194337194. 33 Council File No ................... ____ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT F�Whe�reas, NARY ORDER and 194337 — tten proposal for the PRELIMINARY O RDER. g ohe following improvement, viz.: Improving Smith Avenue from Sev- enth Street to Fifth Street by removing- the present wood block wea n The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improveme '� "'i?, °r�� �rt�P;i;�v�iz�s -I h`pr. ov 1 hg SW th- Avonut,'f ro+a. Sevpnt ft ,St riot -to 'Fifth. Street by rb v i ng'r�the _ present.. wood-blotk., wear i rig' ddu UTA'�.;b" ­f6ff*v 4ij the .p'resent concrete baser whir' - same is s t ructu r'a t . unsound' b cons.. ru � the 7 � .. �Y.. £.i.:- -y. .- -- ct ng;new: concrete, <bas:e_where,pr,ese it, base i:s removed and ._bui1'di`g 'u - '.the,' ifreseht 'baseol that''is' .left. lm: place; to, the' proper .s_ub�grade..wl th'. coctc' rite ;, �by" u`rf i ng the �inaw: - 666,64 d�-•caricrete. � base•'wi th' asphaltic concrete! by, p`avi jng ,'the � tr_eet;,{al;ley `and dr�i�neaay returns; by, cesett f n the. 'resent ,.e �•� �. _ ; ..... 9 p s "t ne curb °and canstr�uctin;' aew'congreti curb{ ,where necessary; by�cc�nstructing .sewer, .water and gas service connections ..fr `n�s.treet- mafniskAdt,the; prt�perty; lineg� where necossary; by .tecvnstructing the paving, curbing and slde�ralks ,or't "'thekn�nter- secting streets where not in conformity with said improvement; by constructing. conduits and _appurtenarlces_fvr futur_e_..tighting -Oct traffl.c control systtias ancf "by doing ail other work which Is necessary -.,and: inci'denxat to `complete said Improvement. , $RELISIYARY R16: y• WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the followin p p g g improvement, viz.: nip7�iv'Ii9:nt_tFi "varips;f ro�i`aventhStrvt� itt �l.:bLck t�. 4Tf s by. c eNO in , e� �^ ' 7 :- _QYass .Y±� .Hair;�.rg.es�ursc�;.,bji,r' env. i. ng..ths..:pr�a�nt"�ccinarati "`. bassi- 'r,'��'ti�i " >�K'��`;,'�-,�►�- . seme �,d str�c "turaL�y unsound; - by.;consti-uctingi niw. concrete base whoa pres,K L1) �+ ' i,s termdvadi.►n'd lie�cll ng uP... that +pr.' went° baa,er ;tFrat: `I:s,' 1ef t fin` .pi:�tco; tai the, r �,.... sub-grade, wtthu.co tog" ,tihe. •'ner,c .and` 6 d c' ' rate base i p o?�c - _w th � aspht1 flo-. �toifcrQt "by ;pity l ng 'the f' r'eat; a�` � ey And .drrvoVia�y re etrns g by' resetting the present, h5��o.;�cur,Ja� ands oonstru'cti:•ng triads-_ cpi�retp: �¢ cl' rb��wheri. tnacss ;ary.�..by..;ccar�struct i ng •�..� ,.�. r w ter end gat'servi'ce connections ftdm street mains. -to• the, , rt , 11rr, tl�,�'I!r,- " t y where necesn0,rx b 'a r.econstractlpq tho;pavfng,� curbin end 'sidewbliES own he inter sec�Fnglstreesaha±ret� i # °`on�f `�" iti i. P t, ti� rug �1 grid e�+�..r� condui Q ty w�i' h afd 1�prgv ent; by construbting' tsirsnt:pppurten cea �c dttit` s 1�t fi tit r r: #ff dT� " 9 g• afld�.t 1�=coiitc-._ slrstss+s and by OIngilOAhs ear � fW�I� 1 h:pis 4cessar ►ci�nd.i 1+dirnti!I tQ c 3 ► k _taESl,s1jt t4c irrov,nt 3. io orn1 "1% a plan; plof}le err sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement iC asked for on tne- petition •oi three or-uiora d„;ieio: 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Com issioner of Finance. OCT 15 195' Adopted by the Council ..... .... ......... YEAS NAYS Councilman DeCourcy Holland MYMX Winkel *, a Pseft� Rosen Mr. President, Dillon 0 C i 15 1959 Approved-------------------------- -- -------------- PDBLISrUts I