun prwi5ions of Chc Oinnibus Crime Control ai�d Snfe Streeis Act (Sak StreeCS Act) of 1968, 42 U S.0 § 3789d(c). or ot!�cr Federal grant program requirements, must meet hvo additional requirements.(I) eomplying wnh Fede,al i cyulat�ons pertaming to the development of an Equal F,mploymeni OppoRunity Plan (EEOP), 28 GF R§ 42 '01-308, and (2) suUmnting �o OCR Fmdmgs of Disenmmanon (see 28 CP R. §§ 42205(5) or 31:?02(5)) ]) Mectiup tf�e EEOP Requirement [�i aCCm�dance w�th FcAci ai regiJabons, Assurance No. 6 in the Sln.ndard Assucances, COPS Assurance No. B.B, or cenam Federal grant prn.��ain requrcements, your orgamzation must comply with the followmg EEOP repornng reywremen[s If your organ�zatioi� 6a, rcceiveA xn award f'or $50q000 or more and has 50 or more employees (counnng both Tull- and part-Umc umpinvees bui exe}i��}ine poht�cal appomtees), dien it has ro prepdre an EEOP and subm�[ it ro OCR for review within 64 dxys ftom the dafc of this le[ter For assistance m developing an EEOP, please consuh OCR's webs�tt at mtp�liwww.o�p.usdo�.govloaleeop.hmi. You may also request technical ass9stance from an FEOP speciahs� at Ot'�'t by diahng (202) 616-3208 If your organizahon recri:ed an award betwcen $25,000 and $500,000 and l�as 50 or more employees, your ocgani�u[ion stit( has lo p�.epare an BF,OP, but rt does not have to subnvt the E60P to OCR tor rev�ew. Instead, your organi�at�on has [o � the FF.OP on fle and make rtnvailable for review on request. In addttioq your organr�aeicm has [o con� �te Seawn B of the Certifieacron Form atiid reWm it [o OCR The Certifieation Form can be found at http ;/www . o usdo� oov/oer/eeop.ht�n. Ifyour or�anrzauwi iec. �d au uwarzl for less than $25,000, or ifyour orgumrntion has less Ihan 50 employees, reaardless oi Ihc ameuN uf thc award; or if your orgamzuEioi� is x medmal mstitution, educatlonal inst�Ntion, nonprofit orgunvatio;� o!nd��i� Iribe, then your orgsmzanun is excmpt fmm the EEOP requirement However, your organvauon nmsl ccinpictc Scction A of thc Ccrtification Form and �e[um «to OGK T(ie Ceiufication Form can be found at htir ;, w-. s o)p uedoj.guv/ocr/eeop.htm �) Subiriit�ing Findings of Discrimmation I� the event a Fedcral o� °iatc court or Federal or Sta[e administranve agency makes an adverse finding of discnmmat�c�i agamst v�, � organiaation after a due process heazing, on the ground of rxce, coloy rehgwq natfonal oria�n, m'sCx, your o�gai �, anon must submit a wpy of [he finding to OCR for review. 09-1000 Ensu ring the Compliancc nf Subrecipients [f your organiution rr.akcs cubawards to other agcncies, you are responsible for assurm� that subrecipients aiso comply with all of thc ap�:!:cable Fedeml civil ri�hu laws, includme the requirements per[amino to developing and submi[nn, an EFOP.: _pcning Findmas of Discrimmation. and providm� lan�uage services to LEP pe�ons Siate agencSes that cm4; ���awards must have m place standard grant assurances and rev�ew procedures m demonstrate tlizt the� sr.;; �Tectrvcly momtonng the civii nghCS compliance of subrempients. It"we can assis[ you m a� way m fWtilhnn yoUr civil rights rtsponsibdities as a reapient of Federal Pondin„ p4ease caiV OCR al (2021 '^i-0690 or visit our website af http:l/www.ojp.usdoj.govlocd. Si�icerely, �'�„'^-� a� G�e�.h---- Mwhael L Alston Director cc� Grantn9anagi�i Financml Anaiv�l 09-10�0 sT °` � �_ _ * +.snr:� Depart��nt otlustice Office cf lusCice Programs Office �f Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevenfion i RECIPIE��TNAMF.AVU.nDDRIS,pncludm�_ZipCo�lc) Ciry of Samt Peul SS W cat Kcilo;,, Bou7a�aN S: PauL M4 5510? lA CRAVTEC IRS/V G�DOR NO 41GOpii21 Cooperative Agreement PAGE 1 OF 3 3.AWARDNUMBER� ?�S-MC-CX-K008 _ � 5 PROJE(TPERIOD.FROM Ol/OI2005 TO IJ312009 I BUDGETPERIOD FROM OI:Oi2005 W I?