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Original to Ctt! Clerk , ANCE An ordinance amamding several Sections of chapters 215, 247, 248, 250, 251, 252, 254 and 255, respectively, of the Saint Paul Legislative Code included within the Water Code relating to the regulating of rates therefor and the distribution and use of water in the City of Saint Paul, and the establishing of rules therefor. This is an emargen�y ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Tn COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES OR1' Iff: 19,131-2 0, S ti 1. (a) That Section 2 5.04 of the Saint Paul Legislative Cede hereby amended so that the sane shall read as follows# alla addition to the fixed or demand charge, there shall i o a FconoWtion, rate for all water supplied through combined 'or parallel asters fed from a single independent service from a water gads in accordance with the following sliding ache of rates respectively having application within and with me the corporate limits of the City of Saint Peal, vis t "nk the city of saint Paul: For the first 50 cu. ft. „000 For the next 160,000 ca. ft. All over 500, 000 cu. ft. _ T of saint Paul. s For the first 50,000 era. ft. For the nest 403000 ou ft. All over 5®0,000 cue, fto of water per month 0 214 'per 100 4a. ft. of water per aenth • W par 100 ca. ft. of water per month ! W ,per 100 on. ft. of water per month • 30 per 100 ea* ft. of water per month • 154 per 100 eat. ft. of water per memth a log per 108 one, ft.” (b) Tkat Section 21*7.04 of said Legislative Code booby is grinder, so that the sacs shall read as follemss "The wimiama charge for water used for any miscellaneous purpose and soli at a miscellaneous rate shall be #2.00. (c) That the second paragraph of section 247. 05 of sail Logisl;we �r Code hereby is amended so that the same shall read as follars� "The use of fire hydrants for creating public or foe —f* rlwo shall be a13AMFed only ups application and approval of Dowd and upon ps�uent of $4.00 for the first flooding, and $3 for each additional flooding, to cover the cost of water and *+A* a; except that the ,use of Hydrants by the Park Bep.ataaat f flooding Q public c rinks shall be paid for at the rate of S1.5® per. _ V r" t' Yeas \ uncilmen Nays Passed by the Council —� �4eCourey olland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen A inst Winkel odslnal t. city Cleric ORDINANCE PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. (d) That the third sentence of Section W43 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended no that the same shall read as followst *The point mhere the service is to enter the property not be distinctly marked by a stale, by the owner or agent befo;oe, the service will be installed and said stake shall be marked 'Water, and shall be no closer to the house drain, or proposed house drain location, than term (10) feet horizontally. *� � (e) That Seotion 248. 08 of said Legislative Code bereby is amended so that the same shall read as follows: *After the reasonable life term above stated has expired,Irapai.rs or renewal of that part of the service connection in the t mill be made at the expense of the owner of the property supplied, when so ordered by the owner, in writing except, however, any connection, inchading paving carnnecti.onsa, which is over thirty (30) years old and which is made of material other than copper or cast iron, shall not be subject to repairs and must be'replaced with a now service before time water will be turned on.* (f) That Section 248. 09 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended so that the same shall read as followst "Failure to order Repairs. Failure to order permissible repairs or a new "r vice at once when notified that such failure to do so may result in conditions dangerous to life or property, will rinse said service to be imtsediately disconnected at the main and so remain until such repair or a new service is so ordered and arranged for; and the expense of such a shut -off at the maim shall be paid for by the owner in addition to the scheduled or estimated cost, of repair or renewal of this service before, water service is renewed.* (g) That Section 248.16 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended by striking therefrom the Mire *Schedule Price of Street Service Connections *, therein contained, and by inserting therein in place said stead of such stricken schedule, the following schedules Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Tr Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen Aroainst Winkel OriffWma to C114 Clerk _ ORDINANCE Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Nays, Passed by the Council' , Tn Favor Against COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY •,� ORDINANCE NO.-" us== PRICE GF STET MPXE CONNECTIONS width of Street 38! 110 .. ,r.ar.. 301 Ste 69.00 75.00 u9-00 85.00 2nd pipe 28.00 33.00 40, St. 75.00 81.00 10.00 2nd. pipe 30.00 36.00 90.00 45t Ste 81.00 94.00 150.0 2nd pipe 31.00 39.00 94.00 50t St. 94.00 100.40 156.00 2nd pipe 34.00 40.00 101.00 55' St. 1©6.00 35.00 112.00 43.00 169.00 105.00' 2nd. pipe bat st. 719.40 725.40 175.00 2nd pipe 36.00 44.00 707.00' 66t St, 125.00 3.38.00 188.00 tad pipe 38.00 45.00 7.1©.00 70t St. 131.00 1114.00 195.00 W pipe 39.00 46.00 112.00 75, St., 138.00 750.00 206.00 2nd pipe 40.00 1,0.00 735.00 80, St. 3.44.00 756.00 219.M tad pipe 41.00 50.00 724.00 861 3t. 156.00 163.00 225.00 2nd, pipe 43.00 53.00 126.00' 901 St. 160.00 169.00 233.00 2nd pdpe 44.00 54.00 130.00 3Mt St. 175.40 47.00 185.00 59.00 250.00 135.00 2nd pipe 120, St. 206.00 54.00 219.00 65.00 288.00 145.01 2nd pipe 16©t st. 269.00 281.00 363.40 tad pipe 65.00 81.00 172.00 1801 St. 300.00 353.00 88.00 400.fl4 185.00 2nd. pipe 70.00 200, St. 331• 35094�� 200 �x 2ad_piae 75 Yeas Councilmen DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Nays, Passed by the Council' , Tn Favor Against original to City Clerk ORDINANCE 1911513 COUNCIL FILE NO. 'RESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (h) That Section 248.16 of said lagialative Code hereby is further amended in the following particalara: (hl) The second paragraph following such stricken schedule therein contained, reading as follows: *Charges for twible rock are to be made in addition to the regular schedule at the rates 'of $10 per short connection and $20 per long connectiop. * hereby is amended so that the same shall read as follows: *Charges for tuable rack aft to be made in addition to the regular schedvae at the rates of $15 per short connection and $30 per long conpection." (h2) The third paragraph following such stricken schedule therein contained, reading as follawe: *Charges for solid rock excavation are to be wade in addition to the regular schedule charges for the service installation And at the following rates per lineal foot: for solid rock excavation, $x.00 per foot; for average 5 foot depth of rock, $3.50 per foot; for average 2 foot depth of rook, $2.00 per foot. Excavation for rock at other depths will be proportioned accordingly.* hereby is amended so that the same shall read as follows: *Charges for solid rock excavation are to be made in addition -sebedule charges for the service installation, and at the following rates per lineal foot: for solid rook excavation, $5.00 per foot; for average 5 foot depth of rook, $4.50 per feet; for average 2 foot depth of rock, $2.50 per foot. Excavation for rook at other depths will be proportioned accordingly.* (h3) The sixth and seventh paragraphs following saeh stricken schedule therein contained, respectively, reading as follows: *For concrete surfaced streets, $30.00 for one (1) opening; $55.00 for two (2) openings; $80.00 for three (3) openium and $20.00 each additional opening.. "For concrete base with surfaced top, $45.00 for one (1) opening; $85.00 for two (2) openings; *120.00 for three (3) openings and $25.00 for each additional opening." hereby are amended so that the same respectively shall, read as tollowas "For concrete surfaced streets,, 540.00 for one (1) opening; $70.00 for two (2) openings; $100.00 for three (3) openings, and $25.00 for each additional opening. yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen A ainst Winkel Original to City Clerk 4 'RESENTED BY i' ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NQ. "For concrete base with surfaced top, $60.00 for one (1) opening; $110.00 for two (2) openings; $150.00 for three (3) openings, and $30.00 for each additional opening." Section 2. (a) 'That Section 250.01 of said Legislature Code hereby is aded in the following particulars: The schedule of Annual Charges therein contained, reading as follows: "For each Per Annum 4-inch service connection from the main # 00,00 6-inch service connection from the main 50.0 8 -inch service connection fream the Baia 150.00 l0 inch service connection from the main 210.00 12 -inch service connection from the main 360.00" hereby is stricken thersio and the fell.ewing schedule hereby is imaerted therein }in place and stead of auk stricken schedule: "For each _ Per Annum 4 -dash service con ction from the main S 50.690 6 -inch service convection from the mein 100.00 8 -inch service connection from the maim 300.00 10 -inch service connection from the main 480.00 .12 -inch service connection from the lain 720.60" (b) That Section 250.08 of said legislative Code herby is amended by adding thereto as the second and final sentence thereof the f allowing I *Where the building is located back from the property lim! and the service is continued underground beyond the point that the work in done by the Water Department, such work shall be installed by a duly licensed St. Paul plumber, and shall be subject to inspection by the Department." (c) That Section 251.02 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended.in the following particulars: The following paragraph therein contained, reading as follows: "Permits seat be taken out for each individual job or contract and shall be good for thirty (30) days after which they say be renewed for additional thirty (30) day periods." hereby is amended so that the same shall read as follows: "Permits must be taken out for each individual job or c4at� act. Permits will be issued for a minims period of thirty (30)Idays, or multiple thirty (30) day periods and are renewable thereafter at the established rate.* Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel Orlciml to City Clerk ORDINANCE► PRESENTED BY COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.