D001797� r CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE MAYOR ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER BUDGET REVISION Current Amended 8udget Change Budgei $240,245.00 ($60,000.00) $180,245.Q0 $69,753.00 ($11,000.00) $58,753.00 $1,093,482.00 ($125,000.00) $968,482.00 $650,000.00 ($50,000.00) $600,000.00 $550,000.00 ($200,000.00) $350,000.00 1�DA'1IlV15'I'RATIVE �I�� Consistent with the authority granted to the Mayor in Seciion 10.07.4 of the City Charter and based on the request of the Director of the Department of Publre Works to amend the 19 99 budget of the Street Repau and Cleaning Fund fund, the Director of the Department of Finance and Managemen ervices is au onze o amen sai u ge in e o owing manner: i 225 - 42311 - 011l Z 225 - 42311 - 0439 3 225 - 42312 - 0111 4 225 - 42312 - 0283 5 225 - 42312 - 0329 6 225 - 42312 - 0439 � 225 - 42313 - 0111 S 225 - 42313 - 0283 � 225 - 42313 - 0329 io 225 - 42313 - 0439 11 225 - 42314 - 0111 12 225 - 42314 - 0283 13 225 - 42314 - 0329 ia 225 - 42314 - 0439 Full Time Permanent Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Other-Rep/Maint Grds, Fringe Benefits Full Tune Permanent Rental-Vehicles Other-Rep JMaint Grds, Fringe Benefits Full Time Permanent Rental-Vehicles Other-Rep/Maint Grds, Fringe Benefits Totals $316,997.Q0 $1,226,396.00 $700,000.00 $46Q000.00 No.: �t�a �797 Dafe: fa 7 - 9 / GS #: 102912 ($22,500.00) $294,497.00 ($125,000.00) $1,1D1,396.00 ($45,�0�.00) $655,000.00 ($320,000.00) $140,000.00 $355,497.00 ($22,500.00) $423,724.00 $310,000.00 $150,000.00 $45,000.00 $125,000.00 $520,006.00 $332,997,00 $733,724.00 $245,000.00 $645,000.00 $122,914.00 $56,000.00 $178,914.00 $6,454,008.60 $�.00 $6,484,008.00 'o transfer budget to Alley Repair & Cleaning activity to cover expenditures incurred because of extra alley �ork performed in 1999 and correct budget for Unemployxnent Compensation. �%U� � 1�-b-2� �area Ey: ct�mty Manager . ryestetl by� Department Direct App etl ' / ` �� ���� /OC C) ^ [ � Date Pubiic Works Gary Erichson 2b6-6229 COUNqL AGENDA BY (DASE7 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES iydLJL•S� GREEN SHEET 1rxLdVDete Doa �7 97 wo. 102912 InNaUDai6 rwuNCi� -------- nsace+ 5 QTYATTORNEY ❑ Gf7YGlEAK NUM6EH FOR RDUTiNG ❑ FINANCIAL SERVICES DIR_� ❑ FMANCIAL SERV/ACL7G ❑ MAYOf1I� ASSI5TANn ❑"°'f Eri n J� ❑ ❑ Dick RuoertT_ "'�. � 2� 7� 9 p 1 (CLIP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) ACTION REQUESTED Approve attached Administradve Order a�ansfering budget from Summer Sheet activities ta the Alley Repair & Cleaning acdvity to cover expenditures incurred because of extra alley work performed in 1999. RECOMMEN�ATIONS:ARP�a�e (AJ or Reject (R) PLANNING COMMISSION _ CIBCOMMITTEE _ CML SEPVICE COMM15510N CONTRACTS MUSTANSWERTHE FOLLOWING �UESTIONS: L Has this persoNBrtn ever worked untler a contract tor this deRartment? YES NQ 2. Has this persoNfirtn ever been a ciry employee? YES NO 3. Does this personRirm possess a skill not normaliy possessed by a�ry wnent pty employee? _ YES NO d. Is this persoNfircn a targetetl ventloL� NGPROBIEM,ISSUE,OPPORTUNITY(WHO,WHAT,WNEN,WHEAE,WH`Q. YES NO � The DeparUnent of Public Works initiated an accelerated alley paving progracu in 1449 due to cost sav9ngs In the Fund. Budgei for this work ieeds to be shifted from other Summer Street acuvites to the Alley Repair & Cleaning activity to cover expenditures incurred for this work. JANTAGESIFAPPROVED. �ending budgat will be in proper activity to ma[ch expenditures. s���`�� 1✓�� �EC g �ggg ��a� �i��� NM7AGES IF APPROVE�: e. 'ANTAGESIFNOTAPPqOVED: �iley Repair & Cleaning activity will be overspent and the other Summer Street activities will be underspent. 1MOUNT OF TRANSACTION $ Net O COSTIREVENUE BUDGETED (CIRCI.E ONE) YES � 3 SoURCE Street Repair & Cleaning b5u�d aCTIVRr NUMBER 225-023 1 1-423 14 .INFORMATI�N (E%PlA1N)