08-972Council File # RESOLUTION CITY PAUL, MINNESOTA Green Sheet # 68 -9� a 3057573 1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached 2 Joint Powers A�eement, which includes an indemnfication clause, with Olmsted County acring through its 3 Sheriffs Office for participation in the Intemet Crunes Against Children Task Force. A copy of said 4 agreement is to be kept on file and on record in the Office of Financial Services. 5 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Bostrom Stark Thune Yeas Adopted by Council: Date: Absent Adoption Cer�ti�f by C� ncil Secretary: BY � / l //1i1iJ / //iiliSiia Approved by Mayor• Date: �/ ' �'��� BY= � , Requested by Department of: By: Approve or for Submission to Council: By: � Q:\FiscalAffai rs W O&CR�2008\OI mstedCtyl CAC.xIs Approval Recommended by Financial Services: � . �. Green Sheet,G�een She_et Contad Person & Phone: Chief John Hartington 26G5588 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION �► Assign Numbef For Routing Order Gr,een Sheet Green Sheet �reen Sheet�reen Sheet-. __. _ __. _ =- G8%.�?�- E-Document Required: Y Document Contact: Evette Srarver i i ConWct Phone: 266- �54'I I i ToWI # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Lowtions for Signature) 0 � otice Department I PoGce Deparpnent j 1 oliceDepartlnent I PoliceDepartment � � 2 City Attoroev Ciry Aitomey 3 � ayor's Office � Mavor 4 ouncil Couocil 5 ity Clerk � City Clerk 6 oliceDepartnent i PoIiCeDepartment Signatures on the attached council resolution authorizing [he CiTy of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the attached Joint Powers Agreement with Olmsted Counry acting through its Sheriffs Office. datwns: Approve (A) or R Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Commission 1_ Has Ihis person/frm ever worked under a contract for this department? Yes No 2. Has this persoNfirm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any current city employee� Yes No Explain ali yes answers on separete sheet and attach to green sheet Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, Whak When, Where, Why): Olmsted County Sheriffs Office will participa[e in the Intemet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force of the Saint Paul Police Department. Authorization is needed to enter into the attached agreement. Advantages If Approved: Opporiunity to use grant funds to par[nership with Olmsted County Sheziffs Office to combat crimes against children. Disadvantages If Approved: None. � Disadvantages If Not Approved: � Lost opporiunity to use grant funds to partnership with Olmsted Counry Sheriffs Office to combat intemet crimes against children. Transaction: Funding Source: Financial Information: (Explain) CosURevenue Budgeted: Activity Number: f ��i �< ������ ���, C �� AUG ,� p ZOpB � .._ July 30, 2008 4:00 PM Page 1 68-��� - .. - - .n-_�••_.•_ � . -� . . . - Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement This Multi-Agency Law Enforcement Agreement, and amendments and supplements thereto, (hereinafter "Agreement") is between the City of Saint Paul, acting through its Police Depaztment (Grantee) and Olmsted County, acting tluough its SherifPs Office (hereinafter "Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency") both which aze empowered to enter into joint powers agreements pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 471.59, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into this Agreement by Mum. Stat. § 626.76; and Whereas, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-agency task force intended to investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and the criminal exploitation of children that is committed and/or facilitated by or through the use of computers, and to disrupt and dismantle organizations engaging in such activity; and Whereas, the undersigned agencies agree to utilize applicable state and federal laws to prosecute criminal, civii, and forfeiture actions against identified violators, as appropriate; and Whereas, the Grantee is the recipient of a federal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A) disbursed by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention ("OJJDP") in Washington, D.C. to assist law enforcement in investigating and combating the exploitation of children which occurs through the use of computers by providing funding for equipment, training, and expenses, including travel and overtune funding, which are incurred by law enforcement as a result of such investigations; and Whereas, the OJJDP Internet Crimes Against Children ("ICAC") Grant Manager has been established representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the opararion of the grant and sub-grant recipients. Now Therefore, the parties agree as follows: The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency approves, authorizes, and enters into this Memorandum of Understanding with the purpose of implementing a three-pronged approach to combat Internet Crimes Against Children: prevention, education and enforcement; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to the 07JDP ICAC Task Force Program Standazds (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B), in addition to state and federal laws, when conducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and 2. All officezs contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force shall be licensed peace officers or found by the Minnesota Boazd of Peace Officer Standazds and Training to have compazable qualifications; and ��9?a VJhen a contributed officer officer's actions aze within the officer s line of duty and course of employment to the same eatent as if the officer had acted on behalf of the officer's employing Agency; and 4. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency and Crrantee shall each indemnify, save and hold liarmless the other, its representatives and employees from any and all claims or causes of action, including all reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the other, arising from their performance of this Agreement Under no circumstances, however, shall either party be required to pay on behalf of itself or the other parry, any amounts in excess of the limits on liability established in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 applicable to either pariy. The limits of liability for the parties may not be added together to determine the masunum amount of liability for any party; and 5. All members of the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall continue to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency employer which they were employed before joining the Minnesota ICAC Task Force and all services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the member will be within the course and duty of that employment, and therefore, are covered by the Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will be paid by that employer and entitled to that employer fringe benefits; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall submit all requests for undercover ICAC related operations in writing to the Commander of the Minnesota ICAC Task Force for presentation to the OJJDP ICAC Task Force Board of Directors; and The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must first submit a written request for fizuds and receive approval for the funds from the Cnantee to receive any funds from the Grantee; and 8. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and 9. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall maintain accurate records pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be collected and forwarded monthly to the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander or his designee for statistical reporting purposes;and 10. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any audits required by the OJJDP; and 11. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency sha11 make a reasonable good faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regionai meetings in order to shaze information and resources amongst the multiple entities; and 2 0� �q7 2 pursuant to the OJ7DP guidelines; and 13. The Undersi�ed Law Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota ICAC Task Force Commander in a timely manner all investigative equipment acquired through �ant funding as a result of this Agreement in the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency decides to dissolve its binding relationslup with the Minnesota ICAC Task Force-and the Saint Paul Police Department, or the Agency breaches the Agreement. Terms of this agreement: This agreement shall be effective upon signatures. Nothing in this agreement shall othenvise limit the jurisdiction, powers, and responsibilities normally possessed by an employee as a member of the Agency. John M. Hazringto ' Police Saint Paul Poli Deparhnent Assistant �t. Paul City of O,ffice of Olmsted Daue Perkins � Olmsted County Board Steven C. VonWald, Sheriff Olmsted County Sheriff s Office ,--- %�-�� �� /� 08��1 �2- o .