08-988 �
Council File_ #. _�o�-
Green Sheet# 3058539
1 RESOLVED, that the Saint Paul City Council authorizes the City of Saint Paul to enter into, and
2 Chief John Hanington to implement the attached amendment to agreement #02-14046-G. A copy of said
3 ageement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services.
Reyuested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date: q�jd/��
Adoption Ce � rt / if / ied by ouncil Secretary:
BY� _//�/i.yifi�iL�SiJ.�
Approved by ayor: Date: �/��'//v �
BY� C�`�� U
by City Attorney:
Approval Recommended by Financial Serv' es:
By: �`
Approv by or for Submission to Council:
Q:\FiscalAffairs�,40&CR�2008�Amend#2_02_t 4046_GProbSolving.xls
_- �eerrShe�tGre�n Shee� Green
pp -PoliceDepartrnent
', ConWct Person 8 Phone: ;
, Chief John Harrington
. 26&5588 � �
� Must Be on Council Agenda by (Oate): �
; E-Document Required: Y
� Document Contact: Evette Scarver
Routing �
� Contact Phone: 266-554'I I I
; Total # of Signature Pages _(Ciip All Locations for Signature)
Green Sheet NO: 3058539
0 PoliceDeoarbnent PoliceDepartment _
I � oliceDenartment PoliceDepartment ,� �
2 �tyAttomey ' CiNAttomey
3 avor's OEfice Mayor J _
4 Council t Coancil I
5 ity Clerk ! CAV C�erk
6 otiwDe artment � PoliceDepartment ___
�; Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, [o enter into the attached
! amendment [o agreemen[ #0214046-G with the State of Minnesota.
Planning Commission
CIB Committee
Civil Service Commission
�. Has this personlfirm ever worked under a contracf for this department?
Yes No
2. Has this personlfirm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3 Does this persoNfirm possess a skill not normally possessed by any
current city employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet
- '—�
initiating Problem, Issues, Opportuoity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): ;
The City of Saint Paul, Police Department teceived a Problem Solving Partners grant from [he State of Minnesota, more time is ,
needed to complete the grant obligadons. �I
�dvanta eslfA --_—__—._--_— — —.�—_—.___--_.___ — i�_
i 9 PProved: �
� The grant provides funds to build a mutually beneficial working relationship between the immigrant Muslim community, Saint Paul
' peace officexs, and communiry-based service piovidecs. � �
Disadvantages If Approved:
f ---
I DisadvanWges If Not Approved:
I Inability to meet grant obligations.
V � 7ronsaction: $z49,992.00
Funai�y source: State of Minnesota
Financial Information:
� ... .. �z ,,, .,�, , 1 _.....
Cost/Revenue Budgeted:
AcGvity Numper; 34177
August 21, 2008 11:58 AM Page 1
AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO GRANT CONTRACT 2006-PSP-00467 / 9300-2223 6(� � yQ�
O o
�nginal Contract Expuation date: March 31, 2008
Amended Contract Expiration date: December 31, 2008
Previous Amendment(s) Total : $O.OQ
Current Amendment Amount: $N/A
Total Contraet Amount: $249.992.00
This amendment is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safety, Office of
Justice Programs, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, Minuesota 55101-5100 ( and City of St. Paui,
Police Department, 367 Grove Street, St. Paul, Minnesota SS1Q6 ("Cuantee").
1 The State has a grant contract with the Grantee iden� ed as Crrant Contract 2006-PSP-00467I9300-2223 for
the purpose of enhancing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system.
2'The State and the Grantee have agreed that additional time is necessary for the satisfactory completion of
this project.
3 The State and the Grantee aze willing to amend the Original Grant Contract and previous amendment as
stated below.
Grant Contract Amendment and previous ameudment
In this Amendment deleted contract terms will be struck out and the added contract terms will be underlined.
REVISTON 1. Clause 1, "Term of Grant ContracY', Section 1.2 of the Original Grant Contract is amended as
1.2 Expiration d¢te. �*°^,'�°���� Aecember 31, 2008, or until a11 obligations have been
satisfactorily fulfiiled, whichever occurs first.
Grant Amendment 05/07
' - --- - -__ _-
AMENDMENT 1Y0. 2 TO GRANT CONTRACT 2006-PSP-00467 / 9300-2223 ���g�
The Origjnal Grant Coniract and any previous a�
- _ ._
- .._ ._
lndividual cen�es thut frmds hwe been encumbered as
reguved by Minn. Slat. ,¢,¢ 16A.75 mrd 16C.05.
GrantContractNo.: 2006-PSP-09467J93 223
The Grmrtee cert�es th¢t the appropriate person(sJ
have esecvted the conbact on behalf of the Grmrtee ¢s
required by applicable artic(es, bylcrns, fesolsstions, or ord�nances.