/iI2009 � I fi AtVAR�DA7E 09n�q007 ] ACTION � " �� �—� R SUPPLEMENTNUMBER Supplcmcnul � 02 I 9 PRHVIOUSAWAROAMOUNT 5950,000 3.PRO1CC1'�ITLE IOAMOUNTOFTHISAWARD 5200,000 — i ', Mmncsuia ComP�mi fom2a. We�ef: acm hunanvc —1 l t TOTAL A W ARU S 1,150.000 �� I2 SPECIALCONUI"IIOVS I , THEAAOVEGRANTPROII('II',�PPROVI-DSUBIF,GT9USUCHCONDI910NSORLIMIIATIONSASARESEiFORTN � ON9HF.ATTACYIEll1'A(,EIS) __I ' I3.STA}U"fpP,Y AU'i{V(YRIlO FOK"F�1NT Thicpm�ccnssupponalundwPUn �. No IIOa,cmbcddudsw IOI.104,PUb L No 1 I cffi<t on Scpi l0.'00( (FY 200] "r,� nt Di.u�ctionary"J 15 MCfHODOFPAVMENT PAPRS I� AGLNr�..I'PRGVAL � � 16 TYPEDNAMF,ANDTIRLUT APPRGVINGOFFICIAL � RcgmnB Sehofcld � Asa�mam Anm�cy Gcnanl � GItANTEEACGEPTANCE _ IR TYPEDNAMEANDTITLEOfAUTHOAIZEDGRANTEF,OPPICIAL lohn M liecr�vg�un Ch�cfofPOhcc i 17 SIGNA"fUftEOPAf`PXOA'iNOVCfCiAL 19 S1GNA'IOREOFAUTHORIZEDRECIPIE�TOFFICIAL I 19A DATE � %� '�„�ccs , .��G' ' � . 7_N�l�"a.4.' �' ' " � ��i! 4GENCY USbONLY �i 20 A('CbI 21 DGOTRIOQ91 � FISCAL F[lND HUD l)N � YEAR WDE ACT OFC RCG SUB POiMS AMOUNT X B D6 ]0 00 00 ?00000 OJP FORM 40002 (REb' >-R9) PAEV I�)UC Ep�'ppNS ARE ORSOLETE OIPFONM4000f?�};EV 4-R57 09-1000 � "` ?�, Dcpanmeni ofJustice _ R 06ice of Iustice Proorams � , :� � *�' Offics af Jwenile ' `�°<^_`"" e Jnsfice and DeGnquency -"�' Prec��ntion ' PROSBC7NUMBLR 200?-�1P-�'A-KOOF AWARD CONTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreement A��'dND DATE 09!?fi200"! SPECIAL CONDITIONS I I --� 1 The recipien�. ag:ecc to comply with the financial and admmistrative requiremenis Set fortti m[he current edition of the ` O�ce oflu.cti�� i�,v�rams (OIP) Finsncial Gmde. � ? The recipient acknuwled�,es that failure to submit ao acceptable Equal Employment Opportuniry Plan (if reeipient is I rcqiiimA to +!i;in cno nursuant to 28 C.F R. Section A2302), that �s approved by the Office for Crvil Rights, is a I violation oC nti CertiC�ed Assucanes and may result m suspenswn oc tercnmatwn of fundin�, until such nme as the I mcipmn� �s in comphance. 3 The rec�p�eni ap: ^ec to cmnply wnh the oreanizational audit requirements of OMB Circular A-133, Aud�GS of States, I [,ocal GovemmenR. and Non-ProCrt Organizations, as 4unher dzscnbed in the current edition of the O7P Financial I Guide, Cha�lte- 19 I 4. Recipieni uneiersiands and agreas that il cannot use any federal funds, e�Hier d�rectiy or mdirecdy, tn suppoR of [he i enacUnent, ic��cnl modi4cvtion or adoplion of arry 7aw, regulation or poLey, a[ any level oigovernment, wifhout the exprasc pnor �a�r.i.cu &pproval of O]P i 5 The app6can+ buuge� is pending review or appmval The recipient may noi obligate, expend or draw down any �rnnt I tuutis untd tne OI'Gcc ut tlic Coinptroller, Office of 7ustice Programs has �ssued clearance of tl�e appl�cat�on budget, and a Grunt Ad�u�!c;c �asce hac 6een issued removmg chis special cond�tion. � 6 Tha Prqect D�rrr �r and key p�ogram personncl designaeed in Che applioatmn shall be replaced only for compelling reasons and ;,r�, :<concurtenccof O1P OJP will not unreasonably withhold eoncurrence. All successors to key pm�somicl �nur,s b�_ npproved, and such approval is eontingent upon submission of appropr�ate informa[ioq mcluding, bu[ not lim�te<i ta. a rosume. Chaogas in other program personnel reqmre o��ly notificxhon to OJP and submtssion of re�umee, uul�:a ;�herwise desia iated m the award document. ' 7. The rocipient ag,-� �:; lo submit quartedy financini s[uLUS reports to Che Office of Justice Programs usmg S�andard Form � SF 269A or O.c Lntemet at ht[ps�(lgranLC o}p usdoj.gov These cepoRS sha{� be su6mitced on-line not later than 45 days aller Ihe end of eoci� calendar quartec The Poial report shall be submi¢ed noe later tlian 90 dsys following the end of , the �rant prned ' 8. Tl:c rc;.ipiGU aL.a6 ;�ibe�,t scn�iannual progress mports. Progress rcpor[s shall bc submrtted wiihin 30 days after the end � ol lhc rcpun,ug pu iodc, �vhwh Ure Junc 30 and December 31, fm life of the award These reports will be submitted to the Officc nf li��,�c� programs, on linc-through thc Intomct at httpsJ/granis.o�p.usdoj.