190827ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK 190827 CITY OF ST. PAUL HIS UNCIL NO, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -2 COUf$CIL- R.ESOLUTDN -- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSION RESOLVED, That the Council, hereby concurs in the re Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to leas of a pony ring concession at the Como Bark picnic 'grounds area t 1426 S. Birth Lake Boulevard, White Bear Lake, for the park sea said Wayne Slocum to pay for the privilege the sum of $500.00, l on May 15, $200.00 on June 15 and $200.00 on July 15, and to pra liability and property damage policy which shall be approved by tb Counsel and deposited with the C.ty Comptroller, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel is here and directed to draw up proper lease therefor, and when drawn, th officers are authorised to execute he same on behalf of the City c [Ccou�-' -: No. 1"M—By Bernard l - s; •oie, cecuoou hereby season of 190, the said. Walne = to pay for the a tue 000 own dune hla ��on 15. and to provide a pn Us- � tioa Couniled ie .Z Yu�sor�sl8� and Us- directed to draw up 'Dro lease therefor, sad when drawn, t proper City oiflo4, are antbortaed o ezecute e same on'! behalf of the M of Salad auL' i Adopted by the Coumdl IP bnwy 3. COUNCILMEN ' Approved February 3. IM. Adopted (1�ebrwY* 7.> by the Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson NNW Rosen ul ie Mr. President, Dill n 5M 5 -58 -41W2 Tn Favor A gainst tion of the e the privileges Wayne Slocum, ®n of 1959, the yable $100.00 a public Corporation authorised a proper City f Saint Paul, FEB 3 1959 F�B 3 1959 C lXA` AV D Mayor