190625ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK - W' 625 t , CITY OF ST. PAUL ,COUNCIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F UNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM �# PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE - (-, RESOLVED, that the free use of the Auditorium facilities be given to Saintpaulites Incorporated for the ,ellowing events and on the following dates: Arena: Friday Saturday Sunday Theatre: Monday Friday Stem Hall: Friday Sunday the cost of opening January 30, January 31, February 1, 1959 8 P.M.) :ingts Coronation 1959 8 P.M. ) are Dance 1959 7:30 P.M National Majorette[Championship and Musical Jlaboree F 3 February 2, 1959 through and including February 6, 1959 Nation4 Television Show January 30, 1959 through and including February 1, 1959 (1 P.M.) J�chery Contests, and operating on said ocef *,tons to be set up in Auditorium Fund 1021. cq�Vneji rue No. 190 By severin at the free u(re pi the AuMtdrhlm faciflUes be given to/9alni- paulites IncwrpGrated for the lAlicwhag events tend on the following dilates: Arena: Friday, January 30, 1868 (8 P.M.) Kind�ss Coronation SatufdAy, January 31, M9 (8 P.M:) Square Oaa¢e Sunday, February 1, 1889 (7 PM.) am cNJamboree�mp onshiy Theatre: Monday, ebruary $ 1889 through{ and incl FrMay, February 8, 1868, National tt�emnTelevision Show �PYidaay,11 January 30, 1859 throw and incl Sunday, 1, 1958 (1 P.M.) Archery Cfttests, CD(;�i'N the cast of opening and operating on said occadons to be set up in Audi- torium Fund IM. Yeas Nays Adopted by the council January 15, 1889. DeCourcy /i proved ;J' uary 15, IBM. Holland -- Mortinson Peterson Favor Rosen Winkel V Against Mr. President, Dillon _ 5M 5.58 -OW2 �j r i�59 Adopted by the Council 19— I"'159 Approved 19— Mayor