��� o: ;�ri�� �;��:�s O�uce oi tne Assistant Anomey Genera w<,r,:sg:o.: p c aosa- Uay 2, 2006 Chie; ionn Hazrin�ton Gry o; Saznt Paul 15 W est Kellogg Boulevazd Sun[ Paul. MN "v102 Dear Ch�ef Hazrington - Oo'oehalt` of Atmrney General Alberro Gonzales, it u my oleasure to u�fo�n you tha[ the Office o,` 7usnce Pro�razns has approved your aoplicanon for tunding under the Inu°,rnet Cnmes Aga�nst Children Task Force Pro�ram m the arnount of 5500,000 for Ciry of Samt Paul Enclosed you wdl find [he Grant.Award and Spec�al Cond�tlons documens Th�s awud is subjec. to all admmisVative a�d Emancial requuemen[s, mdudi�g the nmely subm�ss�on of a11 finaumal and proo ammanc reports, resolunon of all intenm audn findmgs, and me mamtenance of a m�mmum level of cash-on-hand Should you not adhere [o Cnese reowrements, yoo will be in viola�on of the terms of thu a�reement and the award will he sub�ect to termmatlo� r`a cause or other adm�mstranve acnon u approor�a[e If you 0ave ques�icos regaramg [h�s awazd, pleue coneact. Program Questions, Chnstopher Holloway, Program Managec at (202J 305-9838, and Pmanc�al Quesewns, the Office of the Comptrollec, CusYOmer Service Center (CSC) a[ (800) d5S-0786, or you may conract the CSC at ask.oc@usdoj gov Con�ratulanons, and we Iook forw3d ro work!ng wiLh ycc. Smeerely, ��`"M-,�..� � '^.n^ ` :`'`r/ /� Re�na B Se6ofre7d Ass�sean[ Attomey General Hnclosures i I: Office oi JusticePro�ams Office ior Civfl Rienu �5'esamgar.. D.C. 2033? May Z, 20p6 Ciueiionn 'r.ardnoton Gry oi Sam[ Paul 1� Wes[ Kellog� Boulevard SamtPauL MN 55102 Dear Ch�e; Haznm[on� Cona atulanons on your recen, awazd I� establishme Financial usistance program;, Cono ess lmiced the receipt of Federal r'undm� [o compi�ance w�[h Federal crvii ngk�ts Iaws. The Office ior Crvil Ri�hCS (OCR), Office of Jusvice Pro�ams (O1P), U.S. Depanment of Iusnce �s responsible for ensurmg mat rvnpients of imanc�al aid from OIP, �u componen[ offices and bureaus, rhe Off�ce on Violence A�amst Women (OVW), and [he Ofnce o( Comm�mry Onemed Poiicmg Services (COPS) comply with applicable rederal avii nghts stamces a�d re�ula�ions. W e at OCR are avadable te hetp you and your orgam�ahon mee[ me cro�i ngnu requvements tnat come with Justice Depanment fundmg, Ensuring Access to Federally Assisted Programs ___ _ As you lmow, Federal laws pronibat reeipieats of fioanaal assis[ance frn:n �iscnmmaCao osShe-bcsis of:ace, -- -- -- - color, nanonal ong�q reli��on, sex, or disabiliry m funded programs or activitres, not only m respec[ to employment pracnces out also m the deirvery of serv�ces or benefits. Federal law also prohioas funded pmgrarns or acnvmes from ducrimmatlng on [he basis of age in t6e delivery of services ox oeoefiis. Providing Services to Limited Engiish Proficiency (LEP) Individuafs In accordance wi[b Depazm�ent oi Sustiw Guidance pextaming to T�tle V[ of fne Ciml Rights AcL of 1964, 42 L'.S.0 § 2000d, recipienis of Eederal financial assis[ance mus[ take reaspnable steps [o provide meamngful access to thea prograzns and activit�es for persons with hmited English pronciency (LEP). For more mformapon on the crvil n�hts responsibiti4es that rec[pients have m pro�ading tano age sernces eo LEP indrviduals, please see me wehsi[e at http�//www.;ep.gov Ensuring ryuai TreaEment for Faith-&ased Organi�afions The Department of Jusnce has published a regulauon specifically perta+nm� r� {j�a r���;re of .'a�th-based oreanizallons. Io general, B�e cegulanon, Pazt�cipatlon in Iusnce Depar¢nenf Ro�ams by ReLgious Organ¢a[ions, P:eviding .'c; E.�^ua; T; eaGner.i of alt Ius�ce Gepartmenc rrogram razucipanu, and known as the Eoual Trea:menc Re�elation 28 C.F.R par[ 38, requses Sta[e Admmiscenn� A�encies to treat these oreamzahons the szme as any o;k�e; applicant or recipienL The regula[ion prohioits Staie Admmistenn� Agencies fiom makmg award or �ran[ admmistranon decisions on che basis of an or�anization's retigious chazae[er or affihatlon, relig�ous name, or the rel�eious composmon of �[s boazd of d�recm*s. The rewlauoa also proh�o�u iaith-based organiza�ons irom usmg finaeic;al assis[ance from the Depar[men[ of 7usnce ro fund mherently religious acfivities. Wh.le fzid;-based orgamzanons eza engage ;c non-funded mnerendy r°hg�ous actn�ihes, they must be neid separa[ely from tk�e Depaztment of 3ustrce iunded progasn, and �us[o�ers c; beaefic�anes carmot be comnelled ce pz�cioxt� m Lhem Tr.e Fecai Trez's:en! Regulztien zso ::.a;:es ciea that or�an;zalio:� �a :n o-eaa.;,s fsdec 5}� :.he IIeca o`i�s�ce a:e nat permr�ed m c!scnm+nate m rhe p:ov�r.or �f se:vv^es cr. �e ba;,.; e` & S�nefic=.a,j%s - .elia ar rcr �ore mioc.�u.nan oa the regutabon, please see OCR's we6sr�e athttp:/lwww ojp.esdo� gov/o,^,r/etrbo.hvn, � � � . -- --- - - - - - -= -- - - - --- —� �"ret�7cdmmiSG.nn � n,.�es�zitr, ozs�san:zanons shoul��so nov°. t'na: fne Safe Sve_s Ac� zs ar.iendec tne ��cams o` Cnme :,eL u arr:end�; znd ;ne iuv=_niie iusnce and Deiinauen_} Prevendon Ac._ as amended, contam nronibinons against d�scrimmation or, tne bas!s oi r_hoior. in emnioyment. i nese ecnpioymen: nrov!sions have been soecii��ali} mcoroorated mto 28 C.F.R Part 38.i(fj z�d 382(f,�. Co,s=oueaciy, m mzr.y cu: it Wou1C be 1mCB.Ti1iSS1o1B ioi ;dlff-025:6 o[QaniZ35on5 iwKID� o= r�Cervli.c �ynQiO� auttloiiz°„fi p) ❑1BSB S[3ID[^5 W G2VB ➢��IDI°.i 0' Di3�liC�5 Ifld: CO➢QiLOP. IIff1RL 3R4 O[[10.' CRIDIOVIDBP.i-�C13IEQ a.°,C,:SIOpS 0➢ If1E %OIi�lO➢ 0? 3D�IIC3IIS 0?' �IDD10VBfS. , ffiOICCi [0 LhBS;➢OR�3STIIDIDd[tOP. *�EOV:SIOP.S T2}' 09 L01i�d OP. OCR's wees�te a: uapJiwww�.o�p.usdo�.00��ocri Ques[�ons aboe[ tne *esu'at�on or tne stam�es tl:a[ omn;bi; esenmmauon m emoiovment ma� be d�re: ted ro thls Office. � Enforcing Ci�il Ri�hts Laws AII reapiens oi Federa] nnanaal ass�sance. reeazdless of the patt�cular fundmg source, [ne amount of tne �ant award, or ihe number oi empioyws m tne workPorce, are subiect to the nrohibmons agams[ unlaw{ui discaminatron. Accordmgiy, OCR mvesngates recipienGS tt;a[ aze [he sub�ect of 6scnminanon compiaines from boti� indiv�duals and eroups In ad6mon, based on rewlarory cnG=,r,a, OCR selecrs a number of recipients each yeaz for compLance reviews. audrts tha[ requ�re rec�pien6 to submic daw showm� (nat they are providmg serv�ces eomtably [o atl segmen[s of Cheir service oopulanon and [nat ineU employmenf pracnces meetequal employment opportuniry standazds Complying with fhe Safe Streets Act or Proeram Requirements In addinon to fhese general prohibitions, an orgamzacio� which is a recipien[ o; fmanaal ass�stance s�bjeet to the nondiscnmmanon provis�ons of the Omnibus Cnme Control and Saf° Stree[s Ac[ (Safe Svee[s Ac[) of ! 968, 42 G.S C. § 3789d(cj, or ocher Federal gran[ pmgram reqmrements. must meeC two addrt�onal requiremepts ( I) complym� w�th Federal reguianons pertammg m the develooment of an Equal Empioymen[ Opportunity Pian _,. (FEOP). 98 C F R§ 4?301- 308, and {Z) �ubmaua�tp 4�g-F�-^dc os af D;scr:m:;3azor- (sez 32 G� a2 205(5) or 31 202(5)). 1) Meeting fhe EEOP Requiremenc In accordance wrth Federal regulanons, Assurance No 6 m Ne Standard Assurances, COPS Assurance No 8.B, or certam Federal grant pro� am reqmremenrs, your orgamzat�on must comply wvh the r'ollowmg EEOP reporung requlrements: If your or4an¢atro� nas rece�ved an award for $500,000 or more and has 50 or more employees (countmg borh r'ull- and parbnme employees but excludmg political appom[ees), the� rt has [o prepaze an EEOP and subma rt ro OCR for rev�ew within 60 dsys from the date of tttis letter. ror assistance m developmg an EEOP, please coasut[ OCR's websrte at h[tp://www.ojp.usdo�.govlocr/eeop.htm. You atay also reques[ [echmcal usistanee from an EEOPspec�ahst at OCR by dialing (202) 6163208. if your organizauon recerved an awud betwee� �25,000 and $500.000 and has 50 or more empioyees, yoor oigamzanon still has to prepaze an E$OP, but i[ does not hzve±o submrt the EEOP tc OCR for rev�ew Instead, yo�!r org2mzation hu to mzintzin the EEOP on r"ile aad ma;ce r[ availabie for review on request. In addinon, your araamzanon has ro compiete Section 6 or'riie Cer[incahon Form and return �� to OCR The Cert±f�ca?ioe Fp.m can be iound at nttp:Uwww o�p.usdo� gov/ocrieeop.htrn If your orgamzauon recerved an awazd for less than �25,00�; or if your organizabon has Iess than 50 employees, reaazdless of Lhe amo�!nr of [he awxrd, o: if yoar or�2a!zanoa :s a mc:ica: instru�on, u'ucational msntut�on, nonprofit or�an¢at�o� or Indian tribe, £nen your orgazuza�on is exempt from !he EEOP reomremer,t However your organizat3on mus[ compleCe Secnon A o.'tt�e Certificanon Form and return �t to OCR. The Cemfication rorm can be found at http://www.o�p usdoj,gov/o^_r/eeop.hL�. �: S:.