194472ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLORK k, .. .- . •v CITY OF ST. PAUL FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM I S ,� r k ' / C COMMISSIONER DATE 194472 COUNCIL NO. FILE RESOLVED, that the City's waiver, pursuant to Chapter 104 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, under the resolution of this Council, Council File No. 192810, approved June 23, 1959, permitting the use of non - resident truck drivers, employed by M. J. McGough Company, as the contractor, under that certain contract between said Company and the City of Saint Paul in the construction of the Snelling Avenue Reservoir, hereby is terminated, and said resolution hereby is in all things repealed, it now appearing that an adequate number of Ramsey County, Minnesota, resident truck drivers are 1 available to the contractor, in respect of said contract operations. M COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland - Mortinson _Pn ran�i Rosen Winkel Mr. Vi wi&nr (Peterson) 5M 5.58 rC °uncll File No. Rosen — 194472 —i3y Milton Resolved, pu u t to That the City's waiver, rsan at 104 of the Saint reso- lution ogfsla tive Code, under the reso- No. 192810, his Council. Council File permitting to roved June 23, 1959, truck drivers, use Of non- resident McGough Com anmployed by M. J. under that certaLi as the contractor, said Compare COntract between Paul in the constanruction ofithe Snelltg Avenue Reservoir, hereby is terrain_ ated, and said resolution hereby is in all things repealed, it now that an adequ appearing ate number of Ramsey County, Minnesota, resident truck dri- inrs are available to the contractor, in respect of said contract operations. Adopted by the Council October 28, 1959. 1 Approved October 28, 1959. (October 31, 1959) OCR 2 g 195 Adopted by the Council 19- O CT 2 8 1969 Approved 19— Favor � � ` 0 In c NYC #litg Mayor Against DUPLICATE TO PRINTER ' 194472 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -j\- COUNCIL RESOLUTION - GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RMLVM9. that the City's waiver,, pursuant to Chapter 104 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, under the resolution of this Counoil,. Counibil File No• 1928109 approved June 23, 1959, pemitting the use of non- resident truck drivers, employed by M. J. McGough Coapanya as the omtractor, under that certain contract between ' said Company and the City of Saint Paul in the construction of the Snelling Avenue Reservoir, hereby is terminated, and said resolution hereby is in a32 things repealed, it now appeasing that an adequate number df Ramey County, Minnesota, resident truck drivers are available to the contractor, in respect. @f said contract operations.. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson - d'et2rm- Rosen Winkel � '! dant Dillon 5mW VjjMoPgesident (Petexwn) OCT 2 81959 Adopted by the Council 19— OCT 2 81959 Approved 19— In Favor Mayor Against OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r - BUREAU OF RECORDS 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota October 23, 1959 Mr. Louis P. Sheahan Corporation Counsel BuZing JOSEPH R. OKONESKI City Clerk HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder w C F Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you draw a resolution along the line recommended in the attached letter of Commissioner Milton Rosen. ' V truly yours,l / e ty Clerk r 1 i w w 0 C J MINNE ?SOTA 8.Q=�, r = BUREAU OF. -WATER C I T Y Of UEONARD N. THOMPSON. 1 GOiEUL MANAGER �ICapital of *.DEPAR.T.MENT:-10F_ ` -CC LIFFOiiD- W.- HAMBLIN.� ' 2�6 Clty Hnll. an w°•,.....- •ASSISTANT_ GENERAL MANADER .+ I •.•,.q +' ..• n EAU OF'' MIUIN C of �►INT f PA,, U�t � MBOsp, �1mlesotc WBUC UTILITIES:[! := �BUREpi 141 rt House (2) - �_ _ - ■ ''4O� �•� - U's s >i -- R O S ESN°- -' 'M 5 � � � �g)d Pnhli i filitipd111 JBI �i!! P. r OF INVESTIGATION F. JONES, uram OFD LIGHTING tD ;: WE. SuP�rJNTEN OE MARKETS DG-AN. DIRECTOR - � O Ij... �7��![ •" or.`�'ifli'w�'' s� �- -- �.,,.. � r � c xi3t! S7 sr � J. L• CONNOLLY I 1 I ' I VW JIIAM, P. BEERENS., +s P !DeD�t7 ComnileeioneLoL $ubF-ubuc- Ut.tHtiee- -^j-: t yi F October 23, 1959 i The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: On May 27, 1959 1 wrote you to tell you that I was in receipt of a communication from Mr. M. J. McGough of the M. J. McGough Company in which he stated that he was. unable to procure in Ramsey County the ten trucks his company gequired for work on the Snelling Avenue Reservoir." F As such, the Council approved the Comp-anyts use of equipment being furnished'to them by a Minneapolis.,contractor,�bUt I am now informed by Mr. Stanley Olson of Local 120 that there are plenty of trucks owned and operated by Ramsey County equipment men capable of furnishing this type of equipment to the M. J. McGough Company. the aper -val iven too his ico,mpar o ,Ma�C„�, 1,9- ,„,t,p , use o is _gtors be cancelled as of this date.- : n T t'rxAVal4oke' -biE; Yee! 7yatet 's�c1r- ...:rtX�;aS"'cn'!ri is we ,rt'SaJt0i7n.1T].ae'F'Y : s caeKak'OikRtX.= 'm' 15 Yo s^ truly I P F Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Utilities MR:v i t