190870RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Inthe matter of.----------------------------------------- --------- •---- --•------- - - - - -- ------- ___ ...... 190870 W, I* --------------- - - - - -- Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be -U-4a - R,esWv4- tlaa,+- 4he -sad - asseasment_ba -and _it_is- hereby d_tn.1P_4 yahle in .- _- -_-_ -- cga�l�n�stasllin tts�a�e- eteeb-} eel- et- kcnd- des ersbe&4hereim F B A i9,1j79 File '14213 Adoptedy the Cou*_._____ -_ ,A_ _ , -- ---------------- -- ------------ Yeas Nays Councilman `DeC ourcy Holland ldara�be} }ice Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Dillon ______In Favor b - ____ -____. _Against -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- — City Clerk Ap roved_ __ _____________ - - - - -- --------- - - -- F EB I iar9 ---- - - - - -- ------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- Mayor 2M 10-55 -0W® tea► �c rind � V&DO a B %W � rr � tL t`t* Magee$ Vw mon of Itea 11" $0 MI w"t od *0 +post llns 4C 's A4"ft s aoi as No a0oea<bw Una of Visas 0-#a*" 1w imbing mad I A—A for yes= Ali that PWt at U t 10 2#2 *k go ms's Addltlae p ?�jrirt #ere lift 4W 10� � and a Uno which is tbo we at' r � having aeaw '%Con* ��, and do ooa* r at the elr4s bW m on the aatw Lin* se WM" SUVK 50 :'t►e v�r t at Vw Snit Uft of 09W O6 *s Aaldltlrftj &U at Vot Vwt at &is 9t k s �'s A &UU=t, ly arad � Vw nth Una at Vinom � and a lino vt is Vw area CC a +� having a 500 t• rrdiUp and hoer awator dt Qw eLvoU batlap Ms Vw r lu" at ► 8tr"eet 50 ft* west of tba east of its Aidl i rem apt a" Part 09 Lmt 3 a�t go 14 Ad"U"s JAng laeiwen Vw dt t i lift' M is 'tom ara at * # >arrr at Mid Vw .�'"�,♦ r , t�w awwww tot t1M � bsl" Sea tt * � lint ,1t � t. at aw S t Baas of �ls AddiUwj 0-U at that p wt yet U4 Up a �ti � ,bpetaaraoa ties nor* Lim at Viam Est at a M 16 90 arnrc at s siw%" having a 504m. raA,tnss "A 11r NOW of Vw 011e30 on mere aPe0law lino oar V10000 lttt* t 50 Tt. west CC On .+tat linat at C ogto 144" all CC tb" poet net 2s$ 2Q* Xleft 1s Ca xs AddttIons Itylva bevn= Vw north Bm at iiialwas stte*" =a* 'a U" , Ala is' a to of 4, 4x*U 'eft a %)4c rad voo saaA tiler oinW of t1w airob Wag ate tler -etas fit► of .lei' 50 ft, west at tree waft Unt mt "set 'mar aluad &U 4t that oar i* 9* 212+1 * 1# A�fs AAdit�, UtiK b r0- tlw month, line at iti> ma sad a 3irar is t40 W* Oar s "Nou bV406 a 564%* x4*400 OVA Vw email r r *bo eircu Sea► uo 0914b" 11 4 at WACUS ftraot m w" opt the �! tt� , Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Be -U-4a - R,esWv4- tlaa,+- 4he -sad - asseasment_ba -and _it_is- hereby d_tn.1P_4 yahle in .- _- -_-_ -- cga�l�n�stasllin tts�a�e- eteeb-} eel- et- kcnd- des ersbe&4hereim F B A i9,1j79 File '14213 Adoptedy the Cou*_._____ -_ ,A_ _ , -- ---------------- -- ------------ Yeas Nays Councilman `DeC ourcy Holland ldara�be} }ice Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President Dillon ______In Favor b - ____ -____. _Against -- - - - - -- - -- - - - -- — City Clerk Ap roved_ __ _____________ - - - - -- --------- - - -- F EB I iar9 ---- - - - - -- ------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------ - - - - -- Mayor 2M 10-55 -0W® • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI f � 19 970 ANCE 4: • 1. ,� -�r � _: t !Tr" niY Gi ,r j ik. S� � �' J.TrJ'.T..: r�^ ... .i 1' • • '�t'" + (� �'�; � rf � f n. 4yp P 7-J 'T! X, .. � ;r i! 1 � .Y C l i. ` a . ' f7 'r ; �+,i+Tl -a- of •�.`'.r cad' � �.i•i "; � v � 1 ^f'- .. TT f1 w, L,rr 3Ct" eY } . -+ --�' nT "Yi -�r, L""� "�'• f' •r, l s - -�� ..� ^; -p Trk� f (...i '.�'i' r' tt� s•- /' .i r;�I_;,q r+:t -r -',ne °. �. ..� .: ♦ � w iY ^r `° h ^Tr ��'� �. _ -y� y � 4 t •� T �i. �;J y '° r V •; r 1 .i r r r ' g7vrT 411 b' r ,a', C� r,, yr 1° �-• �, n ',` °? t' f ;'� 4' ti 15� : • 2 i'':t P it � -'BUT '•t ter': -' y3", ��:t 1... _ '' ''' ''3 "" .._ ., -r; F-�, - `'•,__ • -� •ti'{`: C,''i t`A. i,, ;.;y.�? �• •.��.� r °r.�d' Ott r`yz ,- ' �� '� � 'i i �, �}I''�R .P�i T(•. '�?°"�. ._ ar'd^. .C�� .. ; 13y �f;'"` u ~ hrµ � -�,�I t r txrf'y'i ,Ji. , �A �-�.•� �'�''r'�r: _ ,, T' "�Yw� �� �pJ .f� S v. ^" 1�1,y `3i:'a?" r;f Z"C;•`f_ n _ y_ -+� . 1. ��,^e r;q �''• �'^�y_' S -{ r -r. �•"Sr......_..i ••�'K '` - t}_i� •Y a�.t ±r-r ^� �;^..:.t' under Preliminary Order --- 1.B96 ------ approved ------ BP-&t< ember _3,,,- -19� ?--------------------- Intermediary Order ------- IEW- R4 - - -- approved ------ Na.Xteml er_-4, -_1&5$ --------------------- - - - app December 2 _ 1 5§ --------------- - - - - -- Final Order -------- - - - - -- 1901- raved- ____ -- - - -� 9 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements 1 priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damage, thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also i amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not c of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ETC Cc taken and appro- therefor to the owners and determined the the cost there- with the signature of P —1 4—t ssioner of