190792PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpublic improvement by the 1-911792 f of Saint Paul, viz.: -Re .. d.ftul -pave- ■eat and track area with now asphaltic_coaeretesby the removal existi street car track wyes uA- r_apayins.. sal.. axes-- .111tJ...asM..C.�sC�sta. # e._a��i_.aap�ad.tic._ R11�c s. flail. -kj! reconstructing the paving, curbing and sidewalks on intersecting streets mere net in complete l ea t>ii3.r._��euont• day of. ...... I ......... ....... . . .. + ------ ----------- --- ------- ................. f PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal'for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Impre�.. S._ Arseas .._ix'�._�eae,],]�iw�_.Ax�R__ t�.�lin,a_.�.veaute_.hlr...srrf aci�y went aad bask area with now asphaltic concrete; by the removal of exists wyas new sspha-l-ttc--c moat roteNst PWALRg the paring, curbing and sideraLhs on intersecting streets .._... cenfoi"t� tiirix. s fi�l is�prdvaiat aiiJ fiy.�lf y aYl..�t�s�- wss -k -��iec scary an camp,Le,�..a, ,�,,iapse!T0Wktt. _ • r �., i -------- ; hl wing been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ................ ............................... therefore, be it , RESOLVED, 4rlgt the Commissioner of PubH4" Wor`ks be and is hereby ordered and 1.. To investigat6 t4e necessity for, or , iribility of; the making of said improvemen 2. To investigate ,tAe nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the 8. To furnish a pla�Y,profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or' not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or N 5. To report upon all of the'foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �q,y 2 9 1959 Adopted by the Council- ................................................ •-------------------- - - - - -- YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCourcy 1AN 2d 9 1959 Holland Approved ......... . . . . .. --•-----------.----- Mortinson -Petersm— 0 - -- - - - -- ------ ---- ,Rosen 6t4--141 Councilman. street car track net in total cost thereof. owners, Aotin9Mayor.