•omi:fingFi:3i:egsc.°Disci._.sz`son '.n ;; � even: z Fede;zi e; S;2.e cocr or Fede. or Stas admimstratrve ager,cy makes a� adverse nndmg oi discnmmanor, agamst your or�zmzaqon afrer a due process heanno, on [ne o ound of race, color, reti��on, nat�onzl on�m, or sex. yc•,_ c::an:za�on �cs: suhmr a copy oi ll:e finc:n; to G�R ior rev�°w 6�6� 7 a- -- - _ -- - - = =-- - = -- ' �r2atnpti�nce o� re�npTen s� If your oraan;zation mak;es subawa:ds [o other agencies. yoe ue resnonsibie *or zssa tna[ suo:�aoien¢ ziso �omoiy witn all o; the apniicaoie rederzi crv+.i ngnss iaws. inciudia� ri�e reouiremen*s pe, [o deeeiopm� and subm�mna u. 3EpF, ;enomn� rmdmss oi Discrininauon, anc o:ovimno iznP�ye services ro L3P o�:so:s. Stac, ao����� mat mzke subawz-ds must nave in o:ace s _ ant assuranc_s and review omcederes uw dsmo:sea� mac [ney aze eifecavely momtoria� IDe crvi( do7s comohance or'seb. t: we can assEs� you m anv wxy �r, iutniim= yoer crvii nahGS resooesioil:ues zs z recro�en[ o: Federa rundm�, n�ezse call OCR a: (2G2;� 3C;-0690 or v:s�t ow n•eb>ite a[ nCp�/iwwa�.oJp.esdoj.goviocr/ Sincerely, r� a. �--- Michael L Alston Directo: cr Gran[Manager Financ�al Analys[ If you have oteshon; re_a;din� tuis awzrd, olezse conac�: 6g�? a- _--- __- - ___ - _. -- _—_ - -�—__ __ _ _ —__—T _ _— _ _ _ — _ — -- . . - — — AvA'mrr�u,.stibns L'�'i sTOph�o�iowa}•. � ar2_er a� (2C2) 30_-9E�8, and -'rinanc;al Qussrio*�s. [he O�^_� oi Ihe Compaolir.. Cestomer Servme Center(CSC; at (800) "58-G?86, o: voe ma�� coa�ac*. ti�e CSC a: zsk oc@esaoj eov. " ' Con, and we ioox forward'w wori:in.o witt vou. Sincereiy, /r, -, i ��,� �� ,�" ° _ btazcia °aull Acnne Comnvoller Danzrvnenio`Jesuce � R%-�p�7 N� RND ADDRSS (Iwmcip=_ Zip Cade) C�ry o` Svn. Pau. i5 �+en Kellogg Houle�ard , Sa��[Pau'.,MR5510? Office of Juvenile 3usrice and Detinquency Prevenfion ; 1A GRAM1T_E IRS/�'EVDOF NO � a16fA5j?1 � 3 PROJECI'TITLB —�—`— � intemet Crime,v Agaw.a Cnildren Taxk Force � Cooperative Agreement < 4RARDNVMB_°A ?OL'S-MGCX-KG�S - °R�_cCCPERSOD.:P.Oa � BUp��ETPcRSO�J.eRO\! .6.4WARDDA'IE OS/OJ200E ;�' S SUPPrEMENTNUMH'cR �� m I 9 PREVIOUSAWARDAMO[1N7 i ' 10 AMOUNTOFT"tl15AWhRD �--__'_ ' 11 TOTqLAWARD r�-� a- � PAGE . OF . 0110112pp5 TO 1J31120� , O1i012pDi Tp l2l�'126'�� � _"_--_- ACI'10�__—_ _ ____ _—. �^ Suopiemencil ; -------� Sci�.W, -- -- _"" _ '" _ _ —' L SOO.00C '__ _ _ _"__ ' b 950,�pC _ ._ _- _'_"'___—_—'___�__' _�—___'______—'__ _ "___ " '"___- _ _ _' _ 12 SPEC;ALCOND77'IONS - - ! TF¢AgOVEGAANTpROlECTISAPP R OV E➢SO 6 IE�TOSUCHCON➢ITIO�SORLIMSTA"LIONSASARCScT'FORTH � ON TflE A7'I'ACHED PAGti(S) , ,'_____—_'_""—'_""__—_- _ _' i I 13 STRTUTORY AUTAORITY FOA GRANT 'V � Th�e pro�ect �s suppormd undet 42 U S C 5]�5l,OJJDP- M�semg Cmtaren) I �._"____ _"_ __ _ � IS;NS'C'HODOFPAYMEM1T � P4�fti � I� ___—_._"—_'_' _ _ _ " _ _"_ `__"'—' "__'_ __'_.�__—'"_—__'__ _ _ _ AGENCYAPPROVAI. �� GRAM'EEACCEP"CANCE _ __ � ifi TYPFDNAM£kNDSiTLEOFpPPROVINGOAFICIAL I� �g Typp,pNAN@ANDT[TLEOPAL"CHORI9,EpGR4NTEHOF'FICIAL i � Reg�na 6 Schofield � � � Jo�sYamri3mn , AFS�atao[ A[romey General G�af of Pohce � I i '--_—_ __ "___ _-_"_-_—___ —___ —_" _ _ —_`_`_""_'—_—______"__— 14 SSGNATOREOFqPPROVi�GOF7CIAL � 19 SIQhATUREOFALTHOR[ZFDR'cCtPic�TOFFiClAL 19A DATfl / i , �T r � :J: � '� ° �i � . ���� � !' ' ' ' I � ----- — — ----------- I — ! -- --- ------ -- — � _ _ __ _ ., .____'_'_' AGPNCYUSEONLY ___'_'_ ' —__ _ ' — ' - _ "— ' —"__ ___' __ _ __ — _ " I 20 FCCOU.MI7Nu CLASSIFICA710N CADES i 2I, MC06YYb007 � =iS� F[tNp BUD DIV � YEAR CODH P,C'(' OFC REG £U6 40WtS F.MOOkm I - 7 X C MC "IG 00 W 59000� 1 �1F FORM 40002 (2-'V 5-8T PREVIOUS EDITIONS AR'c OBSOLFTE OJPFORM40002(REV 4SB7 UO��1 1 � Office of 7tivenile JusSce and DeIinquencp Prevenfion �aor�cr�u��=.rz za�s:MC-cx-�caos u SHEET Cooperafive Agreement .°AG°_ 2 OF 3 AW�..Z7 DAT Oi/C2/�b SPcC1AL COh'DITlO1�S L. ?"uerec�p�en[ agrees ro eomDiy w�th the financial and a6mmiscavve requ¢ements Set tortk� in [he current edmon ot [he Office of Jusuce Proerams (OIP) Finanaal Guide. 2 Tne r�ipienc acimowte,oges tkiat failise to svbmit an accentable Egual Empioyment Opponumiy Plan (if rec�pien[ is reauaed [o subm�t one pursuan[ ro 28 C.F.R Secnon 42302), Na[ �S approve.o by ttie Qffice foz Gvit Aiahcs, is a v�o.aaon of its Cert�fied Assurances and may xesul[ m�uspens�on or termmanon of fundm�, un[il such �ime as the reapien[ is m compLance 3 The -ecip�ent agrees to comply with the or�amzationai aud¢ reouirements of OME Circulaz A-; 33, Audus of States, Loeal Govemmenu, and Non-Proftt Ozgan¢afions, as f¢rinu descnbed Sn [he current edition of the OIP Finaneia! Gwde, Chao[e; 19 4 Reeipsent understands and agrees thatit cannot use any federal funds, eirher d�rec[iy or iodirectly, �n suppor[ of the enactmen[, repeal, modificatron or adopnon of any law, reguiazion �r policy, at any Ievel of �ovemment w�thout tne express prwr wrrtten approval of OJP. 5 The recipient shall submrz semianaual progess repotts Progess repocts Sha11 be subm�tted wrthm 30 days aher [he end of the cepomng pec�ods, wh�ch are June 30 and Deeember 31, for Yhe i$e of the awazd These repor[s w�il be submitted onfine througq the Offiee of Jusbce Programs Orants Management System. 6. TLe recipient ag�ees [o submit quarterly fioanc�al repoRS on Standard Foim SF 269A.'13�ese reports will be submi¢ed wnhm 45 days afrer the end of the caVendaz� qnaner, and a final report is due 120 days following [he end oP rhe award perrod The reports can be Fied onhne thmug6 the intemet aC. hetps./(gcants.o}p.usdo�govl. 7 The Pro�ec[ Dveoror apd key prop azn person�el designated m the aophcatlon shall be replaced only for compellmg reasons and wdh rhe cone�srer�ee of O]P O7P will not unreasonabiy w�rhhoid eoneu¢ence. All sueeessors t41<ey pecsonnel mustbe approved, and such appro�✓ai �s contingent upon suomiss�on of approp�ate �niormauon, mclumng. b�t not hmrted to, a resume Changes m oCher program personnel req¢ue onty ooaficatron w OIP and suhmiss�on of resumes, unless otherwise desi�aeed m the award document. 8 i ne recipient agree> to eamp}y w�th [he SCAC Task Force Prog�am Standuds as esrabhshed by Yne ICAC Task Force Advisory Board and approved by QIIDP 4. The rec�oient z�ees [o ;oru�a-d repo,^s of IC.AC Task Force Prograrn Monthly Performance Measures to [ne OiIDP- designa[ed sitc. i0 The ce^,ipeent a�ees to designate,oneoF t}ie se�o�a tuk fo�ces asi*.s representative [o [he 3CAC Task Force Adv�so:v 6oud. Tnis designation must be m wriimg and forwarded ro O1SDP r"or approvat w�tiNm mnery days of awazd i i i OIP FOAM 40�pR (REY. �ggj b8-97 �- �. — �, :��rro�a-ns AwA1tU C,U?�TIIVI;ATIO'� 'T��'2� - = Office of 1IIVenile ° SHEET � .�� �. ,' 'ac- s o= ; , _ JusSce and Detinquenn• �, Cooperative Agreement , "` Prevenfion 9AOPcCi'\JAR32.R 2C�5-tdCLX-RWR AWARCD6'f' OS/022W6 `���� �� -'����� SPEC4IL COND?ZTONS ]:. 'I`ne Ofiice of ieveaile Iesuce anc Deiinauency pr�vennor.'r,as elecu°,d to enter inw a C000eranve A�reemem ratner tnan a gant witi� the ru�pien[ 7'his decivon refiec[s [he mutual m[eres[ of tne recro�em and OJIDP m[he opeznon o,` , tne oro��^,t z< we11 as [ne anhcipa[ed Ieve1 of Federal mvoivement m trtis pro�ec�. 07JDP`s paruapato.y role m rhe projr.i :s xs follows � a. Rev:ew and appro�e maior work plans, mcludm� chanees eo such plans, and key decisions pertam�ng to Oro�ec[ o7r;acrons � � b Rw�ew and anprove ma�or pro�ec( eenerated documents and ma[ea�als esed m ihe prov�sfon of pro�ect ;ernces , Prov�de gwdance m sigmficanc pro�ec[ planmng meennoS, ane parucipare m oro�ect sponsored traimng even[s or conierences ' L Pnor to Phe expend�mre of conftden[tal funds, the remment and any subrec�pienrs agree [o s�gn a ce:nficat�on mdicxnog ' fhat he or she has read. uoders[ands, and a�ree5 to abidz by alI of the condioons penaming to confide�na: Pwd expend�mres as set fortn m[he 01P Financtal Gwde. j I OJP FORM 4p002 (AEY <-88) b�6��� Office oi 7ustice Pro�ams O��ce a� Iuvenile Jusace and De(ingUenc�: Prevenzion. i'va�aw�roc.DC �1J537 Memorandum To: Official Grani File Fmm: Donn Bavis, Nepa Coordmator Subject: Categoucal fixelusion for City of Samt Paul The recipient agrees to assvt 037DP to eomply with the Narional Environmenai Policy Act (Iv'EPA) and othec related federal envuonmental impact analyses requirements in [he use of these grant funds either duec[ly by the recipient or by a subrec�p�ent Aecordin�ly, prior to obl�ga[tng g:ant fuiads, fhe gran[e; agrees to fiist determme if any of the followmg activitzes will be related eo the use of the grant funds and, �, sc, to a.d«�se OS;DP and request fnrther NF,PA implemantation gucdancc ::zci�icn[ under,�ands tirvc this spec�al condition applies to its actro�ties whether or nat they are being specifically funded wrth these giant funds. That is, as long as the acttvity is bemg conducted by the recipient, a subrecipient, or any thud party and the act�vity needs [o be undertaken m order to use fhese grant funds, this spec�a) condinon mast firstbe met. The acrivihes covered by this speaat condition aze� a, new consRUCtion; b mmor renovahon or remodeling of a property e�ther; (1) listed on ox el�gible for listing on the National Register of H�stonc Ptaces nr; (3) located wrthin a 100-year flood plam; e a renovation, isase, or any other proposed use of a buildmg or facdity tha± wtll either; (1 j cesult m a change �n its basic prior use or, (2) significan[ly change itc size and, d. Implementation of a nev✓ proa am involving the use af chemieals other than chemicals that are; (I) pucchased as an mciden[al com�onent of a f�snded aetivtty and; (2'� traditionally used, for example, m office, househoid, recceational, or educat�on bg -�I7 2 Office of Juvenile Jusfice and Delinquency Prevenfion 7nu mo�ec; is su000rY�..d unae: Ga U SC ST: �(OIDP- Ms.