194476II , mal to City Clerk ' ORDI�c council File No. 184476— Ordinan,ce No. -194476 111SO4 —By' Milton Rosen— An 6 pe ordinance granting The House of „ !` t$ooinstaII and maintain 30 foot w oden) N� 1 pole mounted with floodlights, in the PRESENTED BY We on the south side of Port Eland Avenue between Avon and Grotto' NO. F!reets, six feet south of the south curb I %;,rtlanii Avenue and approximately v- X.,from the east line of the 8842i to said Church. . ren- 1 4 t An ordinance granting The House of Hope Presbyterian Church permission to install and maintain a 30 foot wooden pole mounted with floodlights, in the boulevard on the south side of Portland Avenue between Avon and Grotto Streets, six feet south of the south curb on Portland Avenue and approximately 26 feet east from the east line of the driveway leading into said Church. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby ;granted' The House of Hope Presbyterian Church to install and maintain a 30 foot wooden pole, mounted with floodlights, in the boulevard on the south side of Portland Avenue between Avon and Grotto Streets, six feet south of the south curb on Portland Avenue and approximately 26 feet east from the east line of the driveway leading into said Church, for the purpose of illuminating a chancel window in said Church and lighting a walkway withiA the subject premises leading from the said Church to the sidewalk on Portland Avenue,. in accordance with plans and specifications to borepared and submitted to the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings and subject to the approvai of said Commissioners. Section 2. The Co ' ssioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and public Buildings are hereby authorized to issue such permits as may be necessary to said House of Hope Presbyterian Church for the installation and maintenance of said pole, mounte4 with floodlights; upon and in compliance with the following conditions: a4 -i0 - 1. Said wooden pole, mounted with - floodlights, shall be constructed to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, in accordance with the plans to be submitted by the permittee to the Department of Public Works and the Department of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and under their direction, and the permittee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any, together with any fees required for permits provided hereunder. 2. Said permittee agrees that its contractor shall be required.to keep the work guarded by day and night so as to prevent damages or injuries to persons or property during the course of construction. 3. Said.permittee, at all times, shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul from angn�a �s�which it may in any way sustain in consequence of such installation �o sal ,mounted with floodlights. 4. Said permittee shall proceed therewith and install and maintain said pole, mounted with floodlights, in a manner so as properly to protect any sewer, water, gas, or other public utility lines or conduits now existing in said boulevard. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council DeCourcy Holland Mortinson PUBLISHED In Favor Peterson Rosen 'Against Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) i �` Approved: ^ Attest: City Clerk Mayor 1M 12 -57 ,8 \ w Original to City Cleric PRESENTED BY B9� ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. 5. Said permittee hereunder shall, at said permittee's own cost and expense, furnish anc, file policies of`casualty liability insurance, for a term or terms commensurate with the maintenance of said pole, mounted i with floodlights, whereunder said City shall be designated as Insured or' Co- insured, in the following insurance coverage amounts: for personal injuries $100,000 for each person injured, and $200,000 for two or more persons injured in any single accident,-and for property damage $50,000 for a single accident and not to exceed $1009000 in the aggregate for any number of accidents in a single year. 6. Said permittee shall restore said boulevard to its original' condition after such installation of said pole and upon and after the removal of the same, said City reserving the right to terminate and cancel such permission and authority hereunder by resolution of its Council and to require such removal by and at the expense of said permittee. 7. Said permittee shall, within ten days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file said permittee's written acceptance of the provisions, terms and conditions of the same, and agreement binding said permittee unto said City for compliance therewith. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency . ordinance rendered necessary ;for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon - its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Atti im 11 FA Nov 18 1959 Passed by the Coffneil Tn Favor A gainst NOV 18 1959 I a Saint Paul, Minnesota C 3 November 23, 1959 s • t 6 To the Honorable, the City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota d Gentlemen & Mrs. DeCourcy: $ We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 194476, being Ordinance No. 11604, adopted by the Council on November 18, 1959• THE HOUSE OF HOPE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH BY G�^ i k r# a p -- k t F Duplicate to Printer 1 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 194476 ORDINANCE NO. // L_ L/^ An ordinance granting The douse of Hope Presbyterian Church permission to install and maintain a 30 foot wooden pile mounted with floodlights, in the boulevard on the south side of Portland Avenue between Avon and Grotto Streets, six feet south of the south curb on'Portland Avenue and approximstcely 26 feet east from the east line o_ f the driveway leading into said Church. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safetyr THE COUNCIL OF THS ; C1TY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 3. j That perni.ssion and authority are hereby.gra4ted The House, of Hope Ares Brian Church to install and asaintain a 30 foot wooden pole, mounted with flo�ightst. in the boulevard on the south side of Portland Avenue betweewAvon and Grotto Streets, six feet south of the south curb on Portland ,venue and approximately 26 feet east from the east line of the driveway le into said Church, for the purpose of illuminating s chancel window In Church and lighting a walks y within the subject prwdses leading from a said Church to the sidewalk dr, Portland Avwrtet in accordance with p s and specifications to borepared and submitted to the Commissioner of Public Marks and the Co .ssioner of Parks and Reero4tion and Public Buildings and subject to the approval: of said Coemsi.ssoners. Section 2. Tba CommissiQner of Public Works and the Commissioner of Parka and Recreationland Public Buildings are hereby authorized to issue such permits as may be necessary to said House of Hope 'Presbyte.ri.an Church for the installation ar4 maintenance of said pole, mounted with floodlights, upon and in eaVliance #ith the following conditions: 14 Said wood n pole; mounted with floodlights# shall be constructed to the satiefaeticsn of a Commissioner of Public Works and the Comissigner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildingst in accordance with the plans to be subasi.tted by the permi.ttee to tho Department of Public Works and the Department of Parks andiRecreation and Publia,Buildings, and under their di<.rection, and the permittee shall pair the cost of inspections if any, tegether with any fees required for permits provided hereunder. 2+ Said peftittes agrees that its contractor shall be required to keep the work guarded by day and night se as to prevent damsiges or injuries to persons or property during the course of construction. 3. Said permitteet at all timast $hall iVAexvAfy and save harmless the City of Saint P .,ul: frc>sa arse g which it may in any way aus.tain in consequence of such ins1 aZi nno s , mounted with floodlights. 4. Said permittee shall proceed therewith and install and maintain said pole, mounted with floodlights, in a mannor so as properly to protect any sewer, water, gas, or other public utility lines or conduits now existing in said boulevard. Yeas Councilmen Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -b7 QW8 Passed by the Council Approved: Mayor Favor Aroainst Daplimte to Printer ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.- 34.476 PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. 4. 1 LO 5e- Said permi-1 tee hereunder sha"llo at said permi ttoel s earn cost and expense, furnish and file policies of casualty liability insumnee, for a term or terms coemne:nsurato with the maintenance of said pole, mounted with floodlights, whereunder said'City shall be designated as Insured or Co- insured, in the following insurance coverage amounts: for personal injuries $100,000 for each person injured,, and $200$000 for two or more persons injured in any single, eteeident, and for property damage $509000 for a single accident and not to exceed $100, DAO in the aggregates for any number of accidents in a single year. 6. Said pe4rmittee shall restore said boulevard to its original condition after such installation of said pole and upon and after t a removal of the sames said City remorving the right to terminate and cancel such permission and authority hereunder by resolution of its Council and to require such removal by and at the expense of said peirmi.ttee. 7- Said permi.ttee shall. within ten dad's after the paessage,E approval and publicatim of this ordinance, file -wAd permittee3ve written &0ceptance of the provisions, terms and conditions of the same, and agreement binding said pee:rmittee unto: said City for ocapliance therewith. Suction �.. This ordiwmee is hereby devlared to be an -bMergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaca, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shawl take 6ffeet and be in force upon its passage, approval and publication,, Yeas Councilmen DtV9 — Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President (Dillon) Attest: City Clerk 1M 12 -57 aORW8 NOV 181959 Nays Passed by the C cif Tn Favor 0 Against Approved: NOV 181959 Mayor i F Noun of Rope 11reshtgbrixn t94=4 Summit Aurnur at Awn B+trtrt ont"t ran[ 5, atmgota IRVING ADAMS WEST, D. D., L. H. D. PASTOR October 8, 1959 6 I I Mr. A. -P. Winkel Commissioner of Public Works City Court House St. Paul, 2, Minnesota Dear Sir: Request is hereby made to erect a 30 foot wood pole in the boulevard on the south side of Portland y Avenue between Avon and Grotto as indicated on the attached blueprint. The purpose of this pole is to mount flood- lights the beam of which will be focused on our chancel window. These lights will only be in ser- vice during evening functions in the Sanctuary. In order that the work may proceed immediately will you please issue the necessary permit. Yours very truly, , IAW c C( Irving A. st, Pastor The House of Hope Presbyterian Church Bona of Haile 'fre�h�teri�n f�I�urri� oummtt Avenue at Avon oturt oand Fmd 5, ftwguta IRVING ADAMS WEST, D. D., L. H. D. PASTOR December 2, 1959 Mr. Joseph R. Okoneski City Clerk 386 City Hall St. Paul, 2, Minnesota Dear Mr.. Okoneski: In reply to your letter of November 23rd, we enclose a check for $16.90 to cover the publica- tion of Ordinance No.. 11604. We are also enclosing duly executed acceptance of the Ordinance. In regard to Paragraphs 5 and 7 of Section 2, this matter has been referred to our insurance agent for handling. Kindly send us another copy of Ordinance No. 11604. Yours truly, <(� I I W c C/ /J A encs. Minister 6 E t i I i of m c- - $ �a�l itsapisaia aai�� •rye uoIIIQ 3uapisa =d '=LII uolllQ.uapieai�.'iy iaHulM IaHaIAA uasog ua w4 / uosia3ad _�oeKe�' ; uosul ;ion uosuipow PUvIIQH PUUUGH 'A02RODOT SunoQaa sSsx ssa� eSsH s8ab ', 3dop v I ; dda pus pjc , (� 03 JOAO plat J uZ e