Distribution. DPSlFA
State's Authorized Representa[ive
Grant Amendment OSI07 2
�-- AMENDMENT NO.1 TO GRANT CONTRA CT #2006-PSP-00467/9300-2223 ����
o Contrnct Effective Date: April l. 2006 Total Conxract Amount $ 249 992 00
Oriainal Contract Expiration Date: Mazch 31. 2008 O b�inal Contract Amount: $ 249.992.00
Amended Contract Expuation Date: Sentember 30. 2008_ Previovs P,mendment(s) Total: NJ
(,lurent Amendment Amount: $ 0�00
This amendrnent is between the State of Miunesota, acting through its Commissioner of Public Safety, Office of
7ustice Prograzns, 444 Cedar Street, Suite 100, St. Paul, Muinesota SS101-5100 ("State") and City of St. Paul,
Police Depaztment, 3b7 Grove Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 ("Grantee").
1. The State has a grant contract with Grantee identified as Crrant Contract 2006-PSP-00467/9300-2223 for the
purpose of enhancing and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the criminal justice system.
2. The State and the Grantee have ageed that additional time is necessary for the sarisfactory completion of this
3. The State and the Grantee aze willing to amend the Original Grant Contract as stated below.
Contract Amendment
In this Amendment deleted contract terms will be struck out and the added contract terms will be underlined.
REVISION 1. Clause i, "Term of Grant Contract", Secfion 1.2 of the Original Crant Contract is amended as
1.2 Expiration date: "'°-^:.,�,�.,a���88 September 30. 2008, or until all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled,
whichever occurs first.
Page 1 of 2
--- .. .
_ _ _-
-- - AMENDMENT NO.1 TO GitANT CONTRACT #2006-PSP-00467/9300-2223 i,�i ,v��
Except as amended herein, the tetms and conditions of the
By execution of this amendment, the terms and conditions of the Original Contract and all previous
amendments are expressly restated and reaf�umed.
Indiv¢!u¢1 c � ' that fundr have been encumbere�
req¢ired bY4�""iPSfdL.'$�6�:3� �6C�(i5.,,: _
Br `�
(with d o ated authority)
Date: (/�/ O 7
U f 1516�'i 7�� i9`c.�sS'0+.��, ��.7Y�il
2. GRANTEE � �—
The Grarttee ceKifies that the apprapriate person(s)
have exe contract on behalf ojthe Grantee os
reguire by aepli le articles, bylaws, r io , or ordinancu.
Date: � � � 1 ( '
Title. Dir or F'na cial Services p
Date: � Z- ' � �' � � f" b �O '� p
Tifle: Mavor
Date: �y��'/�66
Br• �— ;
Tide: Div r Auma
� !//q/ot
— r
State's Assthorized Representative
Page2 of2
�L�a���—�--- ---
STA'FE UI� ?4S'G\'1Y'�S4TA /,p �C/,�Q�
__—�—�_ �`.. _ - _ _ � -- — --- - _ ---------�
�s-�u4-co�`aast=�-li�+dest�ie utaie ai i mnesota, acting fluough is Cor,miiss:oner of Painiic Safetv Qmce oi Jus :ce
Pro�atns. 4;4 Ceua� S�eeL. Sujte i00 St Paul 2vL'+nnPCnrg K51 D l� I QC ("State"} and Cirv of St Pacl. Palice Be�a.^n�!�
357 C'Jrove Screa#. St P�7 Minn�ota 55106 ("Cr.autee"1.
linder Minu. Stat. § 299A 0� Subd 2 f41 the State is empoweted to enter into this gant cantract
?Le Gxantee represents that it is �'ay qualified and agc�s to perform all s�,ices desc��ee� in this y,.ant rantcad io the
sztis�aciian oFthe SYate-
Fe3era! fucds fnr this grant cauttact ace procide;l &omPuolic Iaw Ifl8-447,118 Stat. 2862 (Cnnso_idated
Apgroprtatiofls Act, FX 2005} fos pmgose of euhaneiag and nnproving the ef£ciency and effeciiveness of che :zimmal
justice system.
The State is in need of services that fulfill this purpose.
Granf Cantract
Term of Grant Conhacf
1.2 Bffective �tate. �prii l 2006 or the date the Stata obtaia�s all zequired signatures uada Ivfinnesora Statutes 5eaia�
16C.45, subdivisian 2, whichevu is lata. Onca Uris grant coniract is fully executed, ths Grarnee may ciaL�n
reimbursemmt for expertdit�ues inaiused pursuaat to Clause 43 of tfiis grant contract. Reimbursement w�11 only be
made for G�wse expendidues made according to the tecros of this g�ant contract,
LZ Fxpira�inn dare, March 3 L 2008, or uatil afl obli�tions have 6ec�s safisfactAeity fixiStled, whichever �a.curs ficst.
13 Survdvul of Z'erms. The foIlowing clauses surviue the �pirati¢n or canczl(at'ta� o€ this gan! �ntcaet: S. Lia6ilit;;
4. State Audi*s; lt�. Cmvemment Data Practices; 12. Publiciiy and Endorsec7�t; 1?. Govemmv Law, 7urisdidion
anc� �'enue; and [ 5. Duta Disciosure.