<iee C'nilme�) � 1 STAFFCONTACT(Name&�eieohonenumoer) , Cnruropher Holioway ; (2G2)305-9838 I �__'____ _'__ _' " '_ _ ____"__ -_ _ � 3x TITLEOFTHcPROGRAM I OIJDP FY 2006 in[emet C7�mes Aga�nct Cn�ldren Connnua�on (CPDJ I I � I 4TITLEOFPRO)eC7 --- ------�---- lo�emet Cvroe� Aguimt Cml�en Taak Force S.NAME& ADDRESSOFGAAN7'EE Gty oCSam[ Pnui IS West KeV1og�Bomevsd Samt Paut MN SSt02 �n��,: or;,�o� - PR035C7NJNBcR ! �CC=-M= �X-KD'JS PROJECT SL?vLMARY Cooperafive ae eemenf � PAG= 1 DF '. � 2 PROIECP DIRcLTOR (Neme, addrevs & telep6o:m �umb_r) AmY Brow� ' ReFeareh And Cravt� Mavaaer � � LiW Kelio�gBlvd , SmntPauf,MN551C?-2295 (fi57 J 266550 i ' 36 POMSCOD6(56=11JSTRUCTIONS �� ON REVERSEJ E NAMc&ADReS50FSUeGRANTEE I I i I � I I ' __ _" _' _. ' _ " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ '_ __ "____" '"_ _. I._' _'_' _ _ �, I i PROGRAM PERIOD � d BUDGET PERtOD �� EROM 41J01200� "i0 77J31ROG7 '� FROM 01/O7@OOS TO I2l31200'1 i �'__"_ _ ' 4 AMOUNTOFAWARD � �' � " I ��Q �eTEQPAWP3,L` I I SSOO.�Q� � OS/0?J2W6 I r '�_ __ __ _ ._ __ _ _-__ _ .___- ', I1 SECOND YERR'S BUDGBT � f2 SECOND YERR'S BUDGBTAM�OUNT I I I � _ J_'" _"_ ' �73TH73DYEP,R'SBUDGc F�lOD ^ I ]4TH[RDYEAR'SBUDGE7'AMOUNT __'__ _____'._'_' ' __ "" _ _ ___' _____'__ ___"—_—'_,.____ � 15 SOMMAP.YD°_$C4.1P7'IONOFPRO�eC1'(Seerottn^ho�onreverse) ,� Tce F7' 1595 ;usuce AppropnaROns Ac[, Pubuc Law 7OS-] i 9 eumo-�2ea 52 4 m!(I:on to OIIDP ro stimu:ate Lhe creanon o."'St2�e antl Iee:i !av.- enfo:c�ment ryoer umm m t}rv�ugate enddsexual exploitanoo' by ot�enoers usm� Gte IoRxper oc mhne commumcenons [e�hnology O]FDP i aevelo�e,a my iCAC Ta.�K Force F[o�am m acsmt Smce ano Icca! taw en£orrement agenpea m acowre [ne necesEary knowlea�, eGm�m��t and � persouoei iesourcea m pcevtn: �oterd�et, rn mvesu¢a[e ICAC offemses I i i --- __ —"_"_'__--_ ___' .___ _ _ —_' _'___'___' IP FORM 4��OR (RcV 4$$) i I 0 ����� j ze e_mm[�_ Subseoeen: annuzi iun��a_ nz aLowx io: ae e�oaevoa ' �� nm arr m�:ow ro �5 Tazx Pe:�^s- tiac•s C�s pro�.zsc. Ne.c°.2seaae; se[va 7s iee�ovzz so��s o5 �r_vea:�or_ eauatioc 2�c imeiCezovt u,S�°„�lss;n vroviCe us�Sr&i[y m ouen"5, L°acners law eniorcemenL an0 othe'nroiCSSionais mo.l:uae o,^. cmic ncum�u0oe tssu� � . Vha nmdi._ o;ovided oy ["ve c�s Yea 2906 A.�*, p:oadzum.s 4cprovi¢=.¢ :o OIID°. fieGry o: St favi an6 tne S: Pavl Fmi;eT_pa�ma�; wnli " � conuaue rts nwo-x�er.cy, mulu- tlisnni�mry re5vorse m ICAC o7eeu°s ma: �s wmpos°a o; isdaa, Sp,te, anc ioczi :aw eniocer.ms�[ =_gencu°:. �� &nd cniic wsliar_ argarmapons [c !� cmouct:acvee yna o:ezcnv� ICqC mves��atiors, 2j sme u z forarts:o resour:e; 3p_iiecuvei;� pros°=�[e ase5 aUne loa, staL°, ane ienezl ievae, =}ca� m �aw esio .em°s,, anG commvcim outt-,a�t; xctivm�s [o mcivoe' caSmne, [eaairyl , � �ss�sw.ce znd nreventio.: aoc etiucatior, acvviues:3)ss^.�e as x r^soures ioraL:ommumeec anri teenaes wrmic [ne o�o�zemc az;z o` ¢espovsSOiLp�; 6kr�^nw_iy reaoone m a ume�y mannPto r_ieaals from ageu5es (omerravK fomes, ie.dezl vartnen Cyo°�'uoh�e, sm, �formm� i:w eniote°vm_nt oa,vie�smnS c�rocgn wmm� xa�men(s (ior exzmple memo.amums oi unCer<�a� 8)cro•noe ;nannai zysis m c� ne � emr¢.is: 9'� rewrze mxt oa.'e�°r z�encis a000t ICAC Tase Forc_ in�es¢�¢ve Scac�nazo5 as poixy, 79) Nh na�aDav �n nanonalry coo:amatd '� ir.v�.suarions;iorezamoie,FwrPrens�on CA/CF i I 1 I ___'-__—___--� Ezhibit B �g �q� 2- Intera�t �rimes T���k Agains# Children ����� OPERATIONAL . � INVESTIGATIVE STANDARDS Revised: Feb 1, Z0�? �AC Progrmn Operational and Irrvestigative Standardr FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY ��� O TABLE OF CONTENTS Forward Definitions Section i: Oversight Section 2: Selection and Retention of ICAC Task Force Personnel Section 3: Training Section 4: Case Management Section 5: Information Sharing Section 6: Victim Identification Section 7: Community Education and Crime Prevention Section 8: Media Relations and Releases Appendix A: ICAC Cammunication Plan 2005 - 2008 Appendix B: Regional ICAC Task Force Contact List Appendix C: ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Contact List AppendiY D: National Child Victim Identification Program � ICAC Program Operational and Imestigative Stanclards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 raw Forward The mission of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber enticement and child pornography cases. The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program is a national network of coordinated state and local task forces engaged in proactive investigations, forensic exa.minations, effective prosecutions and community education. The ICAC program was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferation of child pornography, and the heightened online activity by predators searching for unsupervised contact with underage victims. By helping state and local law enforcement agencies develop effective and sustainable responses to online child victunization and child pornography, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the local level. In addition, the ICAC program believes that building partnerships will reduce child victimization, both in the United States and internationally. The purpose of this document is to set minimum uniform operational and investigative standards. These standards promote consistency in in�estigations, referrals, prosecutions and other aspects within the ICAC Task Force program. This document does not intend to prohibit officials from using discretion and best judgment in matters where personal or community safety is at stake. ICAC Program Operational and Imestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 � Definitions As used herein, the following definitions shall apply: "OJJDP" is the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. "NCMEC" is the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. "CEO5" is the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Cruninal Division of the Deparfinent of Justice. "ICAC" is the Internet Crimes Against Children program composed of Regional Task Forces and Affiliates. "REGIONAL TASK FORCE" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency designated by OJJDP to act as a Regional Task Force. "AFFILIATE" is defined as a la�v enforcement agency that is working in partnership with a Regional Task Force and has agreed in writing to adhere to ICAC Operationai and Investigative Standards. "PARTNER" is defined as an agency assisting a Regional Task Force absent a written agreement. "NATIONAL ITIITTATIVE" is defined as any investigative proposal which relies on the cooperation and resources of all Regional Task Forces or mandates action by QJJDP. "EXECUTIVE COMNQTTEE" is defined as the chair and the vice-chair of the Working Group and the co-chairs of the Working Group committees. "CVIP" is the Child Victim Identification Program. For the purposes of this program, crime is defined as any ofFense that involves the exploitation of children facilitated by technology. ICAC Program Operational and Investigafive Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PI3RPOSES ONLY February I, 2007 D� �9? �- Law Enforcement Irivestigative interest is estahlished when there is reasonable suspicion that a screen name or other potentially identifiable entiiy has committed a crime or that entity is engaged in a sequence of activities that is likely to result in the commission of a crime. A proactive iizvestigafion is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a si�ificant degree of pre-operative planning. A reactive i�estzgation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime. Reasonable suspicion is established when sufficient facts exist to lead a law enforcement officer to believe that an individual or organization is involved in a definable criminal activity. ICAC Program Operational and Irzvesrigative Standardr FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 bg ��2 2- i. Oversight 11 Each ICAC agency shall have snpervisory systems and procedures, which shall provide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC activity. Such system should comply with t�e principies of quality case management and ensure that ICAC acrivities comply with both agency and ICAC Standazds. 