� (d) That Section 251.09 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended by adding thereto and inserting therein as the foarth and f1mal sentewe=iof-,- _'first paragraph thereof, the followings "It shall be unlawful for any person to use ether than a standard hydrant wrench to open or close a fire hydrant, and excepting only an employee of the City *hem so permitted; no person shall we a fire hydrant withoat the use of a standard hydrant cap or reducing cap and hydrant wrench and cap secured from the Tater Department, numbered and properly identified with his permit. and that the following Section 251.10 hereby is added to Chapter 251 of said Legislative Code and inserted therein immediately after said Section 251.09 o;.the same: "Cost of Private Hydrants. For each hydrant located on private property., coune e o e city water main, which is not metered or installed on an automatic fire service, there shall be an annual charge of $15.00 per hydrant, exclusive of all maintenance costs which shall also be charged the owner." (e) That Section 252.14 of said Legislative Code herein is amended by adding thereto and inserting therein as the third and final sentence thereof, the followings "if, in addition to the turn -oa, the meter has to be reset, the charge for turfs -on and meter reset shall be five (5) dollars." Section 3. (a) That Section 254.05 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended by striking therefrom the following language of the first paragraph of the saver "No water service pipe shall be laid in the same trench with a building drain or sewer pipe, nor shall a crater pipe be closer to a sewer than ten feet at any point horizontally, unless such building drain or sewer pipe be cast iron soil pipe packed with oakum or hemp and secured with pure lead not less than one inch deep, well caulked. This section shall apply only to that part of the service pipe and house drain from the building to the curb.e and by inserting therein in place and stead of such stricken language the following two paragraphs "No water service pipe or water connection shall be installed in the same trench, or closer than-ten (10) feet horizontally to a sewer tchmah or drain laid, or to be laid, either in the street or in private property, except that the water pipe on private property may be in a common trench with a sewer drains which is made of cast iron soil pipe with caulked leaded joints, and provided further that the horizontal distance between the sewer pipe and the water service is at least ten (10) feet at Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council: DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Tn Favor Peterson Rosen Aroainst Winkel Original to city clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. the property line, and provided that the water service pipe approaches the sewer trench at an angle with the propel line of not less than 450 and having bends with not less than a three (3) foot radius. 19!►6i3 "The water service and sewer drain if made of east irch with leaded joints may be laid in a common trench when the sewer stops at a drill hole on the property line." (b) That Section 254.©6 of said Legislative Code, hereby is amended by striking therefrom the second and third paragraphs therein contained, reading as follme: "All joints made in copper services one inch and under shah be round wiped soldered joints. Joints in copper services over eae inch may be round wiped soldered joints or approved meehanical tye joints, made with the proper flanging tools. "All joints in lead services shall be round wiped Join}ts." and by inserting therein in place and stead of said stricken paragraphs the followings "All joints made in services when copper to copper may be revad wiped joints or approved type mechanical joints if made with proper flanging tools. No such joint shall be made by other than a duly licensed master or journsyman plumber. "All joints in lead services or connections between le*d and copper shall be round wiped joints." (e) That Section 255. 07 of said Legislative Codei hereby is by striking therefrom all of the language contained in the first ps —tv 04 9 PaMite feilosing 0255• 07. Deters, Setti*s.'" and by inverting therein in place and stead of such stricken: 1an06ge the follow- i31g_ ` "The meter setting shall consist of the meter valves., air chamber or shock absorber, and check valve when required, all 'installed according to standard meter settings of the Departmekt�=' The normal setting from the center line of the meter spuds to the wall shall not be less than eight (8) inches for one (1) U& and smaller maters; or closer than tsar (14) inches for two (2) inch seters. The height above the floor in all ins shall- not be less thaw tw4ve (12) inches or more than f ht (48) i nohes, except by special permdssisa. *- j and farther by adding thereto and inserting in -the- seeerA =oe of the second paragraph thereof imadiaUly following the words " e tmeter setting" therein contained, the following: "anus vertical riser" Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council, DeCourcy Holland Mortinson In Favor Peterson Rosen A ainst Winkel orwn.l to civ cl.rt . ORDINANCE 194 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE PVO. and f% ther by adding to and inserting in said second paragraph thereof as the third sentence of said second paragraph, the following; *On new services or renewals carried to the basement, the meter shall in all cases be set above the floor.* (d) That Section 255.14 of said Legislative Code hereby is amended by adding thereto and inserting in the second paragraph of the same imediately following the final word *specified* therein, the followings *, and there no danger of back syphonage exists -* section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be as urgency - ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publj; peace, healti, and safety. section 5. this ordinance shall take effect and be in force Febraary 1, 1959, upon and after its passage, approval, and pabl.ication. JAN 21 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the cil DeCourcy -Ewamid-11 r Mortinson D In Favor Peterson Rosen Against Winkel I E Ri 9 1 1959- I C ^" z a a d d a °" a Y C 0 b 00 z c m Cd p� a a � cs m ti v m