D001798CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA OFFICE OF THE MAYOR City Cierk Finance ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISIQN $1D4,435.25 $295,21 D.00 ADMfNISTRATIVE ORDER, Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Section 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Departrnent of Pfanning 8 Economic Development to amend the 1999 budget of the Parking and Transit Fund, the Director of the Office of Financial Services is authorized tA amend said budget in the following manner, WHEREAS, equipment and computer replacements are needed for the Bbck 7A Municipal Ramp; and WHEREAS, as part of the devefopment plan tor the Science Museum, sfructural modifications, lighGng, and landscaping were planned for the Ryao Avenue Parking Lot which is adjacent to the Science Museum; and NOW THEREFORE, staff recommends the reallocation of $55,163 for the 7A Parking Ramp and $200,OOQ for the Ryan Avenue Parking Lot to meet these objectives. Current Budget • Fund 130 Parking and Transit Fund GL-130-36702-0899 GL-130361 D2-0505 Block 7A Ramp GL-130-36119-0899 Block L Ramp GL-130-36108•0899 Biock 23 Ramp GL-73036109-0899 GL-13036109-0279 Robert Street Municipal Ramp GL-130-36711-0899 Civic Center Exhibit Hali Parking GL-130-36 7 00-027 7 GL-130-36100-0219 GL-130-36700-0739 GL-730-36100-0749 General Parking 8 Trensit Net Change Pre ared 6 A� Marta er / ��' " P Y� tY 9 ( ate) �7tequest b : rtment irector ( ate) $d1,OD0.00 $50,500.00 $22,OOO.QO $69,968.00 $3,500.D0 $10,000.00 $42,000.00 $45,OD0.00 $30,000.00 Change $55,163.00 ($62,339.00) ($34,717.60) ($20,4AS.40) ($18,680.00) ($31,515.00) ($3,500.00) ($8,250.00) ($26,620.00) $160,040.Q0 ($9,136,00) $0.00 No: OD 17 oate: 1 a -I 3 -R' � Amended Budget $159,598.25 $232 $6,282.40 $30,�54.60 $3,320,00 $38,453.00 $U.�U $1,750.Q0 $15,380.00 $205,U40.OQ $2Q,864.00 C'r�, n—�----� lZ' j�'� 9 Appr ve by: irector of inancial Serv ces ( ate) � � �� C- f4 PO /N lP GREEN ��� GlYAiMMtY �� �0 �017 I8� No 1020r3� ��. Q �,.� � I�iIU1CL1LfF0.V/�ttTQ � t P �r,.wwa�msrwn ! �'v�e � TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES t (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) aiESrEo � a-� a-�����' cL�t°m��.._ ��aCRr -� r�zw�l� ��f � � r k � ,.� w- - I'ru.,._5 � -f �k d� .e -� ,�-v r.� P l � � -e z � u � ��..LK f �-� Lj �� o C F- 7� T�'1 c.� r. i� � p Li l 1� G�^� C�... v� -- �( t vr� � r v J� r� zn,�`E S 1 � � '� y a,.. �1 J�. �� � K�'„� � d . PLANNING COMMISS{ON qB COMMITSEE CML SERVICE COMMISSION �� d�.��`a'fd�s 1nc��c�� 7� YVltw� � c,� w� J��---7p n¢..e�d 5 In, V J�Gi 4�-c.e.: Y Yl.0 S�'-�,+iw. ccQ--2UZ � o� P''i v� i �-V'V�e,`t"�t'� �- � �nr- � s c. -/p r ti.� V Hasthie pewoNfi�m exrv.oiked uMer a coMract torUds depeNneM? YES PX7 Has tlire persarJPom everbeen a alY emd�YeeT YES NO Ooestlds P�m 0� a sldl not mm�IHP�%� bY �Y curteM WY �PbY�� VES Nd k tlus pemaJfirm afazaefetl vmdoCt YES NO �' �_.�� .�� u, �m �� � � �l� _. �.2 d� f�l c i rt q � �.S � Gt �' 1 d 1 '�-2. bl ew' r .� � W-���v�.-�,,� s ��e Prorus� -� l I�J.I_ Y✓�-C-- YWSA_SG-�'�- . I�VtPl�C)�JYY�-�...� S � lo� . V ���°�� �� � � y !Tl'\. C.� ��7Y �LER� iTALAMOUNTOF7RANSACTIONS �? 5 f,��P 3 � CO3TlREVENUE9UOGETEO(qRCLEONE� c YES NO VDINCSOURCE l+'I.ii�...aC _ `�(� �lPNhh � 1 �L(�T,Sl� ACTNITI'NUMBER ��.30 YY�LLlT"'�P�� �-�d-'� S � S2� �'f'�� c�e� ca/G/Y � wcw. mFOaMn� texaar� r ��� ( _IL� h�'t' .,E°��¢.t �n`�e_ �;.��q�-t t s Z,�t'ca ��