1.2 Regional Task Forces shall su6mit a11 proposed nafional initiatives to the Working Group Chair and O77DP prior to project iniriation. A11 proposed national initiatives must be reviewed and approved by the Working Group Execurive Committee prior to implementation. 1.3 The Executive Committee at its discrerion may suggest amendments to the originai proposal foilowing consultation with the presenting Task Force. ICAC Program Operationat and Irivestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFOItCEMENT PURPOSES QNLY February 1, 2007 Law 6�d��1 2. Selection and Retenfion of ICAC Task Force Personnel 2.1 Managers and supervisors should evaluate prospecrive ICAC candidates for work history that indicates prior investigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to handte sensitive informarion prudently, and a genuine interest in the protecrion of children. 2.2 Given the graphic nature of evidence routinely encountered in ICAC related cases, the mental health of investigators working such cases is a great concern. Task force supervisors at all levels are encouraged to make reasonable efforts to ensure that all assigned officess remain fit for duty in accordance with applicable deparhnental policies and procedwes. ICAC Program Operational and Imesrigative Standards FOIt LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 08'q7 2 3. Training 3.1 All Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training consistent eaith the ICAC Operatioual and Investigative Standards. 32 VJorking group members are responsible for ensuring that the individuals nominated for ICAC spoasored h�aining are employed by agencies that have agreed in writing to adhere to the ICAC standards of investigation and that any prerequisite requirements for the iraining session have been met. 33 ICAC task forces may give regional training. The h�aining shall comply with current ICAC standards. Any subsequent support required as a result of the regional training shall be the responsibility of the task force providing the training. ICAC Program Operational and Irrvestigative Standards FOR LA�V F.riFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2Q07 �� � i 4. Case Management 4.1 Case Predicai3on and Prioritization 4.1.1 Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet servica providers or other law enforcement agencies, and hy information gathered through subject interviews, documented public sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, pubIic complaints, or by any other source acceptable under agency policies. 41.2 ICAC supervisors ue responsible for determining investigative priorities and selecting cases for investigation. Assuming the informafion is deemed credible, that determination should begin with an assessment of victim risk and then consider other factors such as jurisdiction and known offender behavioral characteristics. The following prioritization scale shall be considered: a) A chiid is at immediate risk of victimization b) A child is wlnerahle to victimization by a Imown offender c) A Imown suspect is a;gressively soliciting a child(ren) d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear to be home photography with domiciled children e) Aggressive, high-volume child pomography manufacturers or distributors who either aze commercial disiributors, repeat offenders, or specialize in sadistic images fl Manufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-volume tr�cking or belong to an organized child pornography ring that operates as a criminal conspiracy g) Disiributors, solicitors and possessors of images of child pornography h) Any other form of child victimization. 4.2 Record Keeping 4.21 ICAC agencies shall be suhject ta existing agency incident reporting procedures and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique identifier shall be assigned to each ICAC case. ICAC Program Operational and Irrvestigative Stmw'ards FOR LAW ERFORCEMENT PURPOSES QNLY Februazy 1, 2007 bg-��a- 4.2.2 All affiliated agencies will report their activiiy to their respective Regional Task Force Working Group Member by the lOth of each month using the ICAC Monthly Performance Measures Report. 4.23 Regional Task Forces will compile and submit their monthly performance measures report to the OJJDP designated location before the end of the following calendar month. This monthly report does not replace the semi-annual progress report required by the Office of 3ustice Program's Financiai Guide. 4.3 Undercover Investigations 43.1 Cazefully managed undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze among the most effective techniques available to ]aw enforcement for addressing ICAC offenses. Undercover operations, when executed and documented properly, collect virivally nnassailab3e evidence regazding a suspect's predilection to exploit children. 43.2 IGAC supervisors are responsible for ensuring that ICAC investigators receive a copy ofthe ICAC Operational and Investigative Standazds. 4.3.3 ICAC investigations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of law and due process. ICAC investigators aze encouraged to work in conjunction with their local, state or federal prosecutors. 4.3.4 The following minimum standazds apply to ICAC investigations: a. Oniy sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shali conduct ICAC investigafions in an undercover capacity. Private citizens shali not be asked to seek out investigative tazgets, nor shatl they be authorized to act as police agents in an online undercover capacity. b. ICAC personnel shall not electronically upload, transmit, or forwazd pornographic or sexually expiicit images. c. Other than images ar videos of individuals, age 18 or over, who have provided their informed written consent, and at the time consent was given were employed by a criminaljustice agency, no actual human images or videos shail be utilized in an investigation. Employee is defined as a salaried or compensated individual. d. During online dialogue, undercover officers shouid allow the investigative target to set the tone, pace, and subject mattes of the online conversation. Image transfer shall be initiaYed by the target. e. Undercover onIine activiTy shall be recorded and documented. Any departures from this policy due to unusual circumstances shall be documented in the relevant case file and reviewed by an ICAC supervisor. ICAC Program Operational and Imrestigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPO5ES ONLY Februazy 1, 2007 Law 4.4 Evidence Procednres vg-�2 �- 4.4.1 The storage, security, and destruction of investigative information sha11 be consistent with agency policy. Access to these files should be restricted to authorized personnel. 4.42 The e�mination of computers and digital media shall be consistent with agency policy and procedure. 4.43 Child pornography is contraband and should be maintained pursuant to each agency's policies regazding such. It is recommended that absent a court order specificaliy ordering otherwise, evidence containing child pornography shall not be released to any defendant or representative thereof. 4.4.4 The transfer of evidence containing child pornography among law enforcement shall be done in a secure manner. Methods of transfer may include hand-delivery, transmission of digitally protected files, delivery via a service which tracks the shipment, or other methods consistent with agency policy and practices. 4.5 Workspace and Equipment 4.5.1 ICAC computers and software shall be reserved for the exclusive use of agenay designated ICAC personnel. When possibie, undercover computers, software, and online accounts shall be purchased covertly. No personaily owned equipment shall be used in ICAC investigarions and all software shall be properly acquired and licensed. 