Grantee's IAttties
2.1 Actiuties. The Grantae, who is not a state emplayee, w'stt perform ail cf the duties snd tasks specifie3 � the
applicabla Reguest for Proposai and the Grantee's gant a, plicatioa for this program, whieh am iuco7porated into
flus grazit co�ract by reference aud are on fi1e with the State aad tocatefl at 444 Ced�� Street, Suice 1Q0, St. Paul,
Mmnesota. Grantee shall aLso comply with al1 program stanc.'ards, whieh ace uimrporated into tlris gran� ooritraet
by reference,
2.2 Reporn'ng Requirernente. C}can!ee sha(1 report to the State as specified in the Cfflce of 7astice Pcugcam's Crcani
Manual, which is incotpoiatzci iato th'vc gant contraet Sy refecence.
{i) Financiat �eporting. GranLee shatl submit a finazu,ial ceporting fomc to Che Staze utiiizing :kae far.nat
identi$ed by the Stats etiithin 34 days �fcer ftse end of fl�e reporting period.
(2j Progress LCegorttttg. Gtantee shall use fortns presccibed by the State ta subrnit a quarter2y progress desaifing
pzogre,s achieved towaz6s the aecrnnplislur.ent of the progeam goais ar.d obja, tivithin 3� days aRer the
end of *_eportiug pecio3.-
!3} Ofh¢r Reauirems»ts. Grantee shall submit such other repox�; and attend me�tings and haining as Sta4e s�all
reaspnably request.
(4} EuaGa¢trox. Staie shall t�ave tt�e autLoriry, dcaring tha oouise of thia grent parod, tca conduct an evaiu3tion of
the perfonnanoe af the C'mantee,
{5) $`ieqaurem,+nt Changes. State may modity or c}ianige aPl re�torting fnmrs at t�eir dis�eti�n da�ring tite g}aa:
{6} .Speeial Requiremuus ?hz State reservss the rig�t to incIude in the grant, at any time during ttce term of the
grant, sPecial ad�n;a�tive rec{uirements deemed necessary to assure the Gsantee's successful ir.cp?ementation
of the progtam, 'Fhe State will no�"ry the Granta in writing of any sn�iat administrative requirements.
3 �me
The Cscaatee must com�ly wrt� aii tF�e time ^equiremcnts e�escribed in this gtant contract. Tn Yhe perfomianrN of ths
Byrsa7AG Cam6iucd Fuuding (4�Ob}
PmhlacSOlviitgPe�tnaship . �
�SY GCeII? Numoer�Qp5-PS9.004fi7
grurt coniract, ti. is of'the ess��ce.
4 Considerafloa and Payznent
-----�-- -- �-�--- . ..
(�:��a tee �JnIl be reimbursed an amount not to e�c�d 5249.992AQ accarding Su the
hreakdoovn of cos�s contaiued in Extibi A, wkach is ariached and incorpo�axed into this grant �nhzct. The
rsiz.-st.� wiii subsit any recisions to E�ibit A as des:.ribedin SeCaoa 4.^,. (2') of this grant conkact ar.d :he
rev;sed budget mnst b: appmyed ky t�e State's AuYhocized Rcpn<entuive befere any expen,a..'tures :an ae
nade based on the ievised budgk.
{2} T: uvet Expenses. RPimburs�nnent ,`or tra� oi and subsisteace cYgens� 3ctnaLy aad n�ri3y iB�:rr� by �he
Czraatee as a resuic of this gsane eonuact wiit be paid in the same ieannn� and in �o geater aznoun± th�
Provided in the cutsen: "Com.�ni;soaer's Pien' pmmu:gatal by the commissioner af Emp'oyee Re}atie�s
�'hicl= is inwiPoracai inm this �an: contract by ref�ence. The fiiiant� �vr71 not be reimb,�red fartzavel aa3
subsistence ezcpenses in^u�red ouTS,ae Ivfinnesota uN�s it fias ree�ved the SSate's prioz wrirten approva! foi
aut of state travei, Iviinne�a wiit he cflnsiderai the home state for det�*++�t.+ng whather tra �ei is out of state.
(3'; 34ruclaing d:equiremenr� {If AFFlicable.} Ccrantce certi�es that tUe fo?lowing �t:.hing raauir�ment, s'oz the
grarn conuact, wili bo met bp ihe Grantee: 0 0, OG.
{4} Total Qbligalion, 'Ihe total obiigation of the Siafe for all com�sation and teis�utseme:iis to the Grmrtee
under this giant canhact wilI not exceec! $249.992.00.
4.2 FiscaPRequisemems. Gtantee shaIl zepore to the State as specified in the Office of Sustice Proc>ram's Gzant
Financirrl Guidei'u�es, Cnantee shall c�mply adth all policies, procedures, and provisions appfica6le to each
souTCe of �nding raxived, Gr.mree shall c�mpyy wrth the oument Office of Justice Program's Graesf Manual.
Na funds will be disbursed f� aaivities not id�tified in the goals and objeetives or mork pl�c submitt�l on
�.he 3rant applicafron foims presenbed by the State: No funds from a specifre funding soutte will oa disoursed
£ox activitizs that do not med the requirements of that funding souree. "
I3udget $evi.cions, Grantee shall submit a written bud�etrevision request?o the State's Ant,'�oriz�
Itepresentative before any exp�tdiriva can be made based on the revised bndget, Submission and appravai of
a budget amecedment is necessary i£ a) a line item wiil deviate hy �206 or I �°/,, `v}vchever is higher, from eh�
apFrov� budget, orb) a new line item thaz vras not part of the approve3 bu3get will be creat�i.
