08-965CounciYF'ile # � �q�5 Green Sheet # 3058377 Presented by 1 RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves and ratifies the attached 2 Memorandum ofAgreennent between the City of Saint Paul and the North Central States Regional Council 3 of Carpenters, 2008 Wage and Fringe Adjustment. Yeas Nays Absent g�ues y De t Human Resources Bostrom � , � Carter ,� G HamS By. la Nalezny, ' ctor Approved by Office By. —_ Approved ity ttoi By. Adoption Certified by Co cil Secretary g �Y 't/cs�v� Appro May : Date Q ` By. _- .. __ ---� � . __ __ _ �_ _ - Green Siieet Green Sheet G�een Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet HU -x�,�x�o�� 18-AUG-0B Green Sheet NO: 3058377 Contact Person 8 Phone: Jason Schmidt 2G6-G503 Doc. Type: RESOLUTION W/$ TRANSAC E-OocumentRequired: Y Document Contact: Sue Wegwerfh CoMact Phone: 266-6513 � Assign Number For RoutiRq Order TMaI # of Signature Pages _(Clip Ni Locations for Signature) 0 amanRaources 1 umanResonrses D artmentDirector 2 mnnriai Services ce FSnancial Services � 3 i Attorn _�' ^_� 4 a or's Office Ma or/Assistant 5 oundl (S Couucit 6 ' Clerk Ci Clerk Resolution approving the attached Memorandum of Agreement between [he City of Saint Paul and the North Central States Regional Councll of Catpenters, 2008 Wage and Fringe Adjustment.. Planning Commission CIB Committee Civil Service Canmission 1, Has this personlfirm ever woi9c8d under a contrect ior this department? Yes No 2. Has this pers�rm ever been a city employee? Yes No 3. Does this person/firm possess a skill not normally posse55ed by any current cify employee? Yes No Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet initiating Problem, issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why): The amount of the increase for 2008 was determined in the May 1, 2007 through Aprii 3D, 2010 Labor Agreement. The distribution of the increase between wages and fringe benefits is determined each yeaz by the bazgaining unit. Advantages If Approved: Bargaining unit members will be paid the wages and fringe benefits agreed to in the Labor Agreement, Dfsadvantages If Approved: None. Disadrantages lf Nnt Approved: It would be considered a violation of the ageed upon terms of the Iabor Agreement. Transaction: Funding Source: Financiai InFortnation: (F�cpiain) Activity Number: CosNRevenue Budgeted: August 18, 2008 3:04 PM Page 1 d� ��� � _ _ _M� v ���vnT�ar-a� - _ --------- THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL AND NORTH CENTRAL STATES REGIONAL COUNCIL OF CARPENTERS 2008 WAGE & FRINGE ADJUSTMENT APPENDIX B 1. The hasic hourly wage rate for temporary employees and union-benefited employees appointed to the following class of positions who are not participating in PERA shall be: Carpenter Carpenter Foreman Building Inspector lst Step 2nd Step 3rd Step Effective 5/1/08 (ar closest pay period) $33,79* $35.54* $33.74�` $35.54* $41.66* Effective S/1/09(ar closest �period� $**** �**�* g�*�� $�:��::� $x�*** Senior Building Inspector $46.32* $**** * This rate includes a tasable vacation/dues contribution of $2.16. � �l� ��.s � � � ' i . : t � � � =1 2. The basic hourly wage rate for union-benefited employees appointed to the following class of positions who are participating in PERA: Effective Effective 5/1{08tor closest payperiod� SJ1109(or closest �ayperiod) Carpenter $31.73* $**** Carpenter Foremau $33.37* ��*** Building Inspector lst Step 2nd Step 3rd Step 5enior Building Inspector $31.72* $33.37* $39.12* $43.50* $�:��* $�*** �**** $�*** * This rate includes a tasable vacation/dues contribution of $2.16. Note: Effective January 1, 2008, the State of Minnesota increased this rate to 6.50%. This rate is subject to further increase or decrease by the State of Minnesota ***Effective May 1, 2008 (or closest pay period) an additional $1.60 per hour increase will be added to the total package. The parties will agree prior to that date regarding the distrbution ofthe $1.60 between wages and fringes. ****Effective May 1, 2009 (or closest pay period) an additional $1.60 per hour increase will be added to the total package. The parties will agree prior to that date regarding the distnbution of the $1.60 between wages and fringes. All Building Inspeetors shall be paid the appropriate step in acwrdance with Article 11.2 of the collective bargaining agreement. If the Union elects to have the contributions listed in Appendix C increased or decreased, the Employer may adjust the above applicable rates for participating employees in such a way that the total cost of the package (wage rate plus contribution) remains constant. C3� D� �Gs � __________ - _-_-----___��-- -------- ---.___ ___ _--- � -t43'�EN��� C�o � � � - --- -� - --�' -- ---- Apprentice Rates 2008 App hours Hrly Hours Rate H&W Effective May i, 2008 (closest pay period) Def Vac/Dues! Def Ben Contr Taxable Fdu Pens Pens App Ind Org TOTAL Rate 0-999 $14.13 $5.48 $0.80 $0.64 $0.25 $033 $0.00 1000-1999 $17.20 $5.48 $0.89 $0.64 $0.25 $0.33 $0.00 2000-2999 $18.73 $5.48 $0.94 $0.64 $0.25 $033 $0.00 3000-3999 $2026 $5.48 $0.99 $0.64 $0.25 $033 $0.00 4000-4999 $21.80 $5.48 $1.03 $0.64 $0.25 $033 $0.00 5000-5999 $23.16 $5.48 $1.08 $1.81 $0.25 $033 $0.00 6000-6999 $24.71 $5.48 $1.12 $1.81 $0.25 $033 $0.00 Taacable Rate equals Hourly Rate plus Vacation J Education 1 Dues amount. $21.63 $24.79 $2637 $27.95 $29.53 $32.11 $33.70 $14.93 $18.09 $19.67 $21.25 $22.83 $24.24 $25.83 These numbers are taken directly from the Apprentice Wage Schedule provided by the Union. :j �� ��s - � . , ,. 9 . Effective May i, 2008, the Employer shall: (1) �2) (3) contnbute to a Union designated Health, Welfare and Dental Fund $5.48 per hour for all hours worked by "participating employees," as defined in Articles 11.3, 11.4 and 11.5, ofthis Agreement. contnbute to a Defined Benefit Pension Fund $6.00 per hour for all hours worked by "participating employees". contribute to a Defined Contribution Pension Fund $.69 per hour for all hours worked by "participating employees". (4) contribute to a Vacation Fund $2.16 per hour for all hours worked by "participating employees". A payroll deduction in this amount shall be made from the hourly rates listed in Appendix B. (5} contribute to an Apprenticeship Training Fund $33 per hour for ali hours worked by "participating employees". Agreed to this �� th day of August, 2008, and attested to as the full and complete understanding ofthe parties for the period oftime herein specified by the signature ofthe following representative(s) for the Employer and the Union: WI1'NESSES: City of Saint Paul Steven Barrett � Labor Relations North CenCral States Regional Council of Carpenters . n`� C�' ��� �� � ti5 �l � Date Mike Nelson Date Business Representative � ����� on Sc t ate / Labor Relations Manager GI