190834. �c ORIGINAL TO CITY. CLMk ' ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C,OUNCIL RESQLUTION— GENERAL PRESENTED BY COMMISSION COUNCIL NO 19 833 FILE RESOLVED, that Schillerts Inc. be permitted t install and operate a 43 car parking lot on property located oi the east side of Dale Street between Nebraska and Arlington Aven es, more par- ticularly described as Except the northerly 22.8 f et, Lot 46 and all of Lots 47, 48, 49 and 50, Danforth Park, in a cordance with plans dated December 18, 1958, and subject to compliance with the previsions of all ordinances governing the operati4 lots, and to the further condition that sidewalks i premises be kept clean and free of ice and snow at COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 511 5.56 aOWQ �1 Tn Favor Against Adopted by n of parking butting said all times. FEB 3 1959 Council 19_ r-EB IQ 1Q59 A Mayor J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota Mr. Marshall F. Hurley Corporation Counsel Bmilding Dear Sir: JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder - 190834 January 29 1959 The City Council requested that you draw a resolution grant of Schiller's, Inc. for a parking lot on the property d hereto attached and in accordance with plans dated Dec. 18, t, 7 d � f k j , Very tr y yours City ierk the application i in the letter 58• Li .1 it M I N N E S O T A .... RD OF ZONING, CIfiY OF SAINT PAUL q „'• :•; :•::: :: r.:::.:::'r::. iA1W PAIL !, sINN/N ?A • , 131/ CITY MALL AND COYDT MOY // January 29, 1 Mr. Joseph Okoneski City Clerk B uilding Dear Sir: This is in the matter of the applic t�ion of Schillers Inc. for a and operate a 43 -car parking 1o1 Fproperty located on the ea } between Nebraska and Arlington Avenues. The legal descripti except the northerly 22.8 feet, Lot 46 and all of Lots 47, 48, Park. The original zoning was "A11 Residence, and the propel November 27, 1946 to "Commercial. ” 0 rmit to install side of Dale Street is as follows: , and 50, Danforth r was rezoned on On October 25, 1954, an application for a customer - parking 1 t was made by the Harbill Company. This application was later withdrawn by le er dated July 26, 1955. Since that date the property was sold to the applicant, Schillers Inc. The property under consideration is presently developed with t parking lot which is accessory to an existing supermarket. However, the parki2,g lot has been oper- ated without a permit. The applicant proposes to construct a 3 -car customer parking lot to be used in conjunction with an existing supermarket which structure is scheduled to be enlarged. The adjacent land uses are as follows: south and adjoining is a single - family, two -story brick residence fronting on Dale Street; farther south are four single - family residences also fronting on Dale Street„ north and adjoining is the exist- ing supermarket, and adjoining the supermarket on the north is a hardware store with an apartrre nt on the second floor; east across a graded aLley is vacant, un- developed land owned by the applicant; west across Dale Stre t are the Elmhurst Greenhouses and asingle- family residence, all fronting on D e Street. The Traffic Engineer approved the plan as submitted on Dece ber 18, 1958. The proposed parking lot meets the required standards for this ty of facility with exceptions as follow: the applicant proposes to reduce the re uired eight -foot Cside yard buffer to four feet with adequate screen - planting,' d the front -yard set -back W fifteen to ten feet. Field investigation discloses at the proposal appears to be non - detrimental to the adjoining property owne s. At the Zoning Board meeting Jc ecemb r 18, 1 58, motion as passed recom- mending that the permit for rks of be anted in accordance with the applicantIs plan submitted Dber 18 '158 that the appeal to relax the side yard and the front set -back emen s be pr ed. HCW:FS Enc. iin erely, ( C� He bert C. Wieland Pi ning Director OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Papl 2,, Minn.,��+_ bar g c� You are hereby notified that the Council of the City, of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Slawik Properties for Permit to enlarge an existing parking lot at the southeast corner of University Avenue and Roy St. (Lots 21 thru 24, Block 1, Homer H. Hoyt Co.'s Addition) and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House a ty Hall Building onJanuary 8, 1959 , in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. File 14322 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.