194368ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK • 104368 - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLURON— GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / L�\ DATE COMMISSIONER 1 RESOLVED, that upon appeal of Andrew Berg from the decision of the Commissioner of Parks and Recreation and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, a 25 foot building line is hereby established on the west side of Hazelwood Street between Ivy and Sherwood Avenues, on the east 125 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Rogerts & Hendrick's Acre Lots No. 2. Council File No. 194388 —$y Bernard' T. Holland — Resolved, That upon appeal of, Andrew Berg £rom the dgcision of the Commissioner of Parks and Re- creation and Public Buildings, and upon the favorable recommendation of the Board of Zoning, a 25 foot building line Is hereby established on the west side of Hazelwood Street between Ivy and Sherwood Avenues, on the east 125 fee of Lot 4, Block ti2, Roger's & Hendrick's Acre Lots No. 2. f Adopted by the Council October 20, 1959. - Approved October 20, 1959. (October 24, 1959) pC� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 19— Yeas Nays OCT 2 0 1959 DeCourcy Holland Approved 19— Peterson Favor ` C Rosen ; Mayor Winkel Against Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.58 2 ' L y O F•F 1 CE O F' C I'T Y CLERK' JOSEPH_R. OKONESKI City Clerk BUREAU OF RECORDS HAROLD J. RIORDAN Council Recorder 386 City Hall and Court House St. Paul 2, Minnesota s t October 15, 1959 194.7, Mr. Louis P. Sheahan # Corporation Counsel Building Dear Sir: The City Council requested that you prepare a resolution granting the attached appeal of Andrew Berg for the establishment of a 25 -ft. building line on the=-_ west side of Hazelwood St. between Ivy and Sherwood Aves., on the E. 125 ft: of Lot 4. Block 2, Roger's & Hendrick's Acre Lots No. 2, Venoruly y s Q k + Ci Clerk Z-" i k 3 k 014 WNW L- -,I Nrx MINNESOTA 8 w= µWUAL•ITY HOME BUILDING _ F •r / i A. BERG CONSTRUCTION 2062 E. NEBRASKA PR. 1 -2269 Honorable Mayor & City Council City Court House St. Paul 1, Minn. �Usl REMODELIN13 - 'COMMERCIAL Sept 219 1999 F Honorable Mayor & City Councils This letter is a request to establish a building lima for Andrew Berg, on the west side of Hazelwood between Clear & Cottage for two lots described as follows: The E. 125' of the N.1 /2 of lot 4 Blk. 2 Roger's & Hendrickts Acre lots no.2., and the E. 125' of the S. 1/2 of lot 4 blk 2 Roger's & Hendrick's Acre lots no.2. Property is vacant, proposed use is for single dwellings. Appealing is made under the Legislative zoning code, chapter 6403 Par. J. Qy� Thank You. Yoj�'sj Truly., 1n NT�.y: r-- 0 ti rn C-> z m � rn z v W t•f CD .� O 4 1 r F This is in the matter of Andrew Berg's appeal to establish a 25 foot 3 building line on property located on the west side of-Hazelwood Streetti- between Ivy and Sherwood Avenues. The legal description is the east 125 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Roger's & Hendrick's Acre Lots No. 2. Tbe, present zoning is. "A" Residence and has been since the adoption of the Zoning Ordinace in 1922. The property is vacant, and the applicant proposes to build a single - family residence. Pursuant to the terms of the Zoning Code a 66 foot 9- set -back would be required. The site has a frontage of 102 feet along Hazelwood Street and a depth of 125 feet, resulting in a'total area of 12,750 square feet. The adjacent land uses are: North and adjoining is 'vacant land.platted to a 125 foot depth; south and adjoining is vacant land which is , intended to be developed with a single - family residence; east and across Hazelwood Avenue is a single --family residence fronting on Hazel wood Street; west and adjoining is a rear,yatd of a residence fronting C on Prosperity Avenue•... Field investigation discloses no objection to the establishment of a 1 25 foot building line for this lot which would thus provide a uniform set -back for the entire block. It is the opinion of the Zoning Board and staff that the proposed building line would not deviate from the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code, nor would it be detrimental to the adjoining property owners. It is'felt•that the - present building ` line of 66 feet would create a hardship for the applicant