�,ov/ � 9. Approva{ uf t�,:. ,,..uru docs not mdlcate approval of any eonsuitant rete in excess oP$450 per day. A detailed �u,�i�cnoon n.as� �.r sabm�t[ed eo and approved by theOffice ofJust�ce Programs (OiP) pmgiam officepnor to ' ob�i�auon oi �tpendrture of such Ponds i 0 T}�e recipient agrecs �a comply w�th the 7CAC Task Force Pwe am Standards as established by the ICAC Task Force i <AdvisoryGoa�cttrlsxpproved6yOIJpP 1 L Thc rec�oiem agr�,e; to forwLrd repons of ICAC Task Force Pro�ram Monthly Performance Meuures to the OJJDP- acvanated sne. PAGE ^_ OF 3 O1P FORM 4000? (RE\ 4Rk1 ��c o o 'k �. '�mce� Dc-a �en; ofJUSt�Ce O,` <, ' Iustice Programs fDfiice of d wenile Justicc an�l Delinquenc�� °; °� =^.fion AWARD COnTINUATION SHEET Cooperative Agreemenf 09-1000 , i P9GE 3 OF 3 �� i PROJECTNUM[3ER '_005�l.'^�: KnOfi AWqRDDA"IE 09R6/?00'1 '� ' SPECIAL COND(770NS � 1?. The Of[ce o( (u�cnde ;usnce and DelmGUency Prevwtion has electui m eater mto a Cooperative Agreemeni raCher � than a�rant wrti: (nc recin�ent. Th�s decismn reflec[s the mutual in[erest of the recipient and OJJDP m the operahon of '� � tne p;u�cct as ..ei, a+ thc anunpated level of Federal mvolvemcnt m this project OJ7DP's partiapatory mle in [he ' project�saajr;i , 1 z Revicw , nd a�:�s ove ma�or work plans, �ncludmg changes to such plans, and key Clecisions pen2imng to pro�ect I operaLOnc '�, b. Review mid apnrovc ma�or pm)cct gencra[ed documents and matcnals used m the provison of pro}ect services , Provide gwdiincc ,� c�gni�cant pro�ect plxnning mectmgs, and partiapa[e in pro)ect sponsored traimng events or ' conferenccs. { I QIP FORM4000f1 (REV 4SA) I � I _ ____—� 09-1000 ����"' Department of Justice . : � ' Office of Justice Pro�ams = ,,.��j ��. :t -- _.-- Of/ice nf Juvenile Justice mrd Delinquency Prevention 44avhmgran DC j0531 Memorandum To: C'-r:i�_ial Grant File Frnm: t�atii} Grasso, Nepa Coordinator SuUject: Cat_ �:oncal Exclusio� for City of Saint Paul The recipienf a� ees tn a� ti�st OJJDP to comply with the National Environmental Pol�cy Act (NEPA) and other related fcdcral cnv���rnlmcntal impact analyses require�nents in the use of tl�ese grant funds either directly by the recipieu� �� 6y a suhrecipient. Aceordmgly, prior to obligatm� �,rzant funds, the �antee agrees to first dcY:nni��c. I any of t(1e following activihes will be reSaYed to the use of the grant funds and, �f so, to advise OJJDP av.i request further NEPA impicmentation guidanca Recipient understands that this special condihon appiics' to its ae4viCies whether or not they are being specifically funded with these gtant funds That is, a; loug as the activity �s being couducYed by tl�e recipient, a subrecipient, or any t1w�d party and the activnv necds to be undertaken in order to use these grant funds, this special condition must first be met The ac.iviCies covered by this special condition are: a. new construction; b. mmor renovanon or remodehn� af a property either; Q) listed on or oligible for lishng on the National Register of Historie Places ox; (2) lacated within a 100-year flood plam; c. a renovation, ]ease, or any other proposed use of a bui?din�r or facility that will either; (1) resnit in a change in its basic prior use or, (2) sigmficantly change itti ,� �e and; d. ]mplementat3on of a new program involving the use of chemicals othcr tl�an cl�emicals tha` kzrc: ( I) purchased as an mcidental componcnt of a funded activ�ty and; (2)tradif�anaily uaed, i'or cxr�impie, ii� off�cc, household, recreat�onal, or educahon. � 09-1000 � SR 4 ' : 4 P �'.� � m��- �mpanmentof)ust�ce GRANT!YTANAGER'S11'LEM012ANDUM��PT.I: ��� O�IL^eOfIUS[ILL?N^d90S � � PROJECT SUMMARY � tlffice of Jueenile Iustice and , �)dmuuency Prcvenuon COOp¢�a6vf Ag7'e8It10ilt — ; PR07LCL NUMBER , PAGE ! OF i 20R5-MC-IX-K008 Th�<pro�ecue.up{wne.ti�r��:rPuS L No ll0-S,cmoe.ddedsec. ]Dl-]OA,Pun L tvo 7�9-IOR,ll9Sia� 290,2330.+'2L.SC 3�6D-37b?suiu etTec� o� Seq� 3U_20(l0 ��l' '00' . •Bymc D�ac�ei�ana��"1 N 1 STAt r CUKTAC 1�'�ai, _:@ micnbone number) lacquc6��e 09teilty (?02)511-'O�l la TCREOk lHl.l'R��uV .bi O11DV FY �] Huddm_ 7. A� :�,ret�tir. Cnpamty 4 ILTLEO[ PROJBC� Minnc.�nz ( umpum� I nrn.iu �ul.mxge�nentlnmauvc 5 h'AML h ADI )ItiFS OI ''+AN �ht [ ay n(SmnrYau7 IS Wtsi KeIla3Geu,d� rd S� PauI.MN 5>IO? ] PROGIth,bl PI Riql, PftOM OI'r,l '10� 9. AMOUNT UF A4�'AI?Pi 53o0.