190850Pound FSe "Sot'=N COUNCIL. APPRO 'A, F MME OF REARING UMON AND FIXING TIM ON ME AWARD OF DANACM In the fta#er of' ............ condemning and taking an easement— 10 ft- in constructing and maintaining a width for the easterly 10 ft. public sewer ony under and Of Lot 13.9 Windsor Square; ....... 190 rp4e of ro s the also condemning and taking a tempo rary easoMent for construction Purposes on the westerly 20 ft. of the easterly '30 ft. of Windsor Square; Lot 0 also Condemning and taking a temporary easement for constr' .5 rtion Purposes On the westerly 20 ft. of Lot 12, Wind'or Square; also condemning and taking an easement 10 Purpose Of constructing and main it-`4n Width for the taiizing a Public across Lots 29 and 30 sewer on being described as f f Windsor Square 1 aide t and 0 the center line'lqf said easement Lot 29, Windsor Square, 10ws: beginning at a point on the r said point Aouth line of east corner of said being 8.3 ft. westerly df_the south_ direction across Lot 29, thence on a straight line in a noixth said Lot 29 to the northeast Corner,of_s 8t, asterly Windsor Square, said easement extending from 11 - aid L 29"2, if west alley in Windsor Square; Magnolia Ave. to the'va, st- also condemning and taking a temporary Purposes on Lots 29 and 30 easement for construction , Windsor Square, 20 ft. in width and lying e, said temporary easement bein easement; southeaster ly g of and adjacent to the permanent also condemning and taking a temporary easement for constructing Purposes on Lot 29, Windsor Squarp truction ii in ­; A 4-1- - - - a ^y" U" UnCL lying nor t1tvmporary easement being 20 — ft. thwesterly of and adjacent to the Permanent easement be4efits; at the Council Ch UAI*r),in the CDUA 'H"Win the City of 9t. p4ul,on the Of— ------ ..... Msmah . ...... 19 q - - ------- --- st .... be and he is herby directed A. M., and ,that the CO�M�oaer to giveA'o tioe of said heu* 88 presq4bed by I% Charter. Of, ranee arter. Adoked by the Co un,iL ..... FEB 3 ------ .............. ......... 19- FEB 319 Ap*6vecL_.... ... . .................. . ............... 19--- Cou4cflmanDeCOURCY CDu"C"rMHOLLAND CouncibnanMORTINSOH Councilman ROSEN Council man ! i 00 0 Mr- ms,yer DOLON Clerk.