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Original to City Clerk ;4 j i P _'0ADI`kANCE . 190542 ,r COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY � 0RDIL11AlYCE—h(0 Council File No. 190542 — Ordinance No. _ 11426 —By Bernard T. Holland- '_ t An ordinance amending the Zoning S;rz�P._ _r_h nt�e,F_�60 to 64 inclusive,4of An ordinance'amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE -COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B", Residence District to IVI" Residence District: l L _ Z D Ld U ci c IL CL .1 Lots 1 through 6, the south 200 feet of Lots 7, 8 and west 20 feet of Lot 9,, the south 175 feet of the east 30 feet of Lots 9 and of Lots, 10, 11, 12 and south 1 foot of ots 3 through 16, all in Block 64�WC.51' ,f-r, FAUA AOfeR . ,All of Blocks 74 and 75 and south 2/3 of Lots 3, 4 , and 5, and all of Lots 6 through 10 in Block 76. West one -half of vacated Gorman Avenue adjoining south one -half of Lot 8 and all of Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 16 in Block 86� /P� hint. -�T• PA �- r 9A Lots 1 and 2 and north one -half of Lot 3, also' east 100 feet of Lots 8 and all of Lots 9 and 10 keaxxxrn_'g_e mn 87 Also Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Vollmer's n . LA Included in said tract are the following vacated streets: East Winifred Street from the west line of Robert Street to a line beginning at the south- So west corner of Lots 3, Block 64 and parallel to the west line of Gorman Avenue. East Robie Street from the west line of Robert Street to the east line of Humboldt Avenue. Gorman Avenue from the south line of Lot 4, Block 64, to a line 125 feet north of and parallel to north lineof George Street. Living��. Fa•� -p ®pew Avenue from the south line of Lot 10, Block 64,��0 extended north line of alley in Vollmer's Rearrangement. Section 2. This ordinance is herelg declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication. ` Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Ros —i'e seir -- 4 Passed by the Council 2 3 In Favor a Against 2 3 1959 Ni Vice ?c . _c-n (Ye �>a Approved: JAN �! Attes City Clerk Act* Mayor 1 2 -6z s DiMUmU U F - ORDINANCE 191542 PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO ORDINANCE NO.- An ordinance amending the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaceo health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the Zoning Code, Chapters 60 to 64 inclusive of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, pertaining to Use Districts, Height Districts, and Rezoning of certain properties in the City of Saint Paul, be and the same is hereby further amended so as to rezone the following described property from "B" Residence District to "C" Residence District: Lots 1 through 6, the south 200 feet of Lots 7, 8 and west 20 feet of Lot 9, the south 175 feet of the east 30 feet of Lots 9 and of Lots 10, 11, 12 and south 1 foot of Lots 13 through 16, all in Block 64, West St. Paul Proper. All of Blocks 74 and 75 and south 2/3 of Lots 3, 4 , and 5, and all of Lots 6 through 10 in Block 76. Test one *half of vacated Gorman Avenue adjoining south one -half of Lot 8 and all of Lots 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 10 in Block 86, all in West St. Paul Proper. Lots 1 and 2 and north one -half of Lot 3, also east 100 f" prig 411 of Lots 9 and i0 in Block 5 and 6 in Vollmer�s Rearrangement. Included in said tract are the following vacated streets: East Winifred Strart from the west line of Robert Street to a line beginning at the south- west corner of Lots 3, Block 64 and parallel to the west line of Gorman Avenue. East Robie Street from the crest line of Robert Street to the east line of Humboldt Avenue. Gorman Avenue from the south line of Lot 4, Block 64, to a line 125 Feet north of and parallel to north lineof George Street. Livingston Avenue from the south line of Lot 10, Block 64, to extended north line of alley in Vollmer's Rearrangement. Section 2. This