190799OriffhW to Ctty Clerk PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM 1-2 Ll- NO RESOLVED, That in accordance with authorize ion received from the Minnesota Commissioner of Highways, the speed limits on certain city streets be changed to be as foll s: 35 miles per hour on Airport Road from State Street to Bay - field Street. 40 miles per hour on Como Avenue from Snelling Avjenue to Raleigh Street. 40 miles per hour on DeCourcy Drive from Lexington Parkway to 200 feet east of Jones Street. 35 miles per hour on West Seventh Street from Tu�carora kw Avenue to Lexington Paray. 35 miles per hour on Snelling Avenue from MontreI l Avenue to Juno Avenue. 35 miles per hour on Maryland Avenue from Western Avenue to East Como Boulevard. 35 miles per hour on Kellogg Boulevard from Moun s Boulevard to John Street. 40 miles per hour on Northern Route from Snellin - Avenue to 500 feet north and east of Taylor Street. sugh speed limits to be established and to be of ctive upon the installation of proper spged'limit and relat signs. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCoprcy Holland Marzitelli Favor Mortinson Peterson Rosen gainst Mr. President, Dillon 5M 2-57 .46P. 2 1.9! X79( .JAN 3 0 1959 Adopted by the Council 195 - Ja N 3 0 1959 Mayor