D001800APP''tl"� Copic m: -City Gfcrk(Origgvat) - Fivava Dept•a Acco vvtivg D'n�ivov -He9nestivglkpt ADI�IINTSTRATIVE ORDER: BUDGET REVISION No: ,Dobt�9 Dace: �-I�-9 "� ! •NIDVI3TRATIVE ORDER, Consisteet with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section IQA1.4 of the City Charter and based on request of the Ch'sef of the Department of Fire & Safety Services to ame¢d the 1999 budget of the General FYmd, the D"uector of the Department of btinancial5ervices is authorized to amend said budget in the following manner: From: 00'i - General Fund Current Amended 0512� - Fire Fighting and Paramedics 0111 - Full-Time Permanent Salaries To: 001 - General Fund 051o1 - Emergency Medical Service: Fire 0848 - Other Specialized Eqmt • Budget Change Budget 20,743,146 (150,600) 20,593,146 20,743,146 (150,OD0) 20,593,146 0 150,000 150,000 0 150,000 150,000 Director c�i F Date Preparetl by Acirvity Manager Date Reques[etl by. Departme Directo� Dat`��, ���/ �� 1�- � -2� Ap v by. Mayor Date Fire and Safety Services Ghief Tim GREEN SHEET �°°'��� No 103184 ❑CT'ATTORIgY a FM<NCiAL SEIt VIGE3 DIR._ ❑MAYOR(ORASSRTANij� TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES �:i�i1L�L3.] �CYIYCLQM �FlNANCW.sERV/ACCTG ❑ 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SlGNATURE) of the attached Administrative Order Budget Revision adjusting the 1999 year-end Department of Fire and Safety General Fund Activities to pay our balance with Trans-Medic for the pen-based system. I NIV AP(1fOV0 (A) 0! KBJEC[ (KJ PERSONAL SERVIGE CONTRACTS MUSTANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTONS: 7. Has mis person/firm ever worked under a contract for this tlepartment? PLANNING COMMISSION vES NO CIB COMMITTEE 2. Has tbis persoNfittn ever been a ciry employee? C1VIL SERVICE COMMISSION YES NO 3. Does inis pereoMrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessetl by any currerrt city employee? YES NO 4. Is this personffirm a targetetl vendm? YES NO Explain all yes answers on separete shest and attach to green sheet EMS Department is using a pen based system from Trans-Medic. paying the balance now it will save the City money in the future because we will not be charged interest. will cost the City more money ifi we pay it on a monthly basis. AMOUNT OF IRANSACTI�N souRCe General Fund (EXPLAIN) $'ISO.OQO.OQ COSTRtEVENUEBUDGETEO(CIRC�EONE) YES Wo / \�J ACTIVIN NUMBER r- ' I J �������� DEC 1 � 1999 V ����� �t���� CITY OF S�'� PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADNIINISTRATIVE QRDER ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER, No: .��c f 8�� Date; December 14, 1999 ADMIIIISTRATNE ORDER That the proper City o�cials are hereby authorized to pay Masterpiece Creations, Volume Services America, 175 West Kellogg Boulevard, Saint Pau1 MN 55102 for in house catering services provided during the Saint Paul Parks and Recreation Commission Annual Retreat to be held from 4:30- 9:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jannary� 2006 at Rivercentre. a Totai expense not to exceed: $300.00 Funding code: 03103 . ROVED AS TO FORM , _ �, Assistant siy Actomey �- m �-� ' trnrive Assistant to Mayor Lucilie Johnson - Admin o er revision Page 1 From: Mike Rossberg To: Anderson, Nancy Date: 12/21/99 3:d1 PM Su6ject: Admin order revision Nancy, I'm wondering if you would be so kind as to change a date which appears in the te� of Administrative Order D001800. The incorrect date of Wednesday, January 12, 2000 should be repiaced by the correct date of Monday, January 24, 2000. I would appreciate it if you would let me know if this procedural reques{ causes difficuities and if it would � be better for me to submit a new administraGve order instead. Thanks for your help with this. —Mike Rossberg Parks and Recreation T PERSON AND PHONE DATEINITIATED December 13, 1999 INIl7AVDATE � � � �bb � gOd NO. 100093 INITAVDATE �e Rossberg 266-6447 � DEPAPTMENT DIqECPOq 4 arr counca nsswN NUMBEA W Z CItY ATiORNEY / / �CRY GLEFtK MO5T BE ON COUNCIL AGENDA BY (DATE� HDVTING OftDER 3 flNANC1ALSERVICESDIR. C) ROSSBERG HOO CHA December 22, 7 999 MAYOH (OR ASSISTAN� _ TOTAL b OF SIGNATURE PAGES � (C4P ALL LOCATION$ FOR SIGNANRE� ACTION PEQUES'IED: Signatures approving the expenditure of an amount not to exceed $300 for catering services for the January 12, 2000 Parks and Recreation Commiss+on Annua! Retreat RECQMMENDATIONS: Appruve (AA ar Rejec[ (R� _PLANNING COMMISSION __QVIL $ERVICE COMMI$SION CIB COMMITTEE _ A STAFF �ISTqICT CDUNLIL SUPPORTS WHICH COUNLIL OWECTNE� INITIATING PROBLEM, ISSUE, OPPORTUNII"Y (Who, WM1at, When, Where, W�y): GREEN SHEET PEIiS�NAL SERVICE CQNTRACTS MUST ANSWEtt THE F�LLQWING QUESTIaNS: t. Has this pecson7firm evet woticetl u�Wer a conC�act Fo� this department? YES NO 2. Has t�is person(firm ever bee� s city employee? YES NO 3. Does th�s persoMfbm possess a skiN not nmmally possessed by any current city employee? YES NO Etplam ap yes answers on separate sheet mtl attach to 9reen sheet. Saint Pauf Parks and Recreation Commission wilf hold its Annuai Retreat from 4:30-9:30 p.m. on January 12, 2000 ivercentre. The fength of the meeting makes purchases of box lunches from Masterpiece Creations, the in-house catering service, desirabte. Attendees will include Commissioners, Division of Parks and ftecreation staff, and elected city officials. ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: Approval will allow a box lunch to be served during the meeting. DISADVANTAGES IF APPROVED: None. 4E�`:Ef`v`E� ��� � 5 1999 IISADVANTAGES IF NOi APPROVEp: ndividuals attending the meeting wiif not be served food. 1TALAMOUNTOPTRANSACTION Y 300.00 CASTlREVENUEBU�GEfE�SCIRCLEONE) YF NO �OWG SQURCE r ANCIAIINFOpMATION: �EXPLAIN) ACTIVITY NUM6ER �3�.+� ���2�'��? F��s,� i amount not to exceed S30Q.0� to be expended