ordinance is herely declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This its passage, approval Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peteraem- Rosen Winkel M�; art t._ loh Attestor. Vice ?r&u &nt lFetereon) City Clerk 1M 12 -57 .4610 8 ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon and publication. Passed by the Council JAN 2 3 1959 6 Tn Favor O --Against Approved: JAN 2 3 1959 Mayor A/ i f r 6 � f City of Saint Paul, Minnesota PETITION TO AMEND ORDINANCE NO. 5840, THE BUILDING ZONE ORDINANCE The signer should appraise himself of the uses permitted ' under the new classification before signing this petition. For further information about the.,re- zoning of property, call the Board of Zoning .Office .Ca...4 -4612, Fz t. 251. Date: July , 1958 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL % the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Pursuant to Legislative Zoning Code, Chapter 64.063 amendments and alterations in district lines, we, the undersigned owners of two - thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 feet of the real estate affected, hereby acquiesce; and we, the owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition ur Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: (see separate sheet from a "B" Residence District to a "C" Residence District, for the purpose of installing, constructing and /or operating the following: A facility for the housing of the ambulatory aging and infirmary. RECORD OWNER S TWA TMR _ TnT . RT.fInY AnnTrPTnu i 00 Pt. of to d Stuhlman Pt. of Charles P. Peltier - 13 5h Ma Jane Peltier n n n n Frank W. Thul Pto of n n Clare C. Thul n n n n Mildred Radant n 3 63 n a Edgar F. Fischer 4 61 n a .o 'R. J. Ta6heny 96 & 7 86 " n Marie Tacheny 4f tr n n n William F. Schilling,Jr. .o 7 86 p, n Loyce I. Schilling H. F. Radant _ 2 63 n n Justin Curran i, 5 63 n n 'D9 FU L HOPE Devlin Funeral Home %, �- 1 - 2 76 �� n c Pt.of Leo J. Froehle _4_5 6 n n Catherine Froehle n n n Mooney Gordon 8 Vollmer's Rearr. i —Myrtle Mooneyr-- n n n 7& 81 i Michael Chobin .-�_ t, 6!� West St. Paul Proper i 00 , ,, "t ,{r Continued: r ' 1, .OW Dpr'nTM nT.TKTWR n c Tr_ue mrmF TfYP RTnr..7 Pager two" A nnTTTnN A d MO !O f m Wes ..- St. Paul Lodge 59 a 0 . . . . . . . . . . .... ... . • West St. Paul Proper ■isa ::m lam )Andrew J. Meyers Continued: - RECORD OWNER . �r • Y State of Minnesota),, County of Ramsey, ) b SIGNATURE ! LOT I M IPMR-1. WORAM-1d, WK1059Mwee IN, I/7i-IJ,/ -Ami •MI i� If � ,( B r 1 Pt. • .D " A -, W. 90 I Page+ three West St. Paul Pro n n n n I C. Bielenberg % W. R. Bielenberg ✓ Karl F. Bielenberg ' Irma J. Wirtz W. V. Bielenberg Elsie Alma Heinsch Koenigin Lodge ## 5 �r • Y State of Minnesota),, County of Ramsey, ) b SIGNATURE ! LOT I M IPMR-1. WORAM-1d, WK1059Mwee IN, I/7i-IJ,/ -Ami •MI i� If � ,( B r 1 Pt. • .D " A -, W. 90 I Page+ three West St. Paul Pro n n n n I . Geo. L. Posavad being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who ci: culated the within petition consisting of 3 pages; that the parties described above are the owners .respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant,.and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures.of each and all.of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn t before me this day f �Fyy _ l c 5 N, R��e C aun t Minn. My Commission expires Page 3 of pages Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel C-NVEVIEVE UOWHAM, Nbtft ,PablIc, Ramsey County, MInne +; r,:,+ qI�Za�„ , Expires r&Y,,1§1 19,61, I' Masek's Rear . Geo. L. Posavad being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person who ci: culated the within petition consisting of 3 pages; that the parties described above are the owners .respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant,.and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures.of each and all.of the parties so described. Subscribed and sworn t before me this day f �Fyy _ l c 5 N, R��e C aun t Minn. My Commission expires Page 3 of pages Approved as to form 7/2/54 Office of the Corporation Counsel C-NVEVIEVE UOWHAM, Nbtft ,PablIc, Ramsey County, MInne +; r,:,+ qI�Za�„ , Expires r&Y,,1§1 19,61, J idly 30. 