08-990Council File # �� ' ��� Green Sheet # �Q-S �b'77 " RESOLUTION ��� 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I1 12 13 14 15 lb 17 18 19 20 21 22 WHEREAS, ihe Minnesota Agreement Progam; and WHEREAS, tlus solicitarion will awazd abont $4 million of State fimding for m�micipal reqnesting projects, an Txunk Highways and tttai meet basic categories of Preservation, Management, Improvement, Expansion or Site Development; and WHEREAS, to be eligible for these funds Yhe projeczs must be submitted to MnDOT on or before September 15, 2008 and the submitting agency mus[ be able to delivar a State approved project for State Fiscal Year 2010 (staitiug Inly 1, 2009); and WHEREAS, pzojects approved for Municipal Cooperative Agreement Progtam funding will require the submitting agency to provide a local mazch; and VVFILREAS, the Depumient of Public Works i�as reviewed the qualifying and ranking criteria and detemvned tttat two (2) projects meet the criteria and have the best chance to receive funding. The projects are: (1) the reconsmicYion of the existing tra�c signal at the inte�section of Trunk Highway 51 (Snelling Avenue) and Selby Avenue, and (2) the reconsuuction of the existing traffic signal at the intersection of Tnmk Fiighway 3(Robert Si�t) and Cesar Chavez Street. Tf�REFORE BE IT RESOLVED, tLat the Ciry Council approves the two (2) projects, the reconstruction of the e�sting traffic signal at the inteisection of Tnudc Highway 51 (Snelling Avenue) and Selby Avemie, and the reconstruction of the e�sling traffic signal at the interseclion of Trunk Highwap 3(Robert Street) and Cesar Chavez Street to be submitted to MnDOT for review and possible funding. (MuDO'1� is soliciting projects to be funded under the Municipai Requested Department of: Public rks By: Approved by the Office of Financial Services By: Approved b� � . $5': � �---"""---- v Appro y Ma o for Submission to / Co r uncil By: �_ � ��-`—c'.°*r"'' /�_� By: Approved b,y, Date Rv �/ Adoption Cerflfied by Counyil Secretary � G�een Sheet Gceen Sheet Green Sheet Gresn Sheet Green Sheet Gteen Sheet _�- D6 �q�t d Co�act Person 8 Phone: Brian vHek 26fr6256 10-SEP-08 Doc.Type: RESOLUTION E-0ocumeM Required: Y Dxument Cont2tt: L¢ Sclrxape CoMad Phm�e: 26fr6'124 � Asign Numher For Rattirog Order e 6tieworks PaWSLMarfin 7 - R•orks /L De tD'¢e�+oF 2 Atto 3 �. 0 � or/ASSistmt 4 oaOCil 5 ' Clerk C' C�erk Total # of Signature Pages _(Cfip A1I Locations for Signature) � pction Requested: Approval of the attached Cauncil Resolution to approve the 2 projects recons[ruction of the existing traffic signal at the inteisechon of Snelling Avenue and Selby Avenue, and the reconstruction of the eacisting traffic si�al at Robert Sireet and Cesaz Chavez Stzeet. Planning Commission CiB Committee Civil Sesvice Comrt�issiun Has this person/firm ever worked u�Wer a contrac[ for this department? Yes No 2. Has this personlfirm ever bcen a ciry employee? yes No 3. Dces this person/flrm pussess a skilt croi normally possessed hy any current city employee? Yes No E�cplain all yes answers on separate sheet aml altach to green sheet initlating Pro6lem, Issues, Opporwnity (Who, What, wnen, where. whY). ects to be funded unda the Municipal Cooperative Tf�e M;nnesota �epatiment of Transportation (MnDOT� is soliciting pro,j Agreement Program. This solicitation will awazd about $4 million of State funding for mumcipal requested pmjects, on Trunk Highways and that meet basic categories of Preservation, Management, Irnpru�ement, Expansion or Site Development To be eligible for these funds the project must be submitted to MnDOT, on or befoie SeptemUer 15, 2008 and the submitting agency must be able to deliver a State approved project for State Fiscal Year 2010 (starting JulY 1, z009)• Prol�� approved for the Mimicipal Cooperative Ag¢emeut plazy funding will require the submitting agency to provide a local match. The Department of Public Works has reviewed the qualifying and ranking criteria and determined that two projects meet the criteria and bave tUe best chance tA �rzive funding. Projects aze listed in the Action Requested section. Advanfages 1FApProved: ortation, access The CiTy of Saint Paul could receive State grant funding fox local projects necessary for improved commwity transP and safety. DisadvaMages N ApProved: None known. pisadvantages ff NotApproved: The City of Saint Paul would not receive gcant funding for local projects necessary for impmved community iransPoration, access an safety. Transactlon: Funding Source: Financial Iniormation: (E��Plain) CostlRevenue Budgeted: pctiVity Number. ��r . � �� �: Aus 2 s 2ona August 26, 2008 3:44 PM Page 1 `+� e •��