190820OPUGINA1. To CITY MIMK CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK to] • r W��� RESOLVED, that, pursuant to the recommendation c of Public Works, the two separate Warranty deeds by Ralpb Nina E. Deyo, unto the City of Saint Paul., and by The Len unto the City of Saint Paul, both dated the 20th day of N conveying and Warranting unto the -City of Saint Paul all 25, and 26 south of the vacated alley and north of the ex Block 4, Como Park Addition, according to the plat thereo record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Minnesota, for public alley purposes, and the separate ve Orville C. Kaehler and Pearl I. gaehler, unto the City of the 20th day of November, 1958, conveying and Warranting Saint Paul all that portion of said Lot 26 south of said north of said existing alley in said Block 1., Como Park A public alley purposes, be and the same hereby are accepte Saint Paul, and that all of the subject land, to -grit, all of said Lots 2G_, 25, and 26 south of said vacated alley a said existing alley in said Block 4.. Como Park Addition, aced therefor and dedicated as a public alley; FMOLVED FURTHER, thatthe City Clerk steal]. cause said office of said Register of Deeds a certified copy of together with a plan of the subject land evidencing such same to public alley purposes, prepared and certified by said Warranty deeds and that certain quit claim deed of t dated the 20th day of November, 1958, covering all of sai by William C. Maier and Barbara Meier, Timothy P. Quinn a and Alois D. genned7 and Virginia Kennedy, unto the said Inc., above named. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey Holland Mortinson Pttersas- Rosen el- Mr. President, Dillon sM 5-58 -OW2 Tn Favor Against Adopted by the 80d unto L, the 'the Commissioner E. Deyo and isch Company, Inc., wember, 1958, and portions of Lots 24, ,sting alley in 'on file and of "sW County, ranty deed of Saint Paul, dated nto the City of acated alley and dition, for by the City of those portions d north of ereby is appropri- to be filed in this resolution Ledication of the Laid Commissioner, ie subject premises L land, and emecuted ►d Mary M. Quinn, 'he Lentseh Company, FEB 3 1959 ail 19_ FEB 3 1959 19— Mayor �, AWISTAW CeE► 0XIMIM CITY OF SAINT PAUL S. WEST Capital of Minnesota PUBLIC WORKS oE•ION F"MIN®` DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ARTHUR G. WELIN ADRIAN P. Wi'1`1KEL, Commissioner • BMW= EN OMM CLIFTON G. HOLMGREN1 Deputy Commissioner MAURICE W. HER'ETP GEORGE M. SHEPARD, Street & Highway Engineering Coordinator • ARTHUR W. TEWS, Chief Engineer EUGENE V. AVERY -OW® • January 9, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Special Assistant Corporation Counsel B U I L D I N G PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE ENGR. RICHARD L. WHEELER • BURKAU OF SANITATION JOHN M. COTTER. Supt. • BURKAU OF MUNICI ►AL BpUIPMENT ARTHUR H. KOCH • PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT JOS. PAVLICEK 620 Dear Sir: Attached find three Warranty Deeds and one Quit Claim Deed, deeding to the City of St. Paul all of Lots twenty -four (24), twenty-five (25) and twenty -six (26) south of vacated alley, Block four (4) Como Park Addition for alley purposes. Will you please take whatever steps are necessary o record these deeds for said City. The intended use of these lots is fo alley purposes. Attached also find sketch of said lots. Yours ery truly, e Beckett En ineer of Land & Ri ht-of-Way 9 GB /jv Attach: 6 49 ' T-