1958 Airport Director 216 Administration ouilding ]Iowan Field Ste Paul, Minnesota Not Milder -iesidenoes - Humboldt Avenue St, Paul, Hir►nesota Attentions Mr. F. J. Goago Airport Director Dear girt We are naw in the process of preparing working drawings for a Project which will provide general residential and com a sesi i tatilities for over usople, and at this time we wish to r*eeiv* oeusideration in the matter of ultimate height of the bvlldisTiel4, as related to air traffic pattern in the vieinity of Rals�tt The site recently purchased by 'our .olient is located s "rosissatolF ous (1) mile 11rootly sourth-west of Holman Fula and a sbdj" distanoe south of the St. Paul City fiOp aroa - the propW" is b0yoA by George, Humboldt, Congre" and Robert Streets, 4ao of the proposed buildings is to be a ssniti -story struaturo Vioh is to be constructed as follows (a) Mae I (immediate construction) floors, plus .the 910fttoe gaipment room# total hripht Yinclo smoke staek) 5t! -8Z tT;is wdUU be oqua1 to trios datum of 849.76'9 (b) e I (future cow tructlem ) Two '-M - addit iooal floors, • plug alavator' *quips"* rem total h fight (inol, smoke staek) 761-6* • this word be equal to 7sc1S datum of 8734'. /otet 'lour attention is ¢!rooted to the attached prig" E3) dated 20 July, 1959. roU&Ing our more recent dissuasion with ytr offleo = -Si i1tly 1958s, we horeby r*- submit a • *quest for peribigsion to eafto"t • multi -star building (on the sit* as degaribed above) tsillds the Airport Iffolman Meld) turning scone • such building shtil • . . barst (a) In Phase Is (immediate oaostruotioo)'aa "W structural element, an elevp,tion of %%76 of dates), fib) Ia !base II (future ooristruetien) u the uppermost strut taral aleoent, an 6101va lie• of 87396+ MW 4a1r). MIXXALI -idIXT CAUL OlO AN AIRPO 'i HOLauk rInD - - aAnrr PAUL 1. nrM ea OIFIO! OW AIR►ORT binacTOR' • 7bi.a�ffoMfti /1fa Ae1talMffiT1RAT10M ■YILOIMO J CA 4__4566 r r • incest 1, 1958 • . Bllerbe & %ogiarW / E 505 Fi.ret National Badc Bundiai St. Paul 1, M innesof a Attentioc! Yr. Robert H. Kerr ' i . Dear Hr. X errs I wish to 66mewledge receipt of your latter of Jxly 30 along with two copies and prints attached ghowiq the %proposed Milder Hesidenoea to be located at Oebrgo Street v/ and Humboldt Avenue, and in reply wish to eaf t.. t Phase I will most xi th the a mval of this office pftv Us extrenfe e told to tbe-TEUt O As to Phase II (future constractian), it will not Meet till the awrcval cf this office wilwo" at'gem fa* i% date the Technical Stand4rd Order -N18 of the Civil Aeronautics . Administration should ce obanged pemitting higher liana which I doubt very much, inamob as I believe they would be lowered, if argthing, .based an pact esperieooi. , a tberefore , � adrSsi� �'• Scta'oe�j�t'e ash �t'ehiteeto of ar decision. • Very traly 7'obts F . J. Ceq disport Director � � 4 1 ■h.r.� -- FJOseg co. Roert Aldrich E. F. %ishol ' Alfred H. Schroeder - Z"C . +Am` 5S. - NlM1. • :r- IkAA.I y O!=Rx72t MIT ?!_ WIXW;ATOI,1S.&AIR! PAYi 10111FROPOIr1lAZt AIRlORTa OOmZSIeaIO■ It Airport Director -Z- 7/30/58 At this.tims we respectfully ask that your surrey and decision as related to the aerooautioal slewats of this project, be based and submitted in two (2) ladividnal categories as follorst (a) On Phase I, as described above. (b) On Phase Its as described above. We trust that it will be possible for you to give this stattwe dw consideration at an early date and advise us.aeoeediagly, ?banking you for the tine which you have alreedy devoted on rut - -- bebalt. Xours sifteerelys Rober<R14F RWbgd Enos. Three (3) copies hints. ect • F. Rarig, Jr. Ity Architect - st. Paul . i fly 300 1958 f Airport Diroctor 216 Administration-nuild.ing 49IMan Field Ste Pates. & kuniie