190680°tee'to City Clerk - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CpUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM BY )Nl I, COUNCIL FILE 191 X 680 NO qn-EREAS, an examination for the position of "Policewoman" is being scheduled, and WHEREAS, investigation and past experience makes it aTident that a sufficient eligible list cannot be obtained from among the residents of the City, and VniEREAS, it is deemed in the best interests of the City to recruit for this position on a state -wide basis; now therefore, Ike it RESOLVED, that the resident requirements for admission to the examination as provided in Section 10 D of the Civil Service Rules are hereby waived for persons residing in the State of Mines for the first examination for "Policewoman's to be held following passage I of this resolution. Il , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourey %� 1M """rein. Mortinson Peterson Rosen Mr. President, • Ion N 2 -57 .40W 2 in Favor 0 Against .WW or►' �xe-� ae� Adopted by the 2 01959 )une 195 — JAN 2 01959 195 — Mayor e .... ... .:.�.. ..... .. .: .. .., ... .+..:0.s..` �n .. , ,. a': skit J[ :{ ti! s .., . ......... ii :i .' . :..... . ..... .. _ ... .. , - t , u.` r .. 3:3'• �, tt r k'.- s' r� e :. ... ..!'err aXW oil : ASS TI- , i 1! —t .s' MET VIA rj .. ,.. - ;fit• �R'� ..4::;:;:..Y.y:.:,.. a.. , _.. ...::... ..... .... ....e ..: ..;. %i'k.� Vin`..., IOWA— fig 1 ASK— too!