Closeout. C,rrxttr� sha{t g�ave un;il 3Q days aiter the Expiratian date of shis grazct cantract, to submit a rzport of
all fimds and uaterost rxaived and disbuxseci. If a report is na4 st:banitted x9thin this t3me period, expens�.,
��aimed on the regs9ort may 6e disaiibwed and the Stake may request a refi�nd of those rnonies from tke Gran;ee.
Xtecords. C�xantce shalt refain att financial reeords for amiuimum of s'uc (6} years aRer tfie date of submassi�n
of the fina� nnanciai stat�s ae�ort, or until campletion af an audit whicn has oommenced beFore t�e expintion
of �S s�x Y� P��. �'vntii �y audit findings atuUor rerr�mmendalions from prior audit�s} haveb�n
resalva;d benveen the Gr�r,ee and Stste, whichever is ta�r.
43 Payment
Invoices. 1}ie State will promptly pay the Grantee after the GranTee presents an itetnized invoice for thc sesvice`
acnzally periormed snd the Sfate's Auflwrized Reprasentarive axeots the invoiced serc:oes. Invoic�; rcust be
submitted tix.ne;y and acc�7rd�ng Fo the following sefiedule: Itemi2erl invoices ovill be filec# in arrezrs at tn, st
auarterlv hut not u-ore oft� th� mon+hly ++d wifnin 30 days of theperiod eoveted I+y the invoice far services
satisfacton]y nerfomied.
17te final invaiee pertfd to eaeh state fiscal vear of this erant crn�taart m� sr be recaived by Julv 31 of chat
Fxuendi+ures for eac� state �acat v�,r of �+'s � nt e:cmtraot musp be or s rvicesperfonned within 4he anol'cabte
stat*° Sisrat vear Everv stau scai yearbepire cn 3u1�7 and �cis �n &,ne �0,
Smrt/]A(i S�nbioed Funding (4/JG)
CzoMm-Sobring Pactnxship
pJP Gten: Ncmbet �, ^?L-°SP;,"`=F'�
' 4.4 Pederat requirements. (Wyere anplicable, ifblankth:s secfion eoes not apply) bD' "'vv
PaYmenu under zhis granicontred wiit be made from fedetal funds obtained by the S�te ihrough CFDA 1 b.579
and I6.738. Ttw (:rrantee is irspausial8 for campliance w=_tk ;SII fedesat req�i - im - +�� �'-;,,,,�
Tha Crante° will comply.with fhe S�gle Audic Amendeients oi i 996 and Office of ?viar aQemeat a.-id Ead�et
Ciz�uu A-133. An explaaation af�e Federal Audit Ra�uirem�ls 3s afiach�.' and iacorporated a.�d mad° a psr.
af th:s gsant cont'act. See Er.hibit B.
T"he ^vrantee shall subnrit to �he Staze one cxipg of all repotts and pr000sedpubli�tions resil:ing �om this
agreemenr riventy {20} days priar ta public release.
Any wcitt�, visual, or avdio pubfications, tivith the exeeption of press reieas�, whether published at the Grantee's
oz gavanrnenc's a:pense, shall wntain tha folloa�ing statements:
"T�� F�3� � 3 upPQrted by Grant RTOS. 20Q4-DB-BX-0C153 and 1A05 DJ-SX-0334 awarded by the Bureau of
lustice Assistance. The Bureau af Tustice Assistance is a component of the Office of 3u�tice Programs, which aisc
iucluries the Bureau of Justice Statistias, the National Institute of Justice, [he Office of dnvenile 7ssstice and
Delin9uen�3'Prevention, and the Office For Viaims af Cxime. Poins of view or opinions in t}ais document ue
those o£tfie authos and do not represent tbe offici21 position. or policies of She United States Deputment uf Jus`uce."
Tke Grantee will mot use these funda to oc�rnte a"PaY-to-sYay" prog�am in axiy tocal jail norwill t'ue Grantee
subawazd fiinde to locaI jails wtuch opaate "paY-to-StaY' Pmgc�ms,
The Granrse agTees to comply with 28 {;F'R Part 23 and use the Globai JusBce Data Model spe�ificarions anfl
Bs��1�n� �£' ¢edezat funds are used to snpport crizminal mtelligence syskems, Infomiation is availahle ac
The Graucee ag�es to co�ply with the fwancia! and admirrisuative requir�ents se4 Yorth in r}�o cnrcnt editaon oi
tke federal Office of Justice Pmgrams Finanaal Guicie.
The Grantee assures that federal funds made available imder this grant conhact w�11 not be used to suppiam ctate ar
Iocai fimds but zvili be uced to (ncaease the amoursts of such fvnds �lyat would, in absence of fader.�l fuuds, be made
avasiable fos criminal justice activities.
Tlfe Gruitee will not use any fedecal funcis, either indireeely o: directlg, in �upport bf ti�e enaotment, rePeal,
nodification, or adoption of any law, regulaGon or policy, a' any Ievel oi govemmeut, withoutfha eacpress priaf
wrilten approvaI oPthe fak.tal Office of Justice Programs.