(�nq il SE('o�.pYL^.R:t'inr•••�f' I3 I711f2U Y6AR'ti [3l �Jt.i 1 PfiltlOD 3 PROILC7 DIRECTOR (hame, ad�ree, & [elephonenumbe[) I�ed �elwn Comma�der 76'1 Grove Sveet SC Pnid. M� 5510I (6S1)"193-]045 � ( 3b POMS CODE (SEE INSIRUCTIONS I �, ONR[iVERSE) ___ � I I b. NAML & AllRESS OP SUBGRANTEP � I _ � —� R BUUGGTPERIOD � 'PU Lllll2U09 FRGM_ �1101/2W5 TO I21312��9 � I 10 DATE OS A W ARD � 09/261200� f2 SCCOND YFAA'S BUD(SE7 AMOUNT i I I 14 THfRD YEAR'S BUDGflT AMOL'M � LS SUD9ibLARV DlS' F.IPI t0�' UF PRUIEC2 (Se�„ �nslNCtion on reae[se) Che ICAC Fn',ram u e n.iLOiv; neiwod nf midt�-agency, mWtryunsdmnonal task Cnrces engaaed m pronet�ve mvasngabons, forensw examinatinm_,md cFlici, � pm�ecnoons Additionally, 16e iask forees prov�Je forenste prevenLLOn, and ioveshgatmn a<ssqnce ro peren4, educamn, orosecnmo, {: c�forcement,am5 others concemed wsh child vmtimrzahon usues $uPV�<manlul lundm� n'�am� � rovided fur the pmpusr of developirta end tmplemeunne stra[egie5 ro bmld the Tuk Fom�s' <apaciry ro 6a�dle f orens. m� ev �ganon.: nu rtivce IDce�ism backfogs CAfNCF I I I � ,_� O)P POR14 i000/? (RLb A LR� LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE �C�x��'�"`�' '� 09-�dDd Internet Crimes Against Children Program OPE�.TIONAL .�ND INVESTIGATIVE S�A1��ARDS ICAC Progvam Operationat and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLX � Page 1 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 Defiaitions As used herein, the following definitions shall apply: "OJJDP" is the O�ce of �uveni]e Justice and rJelinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEOS" i:; lhe Child Exploitation and Obscenity Sec6on of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice. "ICAC" is the Internet Crimes Against Children program composed of Task Forces and Affiliatee>. "TASK FORCF" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by OJJDP to act as a State and/or Regional Task Force. "A�FILIATE" is defined as a]aw enforcement agency that is working in partnership with a Task Fcrce and has a�eed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operational and Investigative Standards. "PART'NEP" is defined as an agency assisting a Task Force absent a written agreement. "NATIONAL iNITIATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal that relies on the cooperation uic? resources of �Il Task Forces or mandates action by OJ.TDP. "CVIP" is fhe Child Victim Identification Pro�am operated by the National Center for Missing &, Exp)oited Children. "CYBER'i'I�'L,INE" is a reporting mechanism for cases of online child sexual exploitation and enticement operated by the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children. Far the purposes of this program, crame is defined as any offense that involves the exploitation of �;�ildren facilitated by technology. Investigativc interest is established when there is reasonable suspicion that a seteen name or other potentially identifiable entity has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence nf activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime. A proaciive rsxvestigation is designed to identify, investigate and pmsecute offenders, which may 7r may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant degree ofpre-operative planning. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAL�� ENFORC.EMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 2 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 A reactivr investigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime. �" Reasonable suspicion is established when suffieient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to bclieve that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal activity. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards &`OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 3 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 1. O�ersight 1.1 Each ICAC agency shall have supervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity. Such system should comply with the principles of quality case management and ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and 1CAC Standazds. 