as the properties to both the north and south have set -back lines of 25 feet. = In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that the appeal to establish a 25 foot building line on the property° above described be granted. Sincerely, r HCW/mm Encl. Herbert C. Wieland Director of Planning 3 - R D OF ZONING, CITY OF SAINT PAUL t1 :781- 787 -783 lilb CITT NA&I AND COYST NOY81 SAINT %AYl 7, MINNSSOTA t i ZONING APPEAL i ' - ctober 13, 1959 Notice is hereby given that a public the City hearmmgg will be held before Council at 10 A.M. on OZtober,15, 1959, in the City Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court.House, in the mat- ter of the appeal of Andrew Berg, to 64 inclusive, St. under. Chapters 60 Paul Legislative Code, Zoning Code, for , establishing a 25 ft.-building line on the east 125 ft. of Lot 4, Block 2, Roger's & Hendrick's Acre Lots No. 2, located) t' on the west side of Hazelwood, between Mr. Joseph Okoneski Ivy and Sherwood Avenues. City Clerk Dated September 25, 1959. _ JOSEPH R. OKONESKL Building I • City Clerk. (October 3, 1959) Dear Sir: This is in the matter of Andrew Berg's appeal to establish a 25 foot 3 building line on property located on the west side of-Hazelwood Streetti- between Ivy and Sherwood Avenues. The legal description is the east 125 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Roger's & Hendrick's Acre Lots No. 2. Tbe, present zoning is. "A" Residence and has been since the adoption of the Zoning Ordinace in 1922. The property is vacant, and the applicant proposes to build a single - family residence. Pursuant to the terms of the Zoning Code a 66 foot 9- set -back would be required. The site has a frontage of 102 feet along Hazelwood Street and a depth of 125 feet, resulting in a'total area of 12,750 square feet. The adjacent land uses are: North and adjoining is 'vacant land.platted to a 125 foot depth; south and adjoining is vacant land which is , intended to be developed with a single - family residence; east and across Hazelwood Avenue is a single --family residence fronting on Hazel wood Street; west and adjoining is a rear,yatd of a residence fronting C on Prosperity Avenue•... Field investigation discloses no objection to the establishment of a 1 25 foot building line for this lot which would thus provide a uniform set -back for the entire block. It is the opinion of the Zoning Board and staff that the proposed building line would not deviate from the purpose and intent of the Zoning Code, nor would it be detrimental to the adjoining property owners. It is'felt•that the - present building ` line of 66 feet would create a hardship for the applicant as the properties to both the north and south have set -back lines of 25 feet. = In consideration of the above factors, the Board of Zoning recommends that the appeal to establish a 25 foot building line on the property° above described be granted. Sincerely, r HCW/mm Encl. Herbert C. Wieland Director of Planning 3 - `- W. • -F:' BRETTSCHNEIDER " r Registered Civil Engineer and Land Surveyor Phone: Midway 5 -7505 1160 Charles Ave. - St. Paul 4, Minn. Scale: I inch O feet. PLAT OF SURVEY o Indicates Iron OF PROPERTY OF described as follows: Z/ e � 2:-a � Q �S r1 e L 2S_ _1Q r 71114z-,M — �_r&__ 1,2S CERTIFICATE OF LOCATION OF BUILDING I hereby certify that on 19 I made a survey of the proposed location of the building on the above described property and that the location of said building is correctly shown on the above plat. M G.s R�►q .E p R I f/� F ` ' � r c 0 0 D 3 q) P CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY I hereby certify that on `SC -;— I surveyed the property described above and that the above plat is a correct representation of said survey, and there are no encroachments except as shown hereon. r —a- OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul 2, Minn., October 2, 1959 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of Peters Rent -all for permit to install and operate a trailer rental lot on the north side of Concord between Brown and Bancroft, and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on October 15, 1959 , in the City of St. Paul, at'10:00 o'clock A.M. MRS. DONALD M. DeCOURCY 8 File 14640 Commissioner of Finance. The City Charter requires this Notice be sent from the Department of Finance.