1'h� Grantee agrees to comply a•ith the confideutialiry reauirements of 42 U.S.C. sectian 3789g and 28 C.F.R Part
22 bhat ace app3icable W r.ollection, use, and reveiatioa of data or information.
Tiie Grm�xee wi7l comglv with the minimum yu�g� � mg�num hai:r pm�7sions oi the Fedecai Fau Labot
Standards Act.
The Grantee will establish safeguards to prahibit emp3cryees finm using their positions fcr e purpose #hat is or gives
tha appearance oPbsin� rnotivated'oy a desire ior private gain for tfiemselvcs ar others, partie.iIarly those R2tfi
wham they have family business, or o#her ties.
The Grantee ass�ues tbat in the eveni a Fedeisl or StatA court or Fedenl or State admSnisfrative agency �kes a
fmding of discrimination after a due pracess hearing vu the grounds af race, color, religion, nationai origin, sex, or
ctixbility 2�inst die Grantee a its sub:,ontraeto�, the Grantee will f�rware3 a cogy of the finding fo the Stata. _
2ymalf,ti CombinedFa-�iing (4'p�
;'roblcn-SoWin, F'amuruip
�SfGrentN�ei2. N��4P-�4S7
- -- : ------ -- -
ag �a�b$
'Ihe Gr�tee assuccs tmat it �vill campiy, and aPs iu subcontr�ots �vill comply, with the applicable provisio.s of
Tide I of the Qnmibus Cri:ao Co�ioi =nd Sefe Sfree*s qc[ of 1968_ as �end
�e vmce ot.�ushcs Ym�ams Financiai ar.d Adwini,�raqve Guide fo: f3ranCS, �I7100.1; and aIi ocher zpplicable
Federal iaws, orders, c'uculazs, or regulations.
lhe Giantee wi11 comply with the grovisions oi 28 CFR app}ica�le to �anrs and coaperative agreemens incla�'•sg
Part 18, Administruive Review Procedure; parc 2Q, Criminal Justice 7nfoanation Sy�envs; Past 22, Conndenriait�
efIdentifiable Research and S`�atisticai infomiation; Part?,5, Crmilnai Intelligence Syst� Operatir�g Policies; Psri
3Q, I�ergcvemmenental Review of Depazhne� of Justice Prograrns and Acfivi 'ties; Pait 42, ATOndiscrimination�ual
�mploymesst Oppartuaity P�licies and Pmcedures; gart 67, Proce3nres for Smplementic�g the National
Enuirontaental Policy Ac°.; Pazt 63, Ftoodp3ain Managem�t and Wetland ProtectsonPm;xxi:i=es; and *eder,l Laws
or regulations apglicabEe ta Fe3e.�i f,ssistance pmgrems,
TF�e Grantee assu:es tLat it will comply, and att its subcontrnctors wi31 camply, with the nandscri�ation
requitements ef The Qmnibus Crime Controt aad Safe Streets Act oE 1968, zs amended, 42 TJSC 3?89� d), or
Victims of Crime AcC (as agprogriake); Tiile VI of the Civii Rights Act of 1964, as unended; Secrion 504 o£rhe
Rehabiiitauon Act of 1973, as amended; SubtiE:e A, Title II of the Ameticans with Disabilifies ACt (t;DA) f 199pj,
Ti�le TX of tue Educatlon A*ncndments of 147?; the Age Discrimination Act of I975; the Department of 7nstice
Noa-D:sctiminatton Regulations, 28 CFR Part 42, Subnarts C IF, E and G; and Bepartment of SusLce:egniatiares
�n d;san�Iity discrimEnasion, 2& CFR Part ?5 and Part 34.
T�is graa+, conhact is subject to all applic�ble fedeaat and state stamtes and regulatiozis, iaclud;ng, trut no[ lim�ted
Yo the foltowing:
l) 28 CRR Part 69, New Restsictions on I,obbying, and 28 CFR Part 67, Govemment-Wide Debarment aud
5uspensinn and Goveanm�nt-Wide Requirements forDrug-Pree �Vor�ilace tht�yugli ihe submi,sion of a
certificati.an fomicommiuing the Grantee ta compliance.
2) 28 C,mrR 42,302 et.aeq, Uurough ttta submisslon of a ceniftcation fo:xn re°a�� the ('sruitee's Fqual
aPPoctunit5' Fanploymart P1an compGaace. The Grantee atill provide an Ez�usl Employment Opportunity P2an if
reguired to maintain o�ne, where the agp]ic�ttion is�for $500,000 or mox�.
3} 2& CFR Part 46 and aIl federal Office of 7ustice Progams polieies apd procedures r�arding t6e pmtectio� of
Ixinnaa xes�i subje�s, including conta'snment of Insf,ifutional Review Boarci aPProvat� if sppropriate, aud subject
infomted eonseut.
4) 42 USC S�tion 3789g anci 28 CFR Part 22 Lhat aee applicah2e to cAllection, use, a� revelation oF data or
i�formation. Gcantee Svrther agre,es to submit a Privacy Certifieate that is +s aecord wiU: requi-ements of 28 CFR
Pazt 22 au8, in particular, section 22:�3.