4.5.2 ICAC personnel shall not use ICAC computers, software or online accounts for personal use. 4.5.3 Absent exigent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online investigations shall be conducted in govemment workspace as designated by the agency. Exceptions must be approved in advance by an ICAC supervisor. ICAC Program Operational cmd Ir�vestigative Standardr FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 p� -97a Law 5. Informafion Sharing 51 Conventional boundaries aze virivally meaningless in the electronic world of the Intemet and the usual constraints of time, place, and distance lose their relevance. These factors increase the possibility of ICAC a;encies targeting one another, investigating the same subject, or inadvertently disrupting an ongoing investigarion. To foster coordinafion, collaborafion, and communication, each ICAC agency must contribute basic case information to a common database. 52 Each ICAC agency shall contribute case information on all acfive investigations (local, interstate, reactive and proactive) to a common database as designated by the ICAC Working Group. This information should be submitted at the earliest practical opporiunity. 53 If any common target is identified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible for contacring the other law enforcement agency targeting the suspect 5.4 Initiating ICAC agencies should also consider contacting other local, state, and federal agencies which may be involved in similar investigations. ICAC Progrmn Operational and hzvestigative Stcmdcmds T�OR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 Iaw Enforcement Sensitive ���� 6. Victim Identification 6.1 Identifying child victims is a crifical element of the ICAC Program. DO7 and 0J3DP require all Task Forces to submit child victim images to the CVIP as a means to improve child victim identification. Absent exigent circumstances, child victim images will be sent to the CVIP consistent with NCMEC guidelines. In addirion, ICAC agencies aze encouraged to collaborate with NCMEC to identify children depicted in child pomography. 6.2 A focus of the ICAC Program is to protect children. In circumstances where reporting of child abuse is not required under existing laws, ICAC agencies are strongly encouraged to report instances in which a child may be at risk for abuse or exploitation. 63 Absent exigent circumstances, victim identifying information should be protected from public disclosure. ICAC Program Operalional and Isrvestigative Standm-ds FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY February 1, 2007 og�9� �-- Law 7. Community Educaiion and Crime Preveniaon 7.1 Prevenrion education acrivities aze a critical component of the OJ.TDP ICAC Program. ICAC agencies should foster awareness and provide practical, relevant guidance to children, pazents, educators, librarians, and other individuals concemed about chiid safety issues. 7.2 Presentations to school staff, pazents, and community groups aze excellent ways to promote awazeness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable victims, not otherwise in the public domain; nor shall they use pornographic or sexually explicit images. Presenters shall not discuss confidential investigative techniques. 73 No member of an ICAC Task Force may endorse any product or service without the express consent of an 07JDP Program Manager. While appearing at public presentations, ICAC members miay indicate a preference for a product or service, but to avoid an implicit endorsement, such ICAC members should indicate adequate alternatives. ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PURPOSES ONLY Febrnary 1, 2007 �-q�a T aw F,.f � 8. Media Relations and Releases 8.1 Media releases relatin; to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters conceming ICt�C operations sha11 not include information regazding confidential investigative techniques and shouid be coordinated (when applicable) with other Task Force participants, Federal law enforcement agencies, and State and local agencies involved in the investigation consistent with sound information management and media relations practices. Informadon provided shall be consistent with the ICAC communications plan. (Appendix A) 8.2 Narional media pieces will be coordinated through the Operations Committee in conjuncrion with the appropriate OJJDP and ICAC personnel. ICAC Progr¢m Operational and Imestigative Sfandards FOR LAW ENFORCENtENT PURPQSES ONLY February 1, 2007 ��-�7 a- s Appendig A— ICAC Communications Plan 2005 - 2008 Strategic plan DeIiverable 1.5 articulates the program ; desire to build public awazeness. This document directly addresses the ICAC Strategic Plan 2005 — 2008 Deliverable 1.5 and the following Actions which ca11 for the program to: Action I.5.1 Establish an advisory a oup of high-visibility pubiic figures to assist in communicaring the ICAC program's message Action 1.5.2 Develop and implement a multi-yeaz coordinated narional communications plan for the ICAC program Action 1.5.3 Coordinate with relevant organizations in the public and private sectors to promote Intemet safety programs Action 1.5.4 Measure the impact of the ICAC communication plan Pu ose The mission of the Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Force program is to assist state and local law enforcement agencies in developing an effective response to cyber enticement and child pomography cases. This support encompasses forensic and investigative components, training and technical assistance, victim services, prevention and community education. In addirion, the ICAC Strategic Plan 2005 — 2008 calls for building law enforcexnent capacity and reducing child victimization, both in the United States and internationally. The purpose of this commnnications plan is to link the ICAC mission and strategic plan to the program's communications campaign. This commanicarians pian seeks to gain awazeness, understanding and support for the ICAC Task Force program. 'I'his plan is dynamic and will be updated as program needs evolve and/or goals and objectives aze accompiished. Back�round The Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program is a nafional network of forty six coordinated local task forces engaged in proactive invesrigations, forensic eYaminations, effective prosecutians and community education. The ICAC program was developed in response to the increasing number of children and teenagers using the Internet, the proliferarion of child pomography, and the heightened online activity by predators searching for unsupervised contact with underage victims. By helping sate and local law enforcement agencies develop effective and sustainable responses to on]ine chiid victimization and child pomography, the ICAC program delivers national resources at the local level. ICAC Communicafion Plan Z005 — 2p08 12-16-2005 DB�q�a � � More than 30 million children in the United States use the Intemet z One in four ���'�. �es 1 � rhrough 17, who use the Internet regulazly had an unwanted eaposure to seauaily axplicit pictures.3 Approximate]y 1 in 5 received a sexual solicitation ar approach. The ICAC program actively protects children who use the Internet by proactively investigating the on-line s�ual exgloitation of children by predators. Because ICAC practifioners understand that arrests alone can not resolve the problem of on-line victimizafion, the ICAC program is dedicated to training law enforcement and educating pazents and youth about the potentiai dangers online and offering safety tools. Goais of 4he Communications Plan The following represent the goals for this communications plan: Goal 1: Develop awareuess of the ICAC task force and its mission Goa12: Promo#e investigative resources and training available to the taw enforcemenf community in an effort to build capacity Goal 3: Reduce child victimization througL awareness programs making it clear to parents that juveniles can become victims of sesuai exploitation by the peopte they meet on the Internet Goal 4: Focus the ICAC's efforts for ma�mum benefit to child safety over tLe years 2005-2008 and beyond. In order to achieve these goais, the following objectives have been identified: Objective 1: Develop a national ICAC website Objective 2: Develop an ICAC identity based' on the target audience to include logo and tag line Objective 3: EstabIash an ICAC media representafive. Objective 4: Permeate the culture and lifestyle of target audience through placement of information in settings frequented by the audience. Objective 5: Develop and manage a unified national communications structure in order to achieve consistency ofinessage Objective 6: Establish an advisory group of high-visibility public figures who can influence behavior pattems of targeted audiences and assist in communicafing the ICAC program's messages Objeerive 7: Use statements from members of the target audience to demonstrate behaviors and consequences ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 