1.2 Task Forces shall submit all prc�pcser' national initiatives to OJ7DP prior fo project initiarion. 13 OJ7DP ii�ay suggest amendments to the original proposal following consultation with the presenting Task Force and other federal, state, and local enrities. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFOI2CEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 4 of 15 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 2. Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel 2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work history that indicates prior investigative experience, wurt testimony skills, ability to handle sensitive information prudently. and a genuine interest in the protection of children. 2.2 Given the graphic naYure of evidence routineiy encountered in TCAC related cases, the m�ental heatth of investigators working such cases is a great concem. Task force supervisors at all levels are encousaged to make reasonable efforts to ensure tl�a� a�; assigned ofi�cers renlain fit for duty in accordance with applicable depar[menta] po]icies and procedures. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOI2 LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 5 of 15 09-1000 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 3. Train9e�g 3.1 All Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent with the ICAC Operationai and Investigative Standards. 3.2 ICAC Task Force Commanders are responsible for ensuring that the individuals nominated for ICAC sponsored training are emptoyed by agencies that have agreed in writing to adhere to the ICAC standards of invesrigation and that any prereouisite requirements for the training session have been met. 3.3 tCriC tasi: forces may give regional training. The training shall comply with current ICAC standazds. Any subsequent support required as a result of the regiona] ttaming shall be the responsibility of the task forae providing the training. ICAC Program Operaiional and Irtvestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 6 of 15 09-1000 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 4. Case IVLanagement 4.1 Case Predication and Prioritization 41.1 Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Intemet service providers, or other law enforcement agencies, and by infotmation gathered through subject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints, or by any other source acceptable under agency policies. 4.1.2 ICAC super,�isors are responsible for determining investigative priotities and selecting cases for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that detenniilatic7 should begin with an assessment of victim risk and then consider otl �er factoxs such as jurisdiction and known offender behavioral characteristi�s. Tha following prioritization scale shall be considered: aj �1 �,nilu is at immediate risk of victimizarion b1.A child is wlnerable to victimization by a known ofFender c) A known suspect is aggressively soliciting a child(ren} ci) Manuf'acturers, dish or possessors of images that appear to be home ph�>±o�_raphy with domiciled chitdren e) '.�d�'e ;sive, high-volume child pomography manufacturers or distributors who eit';cr are commercial distributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sadistic images f) h✓ianufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-volume trafficking or };e�ong to an organized child porno�,naphy ring that operates as a criminal con5piracy g) Distribators, solicitors and possessors ofimages of child pomography h) � r"v �'Y±er forn� of child victimization. 