5 Condidons of Paymeni
AlI services provided by the Gtamee auder this grent contract must be perfotmed to the State's satisfa: tion, �s
deteamirred at the sole discretion of the State's Authorized Representative and in accordsnce with al applicable fe�lerai,
state, end locaL :aws, ordinances, rulas, and reguYations. 1"ne Grantee wilt not receive gaymenf for waFic faund by the
St�te to be unsatisfactoay or perfosmed in violalian of fe@era1, state, or Socal Iaw.
Authotiaed Rspresentative
Th� State's Authorizzd Rep: aentativa :s Sue Perkins Grsnts Spec+att�4rci�sator 7�arice and Camtriunitv GraY+t+ �
4A4 Caiar Streek. Suite 1(t6s St Patl M'�*+PC+++A SSi01 (65i,L284 "329, cr his(her succes:sor, and has fhe
xesFonsihitity to monitor thc Granzee's perfornsanee and the authority to accq, the services pmvided underthis �ud
concncrt. If the seivices are satisfaetary, tha State°s Autkwrized RepresenTS�ve will oertiiy aceeptance on each in�a;ce
submitted for paymant
The Gr�Y�'s Autha. Representatice vs Dennis 7e��sen As�+stant C'nf St Paul Pnl'zce Depaz-meut 3Fr7 Gn-ve
St!�t_�t Paul. P�nnesata 55101. fb5112b6-SgaS. �¢'�� ��ce's Au:horized Representaiive chaages aE any time
H}�nei}4G Cavbined Fwidig(4li`Fj)
Pro6l��alr_ng Pacnucstvp
OJP Gieot Clomber 2CC6-PSP-0Q467
' d�:ring tLis �ant cn_mact the Grante� amst immediately notify the S?ate_
7 r�signnien#, Amendments, Waiver, and Grant Contract
"' '-------' T'-- ^--`— — � _--�� .
---- -- — - -
=�6it3ia�ftzepnor consent o State amd a fu:l� execated Assigam°�nt A�eematt, ezecuTed and approvedbp �e
s�me par.zes who �ecutzd and aopxaved this ga� w�ack or their snecessozs in office.
?2 Amendmentc Any amesdm�t to k�as �ant confract musc be ia Kri�ng and �:li nor �E effecave unt:l it hss beec
execute3 and approved by :he sane parties who exeouted and apo:oved fna o o�al grant wnuact, o^ their
succacsors in ofFce.
i.3 .ifi niver. if the S�te fails to �iom,e any provision of ttus gLaut contract, that fa;lure dees net waive t'�e p*o or
is rigiu to enforce iG
7.4 Grcnt Consract Campfete. Tl�is mnt contract contains all negatiations and a�eeean�rs betwe�n the State aztd the
Grantee. No orher Lmdeastanding r�a�ing this grant conhact, whether wriCen or orat, may be use3 to bind either
S Liability
Tha Grantee must i�euuiif'y, save, and hold the State, i,*s agenfs, and employees ba�less firom any ciaims or causas cf
act±on, including aromey's fe� ina.ured by the Stue, azisirtg from tite perfoanance of this erurt co�rtract by the
Grantec or t�e Grantee's agen*s or employees. This ciause wiIl not be cansa ued to bar any legal remedics thz Grantee
may have for Lhe State's failure to fuifi�l its obiigatians under tUis gzant eontsaot.
9 S4ate Audits
Under Minit Stat. § I6C.Q5, suhd. 5, the Cmntce's books, a�ords, documents, and accounting procedures and
practices tetevffnt to 4his gxant con�act are subject to examinaiion by the State andJor the S#aze Auditor oc I,egislative
Au3itor, as appropciate, foi a m;n;,m,R, of six yeus from fh� end af this gsant conaact.
10 Gavernmen4 Data Pracfices
Tlxe Grantee aud State must comply with the Minaesota C,ovetnment Dab Pracdces Act, M�. s�L. cr �. 13, as it
applies io atl data provided by the StatE underthis grant conhac5, azxi as it applies to all data oreated. callected,
icceived, stored, used, maintained, or disserninated by the Grantee imder this grnnt couirnct. Tl�e civil seux:diss af
Minu. Stat. § 13.08 apply to the �eleaso af the data refezeect to in this clanse by oifher tha Grantee or the Siate,
If the Grantee receives a requesc to release the data referre� to'in this Clause, t6e G:antee must iaunediately nafiPy the
State. The State will gice the Grantee instructions coneeming the release o£tisa data to the requesting partybefore tue
data is released.
lI Workers' Compensatioa
'Lhe Grantee cccrifies that it is m comnliance with Ivl:nn, Sfa#, § 17fi.181, sJb3. 2, pertaining to wor`xers' campeasatioa
insuiauuce cavemge. The GTantee's employees and ag�YS R�ill not be considexed State empioyees. Any c3airus that
may arise ander the Minnesota Workers' Compansation Act on behatf of these employees and any olazms made by any
tluxd party as a consequence of any acc or omission an the pxrt of ii�ese employees aze in ne way the Staze's oeligatian
or responsibiliry.