vg-9� �- � Objective 8: Develop law enforcement and community partrierships to leverage resources and expand the capacity to deliver key messages and investigative skill sets Objective 9: Collec� and develop mazketing materiais, community outraych and media kits for reference and/or dissemination to ali Task Forces Ob}ective 10: Establish benchmazks to measure the impact of the ICAC communication plan Tareet Audience The communications plan will equally address three ICAC issues; recognition, response and prevention. Establishing name and resource recognition is a critical component of the communications campaign, Recognition will identify the ICAC Task Force as a resource for the azeas of highest priority; ]aw enforcement and parents. Kev� - LAW ENFORCEMENT; • Computer and Intemet investigations defy conventional law enforcement concepts regazding jurisdiction making coordinated response efforts a must. • The ICAC Task Force agencies assist state and local law enforcement in creating an effective response to online enticement and child pomography complaints including investigative techniques, forensic support, vicrim services and community education. • The CyberTipline offers a mechanism for citizens to report online child exploitation. Information reported is analyzed and investigative leads aze disiributed to ICAC Task Force agencies. • The ICAC Task Force Program off'ers technical resources for fhe use of the Child Victim Identificafion Program (CVIp) fluough the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. CVIP offers law enforcement the ability to check their case files for known vicfims as well as providing a ciearinghouse for the submission ofnewiy identified child victims. • The ICAC Training and Technical Assistance Program offer assistance to Task Force agencies by developing and deploying cutting edge training in support of ICAC initiatives. PARENTS: • When children leave home, parents ask three basic questions: Where aze you pruicplesapPlY t y the Internet Ask your ohi]dren what�sites they be ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 ������- visiting, who they will be taIking with and how long they will be using the computer. • P�'epaze your children for the online world as you would the real world. • Intemet safety is ybout pazenting — softwaze should be considered a tool, not a solution. • The best way to protect your children is by maintaining and establishing open lines of communication. • Establish a positive relationship with your children before someone else does. • Create and post Intemef use guideIines and ru1es. • Place computers in common areas where supervision can occur. • If an online incident occurs, express concern, Iisten compassionately and remain calm. • Report online incidents to the CyberTipline and contact the TCAC Task Force in your area or Ioca1 law enforcement. When discussing Internet safety with children, provide them with the following messages: • The Intemet is an exciting tool that needs to be used safely. • Do nat shaze your personal information or picture on line. • Tell a pazent or trusted adult if something makes you feet scared, uncomfortable or confused. • Do not meet in person with anyone you first met online. • Develop and maintain open lines of communication with your pazents. • Do not share your password with anyone except your parent or guazdian, not even your best friend. • Ignore and refrain from responding to mean or threatening emails or instant messages. Implementat�_ •�t�. The communicarions plan will use websites, Public Service Announcements, community presentations, videos, posters, FAQs, contact lists, fact sheets, best practice documents, ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 D�-q2a- resource manuals, brochures, newslerters, publications, television shows, movie theaters, media contacts and parLnerships as tools for implementation as budget allows. Imnlementafion Resonrces In an effort to shaze information and put forth a unified message, current and newly designed ICAC resources will be coIlected from Task Force agencies and reviewed by the Operations Committee. Once reviewed, all acceptable resources will be heid in repository by 077DP. Pr000sed Primarv Partnershin National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and the NetSmartc Workshop. Evaivation Strate Benchmazks will be used to measure the impact of the ICAC communication p(an. Identified benchmarks include tracking the number of hits on the website, media releases, news conferences, educational conferences and new partnerships developed. Pre and post implementation surveys regarding name recognition and reporting awazeness are strongly recommended. Manasement of Communicafions Ptan The communications plan will be managed by the Operarions Committee in proposed partnership with the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. Semi-annual evaluation reports wiil be generated for review by OJJPD and the ICAC working group. Budset Requests for service and/or funding will be made as projects aze priorirized. 1 The U.S. Depaztrnent of Susuce, Office of luvenile lustice and Delinquency prevent�on (OSJDP), is responsible Cor fie admmistrstion of the nation's Intemet Crimes Aga�nst CMidren (ICAC� Task Force prog�em '1'he O�ce of Sweni7e Justice and Delinquency Prevennon is a component of the U.S Department of Iusvice, Office of Jusuce prog2ms, For more mfortnavoq see UAL <http://oydp,ncjrs.org/> 2 Mor ONine, Doing Morc. Washmgtoq DC: 7}�e Pew Intemet & qmerican Liie Project, 2001, page 2 3 David Finkelhor, Kimberly I, Mimhe7l, and lanis Wolak. Oniine Victimi�tion: A Report on the Nazion's Youth, �e�and+ia, Virgmia Nanonal Center for Miss�ng & F�cploited Children, 2�00, page ix. 4 David Finkeiho; Kimberty 7. Mitchell, and 7an�s Wolak. 2000, page iY, ICAC Communication Plan 2005 — 2008 12-16-2005 For Law B- Regional ICAC Task Force Contact Information Alabama - Alabama TCAC Task Force Alabama Bureau of Investigation 834 Adams Ave. Montgomery, Alabama 36102 3 343 53-1 1 72 Alaslca Seattle NW Regional ICAC Seattle Police Department 610 Sth Ave. P.O. Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 2 06-684-86'30 Arizana Arizona ICAC Task Force Phoenix Police Department 620 W. Washington Phoenix, AZ 85003 602-262-6151 Arkansas Arkansas fCAC Task Force Arkansas State Police #1 State Police Piaza Drive Little Rock, AR 72209 501-618-8386 San 7ose ICAC Task Forca San Jose Police Deparhnent 201 W. Mission St. San Jose, CA 95110 408-277-4102 - - Caiifomia Gontinued San Diego ICAC Task Force San Diego Police Depattment 1401 Broadway, MS 744 San Diego, CA 92101 619-533-5752 California Los Angeles Regional ICAC Task Force Los Angeles Police Department 150 N. Los Angeles Street, Room 109 Los Angeles, California 90012 213-847-5358 Sacramento ICAC Task Foroe Sacraznento County Sheriff's Department 711 G Street Sacramento, California 95814 916-874-3030 r����� Colorado Colorado ICAC Task Force Colorado Springs Police Depariment 705 South Nevada Avenue Colorado Springs, Colorado 80903 719-444-7541 Connecficut Connecticut ICAC Task Force Connecticut State Police 278 Colony Street Meriden, Conneeticut 06451 203-639-6456 Delaware Maryland ICAC Task Force Maryland State Police 7155 — C Columbia Gateway Drive Columbia, MD 21046 410-290-1620 Florida South Florida ICAC Task Force Broward County Sheriff's Department 2601 VJest Browazd BIvd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 954-888-5242 ����endih B- ICAC Regionai IC:�C Task Foroe Contact I.i�fcrm,uirnl _ Dg-�1�2� ui�s�.:RRG•1!:l:t, 'F,t'.S"� +�a�'�''.