194412L 4 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL=A LICENSE COMMITTEE ./ 4� CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE C COUNCIL RESOLUTION- Council File No. 194412 —By Bernard T. Holland— Severin A. Mortinson- Robert F. Peterson — Resolved, That licenses applied for by the persons named on the list attached to this resolution be and the same are hereby granted, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City treasury of the required fees. Adopted by the Council October,22, 1959. Approved October 22, 1959. (October 24, 1959) , 1944X,4 "' NO. RESOLVED: That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted. Mayflower Air Conditioners, Inca Cor. Duluth & E. 7th VM Loc. App.955 Ren. Wm. H. Wakefield 726 E. 7th Grocery it 1509" Yeas Nays Fr. Meats n If If " °' " ; Off Sale Malt" " If Peterson Tn Favor a Cigarette Winkel Emil W. Beaudet 2197 Hudson Rd. Bakery' " 1951" Mildred Evans 905 9 Mounds Blvd. Rest Home —N. Easy Wash, Inc. 618 Como # Ldy. .& DC Plt: 2359" Snyder Bros. Drug, Inc. 2155 -57 Hudson Rd. Confectionery" 2405" Hardware Off Sale Malt" " " Cigarette if n n. East Side Motor, Inc. 653 x E. 7" 2nd. Hd. Autos 2735" " n Dlr. Rep. Gar. n n n u VM Lou: App.n " n n Cigarette n n If Thos. Prokopowicz 1033 Ardhde `r Barber If 2756" Jerry Prostka 295 Mari Ldy. &-DC Pit. 2569" Peter & Louise Junkersfield 552 E. 7th Ldy. & DC PU App.2971" Manley Jackson 1501 Hudson Rd. Hotel 56 Units" 3125" 11 n Orig. Cont. n n Cigarette n n n E. Sayre 1756 E. 7th Ldy. & DC Pit. 3274„ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council . 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland ; Mortinson Peterson Tn Favor Rosen # Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 u 8 Approved 19 Mayor Monarch Fine Foods, Inc. 500 N. 3rd. Mpls. If u COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 QP.8 �n Fa H 4t Foods MPDW 11 365011 1V #79 -1 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor 4 194412, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE4K " CITY OF ST. PAUL 1 COUNCIL NO. FILE ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL _ RESOLUTION— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I NER DATE Oct.; 22, 1959 Contd. Page 2 I '- Peters Meat Products, Inc-342-_52 S. Robt. Foods MPDW App.3316Ren. n n } 17V #8 -ltol7 n u n Joseph Hhilda 756 Forest Ldy. & DC PU " 3336" Mark O'Donnell E. 4 937 3rd. Restaurant " " 3394 11 On Sale Malt " " 11 " " Off Sale Malt" 11 11 If If Cigarette " 11 11 Thomas V. Dumont 1782 E.,7th Beauty Shop " 3395" Anderson Produce Co. 824 Marshall NE Mpls. Foods MPDW " 400" n " 1V #84 -1 n n Barrett & Co. 1000 Washington S. Mple.Foods MPDW " 3461" n " 1V #104 -1 u u n Theodore Zabel 1188 Payne Barber it 3502" Gamble- Robinson Co. 661 5th Ave. N. Mpls. Foods MPDW " 3540" " " N77 # 9 -1to7 n n n Roy E. Wilken 705 E. 7th Gas Sta. 3P " 3547" VM Loc. n n n Floyd & Elsie Stringer 1716 Hudson Rd. Hotel 16U " 3555" Warren Woo i 1420 3rd, Ave. S. Mpls. Foods MPDW 11 3614" If n 1V #224 -1 n n n E.B. Crabtree Co., Inc. 18 E. 18th Mpls. Foods MPDW 63�n lV #228 -1 If Monarch Fine Foods, Inc. 500 N. 3rd. Mpls. If u COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 7 -59 QP.8 �n Fa H 4t Foods MPDW 11 365011 1V #79 -1 Adopted by the Council 19 Approved 19 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY✓ j_.ERK CITY OF T. PAUL FILE COUNCIL NO. FILE LICENSE COMMITTEE OFFICE OF THEE CITY CLERK - I COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM - PRESENTED BY Oct. 22 1959 COMMISSIONER DATE I 194412 Contd. Page 3 Peter J. Simon 281 Selby Restaurant App.674Ren. On Sale Malt it ' " Off Sale Malt" Cigarette Armour & Co. 2234 Territorial Rd. VM Loc. " 3867" I Peters Meat Products, Inc. 342 -52 S. Robt. " If 3972" n " j l Cigarette If " " Monogram Club GE Supply Co. 540 N. Fairview 11 " 3875" Fanny Farmer Candy Shops 426 Wabasha Confectionery" 3897" Beer Wholesalers, 11 Inc. 2617 E. Hennepin Dist. Beverages 392011 2V #E -1 &2 App." " Ralph Andler r 188 E. 7th Ldy. & DC PU " 3939" Floyd E. Hoppe 1105 Rice Gas Sta. � n 5 n 3955" Gen. Rep. Gar. 11 ° VM Loc.- n n n Cigarette " 11 n Erickson Petro Corp. 629 Rice Gas Sta. 10P " 3986" 11 11 Fuel D1'r. 11 " 11 Orig. Cont. 11 11 " 11 11 Cigarette If Dairy Home, Inc. 1324 W. 7th " " 4007" E.C. Arneson 1 545 S. Concord So. St. P. Fuel Dlr. a 4032" Richard C. Noack 296 W. 7th Cigarette 11 4040" Robert 0. Kroiss X32 N. Prior C VM 0 er. 0 100 Mach.) 4041" COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy I Holland !� Approved 19 Martinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Mayor Winkel Against 't. Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 8 l 0 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY�LERK 194412 CITY OF 'ST. PAUL FILE L NO. FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LICENSE COMMITTEE COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Oct. 959 f- .nmmISSI[�NFR IIGTF 22, l COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Winkel Against, Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 ,8 0 CT 2 2 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 OCT 22 1959 Approved 19 0 y Mayor Contd. Page 4 L Walter 0. Hanson 820 � Capital Hts. Mtr. Veh. < Dr.App.4046Ren. Edward B. Swenson No. Branch, Minn. Foods MPDW " 4063" " " p lV #236_1 Richard L. Salyers 727 Pelham Blvd. Apt.2 Mtr. Veh. Dr." 4066" Robert E. Warn 541 i Superior Mtr. Veh. Dr." 4068" Robert Ehrich 537,Candda, Mtr. Veh. Dr." 412911 Howard Krambeer 899 Aurora Mtr. Veh. Dr." 413011 c t' COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Martinson Peterson In Favor Rosen Winkel Against, Mr. President, Dillon 6M 7 -59 ,8 0 CT 2 2 1959 Adopted by the Council 19 OCT 22 1959 Approved 19 0 y Mayor