rota Res - Wildor 40 2denaos - Hmbol4t Avanuo St. Fsu,l, 'tirinesota ' Attention: Mr,' F. Jg. ,GenR,- 'Alrport, Dlroot:or Deer Eirt Wo are note In the procoss of prepavi tg working drawinge for a projeot which will-provide goneraA rooldential and oonvalesoing" faUlIties for older people# and at thin time we wish to V806ive ® (maild ®ration In th6 tnat:tor of. ultimte- half-,ht, of the b"1411,989 an related to air traffic pattorn is they vicinity of Rolmwvloldo ho site roaently purchased by cur tslient is loaattvd approximatoly one `(1) .'mile direotly -'eourthwwast of IIolman gi©id and €a. almllar distance Oout'h of tba St. Paul City loap -area -the property le bounded by g-eorgo, , itumboldt, 90A80868 and Rabort3 Stroets,. , Ono of the ptopo3 ed _ buildings to tO ' be a MIU -Story otmatsAro Which is to be constru,atod- as followas (a) Phase I (I1Wn8d1Rt0 canatruotion) ae floors, plugs ,the 010,Vator oqulpment s -gams total hei;eht '(incl, smok a tao%) 52t -8e - Ws wduld bb o4u to US03 datum of 849•.7i6': (b) hays II (future aonstftction) 79-o-t-21. additiloi ml _ floor3, • 'P 4 1� lue..elevator' a ui nut ro total h-fight (Inol, smoko ata8k) 76'-6" this would. be equal _to USES datum of 873e6'*, Motes -Your attentica is ireoted, to the att4abod priata ,(3) dated 2 July, 1459. Fblloiaing our mop® 'veeent di3ousuton faith your offi.eo ®n' 5 Ys 1950, we horsby re-oubtrit a • . equest for pardieaion to oonstyaQt a multi -story building (on the Otte as doscribod abova)-vitbIn #tho Airport (fi4mn ' Field) ' turnLrjg . zone - su ©h building ate1 y - havos (a) In Phase, I, (imiaodiate aons,truation), as the .0 rclsodsn)e tt�m atruotura l •bla ant, an eiavggcsn, of %9461 � fib) In Fba3o I1 Uuturo ametiruotion) as the- uppo=oat attae tur,al. nleMent, an oleVOe Q -of 87.1.69. 0303..daEt=10" ; x t 1VI HT OaRtQ6 bR SAINT �'Aii �� F"�EL� V { i 216 At%a9t01t�TRt/tTION ■u1LDINO ' r .19 orlpary E 5C5 Fix* t • • , + _ . i ^+rye n - � ^�` ' 3t, Rate x�t€. Kerr Dear Mr. Ke rr pia �.t edp- receipt � $�� ceA3:ts and y°�' letter of �' .,- _V� Fi ed W�d�r lids Fia ,e ghow X30` t, }._.... wee��� 1 ill u�b�dt Av, ®nueI s,, in be, located et acb2 5o , St �.••�,� �!- 8 JA @� �►� t} . 1� �digh f� eeJ t e t T hei�h a .fie this affua p�► � tlx f A.Ppr*nal40 this d2't3 atructi,n) ", it i1T Trot s - '�ca1. t ,see et ' ea as e Acmin trat�an � c i18 v the Ci de'te Se vhich 1 uld ba .1 �erryl�ut � doubt' �*ery- •Pe3tti� the, I be �, if : i �h as I �:ite, ` 1 age - ail be . 0" t,, -hsY Wauld ' theic �o rm rW d®c-L3ion. °; � ,r' cf.t� .Afthit� Qi* Pam t Y Your, :. J. Pjdieeg mart for Robert A- ldricli ` or C. �'S�JC'TS11` BT 'i'I3E =dI1tIPERAOLIa_I . e � Q.AIL1g' pAOL 8" "OPOLITAX A 1 -I • Ilty'ORTO OOI'�l�ItlttlODt Airport Director 7/30/58 At this. tune w© respectfully ask that your surpey and decision. as related to the aeroau tieal elemopts of .this project, be ' leased and su "6r l t ted in two (2) Individual oategorieas as " 'fol -lows s (a). ow Phase Is as dedoribod above. , F s ('h) On Phase II; as described above* z WS truat that it will bra possible For :you to give this mattops • du© consideration at fan early date and advise ud. aaaordinay; bahsif you for the time whiah you have air®ady devotetj-o;V,pV , ... Robert Ho rr ` ' Snoo. Three,(3) copies Prints. ' x oo: Lb;Mr. F. Harig, Jro 6J.01ty Architect = St. Paul s Description of Tract. A tract composed of the following: Lots 1 thru 6, the south 200 feet of Lots 7, 8, and west 20 feet of Lot 9, the jsouth 175 feet of the east �. 