22 Pa�blieiYy and Endorsement
I2.1 Publdcity. P.ny publicity regazdine the subjec3 matter of ttus �ant conhact must iden2?fy the SYate ss 4he
s�oasaring age�cy an�1 must not be re7eased without psior writte� appmval frnm 4he Scate's Ae�th�rize3
Representaiive. For pucposes pf t}is provision, puhlicit}y uieludes naticVs, infom�at3onal paznphl�s, press reIezses,
aesearch, repoatE, sigos, and similrr public noiices pregazed bq or forthe Crrantze indi�9dually or jointly vrith
others, ar any subcontractors, witt�Yes�ct to tbe ptogc-em, puFilicatioas. or serFices provid�i resesl�ing from+:his
grant contraci.
12.2 Endorsemen� The Gzautee must not olaiin that the State endcrses its products or services.
13 C:overning Law, Jurisdiction, and L"enue
Bymd3AG CombL�ed Fu�ing (A;06)
Pm6kmSoiving Pannaship
O]P Gmnt Nuvbu �r„�6-P SP.A(]667
� - - ----��--��$�r = -
_— - 2viinnesoa aa�; wititont regazd to its �,�oicaof-law pxovisions, goc�ems tivs aant con�ect. VetLe sor alt le�z:
prcc�di�gs out af this gcant cont�act, or its breacn, must be in the apasopriate stzte or fede:ai court with camoe?ent
iuris3iction in Ramsey Countg, Minneso:a.
-------------- _�` -------------------
-- � — --- -
---- ---_ _- --- -
�� T . . ___
e$- _. __. __
i�.l Terminaiion by rhe Siaie The Stata may cancel this grant coahact az any fime, :vi� or �viLhout czus:, upo:i 3�
days' ,vciae� n�uce to the Gr�nter. Upon temiinacion the Grantee vrill be enatlec'i to �yzaent, d�mvned on a
pro rata b2sis, far sess�ces satis�ctonly paformed.
<42 Tzrmination by the Graruec The Graritee may �zquesr tem.iaa5on upoc 3� day's notice to t�e S�te's
Authorized Agant. Upon te�niratioa :he Grantee is entitled to paymeat for servic: s actuaUy performed and agzees
to teCUn aay unused funds � the State,
14,3 Terminatlon far Lcru�cienz Pamdixg. 7'he StaEe may unmed;ately terminate thts �ant �n�zcf if ?Y does not
oUtain fi:nding Eom the Minnesota Legislature, or other fixuding source; or if fuadmg : annot be can:inued at a
ievei sufficiau to allow for the payment af he serrices oovered here. Temiinarion must be tv written or fax notice
to the Grantee, '£he State is not dsllgated to pay for any serv;c;s that aze provided aftez notice and effective da�e ot
4ar�r,inahoa Howeve,r, Lhe Cuantee will 6e entiiled to PaYment, detetmined on a pca rata basis, for services
s�risfactorily perfccmed to the eatent that funds are availabk. The State witl not he assessed aey penalty if the
gfani connact is teiminated because of the 3ecision of the Minnesota I,egislature, or other fcmding source, n�t tc
aPProP�ate funcls. Tha State must provide the GraaG,°e uorice of the laci: of ftsnding wi#hin a reas�bla time of the
Sttte receiving that notice.
i5 Dsta Disclasere
Jndea Minn, Stat � 270C.65, and ather appiicablt law, the Gaantce consents t� disetosure of its soeiat ,ecurity
numhe�, federa[ empiuyer tax idarfification number, and/ar Minneso�a t� identification mzmbe:, a;seady �ovideci to
the State, to fedecxl and s3ate fax agencie.s and stxte petsannel mvolved in thc paym�t of state obligatien,. Thase
id2nt?�ieation numbecs t�y he used in the enforcemenz o; fedeiat aud siate tax laws which �uld resz:?Y in acti�n
:aquiring Uxe Giantee to 81e state tax retums and pay delinquent sfzxe tax liabilities, if any or pay ather state liabilities.
II7rudJAG Cambined t=�mli¢o(4'pfi)
°icbkm-Soi.�m8 Pa�7naisfiip
Q3P Gcani+'�¢sst�ec?0..6.PCP!'��4'�?
indiv2duct cerkftesth¢t (wrdskave'nen.n encurabved as
requir_: 6y Mi�. S:at §§ 16d.15 and l bC.05.
Gren, ContrartNo.:
Th¢ Grart:ee cu8fies !har rlre aP7+'�Pr+ate person(s)
F.ava�e�;uted the gran[ conbnct on beh¢1�ofthe Grantee ¢s
re.7wred Ly cpplicable ¢rticl:s, bvlmiv, resoLdians, or crdinances.
�Y � ��.�...�
�� City` ttosney
Thte L ' ! - f'� .
