194341OR161NALi, TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL c OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE - COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERi PRESENTED BY /X ' J 'Q C COMMISSIONER Council File No. imil —By Mrs. Donald M. DeCourcy— Whereas. Ths Fund Commit- tee of the ^City orSaint Paul reports to *the Council that it has received a request from_ the` Fjorthwestern Na- tional Bar. "au- e= •' • � known as ti -} -1?Hlll WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee of the City -of Saint Paul reports to the Council that it has received a request from the Northwestern National Bank of Saint Paul, formerly known as the Empire National Bank of Saint Paul, one of the depositories of City funds, that said Bank desires to substitute certain of its U. S. Government obligations now placed in the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, and WHEREAS, it appears that said Bank has placed with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, to secure deposits of the City of Saint Paul in the Northwestern National Bank of Saint_ Paul, $5000000 U. S. Treasury 2Y2% Notes, due November 15, 1961,,-and it is the desire of said Bank, as expressed in a letter dated October 149 1959, directed to J. J. Mitchell, City Comptroller, the Secretary of the Sinking Fund Committee, to substitute therefor a like principal amount of U. S. Treasury 2 5/8% notes, due'February 15, 1963, and WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee, by motion adopted October 15, 1959, granted, subject to concurrence of this Council Noxth- western National Bank of Saint Paul leave to make the aforementioned substitution of securities, RESOLVED, that permission is hereby granted to Northwestern National. Bank of Saint Paul to substitute for the now pledged $500,000 U. S. Treasury 2y2% Notes, due November 15, 1961, a like principal amount of U. S. Treasury 2 5/8% Notes, due February 15, 1963, and this resolution shall suffice as authority therefor, and that the Commissioner of Finance is hereby authorized to deliver a certified copy of this resolution, together with said Commissionerts letter addressed to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, grant- ing the . aforesaid pubstitibiLlon of securities, and be it . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays DeCourcy Holland Mortinson Peterson ' Rosen Winkel Mr. President, Dillon 5M 5.53 cOlDo2 In Favor Q Against Adopted by the Council 19— ORIGINALpTO CITY CLERK O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILLENCILT NO .1,9434 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE ' FINALLY RESOLVED, that the proper City officer or officers are hereby authorized and .directed to execute a modi- fication of the Custodial Agreement designated Cust. 50 -M -B heretofore executed on behalf of the Empire National Bank, the City of Saint Paul, and the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis in July 1958, or to execute a new.Custodial Agreement which may be substituted for Cust. 50 -M -B,' such modification or substituted agreement to provide therein for the'substitution of pledged securities hereby authorized. k r O CT 16 1959 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council s 19 Yeas Nays DeCourcy OCT 16 1959 Holland _ Approved 19- Mortinson Petersen• In Favor . Rosen (� i Mayor Winkel gainst Mr. President, Dillon 5m s -se 2 PUBLISHED 4 A sooting of tho SIAUng Fubd COUMIttee was had t dqe ;P"aentj, Joseph So D111ons $bWorj, Mrs., PormId No, DaOourcV. C)ow4ge toner of'rinraloes and JO.seph J. x1tobells Clt;y,Cpxptr _0 I 10r, It was WUMIrouoly agmd. tar gmt the roquogtuf 'thee Nortbwe'StOrA rational Bank of Wnt ftao formerly tho nVIre ItAtlowa or �Ao FW14 to withdraw $,%ol,wo U. a. dvko Nov. 1$0 196X and (Mbetttutdi ifts collatoftl Aar a1► 4epositai $3001,000 2-1510 % So f-PX*ft=W Va"ov, due Yeb. 150 1963 to be held by the pederaX Relterve, B=k of 14il►nespoltoo, Als, M It VaO ftrtbar Weed that a resalutioup r*ftcutrjug In Vw "tion of the Sln)dng Fund Cawdtte p W40 to bo proper jO.& prgmejIted to tbb, cltjy Coumll for At" Approva". The 04803W- theroVou- adjoUrned. Jo seph E. Dillon ,swi,oved; Mrs. Donald M. DeC,,rey (signed) Dose ise3aner ;f Financo. i. ,,,&To,seph J. Mitchell -(,signed):'- Comptroller H