30 feet of Lots 9 and of Lots 10, 11, 12 and south 1 foot" of Lots 13 thru 16 all in Block 64.) All•of Blocks 74 and 75 and south 2/3 of Lots 3, 4, and 5 and all of Lots 6 thru 10 in Block 76. West J of vacated Gorman Avenue adjoining south z of Lot 8 and all of Lots 1, 21 3, 81 9, and 10 in Block 86. Lots 1 and 2 and north J of Lots 3, also east 100 feet of Lots 8 and all of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 87. Also tots 4, 5, and 6 in Vollmers Rear. Included in said tract are the following vacated streets: East Winifred Street from the west line of Robert Street to a line beginning at the southwest corner of Lots 3, Block 64 and parallel to the west line of Gorman Avenue. East Robie Street from the west line of Robert Street to the east line of Humboldt Avenue. Gorman Avenue from the south line of Lot 4, Block.64, to a line 125 feet north of, and, parallel to, north line of. George Street. Livingston Avenue from the south line of Lot 10, Block 64, to extended north line of,alley in Vollmer's Rear., g , Z � K ' f Description of Tract. A tract composed of the following: Lots 1 thru 6, the south 200 feet of Lots 7, 8, and west 20 feet of Lot 9, the jsouth 175 feet of the east �. 30 feet of Lots 9 and of Lots 10, 11, 12 and south 1 foot" of Lots 13 thru 16 all in Block 64.) All•of Blocks 74 and 75 and south 2/3 of Lots 3, 4, and 5 and all of Lots 6 thru 10 in Block 76. West J of vacated Gorman Avenue adjoining south z of Lot 8 and all of Lots 1, 21 3, 81 9, and 10 in Block 86. Lots 1 and 2 and north J of Lots 3, also east 100 feet of Lots 8 and all of Lots 9 and 10 in Block 87. Also tots 4, 5, and 6 in Vollmers Rear. Included in said tract are the following vacated streets: East Winifred Street from the west line of Robert Street to a line beginning at the southwest corner of Lots 3, Block 64 and parallel to the west line of Gorman Avenue. East Robie Street from the west line of Robert Street to the east line of Humboldt Avenue. Gorman Avenue from the south line of Lot 4, Block.64, to a line 125 feet north of, and, parallel to, north line of. George Street. Livingston Avenue from the south line of Lot 10, Block 64, to extended north line of,alley in Vollmer's Rear., g , Z � K e �k D OF ZONING,-- C I T Y OF SAINT PAUL :. a�ktANitl;�i1f; 251.232.2!3 1011CITY HAIL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT ►ANL f, MINk1SOTA Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: March 11, 1959 (This letter replaces one dated Jan. 2, 1959) This is in the matter-of the petition of the iY lder Foundation to rezone certain property from "B" Residence to "C" Residence. This property is bounded on the south by the properties fronting on the north side of East George Street; on the west by Humboldt Avenue; on the north by the bluff, and on the east by Robert Street. The legal description is in the attached peti- tion. The zoning is "B "- Residence. The Commissioner of Finance reports that the petition is sufficient and that the owners of 37 of the 53 parcels of land within the prescribed 100 foot radius of the property to be rezoned, or 70 per cent, have acquiesced in this matter. For*many years this property was a stone quarry. It was operated privately, and also by the Public works Administration after it became tax forfeited. It was also used in part by the City of St. Paul as an equipment storage yard. In 1952 this site was considered by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority as a possible public housing site. In 1955, the City of St. Paul and the State of Minnesota sold their interest in this property to,the present owner. At present the site is vacant and undeveloped. The applicant proposed to de- velop the site in two phases. Phase I includes developing the site with three one -story residence buildings which would house a total of 170 ambulatory patients; one four -story convalescent building to house 64 patients, giving a total bed capacity of 2341for the four buildings. In addition, there would be an activities building and a combination dining and recreation building, for a total of six buildings. The six buildings proposed under Phase I are within the approach pattern height limit for H91man Field as reported in the letter of Mr. F. J. Gang, Airport Director for Ho an Field,dated August 1, 1958, and directed to the Ellerbe Company, Copies of their letters concerning this matter are attached.. Phase II, one additional