� +
T'itte Directo Finaacial Services
� � "51� ��
Dau: �
Ey: �.1S.G
Syme/JAC Gr.nbined Yundit8l4;06}
Pcobkr:-SOf �mg Pa2xrsuiF
OJT GIDnt 7�'�r�er 200b-PSP t7� 457
sY _ Cd
7itk: � d � L( — �.I,P � n
Dafe: /!/ f�' L
Stete s AuHwmr� Rry2srntsNrro
�' �Qj�b
EXH1813' A �. ���
���f 9f P�
�� � �
Grantse: 5t Paui Po!fc= Uepartmenf , ��
Grant Number: za�-DSP-00467 � �,e
f�FO9i8f73 CO(1'IROS1BfIf: a,oebnse�^a,rowrs:a�.�.tKtamm�,m,xy,aasm�r.ea�nsm�c
- --
�hbit B, page t of 2
!` !he grantee �xpznds tatal federal assistar,ce of $SOO,O;ta or more pes �ar, She grantee ayrees to
ob+zin eitfier a singieaudit or a pragram-specif'�c a�dit made fior tiw fsca! year in accordance uvrth the
t_rms af ,he Sistgle Audit Act,4r.iendmerrts of i996.
Audits shall be made anrwalfy uNess the siate or locaf governmeM has, 6y Januaryi, 1Q87, a
cor�stituGonai or statutory requlrement for :sss frequent audits. For thcss gouemm?nts, the ;edes2S
co p nizartita g en cyshai ( �rmiibierniataudits,cave�g6oihyears,rtRhe�v�rnmentsorequasts. Stshail
also hanor requests for i�ien!�ia4 aud;s by govesnments that nave an admirristrative policy oalVing tor
audits less frequertt than annual, bc�t oniy audits prwr Tfl 1887 or administrafive pWicies in place prior to
daauary i.1$BT.
Fcx subreciaients that are irxiihrtions of hiqh r educa+ion or hosoit2is
� the grantee expends totai dveet and indireet fedecal �sistance o( $SQC,t700 oc more per year, ifie
grntee agrees ko obtain a financiat and campiiarece atsdif made in accordancs with OM8 Cirwtar A-'it C
'Requirecnents for �rants and Agceerttents with L`niversi4es, Naspitais and Qfher Nanprotit
Organ'szations' as applicable. The audlf shait cover either ihe entire organ¢ation or afE federaf funds of
ihe organizatior..
l'he audit musf deYermine whetfier tne suorecipient spent federai assistance funds iR accordanczvAth
applicable laws aixf regWations.
2. ?he audit shap 6e made by an indepetxJent audilar. An independent au6itor is a stafe or Iocat
govemment auc3ltos oc a pub{ic zccountant wtia meets ihe independence standards specified in fhe
Generai Aocounting Llffices "StandardsforAudit of Govemmenta! Organirations. Programs, Activities,
and Functlons."
3. Fhe audit repwi shail stafe that the audif was performed (n ac�osdan�c; , �ith the psovtsions oY OMS
Circlilaz A-933 (or A-42U as aopficabie).
7he reporting requirements iar audit reports shail be in accortlance with the American Ir�sEiiute cf
GerE;fied Pubuc AamurrtF' {AtCPA) audit guide,'AudHs of SfaTe and Locai �ovemmental Unfts," issued in
1988. l'he federal governm�nt tias approved the use of fhe aud'et gutde.
in addition to the audi4 reporf, the recipieni shal! provide comments on the fiadings and recmmmendations
in the raport, induding a plan tor wtrective actiott taken or planned asid asmmenfs on tfie sta4us oi
correctivs aeficn taken on prior findings. lf c.atrective aciian is reot necessary, a siatemern descri�:r� the
reasan it is not shoukf accompany the audit report,
4. The �anlee agrees tha4 the grantor, the Legislative Auditor, the Stafe Auditor, and any indepErr�ent
suditor de,aignated by the grantar shal! have such access ta grarrtee's rersxds and financial skatements
as may be necessaryfor (he grantor 10 comp9�� with the Sinqle AuditAct Amendments of 1996 and 04d2
CircuPar A-133.
5• GranEees of federat financaai assistancs fram subracipienis are also requi:ed to comp'iywith tne Sirsgle
Audit AM and OMB Cucufaz A-133.
- -- _- . _. �
cxhibit B, page 7 of 2
�e c,g agree� to retain dxumentation to support the schedule af €edaral ass star,�efor a(.askfour
8. Required audit reoaris must be flter3 with the 3Yate Audiior's Office Sirqte AudiE Division an�
v+ifh f�deraf and sYate aaencies�rovidina fiecierai assis�� and `he DeoanmerH of Pubiic Safetv
w+fh�n nine months of thP arantee's fiscaf vear end
Gh98 Circular A-133 requ¢es recip7ents Q( more ihan $SOO,p00 infederat funtls to submit one copy of the
audit report wifhin 3Q days affer issuarxe fa the centra4 ciearinghouse at ihe followng add*=ss:
Sureau of 1S�e Census
�Jafa Preparation Division
1201 Easi'fOthStreet
Jeffersanville, indiana 47132
Altn: S�ngie Audit Clearingfwuse
7he CSepartment of pu3�fic Safetys audSt repprt should be addressed to:
Mir,rtssota �e�,artment of Pu61ic Safety
O�ce af Fis�al a�d Adminisfrativa Secvices
444 Cedar �keet
fiuiFe 126, ?awn Square
Sf. 3'auS, MN 55101-5126