4.2 ttecarci'��u€�+nng 4.2.1 1CA'�� age��ies shall be subject to existing agency incident reporting procedures and case suporvision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assigied to each ICAC case. A.2.2 All afiiliate� agencies �vill report their acrivity to the respective Task Force Com�nancicr by the lOth of each month using the ICAC Monthiy i'etfonnance Measures Report. �. �.3 Tas,< � �, c.s �ill compile and submit their monthly performance measures re�}ort to the OJJDP designated location before the end of the following tCAC P� ogr•am Operational and Investigative Standards �OR LAW ENFORCEMEN`T PURPOSES ONLY Page 7 of 15 09-1000 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE calendar rnonth. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress report reauirPd bv the Office of Justice Program's Financial Guide. 4.2.4 ICA C' Case Tracker — Task Forces will compile and submit information on all cases referred ior eith�r state ar federal prosecution. Information is required for all cases referred b}� tlle �ant receiving agency, as well as all a�liates that zeceived morethan $20,000 a year. This report is on-going and begins with the prosecutorial agency the case is referred t� and r,ontinues throu� the final disposition of the case. This on-going quarterly rei�ort will be due within five (5) business days of the start of the quarter and does not r:k�iu;:e either the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of Justice Prob am's Finsnciai Guide nor the quar[erly statistical performance measures report (see 4.23 abo ,: ; 1'11� xepor� is submitted to icaccaseh acker�rr.usdoi.�ov and copied to the ICAC Pro�ra�T� Manager assigned to the task force. 4.;; Un�eY�e ��vea• Anveatiga�ions 4.3.1 Car:.i:!l; ✓ n;:anaged undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze arnong th� :�.cst effective techniques available to law en£orcement £or addressing ICAC o:�., : �:;. �_Jndercovar operations, when executed and documented piroperly, ro':lect virtuatly unassailable evidence regarding a suspect's predilection to exploit children. 43.2 ICAt" supervisors are responsible for ensuring that 1CAC investigators receive a copy of the fCAC Operational and Tnvestigatrve Standards_ 4.3.3 ICA� r,tvestigations shall be c;onducted in a manner consistent with the principles of law an�� .a�,�:: p�c,cess. ICAC investigatozs ara encouraged to work in couyw-�ctiv�� �v:th their local, state or federal prosecutors. 43.4 T'hc �;i�fowing ininimwn staodards a}7ply to ICAC investi�ations: a, t'�nly swarn, on-duty 1CAC personne] shall conduct ICAC investigations in an un.lercover capacity. PrivaCe citi2ens shall not be asked to seek out investigative tar;=ets, nor shall the•y be authorized to act as police agents in an online Undarcover capacity. h. 4� ',C r�::rsonnel shall not electrnnically upload, rtansmit, or forwaxd r�o� ��=�«rsnhie or sexually explicit ima�es. c. �mer tnan images or videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have �rc„ u;,•;.' their infom.:ed written consent, and at flie time consent was given �ver� erriployed by a criminal justice agency, no actual human images or vidc ,s st�atl be utilized in an imestigation. Empioyee is defined as a sala�ed or car�pensated individual. ICAC P,�•ngram Operational and Investigative Standards �OR �.AW ENFORC�MENT PUI2POSES �DNLY Page 8 of 15 LE4.W EN�'ORCEMENT 3ENSITIVE 09-1000 d. :�uring online dialogue, undercover officers should allow the investigative f _ tat��_ :: Co set the tone, pace, and subj ect matter of the online conversation. Image h'a�i�tci shall be initiated by the target. e. ".irdercover ontine activity shall be recorded and documented. Any deparhues frnm this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be documented in the relevant cas•� fiie =nd reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. 4.4 �vi�en^^ Q-oeedures 4.4. I 72ie ��c.:age, securiTy, aiid destruction of investigative information shall be consiste;:� •>- t: �gency pciic}'. Access to these files should be resh to authorizcu ,;::�t:ii,:el. 4.4? The c;xarr,ination of computers and digita7 media shall be consistenY with agency policy an<i nr�cerure. 4.4.3 Chi� i i.; contraband ancl sheuid be maintained pursuant to each agar�cy':. ;�. ': ,��,:� ; eg�dir�g such. lt is recommended that absent a court order specificai' _;; d�ring otherwise, evidence containing child pomography shall not be relea,��i .,, a��y defendant or representative t�iereof. 