residential building having a bed capacity for approximately sixty ambulatory patients, and two additional stories to the convalescent building would be constructed subject to the Civil Aeronautics Authority granting a change in the present height limit of the. approach pattern to Holman Field. I This site has a frontage of 310 feet along Humboldt Avenue; 270 feet along South Robert Street, and approximately 250 feet along Congress Street. There will also be access from Livingston Avenue. The site has an area of approxi- mately 521,500 square feet, or about 12 acres. The site is level, and the sub -soil is sandstone. Wilder Foundation - Page 2 South and adjoining are one and two - family residences fronting on George Street, one small store, and the Riverview Reference Library; west across Humboldt Ave- nue is the St. Matthew's Parochial School and one and two - family residences fronting on Humboldt Avenue; north and adjoining is a variety of residential and commercial uses; east and adjoining is the Robert Street viaduct. Field investigation discloses no objections to the reclassification of this property in the light of the proposed development. It will also establish a desirable transition between the lower level which is basically commercial, and light industrial in character, and the upper level which is residential in char- acter. It is the opinion of the Board of Zoning that this reclassification would not be detrimental to the adjoining properties, and further that it would be a substantial asset to St. Paul. At it's meeting on December 4th, 1958, the Board of Zoning reviewed the matter and based upon the above findings, recommends the granting of this petition to rezone the property described in the petition from "B" Residence to "C" residence. Sincerely, p 1 Herbert C. Wieland Planning director HCW:FGI Encl. RD OF ZONING,; CITY OF 9AI N T PAUL :: 7' il}l. id1 231- 252.212 1013 CITY HAIL AND COURT HOUSE SAINT PAUL 2, MINNESOTA January 2, 1959 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk Building Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the application of the Wilder Foundation for the rezoning of a' tract of land from "B" Residence to "C" Residence. This comprises an area bounded by East George, Hunboldt, Winifred, South Robert St. and the bluff. The legal description is on the attached application. The purpose of this rezoning is,to construct a facility for the housing of the ambulatory aging and an infirmary. This matter was considered by the Board of Zoning at their meeting of December 4, 1958 and they recommend approval of this rezoning. Sincerely, f C�rG Herbert C. Wieland L Planning Director HCW; FGI Encl. i T '1 L OFFIC'R OF CITY CLERK,, BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota January 2, 1959 JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder .x.91)Z542 Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare an ordinance granting the attached petition to rezone certain property in tbd area bounded by E. George, Humboldt, Winifred, So. Robert and the bluff, as more fully described in the attached file, to Class "C" Residence District. Very truly yours, City Clerk MINNESOTA 8.c:> AmMRST • M WmDER FOUNDATION WASHINGTON A N D FIFTH S T R E E T S SAINT PAUL 2, MNNESOTA October 13, 1958 To The Honorable Mayor And City Council c/o the City Clerk City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: FRANK M. RARIG. JR. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY I am transmitting herewith the Petition of the Wilder Foundation to rezone from a "B" residence district to a "C" residence district, the property described therein, said petition being signed by the owners of two - thirds of the real estate situated within 100 feet of said property. We believe that you are all aware of the plans of the Wilder Foundation to construct a residence for older people on the property known as the old stone quarry, which the Wilder Foundation purchased several years ago from the city and county governments and a number of private owners. We have been advised that it is necessary to have the property re- classified before we can construct the institution for which the property was purchased. The enclosed petition is signed on behalf of the Wilder Foundation by George L. Posavad as its Assistant Executive Secretary. Ellerbe and Company have completed the working drawings and spec- ifications for the nursing home, which will be the first building constructed on the property. We are fortunate in having secured a modest grant of Hill - Burton Funds through the State Board of Health and are Vaiting for approval of our plans by the State Board of Health and the United States Public Health Service before requesting bids. As soon as approval is obtained bids will be requested and construction started as soon as practical thereafter, pro- viding that the enclosed petition is approved by the City Council. May I take this opportunity to thank each of you on behalf of the Wilder Foundation, for the cooperation and assistance you have given the Foundation in acquiring what we believe to be a very excellent site for our proposed residence for older people. Enc. COMMUNITY SERVICES FINANCED AND ADMINISTERED BY THE AMHERST H WILDER FOUNDATION CHILD GUIDANCE CLINIC DISPENSARY EDGERTON STREET DAY NURSERY LEECH STREET DAY NURSERY Sincerely, F. M. Rarig, Jr. Executive Secretary MARSHALL AVENUE DAY NURSERY NURSERY SC HOOL FOR BLIND CHILDREN WILDER ■ATHS AND POOL SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH NURSERY .CH..L FOR MENTALLY RETARDED CHILDRLN VISITING NURSES CHILDREN'S CENTER BUILD I ++G WILDER HEALTH CENTER BU IN WILDER BUILDING L .'.�.`�`.<< RD OF ZONING,• CITY -OF SAINT PAUL i .•:4k A11Ylp F: >tsl -2 3> -212 1313 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSI SAINT PAUL 2,M1NN`30TA December 31, 1958 Mr. Joseph Okoneski . City Clerk Building = , Dear Sir: Thts is in the matter of the appeal of Donald M. and Meridith Eckert to re odel an existing two story brick building from a triplex to a fourplex. This building was formerly the Margaret Street Police Station. This pro- perty is described'as the east 1.4 feet of Lot 25, and all of Lot 26, Block 2, Schurmeiers and Evans Addition, and is located on the north side'of Margaret Street between Hope and Greenbrier Streets. The zoning is L'B" Residence. In 1948 the Council granted an appeal permitting this structure to be remodeled as a triplex, which was done. In addition, a portion of the property has been used for the storage of equipment. The owner made two unsuccessful attempts to rezone this property for commercial purposes in order to continue this storage facility. The applicant now proposes to convert this storage area into an apartment unit. !There will be no exterior changes of the present build- ing in size or shape. J The property has a frontage of 41.33 feet along Margaret Street with a depth of 125 feet, giving an area of 5,166 square feet. The adjacent land uses are as follows: east and adjoining is a single family residence, then St. John's Lutheran Church; west and adjoining are duplexes and•triplexes with other resi- dences farther west; south :16cross Margaret Street are residences; north across the alley is vacant undeveloped land. Field investigation discloses no objection from the standpoint of adjacent -Land use. Minimum standards will be met from the standpoint of dwelling unit density and building coverage. There is adequate off-street parking space for four cars on the site. Therefdre, the Board of Zoning recommends this appeal to permit four dwelling.• units in this building be granted under Section 64.03, paragraph "1 Sincerely, �,rt� -� Herbert C.Wieland Planning Director HCW :FGI Encl. I 7s a '42n Laid over j 3rd and aPP do �✓ P Yqps Nays Yeas Nays DeCourcy DeCourcy Holland Holland Mortinson pebe -- `Rosen Rosen w4mbei— Winkel Mr. President Dillon Vice ?'ro- -44- ft raon) y 1542