�S1.qa• P+lorida Confinned North Florida ICAC Task Force _ Gainesville Police Department PO Box 1250 - Gainesville. FL 32602 352-334-2561 Georgia GA ICAC Task Force Georgia Bureau of Tnvestigation PO Box 370808 Decatur, GA 30037-0808 800-282-8746 24hr 404-270-8870 ICAC Direct Indiana Indiana ICAC Task Force Indiana State Police Govemment Center i�3orth, 100 N. Senate, Room #340 21�1 Direetors Row Indianapolis, IN 46204 317-232-6ll� Iowa Iowa ICAC Task Force Iowa Division of Criminal Investigafion DCI-State Capitol 1015 E, Grand Avenue Hawaii Hawaii ICAC Task Force Hawaii Department of Attomey General 425 Queen Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 808-586-1160 Idaho Utah ICAC Task Force Utah Office of Attorney General 5272 South College Dr. #200 Mumay, i3tah 84123 801-28]-1255 Dlinois Illinois ICAC Task Force Office of the Attorney General 100 W. Randolph, 12th Fioor Chicago,IL 60601 312-814-3762 Cook County ICAC Task Force Cook County State's Attorney's Office 2650 South Califomia Chicaga, IL 60608 773-869-6492 Des Moines, Iowa 50309-9968 515-281-5138 Kansas Wichita/Sedgwick County ICAC Task Force 130 S. Mazket Wichita, Kansas 67201 316-337-6552 Kentucky Kentucky ICAC Task Force Kentucky State Police Electronic Crime Section 1240 Airport Road Frankfort, Kentucky 40601 502-226-2160 Louisiana Louisiana ICAC Task Force Louisiana Deparhnent of Justice 1885 North 3rd Street Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802 225-326-6100 Maine Northern Naw England ICAC Task Force Portsmouth Police Department 3 Sunkins Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2511 Appe3�di� B- fCr1C Re��iunai IC:�C Task Force Coniacc Informatien —�?5-Q6 D8'�1 � � For Law Maryland Maryland ICAC Task Force Maryland Staie Police 7155-C Columbia Gateway Drive Columbi� MD 21046 410-290-1620 Massachusetts Massachusetts ICAC Task Force Massachusetts State Police 340 West Brookfield Road New Braintree, MA 01531 �08-867-1080 Michigan Michigan ICAC Task Force Michigan State Police 4000 Collins Rd Lansing, MI 489Q4 517-336-2010 Minnesota Minnesota ICAC Task Force St. Paul Police Deparhnent 367 Grove Street St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-266-5885 Missouri Missouri ICAC Task Force 227 S. Central, 2nd Floor St. Louis, MO 63105 314-889-4280 Montana Utah ICAC Task Force Utah Office of Attorney General 5272 South College Dr. #200 Murray, Utah 84123 801-281-1255 Nebraska Nebraska ICAC Task Force Nebraska State Patrol 44ll Sa 108th Street Omaha, Nebraska 68137 402-595-2410 Apuendix B - Nevada Nevada ICAC Task Force Las Vegas Police Department 475� W.Oakey Las Vegas; NV 89102 - 702-229-3421 New Hampshire Northem New England ICAC Task Force Portsmouth Police Depamnent 3 Junkins Avenue Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2511 New Jersey New Jersey ICAC Task Force New 7ersey State Police 1200 Negron Drive Hamilton, New 7ersey 08691 609-5845051 x 5601 New Me�co New Mexico ICAC Task Force New Mexico Attorney General's Office 111 Lomas Blvd. NW Suite 300 Albuquerque, New Mexico 87102 505-222-9000 New York New York ICAC Task Force New York State Police Bldg.#30, State Campus 1220 Washington Avenue Albany, New York 12226 518-457-8812 North Carolina North Carolina ICAC North Cazolina State Bureau of Investigafion P.O. Box 29500 Raleigh, NC 27626 919-662-4509 e� 6432 xegtonal IC�C Task Force Contact p g �922- North Dakofa Minnesota ICAC St. Paul Police Department 367 Grove S�eet St. Paul, Minnesota SSlOI 651-266-5885 Ohio Ohio ICAC Task Force Cuyahoga County prosecutor's Office 1200 Ontario Street Cleveland, OH 44113 216-443-7825 Oklahoma Oklahoma ICAC Task Force Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation 6600 North Harvey Blvd Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73116 918-879-2608 Oregon Oregon ICAC Task Force Qregon Department of Justice 610 Hawthome Ave SE, #210 Salem, OR 97301 503-378-b347 Pennsylvania Pennsyivania lCAC Task Force Delawaze County District Attomey's Office 201 W. Front Street Media, PA 19�63 610-891-4709 Rhode Island Connecticut ICAC Task Force Connecticut State Police 278 Colony Street Meriden, Connecticut 06451 203-639-6456 Sonth Carolina South Carolina ICAC Task Force South Cazolina Attorney General's Office PO Box ll549 1000 Assembly �tree� Detmis Bldg., Sth Floor Columbia, SC 29211-1549 8�3-734-3970 South Dakota Minnesota ICAC Task Force St. Paul Police Deparhnent 367 Grove Sireet St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 651-266-5885 Tennessee Tennessee ICAC Task Force Knoxville Police Department 800 Howazd Baker Jr. Avenue Knoxville, TN 37901 865-637-5590 Texas Da11as ICAC TaskForce Aallas Police Department Jack Evans Headquarters Buiiding 1400 South Lamar Street Dallas, TX 75215-1815 214-671-4211 South Texas ICAC Task Force Office of Attorney General of Texas 300 West 15�` Street Austin, TX 7871I 512-463-8376 [Ttah Utah ICAC Task Force Utah Office of the Attorney General 5272 South College Dr. #200 Murray, Utah 84123 801-281-1255 Appetidix B- ICAC Re<rional iCAC i'ask Fcrce Contact information— �?5-46 � ! O ' For La Vermont Northem New England ICAC Task Force Portsmouth Police Department 3 Junkins Avenne Portsmouth, NH 03801 603-436-2511 West �rginia Southem Virginia lCAC Task Force Bedford CounTy SherifPs Office 1345 Falliag Creek Road Bedford, VA 24523 540-586-4800 �rginia Southem Virginia lCAC Task Force Bedford County SherifPs Office 1345 Falling Creek Road Bedford, VA 24523 540-586-4800 Northern Virginia lCAC Task Force Virginia State Police P O Box 10900 Fairfas, Virginia 22039 703-323-4548 Washingion _ Seattle NW Regional TCAC Task Force Seattle Police Department 610 Sth Ave. P.O. Box 34986 Seattle, WA 98124-4986 206-b84-8670 Wisconsin Wisconsin ICAC Task Force Wisconsin Department of Justice PO Box 7857 17 West Main Street Madison, WI 53707 608-266-1671 Wyoming Wyoming ICAC Task Force Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation 3l6 W. 22nd St. Cheyenne, VJy 82002 307-777-5437 �ppendi� B- ICAC Repion3l ICAC Tasic Force Contact tnformation— S-2ir{76 _o�Z- 9�a- Appendix C- ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program Contact Informafion _ _ _ _ New Hampshire Office -- -- _ ---------- --- Brad Rnss, Pro - - -- -- gram irector - - Phone:6Q3.862.7031 E-mail: brad'rus_ S�edu Leila Harriugton, program Administrator Phone: 603.862.2694 E-mail: ]eila.harrineton r�t unh,edu Julia Snay, Financial Services Coordinator Phone: 603.862.7048 E-mail: juliasna��edu Vicki O'Brien, Executive Asyistant to the Director Phone: 603.862.3846 E-mail: iulia.sna______�rc���h edU Deana Gilkinson, Program Specialist Phone: 603.862.2983 E-mail: deana Qilkinson(c�unh edu Kafie Limoges, program Specialist Phone: 603.862.0337 E-mail: katie.limoees(�?unh edu Maiiing Address Fox Valley Technical College ICAC Trnining & Technical Assistance Program c/o University of New Hampshire Crimes Against Children Reseazch Center 10 West Edge Drive, Room, 106 Durham, NH 03824 Faa 603.862.2477 Toll Free 877.798.7682 Wyoming Office Todd Colvin, ICAC Data Network Program Coordinator Phone: 307.637.0159 E-mail: colvin�au Chris Armstrong, ICAC Data Network Program Specialist Phone: 307.777.5437 E-mai1: armstron(u?fvtc edu Appendiz C- ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program Contact List February 2007 vg_ �7 �-- . , . - ... Mailing Address Fox Valley Technical College ICAC Training & Teclmical Assistance Prog�am _ _ c/o ICAC Technology Center 6324 Yellowstone Dr. - - -- — Cheyenne, Wy 82009 Appendix C— ICAC Training & Technical Assistance Program Contaet List February 2007 6g � a- provi e to aNCMEC anai st for review and anai sis. For an iuorcement oihcer and please contact Inspector Leaz or NCMEC staff per the informa�tion below, or comments S. P. (Steve) Leaz, Postal Inspector National Center for Missing & Exploited Children B.S. Postal Inspectioa Serviee Child Victim Ideutificarion-Pro� NCMEC (703) 837-b317 (800) 843-5678, ea�t. 6705 Cell (804) 640-4584 cvip a�,ni cmec.org SPLeaz@uspis.gov slear�ncmec.org S. P, LEAR P O BOX 3200 MERRIFIELD VA 22116-3200 TELEPHONE: (804) 640-4584 FAX: {703) 698-6435 SPLEARnUSPIS GOV How to Zip Files for Submission to NCMEC l. Qpen WinZip. If you don't have this program, it's free-to-tty at: http://www.winzip.com/. 2. Click on the "New" button and create a zipfile into which all your image files will go (it should defauit to it, but make sure the file is a".zip" file). 3• An "Add" box will open up. This allows you to search your drives for the files you want to drop into the zipfite. • You can chose multiple files at once by using the Control-C command and clicking on each of the files to drop, • Tfyou have subfolders and complex filepaths, click on "Save fu(I path info".'Ii�is wili preserve the location ofthe file. 4. Once the files are chosen, click on "Add". 5. If you need to go back and add additional files at a later date, open the zip file and click on the "Add" button. Follow the same steps. 6. ThaYs it! The zip file is done! Remember: Image ( and movie {.mpg,.avi,ete) files should both be zipped, with each no lazger than 1.5 GB. National Clrild Victim Identification Program December 2005 - �g�q�a- images can be sent v1a U.S. MAIL ONLYto Inspector S. P. Lear, USPIS/NCMEC, Post Office Box f 9$53, Ale�ndria, VA 2232�-9853. Images should be sent via Express Mail or Re�istered mail, based on the requirements of your ageacy. If necessary, you may request the assistance of your local Postal Inspector to assist with the mailing. For questions, please confact: S. P. (Steve) Leaz, Postal Inspector National Center for Missing & Exploited Children U.S. Postal Inspection Service Child Victim Idenrification Program (703) 837-6317 (800) 843-5678, e�. 6705 sleaz@ncmec.org cvip@ncmec.org S. P. LEAR P O BOX 3200 MERRTFIELD VA 22116-3200 T'ELEPHONE: (804) 640-4584 FAX: (703) 698-6435 SPLEAR@USPIS.GOV National Child Victim Identification Program December 2Q05