1906911 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK 1_9f 1691 CITY OF ST. PAUL CO "C'L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM WHERS0,9 The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pub s Buildings has reported, in accordance with Section 5 of the City Charter, the cdateaaee of an emergency during the period from January 1 to 15.9 19593, which rendered necessary the employment of certain caplojnma of the Department of Parks, Playgroumds and Public Buildings for more than eight hours per day or fort hours per week in doing the following work: Supervision, operation, maintenance, Bare and protection of publie parks and playgrounds and of their facilities. And WHEREAS, This emergency arose by reason of the follo Ing facts and circumstances: Seasonal requirements for protection of piblie property and pursuit of departmental activitie such ass Tending the heisting plant for the Greenhouse and Zoe continuouslyj repairs to equipment when forced by necessity to do the work after regular hours j municipal athletics and sports and various other recreation progra and activities demanding services beywd regular time, noteably playgrounds ice rinks. THiRUCRE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the employees who performa I each work in accordance vith the provisions of the Co is salary ordinance, Ordinance Ae, 6446. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Mortinson Peterson To Favor Rosen Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5 -58 -OWQ Adopted by the `.j 2 1 1959 n it J AFl 2 11959 Approved — retAr'k., 19— Mayor