4.4A T'he �� ��; �stvr uf evidence containing child pornography among law enforcement shall be d�»i�� ir T secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery, transmissi„�, of' digifally protected files, dzlivery via a service which tracks the shipmeni .; o„�ei methods consistent with agency policy and practices. 4.5'Jv'o�;.3G �,e ;�a�ei �;qc�ip�t�ent 4.5. i IC <.:' ��.�ir�,�utcrs and soflware shall be reserved for the exclusive use of agency desibn�ate�' !%;� crerso�u�el. tiVhen possible, undercover computers, software, and online a::. ot:nis shall be purchased covertly. No personally owned equipment shall be u�f, ; m I��t�C investigations and all soflware shall beproperly acquired and licers:�. 4.5.2 IC,1i ,r�rs�;nnel shafi not use 1CAC computers, software or online accounts for personat u;e 4.5.3 Abscnt c;xi�;ent or unforeseen ciscumstances, all ICAC online investigations shall be c�r�duc<< :i :. „o ✓ernrnent workspace as designated by the agency. Exceptions must be a�,� :r,cci n� advance by an �CAC supervisor. �c�f,CPr OperatioraalaradlnvestigativeStandards ��� I,Er.W ENF()RC�;tQ!(El�'T PURPOSES ONLY Page 9 of 15 LA,� EN�ORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 5. Infor-���itc�,a� Sharing 5. i Conc:_r.� :�:�ai noundaries are virivaily meaningless in the electronic world of the Intemet ar:,' H:e usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These fact� �< ir�c .:;ase tr,e possibility of ICAC agencies targering one another, investigatin�, ,.he s�u-ie subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing imrestiguc..:.. T� toster coordination, eollabozaYian, and communication, each ICAC agercy �- :1.; r:;ntribute ca�c i:�for_nation c n al] active investigations (local, inter ::�te. reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by OJ1DP cu�. _ntly, refened to as the ICAC Data Exchange. 5.2 If any c+�rrimcn target is identified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible for contacting ,• ; ctiier law enforcement agency targeting the suspect. �.3 iniCi,it. [`_'r� � ager,ci� shoutd also consider con�acting other local, state, and f0Q07h.� L:.�S "t-i:S sNi]�G;1 �J01T1VOiVcC11(1 SI7T11�87 illVESt1�81,1OhS. .'CAC Program Oper�ational and Investigative Standards F€D�2 L�W EIVFORCEMENT P[JRPOSES ONLY Page 10 of 15 �,AW ENFORCE�vIENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 6. `lieti:r� ?�eaaiifieation 6.1 =denf ;:_ c�ild victims is a critical element of the ICAC Program. DOJ and OJJ�P rec�:.. -; ;�Is 'I'ask Forces to submit child victim images to the CVTP as a means to i...�roce child victim identification. Absent exigent circumstances, child victim im..�:�, wiii be sent to the CVIP consistent with I�iCIvfEC guidelines. In addition. i: , �(: rg�ncies are encouraged to collaborate wiih NCMEC to identify children r_� ��• c,tea in c'iild ��r.io�api�}. 6.2 A focu� >f�t'•2N (CAC Program is to protect chiidren. In circumstances where reportmg oi �nti� abuse is not required under existing ]aws, ICAC agencies are strongly er�: �,ura�;ed to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or e��to's,.:, �.::. 6.3 A't�ser: ,ig�.�t circumstances, victim identifying information should be protected from put;i:� �tisci«sure_ ICAC Prrooram Operutional and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page i 1 of I S 09-1000 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 7. Victirr� ��,>�+_f's�ation jNew sec�:-_ : tc ��:� drafted in 2009 about JUSTICE FOR ALL Act Provisions that govem victim noii`�cation.] ICAC Prrogram Operatiorzal and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 12 of IS LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 09-1000 8. Sest FF �a: i�ce:3 for interacting with Potential Child Victims and their Non- OEfend'ua„ ��mil;� Members jTo be dece�oped in 2009.] ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page 13 of 15 09-1000 i,AW ENFORCEMENT 5ENSITIVE 9. Comarb�mid�� Education and Crime Prevention 9.1 Prevention education activities are a critical component of the QJ7DP ICAC Program. �C,AC agencies should foster awazeness and provide practical, relevant guidance to chilciren, parents, educators, librarians, and other indivlduals concerned abnu� child safety issues. 9.2 Preset,tr��;:,ns to schooi staff, parents, and community groups are excellent ways to promot� au•areness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable victims, not otherv✓is� iri the public domain; nor shall they use pomographic or sexually explicit tma;�es. Presenters shall not discuss confidenrial investigative techniques. 9.3 No n��r�l:rer cF an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without tY�e expres:; : c,nsc:lt of an UJJDP Pro�am Ivlanager. While appearing at public presentati: n�:;, 1i_'.�C members may indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avoii, an iniplicit endorsement, such ICAC members should indicaYe adequate aliurnatives. ICAC Program Operational and Investtgative Standards FOR LAW ENFQRCEMEIYT PURPQSES ONLY Page l4 of 15 09-1000 LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE 10. Medga� ?�e4ations and Releases 10.1 Med� ��_leases relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters conceming ICAC ope-<:� ions shail not include information regazding confidential investigativ� techniques and should be coordinated (when applicable) with other Task Forc:: _�articipants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local agencies in�� ol.ved in the invesrigarion consistent with sound information managem�n' and media relari�ns practices. ] Q2 ICAF :'•�mmanders (or their designees) may speak to members of the media about their owr, r:.<�arments' 1CAGrelated activities according to their own agency's guidelines. `�io individual affi]iated with the ICAC program may speak on behalf of the ICAC Frc;r� ;r� t.a a whole. 10.3 ICA�. � omrtianders should inform their OJJDP Program Managers if approached by national i�����:u outiets about the ICAC Progam (as opposed to media seeking infonnatio�t about Iocal ac;tivities) so that a coordinated national respanse can be prepared by CJP. 16.4 �nf<;� �r� a i m E�rovided by ICACs to the media shall be consistent with the guidance belaw: Yurpqse cr �iee 1�'AC Program '['he mission of fhe Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC} Task Force program is to assi,t stata ��nci iocal law enr"arcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber enttE;;,�i�ent and child pornography cases. This support encompasses forensic and investigative coinponents, training and technicai assistance, victim services, prevention and commurzity education. l�ackgrc�.;�+,., ���: SSbe ��AC I�rogram The [nten�c;� Cria�es Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of fifty-nine coordmat�;:i ���cal task forces and their 1,800 local and regional affiliated agencies eng�gec; i�, `�>in proactiva and reactive investigations, forensic examinations, effective pt'osecati� ��, • and community education. i The ICAC Program was developed in response to Che iner::�=>inf>, uamber of children and teenagers using the Intemet, the proliferation of ch�id porn�,�..zF,r /, a7d the Iieightened online activity by predators searching for unsupervis�:�:i :ontact ��vith w�deraoe victims. By helping state and local law enforcement a�encies ��, � c,iu�; e£Fective and sustainable responses to online child victunization and child pornaer:tphy, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the local level. ";1;�; iC.A� ,. .,�; �,si acti protects ohildren who use the Internetby proactively investigat>> �; the on-line sexual exploitation of children by predators. Because ICAC pract:i;or:. =- �c'e-stand that arrests alone can not resolve the problem of on-i�ne r�c1 � rz?twn, the ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and educ�ttr�z ,-, �r::nts and youth about the potential dangers online and offering safety tools. 1C.'AC' Program Operational and Investigative Standards F'OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Page I S of 15