194400Council id T lla
MDeCourey— Bernar Hoand 19440
Severin A. Mortinson -- Robert F.
ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK p A Peterson — Milton Rosen — Adrian P.
CITY OF ST. Winkel— Joseph E. Dillon, mayor—
On August 23, 1959, Almighty God
OFFICE OF THE CITY t'-CLa j rorn th s life, , Arthur o t
COU SO TIO GENERAL',, nn, .,• -;a, �7aduated from
PRESENTED BY ` ' T.-M " 1 Dias r! a
On A t -23,d_ , 1�'tghty God summoned from this
life, Arthur W. Tews, �bhiel Engineer of the City of Saint Paul.
Arthur W. Tews was graduated from the University of Minne-
sota with a degree in Civil Engineering in 1924. He immediately
began work for the Minnesota Highway Department and travelled
throughout the State until 1933, at which time he was sent to
Duluth for a three -month stay. His stay in Duluth with the
Minnesota Highway Department lasted for twenty -two years, or
until 1945, at which time he resigned to accept the position
of City Engineer of Duluth. After holding that position for
ten years, he moved to St. Paul where he became Assistant Chief
Engineer, and in 1957 was promoted to Chief Engineer.'succeeding
George M. Shes'p:avd.
He was past President of the City and Village Engineers
Assodation and of the Minnesota Society of Professional Engineers.
He was currently serving_as a director of the National Society
of Professional Engineers and in January, 1959, was elected to a
three -year term as National Director in the American Road Builders
--Association in the Municipal and Airports section.
,a He was a member of the Olivet Congregational Church and is
survived by his wife, Opal;•his daughter, Mrs. Richard C. Johnson
of Saint Paul; his son, Thomas of Saint Paul; and a sister, Mrs.
Wilbur Popp of Hutchinson, Minnesota.
The people of Saint Paul have lost an able'publie official;
his famil-yrhas lost a loving husband and father; we have lost a
trusted friend and associate, whose advice and encouragement were
so much appreciated by each one of us personally.
RESOLVED, that we, the members of the City Council of the
City of Saint Paul, extend to the members of the bereaved family
our deep�� and heartfelt sympathy in this the hour of their bereave-
ment; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that in token of our dee es8 sympiathy this
resolution be spread on the official minutes of tRe oune l o the
Cit l�of Saint Paul, and that an engrossed copy thereof be sent to the
COUNC�N' ef` "'t deceased. Adopted by the Counci 19—
Yeas Nays 1
Mr. President, Dillon i
5M 5.58 +2 _.
In Favor
OCT -2 11959